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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme



The main ore of lead is galena, led (II) sulphide. To produce lead, this ore is heated in air, when some of the lead (II) sulphide is converted to lead (II) oxide and sulphur dioxide. The air supply is then cut off and on further heating the lead(II) oxide is converted by reaction with the remaining lead(II) sulphide, to lead and sulphur dioxide. Write an equation for (i) the conversion of galena to lead (II) oxide and (ii) the reaction of lead (II) oxide with lead(II) sulphide.
(i) (ii) 2PbS + 3O2 2PbO + 2SO2 (1) 2PbO + PbS 3Pb + SO2 (1) (2)


Calculate the total volume (m3) of sulphur dioxide which would be produced from 5.0 103 kg of galena in the reactions described in (a). (Assume that one mole of any gas occupies 2.4 102 m3 at room temperature and pressure).
2PbS + 3O2 2PbO + 2SO2 Mark consequentially from (a)(i)

5 10 6 (1) 239
moles of lead compound

5 10 6 24 dm 3 (1) 239
24 dm3 or 2.4 102 m3 = 502 (m3) (1) (marked consequentially) (3)



Another compound of lead, Z, which is found naturally contains 77.5% of lead and 4.5% of carbon by mass, the remainder being assumed to be oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula of the compound.
Pb C O 77.5/207 4.5/12 18.0/16 0.374 0.375 1.125 1 1 3 Empirical formula: PbCO3 (1) (1)


0.0500 mol of this compound Z gives, on heating, 11.2g of lead (II) oxide and a gas is evolved. What is the molecular formula of the compound Z?
0.0500 mol 11.2/223 mol PbO (1) = 0.0500 mol 1 mol 1 mol PbO PbCO3 is molecular formula (1) (4)



The compound ZX reacts with nitric acid to form a solution containing only lead(II) nitrate. When aqueous dosium chloride is added to the solution, a white precipitate forms. Write an ionic equation for this precipitation reaction.
Pb2+(aq) + 2CI(aq) PbCI2(s) (1) state symbols (1)

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


What is the concentration (mol dm3) of a solution containing 5.00g of lead(II) nitrate in 200cm3 of solution?

5 5 (1) = 0.075 mol dm3 (1) accept 0.0755 or 0.076 not 0.08 331

Penalise more than 5 significant figures (1) mark once on the paper Second mark consequential on first


State the shape of the nitrate ion, briefly giving your reasons.
triangular planar / trigonal planar (1) 3 regions of negative charge (or 3 bond pairs) (1) (6) (Total 15 marks)



Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of ions in the sodium chloride crystal.
Cl Cl

Na+ Cl

Na+ and Cl Na+


Na+ Cl

Diagram must be 3D Must show/state 6:6 coordination (1) Minimum of 8 cubes for both marks or as drawn (1)



or diagram showing Na+: CI as 6:6 diagram showing 6:6 over-rules conflicting words (2)


Identify the products of the action of heat on (i) Li2O and CO2 (1) (ii) MgO + NO2 + O2 (1) (iii) SrO + NO2 + O2 (1)
If (ii) and (iii) incorrect, oxide in both (1) but (1) mark max of (2) in this case (3)


A solution contains 50.0 g dm3 of the chloride of an alkaline earth metal; To 25.0 cm3 of this solution was added an excess of aqueous silver nitrate; 3.77 g of silver chloride, AgCl, was precipitated. Calculate the value of the relative atomic mass of the metal and suggest its identity.
(XCI2 + 2AgNO3 X(NO3)2 + 2AgCI) number of moles AgCI =

3.77 (1) = 0.0263 143.5

0.0131 mol XCI2 (1)

Mr(XCI2) = 25/1000 50 (1) = 95.2 0.0131 (1) Final 3 marks consequential

71 = 24.2 (1)


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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


Write ionic equations for the following reactions: (i) the precipitation of silver chloride from the solution containing the metal chloride in (c);
Ag+ + CI AgCI (1) Ignore absence of state symbols since credited in 1(d)(i)


the formation of a white precipitate when aqueous sodium hydroxide is added to the solution containing the metal chloride in (c).
M2+ + 2OH M(OH)2 (1) consequential on metal in (c) but must be a metal with 2+ charge



Give ONE property of each substance which makes it suitable for the particular application. (i) The addition of calcium hydroxide to soil:
basicity / reduces acidity / increases pH / alkaline / not solubility (1)


The potential use of sodium metal in electricity cables:

(good electrical) conductor / low density / not light (1) (2) (Total 14 marks)


Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of ions in the sodium chloride crystal.
Cl Cl

Na+ Cl

Na+ and Cl Na+


Na+ Cl

Diagram must be 3D Must show/state 6:6 coordination (1) Minimum of 8 cubes for both marks or as drawn (1)



or diagram showing Na+: CI as 6:6 diagram showing 6:6 over-rules conflicting words (Total 2 marks)


Identify the products of the action of heat on

(i) (ii) (iii) Li2O and CO2 (1) MgO + NO2 + O2 (1) SrO + NO2 + O2 (1)

If (ii) and (iii) incorrect, oxide in both (1) but (1) mark max of (2) in this case

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


A solution contains 50.0 g dm3 of the chloride of an alkaline earth metal; To 25.0 cm3 of this solution was added an excess of aqueous silver nitrate; 3.77 g of silver chloride, AgC1, was precipitated. Calculate the value of the relative atomic mass of the metal and suggest its identity.
(XCI2 + 2AgNO3 X(NO3)2 + 2AgCI) number of moles AgCI =

3.77 (1) = 0.0263 143.5

0.0131 (1)

0.0131 mol XCI2 (1)

Mr(XCI2) = 25/1000 50 (1) = 95.2

71 = 24.2 (1)

Final 3 marks consequential (Total 5 marks)


Give ONE property of each substance which makes it suitable for the particular application. (i) Magnesium oxide in furnace linings:
high melting point / basicity / high thermal stability / high lattice energy (1)


The addition of calcium hydroxide to soil:

basicity / reduces acidity / increases pH / alkaline / not solubility (1)


The potential use of sodium metal in electricity cables:

(good electrical) conductor / low density / not light (1) (Total 3 marks)



Give the electron structure of the vanadium atom and the V2+ ION:
3d 4s

V V 2+

(Ar) (Ar)

V: 3d3 4s2 3d electrons must be unpaired (1) V2+: 3d3 (1) If V incorrect but contains 4s electrons and these are lost allow second mark (2)



Suggest why the hydrated ion [V(H2 O)6


is coloured.

not all d-orbitals full / incomplete d- orbitals (1)


Name the types of bonding within ions of this type.

dative (covalent), co-ordinate (1) and covalent (1) if ionic or metallic given with other types of bonding (1) (3)

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


Ammonium vandate, NH4 VO3, dissolves in aqueous sodium hydroxide with the evolution of a colourless gas. The solution becomes yellow after acidification. The gas has a pungent odour and produces a pale blue precipitate with copper(II) sulphate solution. The precipitate dissolves as more gas is passed in, to give a deep blue solution. (i) Write an ionic equation for the reaction of the cation in NH4 VO3 with alkali.
NH4+ + OH NH3 + H2O (1)


Name the pale blue precipitate

copper hydroxide (allow correct formula) (1)


Give the formula of the ion responsible for the colour of the deep blue solution.
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ or [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ or [Cu(NH3)6]2+ (1)


Ammonium vanadate, on treatment with sulphuric acid, gives a yellow colour due to the [VO2 ]+ ion. Addition of zinc to the solution causes the solution colour to change to blue, then green, then violet. Give the oxidation number of vanadium in the vanadium containing ions in each coloured solution.
+4, +3, +2 (3) If no signs (1) if all signs minus (2) accept Roman numerals with signs (accept V3+, V2+, V4+ but not if oxygen present) (5)


The industrial production of sulphur trioxide from sulphur dioxide and oxygen is catalysed by vanadium (V) oxide. It has been proposed that the first stage of the reaction is SO2 + V2 O5 SO3 + 2VO2 Write an equation for the second stage, thus showing the behaviour of vanadium (V) oxide as a catalyst.
2VO2 + 1/2 O2 V2O5 accept if +SO3 on both sides



Draw and describe the shape of the ion in [Cr(NH3)4Cl2


correct diagram (1) octahedron / octahedral (1) any orientation of ligands acceptable bonds not required ignore charge (2) (Total 13 marks)

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


Give the electron structure of the vanadium atom and the V2+ ION:
3d 4s

V V 2+

(Ar) (Ar)

V: 3d3 4s2 3d electrons must be unpaired (1) V2+: 3d3 (1) If V incorrect but contains 4s electrons and these are lost allow second mark (Total 2 marks)



Suggest why the hydrated ion [V(H2 O)6 ]2+ is coloured.

not all d-orbitals full / incomplete d- orbitals (1)


Name the types of bonding within ions of this type.

dative (covalent), co-ordinate (1) and covalent (1) if ionic or metallic given with other types of bonding (1) (Total 3 marks)


Ammonium vanadate, NH4 VO3, dissolves in aqueous sodium hydroxide with the evolution of a colourless gas. The solution becomes yellow after acidification. The gas has a pungent odour and produces a pale blue precipitate with copper(II) sulphate solution. The precipitate dissolves as more gas is passed in, to give a deep blue solution. (i) Write an ionic equation for the reaction of the cation in NH4 VO3 with alkali.
NH4+ + OH NH3 + H2O (1)


Name the pale blue precipitate

copper hydroxide (allow correct formula) (1)


Give the formula of the ion responsible for the colour of the deep blue solution.
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ or [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ or [Cu(NH3)6]2+ (1)


Ammonium vanadate, on treatment with sulphuric acid, gives a yellow colour due to the [VO2 ]+ ion. Addition of zinc to the solution causes the solution colour to change to blue, then green, then violet. Give the oxidation number of vanadium in the vanadiumcontaining ions in each coloured solution.
+4, +3, +2 (3) If no signs (1) if all signs minus (2) accept Roman numerals with signs (accept V3+, V2+, V4+ but not if oxygen present) (Total 5 marks)

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


The industrial production of sulphur trioxide from sulphur dioxide and oxygen is catalysed by vanadium (V) oxide. It has been proposed that the first stage of the reaction is SO2 + V2 O5 SO3 + 2VO2 Write an equation for the second stage, thus showing the behaviour of vanadium (V) oxide as a catalyst.
2VO2 + 1/2 O2 V2O5 accept if +SO3 on both sides

(Total 1 marks)


Draw and describe the shape of the ion in [Cr(NH3)4C12]+.

correct diagram (1) octahedron / octahedral (1) any orientation of ligands acceptable bonds not required ignore charge (Total 2 marks)



Explain what is meant by the term ionic bond, covalent bond, dative covalent bond.
Ionic bond Covalent bond Dative covalent (electrostatic) attraction between + and ions (1) electron transfer (1) shared electron pair (1) (award here or under dative covalent) each atom providing half the shared electrons (1) two atoms sharing two electrons, both provided by the same atom (1) (3)


Indicate whether each of the following molecules has an overall polarity.

Yes/No Tetrachloromethane Carbon dioxide Methane Ethanol Trichloromethane Propanone
ethanol, trichloromethane, propanone yes carbon dioxide, methane, tetrachloromethane no each round up (3)

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


Below are given the atomic and ionic radii for a number of elements Give an explanation for each of the following:
Atom Radius/nm Ion Radius/nm

Na Mg Al F Cl I

0.157 0.136 0.125 0.071 0.099 0.133

Na + Mg 2+ 3+ Al F Cl I

0.102 0.072 0.053 0.133 0.180 0.216

Aluminium fluoride is ionic, aluminium iodide is covalent.

AI3+ large charge, small radius (highly polarising) (2) for covalency cation must distort anion (1) small F not distorted (by AI3+ ionic) (1) large I is distorted (by AI 3+ covalent) (1) OR AI AI3+ high ionization energy or equivalent (2) F F liberates more energy than I I (2) AIF3 energetically more favourable (1) F very electronegative (1) F more electronegative than iodine (1) Attracts electrons better (1) From AI (1) Occurs to such an extent that transfer of electrons results(1) (3) (Total 9 marks)



Explain what is meant by the term ionic bond, covalent bond, dative covalent bond.
Ionic bond Covalent bond (electrostatic) attraction between + and - ions (1) electron transfer (1) shared electron pair (1) (award here or under dative covalent) each atom providing half the shared electrons (1) two atoms sharing two electrons, both provided by the same atom (1) (Total 3 marks)

Dative covalent

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


Indicate whether each of the following molecules has an overall polarity.

Yes/No Tetrachloromethane Carbon dioxide Methane Ethanol Trichloromethane Propanone
ethanol, trichloromethane, propanone - yes carbon dioxide, methane, tetrachloromethane - no each - round up (Total 3 marks)


Below are given the atomic and ionic radii for a number of elements Give an explanation for each of the following:
Atom Radius/nm Ion Radius/nm

Na Mg Al F Cl I

0.157 0.136 0.125 0.071 0.099 0.133

Na + Mg 2+ 3+ Al F Cl I

0.102 0.072 0.053 0.133 0.180 0.216


The magnesium atom is smaller than the sodium atom.

greater nuclear charge / more protons (1) exerting greater attraction on electrons / in same energy level / electrons in same shell / electronic structures same / some degree of shielding (1)


The sodium ion is smaller than the sodium atom.

loss of outer shell (1) same nuclear charge (1) (and fewer electrons so nucleus able to contract electron cloud)

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Winter 1996 CH1 Mark Scheme


Aluminium fluoride is ionic, aluminium iodide is covalent.

AI3+ large charge, small radius (highly polarising) (2) for covalency cation must distort anion (1) small F not distorted (by AI3+ ionic) (1) large I is distorted (by AI 3+ covalent) (1) OR AI AI3+ high ionization energy or equivalent (2) F F liberates more energy than I I (2) AIF3 energetically more favourable (1) F very electronegative (1) F more electronegative than iodine (1) Attracts electrons better (1) From AI (1) Occurs to such an extent that transfer of electrons results (1) (Total 9 marks)



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