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1. 47 the Ii78t Iive day8 d7ink at lea8t I4:7 gla88e8 4I apple j:ice eve7y day. 7e8hly
86:eezed 47 packaged apple j:ice a7e b4th 4kay. O7 eat I4:7 47 Iive apple8 whicheve7
y4: p7eIe7. Apple j:ice 84Iten8 the gall8t4ne8. D:7ing the Iive day8 eat n472ally.
2. On the 8ixth day take n4 dinne7. (B:t take b7eakIa8t and l:nch a8 :8:al and 4k t4
d7ink wate7 47 4the7 light Il:id8 at night b:t n4t I47 exa2ple a hea7ty 84:p.)
3. At 6 p2 take a tea8p44n 4I Ep842 8alt (2agne8i:2 8:lphate) with a gla88 4I wa72
4. At 8 p2 7epeat the 8a2e. Ep842 8alt 47 2agne8i:2 8:lphate 4pen8 the gallbladde7
5. At 10 p2 take halI c:p 4live 4il (47 8e8a2e 4il) with halI c:p I7e8h le24n j:ice. Mix
it well and d7ink it. The 4il l:b7icate8 the 8t4ne8 t4 ea8e thei7 pa88age. See above
about possible instant diarrhea d:7ing thi8 Iinal 8tep t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally.
6. AIte7 thi8 8leep 47 at lea8t lie d4wn and 7e8t. D4 n4t engage in phy8ical activity.
The next 247ning y4: will Iind g7een 8t4ne8 in y4:7 8t44l8.

How to remove gallstones - naturally,
without surgery
e7e i8 a 8i2ple way t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally with4:t 8:7ge7y and with4:t the 7i8k 4I
having y4:7 enti7e gall bladde7 7e24ved which i8 what 4Iten happen8.
D:7ing 8:7ge7y d4ct478 ve7y 4Iten di8c4ve7 that the c4nditi4n 4I the gall bladde7 i8 t44
8e7i4:8 and they decide the7e and then t4 7e24ve all 4I it.
Thi8 i8 a cla88ic exa2ple 4I what I call kia8: 2edicine d4ct478 t7eating patient8 exce88ively
j:8t t4 be 4n the 8aIe 8ide except that they call it p7eventive 2edicine which 84:nd8 g44d.
Meanwhile the patient i8 :nc4nci4:8 and he 47 8he cann4t d4 anything t4 8t4p it. The pe784n
wake8 :p I742 8:7ge7y a Iew h4:78 late7 t4 di8c4ve7 that he 47 8he ha8 pe72anently l48t the
gall bladde7 a vital b4dy 47gan. M47e than 4ne pe784n I kn4w have had thi8 happen t4 the2.

A t7aditi4nal 7e2edy
Thi8 2eth4d t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally i8 p74bably a t7aditi4nal E:74pean 7e2edy. I
lea7nt it I742 a Taiwane8e D7 Lai Chi: Nan a che2i8t7y d47t47ate h4lde7 and I472e7 cance7
7e8ea7che7 in 4ne 4I A2e7ica'8 t4p cance7 7e8ea7ch in8tit:ti4n8 wh4 n4w teache8 nat:7al
D7 Lai Chi: Nan vi8ited Singap47e d:7ing the ea7ly 19908 and gave a n:2be7 4I I7ee lect:7e8
in b4th Chine8e and Engli8h attended by capacity c74wd8 at the Singap47e Ind447 Stati:2
which 8eat8 ab4:t 12000 pe4ple. AIte7 attending he7 lect:7e8 I w74te an a7ticle in The G44d
LiIe 4n h4w t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally. I have 8ince 8een exce7pt8 4I that a7ticle
7ep74d:ced in all 847t8 4I place8 incl:ding pa2phlet8 at health 8t47e8 web8ite8 and bl4g8.

!ossible 'dangers'
BeI47e I pa88 4n thi8 2eth4d t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 I 8h4:ld p4int 4:t that 842e d4ct478 have
wa7ned 4I it8 "dange78". They 8ay that iI the gall8t4ne8 a7e t44 big they 2ight end :p being
8t:ck in the gall bladde7 d:ct8 and thi8 c4:ld be dange74:8. In the47y thi8 2ight happen. S4 iI
y4: a7e aI7aid don't do it.
When y4: e2ba7k 4n nat:7al 7e2edie8 whethe7 t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 47 I47 4the7 p:7p48e8
y4: need t4 take 7e8p4n8ibility I47 y4:7 4wn health and I 8hall n4t be held liable I47 any ha72
47 dange7 that y4: 2ight expe7ience. At the 8a2e ti2e when y4: e2ba7k 4n nat:7al c:7e8 it
help8 al84 t4 :nde78tand the 7ea84n8 behind 842e 4I the p74ced:7e8.
In thi8 ca8e pa7t 4I the 2eth4d t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally inv4lve8 d7inking plenty 4I
apple j:ice I47 ab4:t a week. It i8 believed that 842e 8:b8tance in the apple j:ice p74bably
2alic acid help8 84Iten8 the gall8t4ne8 84 that the 7i8k8 4I the2 being 8t:ck in the gall
bladde7 d:ct8 a7e 2ini2i8ed. In any ca8e if you lack the confidence, don't do it.
J:8t be awa7e al84 that 8:7ge7y and 4the7 2edical p74ced:7e8 t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 UN-
nat:7ally al84 c42e with thei7 4wn 8et 4I 7i8k8. Y4: decide which 7i8k8 y4: wi8h t4 take.

No guarantees
I 8h4:ld al84 p4int 4:t that thi8 2eth4d t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally MAY NOT WORK
I47 eve7y4ne. When 2y I7iend8 and I t7ied it 4ne (47 2aybe tw4) 4I the2 did n4t pa88 4:t
anything. AIte7 I p:t thi8 inI472ati4n 4:t 4n the Inte7net I 7eceived a Iew 247e e2ail8 I742
7eade78 telling 2e that "n4thing happened".
At the 8a2e ti2e the7e we7e al84 pe4ple wh4 pa88ed 4:t 8t4ne8 b:t I:7the7 :lt7a84:nd 8can8
4I the gall bladde7 8till 8h4wed 842e 8t4ne8 in8ide. Why? I d4n't kn4w and a2 7ying t4 Iind
4:t. S42e 8ceptic8 8ay thi8 8h4w8 the 2eth4d i8 Iake. C4:ld be. B:t I d4n't think 84 beca:8e
842e pe4ple d4 Ieel bette7 aIte7 g4ing th74:gh it.

!ossible instant diarrhea
An4the7 p488ible 8ide eIIect 4I thi8 nat:7al way t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 i8 "in8tant dia77hea" at
the la8t 8tep 4n Day 6. See bel4w. I w7ite thi8 I742 pe784nal expe7ience. L:ckily I wa8 at
h42e and the t4ilet wa8 nea7by. B:t I have n4t hea7d 4I any4ne el8e with a 8i2ila7
expe7ience. B:t j:8t in ca8e... d4 thi8 gall8t4ne 7e24val 7e2edy at h42e and d4 the la8t 8tep
nea7by a t4ilet.

Why remove gallstones?
Gall8t4ne8 2ay n4t be eve7y4ne'8 c4nce7n. B:t they 8h4:ld be beca:8e we all have the2.
M47e4ve7 gall8t4ne8 2ay lead t4 cance7.
"Cance7 i8 neve7 the Ii78t illne88" D7 Lai Chi: Nan p4int8 4:t. "U8:ally the7e a7e a l4t 4I
4the7 p74ble28 leading t4 cance7. In 2y 7e8ea7ch in China I ca2e ac7488 842e 2ate7ial
which 8ay that pe4ple with cance7 :8:ally have gall8t4ne8. We all have gall8t4ne8. It'8 a
2atte7 4I big 47 82all 2any 47 Iew.
'One 4I the 8y2pt428 4I gall8t4ne8 i8 a Ieeling 4I bl4atedne88 aIte7 a heavy 2eal. Y4: Ieel
like y4: can't dige8t the I44d. II it get8 247e 8e7i4:8 y4: Ieel pain in the live7 a7ea."
S4 iI y4: think y4: have gall8t4ne8 Lai Chi: Nan 4IIe78 the I4ll4wing 2eth4d t4 7e24ve
the2 nat:7ally. The t7eat2ent i8 al84 g44d I47 th48e with a weak live7 beca:8e the live7 and
gallbladde7 a7e cl48ely linked.

1. 47 the Ii78t Iive day8 d7ink at lea8t I4:7 gla88e8 4I apple j:ice eve7y day. 7e8hly
86:eezed 47 packaged apple j:ice a7e b4th 4kay. O7 eat I4:7 47 Iive apple8 whicheve7
y4: p7eIe7. Apple j:ice 84Iten8 the gall8t4ne8. D:7ing the Iive day8 eat n472ally.
2. On the 8ixth day take n4 dinne7. (B:t take b7eakIa8t and l:nch a8 :8:al and 4k t4
d7ink wate7 47 4the7 light Il:id8 at night b:t n4t I47 exa2ple a hea7ty 84:p.)
3. At 6 p2 take a tea8p44n 4I Ep842 8alt (2agne8i:2 8:lphate) with a gla88 4I wa72
4. At 8 p2 7epeat the 8a2e. Ep842 8alt 47 2agne8i:2 8:lphate 4pen8 the gallbladde7
5. At 10 p2 take halI c:p 4live 4il (47 8e8a2e 4il) with halI c:p I7e8h le24n j:ice. Mix
it well and d7ink it. The 4il l:b7icate8 the 8t4ne8 t4 ea8e thei7 pa88age. See above
about possible instant diarrhea d:7ing thi8 Iinal 8tep t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 nat:7ally.
6. AIte7 thi8 8leep 47 at lea8t lie d4wn and 7e8t. D4 n4t engage in phy8ical activity.
The next 247ning y4: will Iind g7een 8t4ne8 in y4:7 8t44l8.
"U8:ally they Il4at" D7 Lai Chi: Nan n4te8. "Y4: 2ight want t4 c4:nt the2. I have had
pe4ple wh4 pa88e8 40 50 47 :p t4 100 8t4ne8. Ve7y 2any". Even iI y4: d4n't have any
8y2pt428 4I gall8t4ne8 y4: 8till 2ight have 842e. It'8 alway8 g44d t4 give y4:7 gall bladde7
clean :p n4w and then.

U!ATE 1ULY 2010: I I7e6:ently 7eceive e2ail8 a8king 2e va7i4:8 6:e8ti4n8 ab4:t thi8
nat:7al gall8t4ne t7eat2ent.
S4 I have added a 8ec4nd a7ticle that add7e88e8 842e 4I the "Frequently Asked Questions"
about this natural method to remove gallstones.

omments on how to cleanse gall stone

My a7ticle 4n how to remove or cleanse gall stone i8 widely 7ead and a8 a 7e8:lt I 4Iten get
e2ail8 a8king 2e I:7the7 6:e8ti4n8 ab4:t thi8 nat:7al gall8t4ne t7eat2ent.
I th4:ght I had add7e88ed all the i2p47tant i88:e8 in that 47iginal a7ticle b:t appa7ently I
hadn't. S4 he7e i8 a 8ec4nd a7ticle 4n the 8:bject 4I h4w t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne add7e88ing
6:e8ti4n8 and c4nce7n8 that a7e 4Iten 7ai8ed.
Many 4I the e2ail8 that I 7eceive 8te2 I742 a lack 4I c4nIidence. I had 2enti4ned thi8 twice
in 2y 47iginal a7ticle and I 8ay it again: If you do not feel confident, don't do it.
Thi8 applie8 n4t j:8t t4 nat:7al gall8t4ne t7eat2ent b:t t4 ALL I4728 4I nat:7al 7e2edie8. Y4:
need t4 have c4nIidence. Y4: need t4 kn4w what y4: a7e d4ing and believe in it.
II y4: a7e the 847t wh4 believe8 247e in what d4ct478 8ay then li8ten t4 the2. I a2 n4t a
d4ct47. I a2 n4t a nat:7al health p7actiti4ne7. I am a writer who takes an active interest in
natural health and I 7e8ea7ch Iai7ly exten8ively 4n the 8:bject incl:ding t4pic8 like h4w t4
clean8e gall 8t4ne nat:7ally.
A8 a w7ite7 I 8ha7e what I kn4w and what I I4:nd t4 be helpI:l. II y4: have d4:bt8 just
don't do it. That 8aid I d4 :nde78tand and app7eciate 842e 4I the c4nce7n8 that pe4ple have.
Thi8 i8 why I a2 w7iting a 8ec4nd a7ticle...

I8 it 8aIe?
N4t 8:7p7i8ingly the 248t I7e6:ent 6:e8ti4n I get i8 whethe7 thi8 2eth4d t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne
i8 8aIe. Well a8 Ia7 a8 I kn4w it i8 8aIe. B:t iI y4: want g:a7antee8 8477y I cann4t 4IIe7 that.
Thi8 i8 what I can 8ay:
I lea7ned thi8 nat:7al gall8t4ne t7eat2ent I742 D7 Lai Chi: Nan a che2i8t and I472e7 cance7
7e8ea7che7 wh4 beca2e a teache7 4I nat:7al health. She ha8 8ha7ed thi8 2eth4d t4 clea8e gall
8t4ne with p488ibly h:nd7ed8 4I th48and8 4I pe4ple. In Singap47e al4ne he7 lect:7e8 we7e
attended by ab4:t 12000 pe4ple each night! I d4n't think 8he w4:ld keep 8ha7ing thi8
gall8t4ne t7eat2ent iI pe4ple had been ha72ed by it.
I have t7ied it and 84 had 842e 4I 2y I7iend8 and Ia2ily 2e2be78. N4ne 4I :8 expe7ienced
any ha72. The 4nly "8ide eIIect" I expe7ienced - and I 2enti4ned thi8 in 2y 47iginal a7ticle -
wa8 that I had in8tant dia77h4ea when I d7ank the le24n-j:ice-4live 4il 2ixt:7e which i8 the
Iinal 8tep in thi8 2eth4d t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne.
AIte7 attending D7 Lai Chi: Nan'8 lect:7e8 I p:bli8hed the 2eth4d in 2y nat:7al health
new8lette7 The Good Life. I d4 n4t kn4w h4w 2any 4I 2y 7eade78 have t7ied b:t I a2 8:7e
at lea8t 842e 4I the2 did. I neve7 7eceived any adve78e 47 negative Ieedback.

I8 it painI:l?
Thi8 i8 a 7elated b:t le88 4Iten a8ked 6:e8ti4n. I neve7 add7e88ed thi8 in 2y 47iginal a7ticle
beca:8e the idea that it 2ight be painI:l did n4t even 4cc:7 t4 2e! B:t 8ince 842e4ne ha8
a8ked let 2e 8ay that n4ne 4I the pe4ple I kn4w wh4 t7ied thi8 way t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne
expe7ienced any pain n4t even 8light pain.

'B:t 2y d4ct47 8aid...'
Ye8 842e d4ct478 have wa7ned 4I the "dange78" 4I t7ying t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne nat:7ally
with4:t 8:7ge7y. They 8ay that iI the gall8t4ne8 a7e t44 big they 2ight end :p being 8t:ck in
the gall bladde7 d:ct8 and thi8 c4:ld be dange74:8. In the47y thi8 2ight happen. In p7actice I
have n4t c42e ac7488 8:ch ca8e8 (b:t pe7hap8 the7e a7e). So if you are afraid, don't do it.
N4te h4weve7 that pa7t 4I thi8 2eth4d t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne nat:7ally inv4lve8 d7inking
plenty 4I apple j:ice I47 ab4:t a week. It i8 believed that 842e 8:b8tance in the apple j:ice
p74bably 2alic acid help8 84Iten8 the gall8t4ne8 84 that the 7i8k8 4I the2 being 8t:ck in the
gall bladde7 d:ct8 a7e 2ini2i8ed. B:t again if you lack the confidence, don't do it.
N4te al84 that 8:7ge7y and 4the7 2edical p74ced:7e8 t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 UN-nat:7ally c42e
with thei7 4wn 8et 4I 7i8k8. 47 4ne thing y4: Iace a ve7y high 7i8k 4I having y4:7 enti7e gall
bladde7 7e24ved even th4:gh thi8 2ight n4t 47iginally have been intended. Many ti2e8
d:7ing 8:7ge7y the 8:7ge4n 8i2ply decide8 that the7e a7e t44 2any 8t4ne8 84 2ight a8 well
j:8t 7e24ve the enti7e gall bladde7.
And it i8 neve7 8aIe t4 :nde7g4 8:7ge7y in the Ii78t place. All 8:7ge7y a8 well a8 all :8e 4I
anae8the8ia c42e with 7i8k8 and 8ide eIIect8. Y4: decide which 7i8k8 and 8ide eIIect8 y4:
wi8h t4 Iace.
Gall8t4ne 8ize
Seve7al e2ail8 that I 7eceive tell 2e the 8ize 4I the gall8t4ne. Thi8 i8 yet an4the7 7ea84n 4Iten
cited by d4ct478 t4 wa7n pe4ple again8t t7ying 4:t nat:7al way8 t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne.
4ne8tly I d4 n4t kn4w iI it i8 :n8aIe t4 7e24ve gall8t4ne8 4nce they 7each bey4nd a ce7tain
8ize. When 2y I7iend and I t7ied thi8 we did n4t g4 I47 8can8 and x-7ay8 Ii78t t4 check h4w
big 4:7 gall8t4ne8 we7e.
We did n4t even kn4w iI we had gall8t4ne8 in the Ii78t place. We t44k it 4n Iaith that what D7
Lai Chi: Nan 8aid i8 t7:e - that EVERYBODY (at lea8t ad:lt8) ha8 gall8t4ne8. She neve7 8aid
anything ab4:t 2ea8:7ing thei7 8ize Ii78t. S4 we neve7 2ea8:7ed. And we neve7 8:IIe7ed I742
n4t having 2ea8:7ed.
II y4: watch the Y4:T:be bel4w h4weve7 y4: will 8ee that 842e 4I the 8t4ne8 a7e 6:ite
la7ge - alth4:gh 842e 8ceptic8 have a7g:ed that what i8 pa88ed 4:t a7e n4t gall8t4ne8. I 7eally
d4n't kn4w.

Repeat treatments?
Can thi8 nat:7al 2eth4d t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne8 be 7epeated?
S:7e! Why n4t? The7e a7e n4 ha7d and Ia8t 7:le8 ab4:t h4w 4Iten y4: can d4 thi8. B:t iI y4:
believe that y4: 8till have gall 8t4ne8 aIte7 the Ii78t ti2e y4: d4 thi8 y4: 2ay want t4 d4 it
again in a Iew 24nth8' ti2e. Othe7wi8e y4: 2ay wi8h t4 pe7I472 thi8 gall 8t4ne clean8e 8ay
4nce a yea7 a8 a 847t 4I "health 2aintenance".

Short cuts?
I have al84 been a8ked iI it i8 4kay t4 8kip ce7tain 8tep8 I47 exa2ple n4t d7inking a8 2:ch
apple j:ice in the day8 leading :p t4 the Iinal 8tep8 4I thi8 gall 8t4ne 7e24val. Well iI y4:
happen t4 I47get a gla88 4I apple j:ice n4 need t4 get all w477ied.
The thing i8 thi8 i8 a t7aditi4nal 2eth4d t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne8 and the7e a7e va7iati4n8 4I the
ba8ic "I472:la". In the Y4:T:be ab4ve the wh4le 8e6:ence 4I d7inking apple j:ice I47 Iive
day8 ha8 been 8kipped c42pletely - and thi8 c4:ld be a 7ea84n why the 8t4ne8 l44k 7eal ha7d
8ince apple j:ice i8 8:pp48ed t4 84Iten the 8t4ne8.
S4 d4 y4:7 be8t t4 I4ll4w the 2eth4d IaithI:lly.

Maybe, probably, could be...
One e2ail I 7eceived 7ecently p4inted 4:t that I 4Iten :8ed w47d8 like 2aybe / p74bably /
c4:ld be... and the w7ite7 8aid he Ielt ":nc42I47table" ab4:t thi8. a ha! e i8 7ight. I did :8e
th48e w47d8. B:t 2aybe n4t that 4Ien? e wa8 p74bably exagge7ating.
Sh4:ld I :8e 247e deIinite lang:age? S477y I cann4t beca:8e the t7:th i8 I d4n't 7eally kn4w
I47 8:7e. With 7ega7d8 thi8 nat:7al way t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne all I kn4w i8 that it w47ked I47
2e and 8eve7al 4the7 pe4ple. It wa8 pa88ed d4wn t4 2e by 842e4ne wh4 I believe i8 a
7eliable 84:7ce 4I inI472ati4n. I may be w74ng b:t I believe I a2 probably 7ight.
D4ct478 and the 2edical p74Ie88i4n a7e :8:ally 247e deIinite in thei7 lang:age. They will 8ay
eg that a d7:g 47 t7eat2ent i8 ab84l:tely 8aIe and 100 pe7cent eIIective. S:ch 8tate2ent8 may
be 247e 7ea88:7ing. They a7e al84 probably Ial8e!

The bottom line
The b4tt42 line i8 thi8: Nat:7al 7e2edie8 8:ch a8 thi8 nat:7al way t4 clean8e gall 8t4ne a7e
NOT I47 eve7y4ne. It i8 I47 pe4ple wh4 da7e t4 take 7e8p4n8ibility I47 thei7 4wn health 7athe7
than th48e wh4 8i2ply 7ely 4n d4ct478 and blindly accept whateve7 d4ct478 tell the2. It i8 I47
th48e wh4 a7e willing and able t4 Iind 4:t and :nde78tand thing8 I47 the28elve8.
II y4: 8eek t4 Iind 4:t and :nde78tand 2aybe I can help. Plea8e Ieel I7ee t4 contact me iI
y4: have 247e 6:e8ti4n8. B:t iI y4: 8eek a88:7ance8 and g:a7antee8 deIinitely I cann4t help

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