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Catalog About Cambridge University Press ......................... 2 About Cambridge Books Online ............................. 2 Homepage .............................................................. 3 Browse .................................................................... 6 Search ................................................................... 10 Search Result ........................................................ 12 Book Landing ........................................................ 14 Chapter Landing ................................................... 17

About Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press (http://www.cambridge.org/) publishes the finest academic and educational writing from around the world. As a department of the University of Cambridge, its purpose is to further the University's objective of advancing knowledge, education, learning, and research. Cambridge is not just a leading British publisher, it is the oldest printer and publisher in the world and one of the largest academic publishers globally.

About Cambridge Books Online

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(3) Register Click the Register link located in the top right corner of the screen. The system displays the Registration page. Input all the required and necessary details into the registration form, making sure that you complete the required fields that are marked with asterisk signs (*). NOTE: Once you have selected your country from the drop-down Country menu, the Registration page automatically reloads to display the appropriate information in the County / State / Province drop-down menu, if applicable. NOTE: Usernames and passwords on our site must be at least four (4) characters long and no longer than twenty-four (24) characters long. Usernames and passwords can be combinations of letters and numbers, and are case-sensitive. When you are registering, the system will also ask you to enter a word or phrase or question that will remind you of your password. The reminder can be your place of birth, favourite football team, the name of a family pet, or anything else you'd like. Select the You must accept the Terms of Use to register checkbox. NOTE: You may also opt to select the remaining two checkboxes after Terms of Use if you want to receive email updates from Cambridge University Press, or if you want to opt out of having your information shared. Click the Submit button after you have provided all the required and necessary information. The system displays a Registration Successful! page and logs you in. NOTE: If there are required fields you have overlooked, you will be asked to provide the missing information before your registration is

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(4) Login Once you have validated your login, you will be taken to Cambridge Books Online via input your username and password.

2. Search: Quick Search and Advanced Search 3. Browse (1) Top Accessed Books Cambridge Books Online top hits book list. (2) Top Searched Series Cambridge Books Online top searched book list. (3) News and Events Cambridge Books Online Latest News and Latest Title (4) Browse by Subject There are four Subjects, included Humanities, Social Sciences, Science & Engineering ,Medicine ,you can browse the subject you are interested.

1. Browse by Series
This feature allows you to browse through all the available series on Cambridge Books Online. You can browse series by name or by subject. To browse series by series name, follow the instructions below: From the homepage, click the Browse All Series link at the bottom of the Top Searched Series section under the Top Accessed Books category. The system displays the Browse by Series page, with Series and Series by Subject categories. Select a navigation letter link, e.g. N. The system displays the names of all series beginning with this letter that are currently available on Cambridge Books Online. Select a series name, e.g. New Studies in Archaeology, by clicking on it. The system displays all titles in this series that are currently available on Cambridge Books Online.

Select a book title, e.g. Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain, by clicking on it. The system displays the book landing page for the book title selected.

2. Browse by Subject
To browse titles available on Cambridge Books Online by subject, follow the instructions below: On the homepage, locate the Browse by Subject main categories. Select a broad subject area, e.g. Humanities, by clicking on it. The system displays the Browse by Subject page, with the subject area you selected expanded. Select a subject, e.g. Music, by clicking on it. The system displays an expanded browse-tree to show the sub-subjects under the subject you chose. Select a sub-subject, e.g. Opera, by clicking on it. The system displays the subject landing page, a list of all book titles in this subject that are currently available on Cambridge Books Online. Clicking a book title will take you to that book's landing page.

1. Quick Search
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2. Advanced Search
(1) Search On: using the drop-down boxes on the left-hand side of the page, you can choose to search any of the following fields: Anything: this allows you to search across all fields (default value). Author / Editor / Contributor: searches author names. Title / Volume: searches in the title and volume text. Subject: searches in the subject field. Publication Date: searches in the print and online publication date fields. ISBN: searches for a specific ISBN. Series Name: searches for books in a given series, by series name. Digital Object Identifier: searches for a specific DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The DOI is a persistent identifier: it will point to the piece of content it identifies, or to information about that piece of content. It enables readers to find information like digital books, digital book chapters,

or journal articles irrespective of any subsequent changes in the website structure or the location of the website on which the information is hosted. (2) The second drop-down menu lets you qualify your search using the below options: Contains: your search term appears anywhere within the specified field (default value). Does not contain: your search term does not appear anywhere within the specified field. Is exactly: only returns results if the contents of the specified field match your search term exactly. (3) Key word/phrase field: the field in which you enter your search term or phrase. (4) And/Or options: this drop-down allows you to add more search parameters according to the following rules: And: this adds the next set into the previous parameter set, so you'll only get results that match this row of search criteria and also the following row. Or: this makes the next set another option aside from the previous parameter set, so you'll get results that match either this row of search criteria or the following row. (5) Special Buttons Clear All: allows you to clear all values you've entered or chosen; refreshes the display to show just one line of search criteria.


Fewer Choices: allows you to simplify your search: if there are multiple rows of search criteria, clicking this will remove the bottom row. More Choices: allows you to add another row of search criteria.

Search Result
The search results page displays book chapters that matched your search. Each search result will show the following information: Book title and book author/editor name(s): book title is a link to the book landing page Book subtitle (if applicable) Print publication year Online publication date Series name and series number (if applicable): series name is a link to the series landing page Online ISBN Print ISBN Chapter title: chapter title is a link to the chapter landing page Chapter DOI (digital object identifier): The DOI is a persistent identifier: it will point to the piece of content it identifies, or to information about that piece of content. It enables readers to find information like digital books, digital book chapters, or journal articles irrespective of any subsequent changes in the website structure or the location of the website on which the information is hosted. Snippet of text from the book in which your search term appears, with the search term highlighted. Page range of the chapter Read PDF link: allows you to access the full-text PDF of the chapter, if you are


entitled to it through an organisational purchase or an active organisational trial. If you are not recognised as having access, clicking this link will allow you to log in with a remote username and password if you have access to your organisation's purchases that way. If you still don't have access, you may need to log in via Athens or Shibboleth, or consult your librarian. SET NUMBER OF RESULTS PER PAGE If your search resulted in a long list of chapters, you may wish to change the display of the search results to more easily find what you're looking for. You can change the number of results that display per page by using the Results per page dropdown menu, as below: Click the dropdown menu for Results per page. The system displays all choices (50, 75, or 100 results per page). Select a number. The system refreshes the page to display according to your choice.

NAVIGATE RESULTS VIA GO TO PAGE This function allows you to choose which page of the results list you want to go to. The number of pages will vary depending on the total number of search results and the number of results per page you're viewing. To navigate to a given page of the results list, just enter a page number in the Go to page box then click Go. NAVIGATE RESULTS VIA GO TO LINKS You can also navigate the results list using the ?Go to? links near the right of the screen: First: displays the first page of the search results list. Previous: displays the previous page of the search results list. Next: displays the next page within the search results list. Last: displays the last page of the search results list.

SORT BY This function lets you sort your search results by the following criteria: Relevancy: Sorts search results so that those most relevant to the search term(s) you entered display at the top. This is the default sort value. Title: Sorts search results alphabetically by book title. Author: Sorts search results alphabetically by book author/editor. Note that if there are multiple authors or editors of a given book, the first listed author or editor is the name used for sorting.


Print Publication Year: Sorts search results by print publication year, with the most recent at the top. Online Publication Date: Sorts search results by online publication date, with the most recent at the top.

HIDE ALL BOOK DETAILS This checkbox allows you to toggle between hiding and unhiding all book-level details, which are as follows: series name and number, online ISBN, print ISBN. SHOW SEARCH This button allows you to show your search term(s) at the top of the search results list. If you click this button, you will easily be able to refine your search by changing your search term(s) or adding or removing search criteria, using the same options as in the Advanced Search area.

Book Landing
Each book on Cambridge Books Online has a book landing page, which displays key information about a book, along with tabs for the Book Description and the Table of Contents, as well as a tab for References, if they are available at the book level. From the Table of Contents, you can click a chapter or section title to get to the chapter


landing page. You can also access full-text PDF files of the book's chapters, if your organisation has purchased access or has an active trial to the site. To get to a book landing page, just click the book's title wherever it appearsfor example, in search results, on a series landing page, on a subject landing page, or in the Top Accessed Books section of the home page. When you're viewing the Table of Contents tab, content you have access to will show the Read PDF button in red and the Read PDF link will take you to the PDF (which opens in a new window). If you're not recognised as having access to a given chapter, the Read PDF button will be grayed out. Clicking the Read PDF link will give you a chance to log in with a remote username; you may also be able to access the chapter by logging in via Athens or Shibboleth.

To learn more about other features available on the book landing page, please see below.


FIND THIS BOOK IN A LIBRARY Clicking this link will open a WorldCat search page in a new tab or window. WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services, and is an online catalog of many libraries' holdings. You can use WorldCat to find out if any participating libraries near you hold copies of a given book in various formats. SHARE THIS BOOK EMAIL LINK TO THIS BOOK You can use this feature to easily send a link to a book on Cambridge Books Online to a friend or colleague. Click the Share This Book link, then click the Email Link to This Book link. A pop-up window will display: fill out all the required fields and click the Email button to have our system send an email to the address you specified on the form. SHARE THIS BOOK ALERT ME WHEN THIS BOOK IS CITED This feature, which is available only to registered users on Cambridge Books Online, will let you receive an automatic email alert when a book on Cambridge Books Online is cited. Click the Share This Book link, then click the Alert Me When This Book Is Cited link. You can choose to receive alerts on a weekly or a monthly basis. Select the options you prefer, then click Update to save your changes. CITATION TOOLS HOW TO CITE Click this link to display a pop-up window containing a citation that you can copy and paste to easily cite the book that you're viewing. You can copy the citation by highlighting it with your mouse and using your browser's Copy feature, or you can click the Copy Text to Clipboard link. CITATION TOOLS EXPORT CITATION Use this feature to email or download a citation to this book that you can use in various bibliographic management programs. Citations are available with or without a book/chapter extract, and are available in the following formats: ASCII Biblioscape BibTex CSV EndNote HTML Medlars Papyrus


ProCite Reference Manager RefWorks RIS

LINK TO THIS BOOK This feature facilitates Social Bookmarking: you can easily save a link to a book landing page to sites like Delicious, Connotea, and others. You must have (or create) an account on the site to which you're saving the link. Click the icon for any of the listed sites to start the bookmarking process. RECOMMEND THIS TO A LIBRARIAN If you don't have access to a given book, the Recommend This to a Librarian link will display. Clicking on this link opens a pop-up form that lets you send an email to your organisation's account administrator, if one exists in our system, or to another librarian at your organisation, if you know his or her email address. You can customise the message of this email by typing in the Message box.

Chapter Landing
Each chapter on Cambridge Books Online has a chapter landing page, which displays key information about a chapter and the book in which it appears, along with tabs for the Chapter Extract (if available), References (if available), and the book's Table of Contents. From the chapter landing page, you can access a full-text PDF file of that chapter, if your organisation has purchased access or has an active trial to the site. GETTING TO A CHAPTER LANDING PAGE AND ACCESSING CONTENT To get to a chapter landing page, just click the chapter title wherever it appears? for example, in search results or in the Table of Contents tab of a book. When you're viewing the Table of Contents tab, content you have access to will show the Read PDF button in red and the Read PDF link will take you to the PDF (which opens in a new window). If you're not recognized as having access to a given chapter, the Read PDF button will be grayed out. Clicking the Read PDF link will give you a chance to log in with a remote username; you may also be able to access the chapter by logging in via Athens or Shibboleth.


CHAPTER EXTRACT The Chapter Extract tab, where available, will show you the first paragraph or so of the book's chapter. The chapter extract may help you decide if you're interested in reading the entire chapter. For most chapters, the default chapter extract view is a text view; there will also be an Image View link you can click to view an image of the first page of the chapter. For some chaptersespecially chapters containing many mathematical equations or other highly formatted textonly the image view may be available. Certain book sections, like Frontmatter or Acknowledgements or the Index, will not have a chapter extract at all.



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