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MK7 Focus on Business 3.

a Second Written Assignment 8[rn Claf Lang 288678

Modern Lechnologles have fundamenLally changed Lhe naLure of reLalllng 1hey have made lL much
easler for reLallers Lo meeL Lhelr cusLomers' needs Consumers have noLhlng buL beneflLLed from
Lhose developmenLs" uo you agree wlLh Lhls sLaLemenL? Clve reasons and examples Lo supporL
your vlews

1o declde wheLher consumers have solely beneflLLed from Lhe Lechnologlcal developmenL
concernlng reLalllng sysLems you flrsL have Lo flgure ouL ln whlch ways reLalllng has changed and ln
how far Lhese changes affecL consumers
lL ls unconLenLlous LhaL selllng producLs on Lhe lnLerneL represenLs Lhe mosL lnfluenLlal change ln
reLalllng 8y Lhls opLlon Lhere are loLs of advanLages for reLallers as well as for cusLomers MerchanLs
who use Lhe lnLerneL as a dlsLrlbuLlon channel galn a slgnlflcanL advanLage over oLhers who do noL
8y selllng on Lhe lnLerneL you can save lmmense expenses because of much hlgher flexlblllLy
Compared Lo convenLlonal reLallers an lnLerneL dlsLrlbuLor does obvlously noL need a physlcal shop
buL besldes LhaL also sLockholdlng cosLs are a loL lower because lLems can be ordered on demand
8esulLlng from Lhese facLors producLs can be offered much cheaper whlch ls a subsLanLlal
advanLage for cusLomers
lurLhermore also Lransparency and comparablllLy ln prlces have lncreased a loL ln consequence of
new Lechnologles 1oday Lhere are hundreds of webslLes you can compare prlces on very easlly
some lnLerneL blogs even lnform abouL Lhe laLesL bargalns and meLhods Lo save money
So far only poslLlves aspecLs of new Lechnologles ln reLalllng have been consldered buL Lhere ls a
reverse of Lhe medal namely Lhe capablllLy of collecLlng and uslng daLa on purchaslng behavlour of
shoppers lor example Loday lL ls posslble Lo dlsplay personallsed adverLlsemenLs on a user's web
browser surface
When l declded Lo buy a moLorcycle l sLarLed my research on Lhe lnLerneL l used Lhe usual servlces
as e8ay or mobllede lrom LhaL polnL on l was shown adverLlsemenLs every Llme l used Lhe lnLerneL
ln facL l sLlll am
MK7 Focus on Business 3.a Second Written Assignment 8[rn Claf Lang 288678

1hls does noL necessarlly have Lo be a dlsadvanLage l even found whaL l was searchlng for ln one of
Lhese adverLlsemenLs buL Lhe quesLlon ls wheLher consumers wanL Lo be consLanLly adverLlsed Also
lf adverLlslng always was omnlpresenL Lhls new personallsed form ls much more efflclenL and
manlpulaLlve lL makes people buy a loL more Lhan Lhey acLually need because lL ls excluslvely
addressed Lo Lhelr personal wlshes
8esldes LhaL personallsed adverLlsemenL can be very unpleasanL and embarrasslng lmaglne you are
searchlng for someLhlng you do noL wanL anybody Lo know abouL lf now somebody uses or [usL
looks aL your compuLer he knows exacLly whaL you were searchlng for
ln concluslon lL can be noLed LhaL Lhe fasL developmenL of new Lechnologles requlres sophlsLlcaLed
consumers who are aware of Lhe negaLlve aspecLs and who know how Lo use Lhelr opLlons for Lhelr
own beneflL So Lhe advanLages of modern Lechnologles would ouLwelgh

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