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8 A REPORT (pages 100-101)

1 Aim of the report
Introduce the report with your aim-and background
The aim of this report is to ...
This report aims to ...
2 Negative comments
List all the negative findings.
There ore several disappointing focts and figures.
a) There are ...
b) Only twenty percent of women ...
3 Positive comments
List any positive findings.
On the other hand, there were some encouraging things.
a) Some women ...
b) The majon'ty of women ...
4 Conclusion and recommendations
Write a simple condusion and make a couple of recommendations.
To sum up, most women in the world are ...
Governments should ...
People need to ...
A report is normally written in a formal style:
avoid giving personal opinions:
I Mink IIBfflCfl Bi'C t:fe(:lted tu,fiiirfl (too personal)
This suggests women ore treated unfairly. (sounds more
objective) .,
use formal !inking words and expressions: .
Ijye1:1 et the ftgi:IFes, lets e.f flRimels ere iR 8tmger ef
extiRctiBR. (too informal)
According to recent figures, many animals are in danger of
extinction. (more formal)
Useful Vocabulary
General: developed countn'es, developing countries {the Third
World), figures, majon'ty, percent, politiciafJS, poverty, statistics,
Women: discrimination, to earn, equality of opportunity,
executive positions, housework, job opportunities, qualifications,
underpaid, unpaid work, wages
Environment: cn'me, noise, pollution, trafficjams, stress
Global warming: burning of fossil fuels, carbon emissions,
floods, greenhouse effect, harmful gases, hurricanes,
melting of the ice caps, n'sing water levels
Di sasters: aid programmes, avalanches, c;yclones, droughts,
earthquakes, floods, forest fires, hurncanes, landslides,
volcanic eruptions, windstorms
Animals: deforestation, elephants, endangered species,
natural habitats, pandas, rhinos, tigers
Rich and poor: illiteracy, qualifications, GNP (Gross National
Product), poverty, Third World debt, vicious circle, wealth
Refugees and immigration: civil war; homeless,
neighboun'ng countn'es, refugee camps, war
1 50
Listing points:
There are (lliQ problems caused by wars.
Furthermore, there are the problems caused by wars.
In addition, there are the problems caused by wars.
Moreover. there are the problems caused by wars.
Contrasting points:
However, things have improved recently.
On the other hand, things have improved recently.
Although these figures are depressing, things have improved
Il.wllig these depressing figures, things have improved recently.
Giving examples:
For example, the US government has recently decided to ...
In this wgy, they hope to ...
They hove introduced things ...
This is bad, porticularly/esoeq'allv in the area of ...
Showing effects:
As a result of this, people now expect ...
What this means is now ex_pect .. : __
To sum up, the situation is ...
All thin os considered. there seems to be ...
Layout: Have you followed the layout above? Are all your
points clearly lettered and numbered?
Linking: Have you used a selection !Jf linking words and
Content and style: Have you included a couple of
recommendations in the conclusion?

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