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The Ancient Beach Mist (explained)

2005 by Peter Bov

This poem, as most people assume, is about the end of an era for two lovers. The two lovers are Adam and Eve and the poem is about the end of the world in our time. And once more timidly dies-The Chastisement (a.k.a. Apocalypse) Armageddon Perhaps even relating to Platos Atlantis as it may be possible that this is not the first human Chastisement. Indigenous Peoples Prophecy. (Sometimes accredited solely as the Hopi prophecy)

Orphan Waves drown wounded kisses As drunken shadows dance upon the moon
Orphan waves refers to the money, sex, drugs, possessions, lies and whatever else we use to wrongly define our world and sense of self worth. Mankind fosters delusional reality to escape the pain and suffering of his mortality. Or Wounded kisses Drunken shadows are these illusions, which may as well be upon the moon as that is how truly ours they are.

Oceanic castaways upon the sea foam We laugh with lightening eyes
Castaways - as we are disposable to the forces of evil, which we allow through fear ignorance and greed to use us, but we are in a state of artificial and temporary pleasure - we laugh with lightening eyes an unnatural state of egotistical self-serving knowledge. We laugh because we believe we have defined the reality of existence through scientific discovery.

Forgotten whispers Hush rapacious delirium Mysterious riddles hidden beyond the surf The memory of stars in timeless night
Forgotten whispers This is objective reality; what is truly real - the ultimate truth of life, which is forgotten yes: God, Who could quiet the madness of delusion. However mysterious or hidden the riddles are, they do exist, although the right answers are not easily acquired, as they are riddles in whispers and hidden beyond the surf. We must be willing to traverse the dangerous relentless surf, in order to gain this truth, which we have no proof even exists. But it does and is timeless eternal... ..timeless night.

When awkward earthly murmurs Silky beneath the sand Heal mourning for the drowsy navel of before Yet, with morning smiling delicious spring rain

Awkward and earthly because we are of the earth and the truth is timeless, which accounts for it being awkward in the confinement of time and space. Silky beneath the sand because life is beautiful if we embrace its perfection.. All the clues are right here in front of us .Earthly murmurs In absolute truth there is no space, because space suggests non-space and in absolute truth there is no dichotomy. No duality. And time is a phantom -- A manmade concoction.

We sigh and falter afar where Furtive love hunted found Is cast into the ancient beach mist And once more timidly dies
Love. Not typical romantic beach love but, true love. Pure love. Love of the gift of life: God. This is simple betrayal and denial of true love and pure truth. We are given the gift we seek, which is - furtive love hunted found - We find it but the price (doing the right thing) seems too high, so we throw it away at the hands of fear greed and indecision as well as the lack of sacrificial love for the absolute truth or faith in God. Ultimately the reason the world timidly dies is because God created Adam from dust and placed him in the Garden of Eden to till the earth. And God admonished him not to taste the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We earn our reputation as the Banished Children of Eve! What this means to me is that through our fear fed ego, we deny wisdom and opt for knowledge - false or not if it suits our desires. Not a very intelligent choice at the end of the day. This is why I believe it is possible indigenous people are pure and blessed and can show us the way to live on Gods Green Earth. Like the Ancient Indian Proverb says: "Treat the earth well: it was not given to us by our parents, it is loaned to us by our children. I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. 1 Brewsters Memoirs of Newton. Vol. ii. Chap. xxvii. And so the work goes on. The Lord in His infinite love wishes to give Himself, but first the tabernacle where he would dwell in so sublime a manner must be made holy. Origen has well described this state as the soul's winter", the time of aridity, desolation and apparent incapacity to love God. But this light which has appeared to the soul as "night" is, in fact, the intensity of God's incandescent fire, illuminating and bedazzling the soul with the majesty of His divine splendour. Nature must first be stripped of everything earthly and then re-clothed in the celestial garments of contemplative grace. His ordeal over, the mystic now realizes how necessary was this preparation, for no one would dare to live in the divine Presence without first passing through the crucible of tribulation. The Lord Himself, in His eager desire to further enrich the soul, is the sculptor who carves and chisels, refining his masterpiece from the crude block of human nature. And when the mystic finally emerges into the clear light once more he knows for certain that all was the work of God; he knows, too, that even as God had seemed to reject him He was in fact present all the time in the depths of the soul preparing it for yet higher gifts (Tanquery).

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