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L'zecher Nishmas R Nissan Ben R Shmuel / For the Zechus for a Shidduch for Freidel Shaindel Bas Mindel



41:1 "" And it was at the end of two years, days, ( ) and Paroah had a dream, and behold he was standing near the river. The Posuk says that it was at the end of two years and then it says the word ,days. What does the word mean over here? Megilah 11a the word , is a Loshon of ,anguish. The word is made up of the words and ,meaning woe and mourning. What is the anguish that the Posuk is referring to? Perhaps the following Divrei Torah will help answer these questions. " 1:14 "We learn from the word that it was after a complete two years. Had the Posuk just said ,two years, it may have meant one year and one day. As we see when it says , it means within the first year. " 1:14 - The Posuk uses a Loshon of here because now is the beginning of the cause of Golus Mitzrayim. Although it was already decreed that Klal Yisroel would go into Golus, this is the beginning of being in Golus Mitzrayim. The Mitzriyim inflicted on Klal Yisroel more than the original decree called for. , " " 1:14 refers to one who , stays awake at night. comes from a Loshon of ,sleep. From ,the time of sleep, he makes it ,like days. He does not sleep, but rather makes his nights as his days and toils in the study of the Torah Hakdosha. ,comes from a Loshon of exposing and nullifying as it says in Shemos 32:25 " ." By studying the Torah Hakdosha at night, one can nullify all negative dreams and thoughts. ,refers to the secrets of Torah. As is says in the Tikunei Hazohar that is the same Gematria as ,secrets. , he will stand over the secrets of the Torah. One who stays awake at night and toils in the study of the Torah Hakdosha will be Zoche to keep away and nullify all bad dreams and thoughts He will be Zoche to the true and secrets of the Torah Hakdosha. The Yivanim hated the Yidin. Why did the Yivanim make decrees not allowing the Yidin to learn the Torah Hakdosha and not to perform Mitzvos? Why didnt they just kill the Yidin? The Yivanim were very smart in not trying to kill the Yidin but rather attempting to get them not to follow the Torah. As long as Klal Yisroel were connected to the Ribbono Shel Olam through the Torah and Mitzvos, the Yivanim knew that it was not possible to destroy them. Instead the Yivanim tried to implement a plan which would cause the Ribbono Shel Olam to turn away from them. After Klal Yisroel would no longer have the Ribbono Shel Olam watching over them, the Yivanim would be able to annihilate them. Klal Yisroel did not follow the decrees of the Yivanim and the Ribbono Shel Olam was always with them. " Shavuos is the time of Kabalas . Chanukah is the time of Kabalas . Shavuos is the third month of the summer months (Nisan, Iyar, Sivan). Chanukah is the third month of the winter months (Tishrei, Cheshvon, Kislev). The Ribbono Shel Olam is called with the name because His light illuminates all of the worlds and all of creations. The Torah is called as it says in the Posuk . The Neshama of a person is also called as it says in the Posuk . ' By Klal Yisroel toiling in and , they kindle the light of the Torah Hakdosha
For questions, comments, or to get a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsha- Please email: ParshaPshetel@gmail.com
Thank you, Y. Schechter

L'zecher Nishmas R Nissan Ben R Shmuel / For the Zechus for a Shidduch for Freidel Shaindel Bas Mindel Miriam


and receive the light of the Ribbono Shel Olam. " Hakodosh Boruch Hu, the Torah, and Klal Yisroel are all one. " 1:14 These four words are the Roshei Taivos for " " .And it was when Yochanon eradicated the Yivanim from the Bais Hamikdash he commanded us to light the Neiros for the eight days of Chanukah, you shall place the Menorah on the right side when exiting the door. " 1:14 - Why does the Posuk say ,days? Although it was decreed upon Yosef Hatzaddik that he would have to remain incarcerated for an additional two years, Yosef accepted it with Ahavah. Since Yosef accepted this with great Simcha, the time felt like two days to him and not years. 6:98 Mikeitz 41:8 " ... " Paroah sent and called all the wise people of Mitzrayim to interpret his dream, but none of them were able to interpret it. Had Yosef been freed from prison at an earlier time than he actually was and would have been readily available to interpret Paroahs dream, Yosef would not have ended up as viceroy of Mitzrayim. Had Yosef interpreted the dream, all of the wise men of Mitzrayim would have said that they too could have interpreted the dream properly. It was only because Yosef was in prison and all of the wise men were asked to interpret the dream, but were unable to, that Yosef became the viceroy of Mitzrayim. " 1:14 - The Loshon of is a Loshon of .The day in which Yosef was released from prison Yitzchok Avinu died. Perhaps now we can understand why the Posuk says ,and why the Posuk says which is a Loshon of .Rashi tells us Yaakov Avinu taught Yosef the Torah which he learned in Shem and Eiver. The Torah he learned there was a Torah which was necessary for Yosef who would be amongst other nations of the world. Megilah 10b the Gemara first states that the word is a Loshon of .The Gemara then asks questions from places in the Torah where the word is used and it is not referencing any .The Gemara answers that if is followed with ,then it always connotes .Otherwise the word sometimes connotes ,while other times it connotes happiness. Perhaps over here it has the potential to mean either. The Posuk says , Yosef was incarcerated for an additional two years, yet it felt like days to him. If a person utilizes his time on this world properly, time flies and years feel like days, but the person has a sense of happiness and accomplishment. However one who whittles away his time with nothingness, he will feel like he only had days and therefore did not accomplish. He will have .On Chanukah we light the Menorah. The Yivanim tried to extinguish that light. We must always stay connected to the light, and . At times that the world feels completely dark, we must remember we are connected to the Torah and we are connected to the Ribbono Shel Olam. Yosef was in jail for an additional two years, but he accepted it with Ahavah. At that time he did not know, but his being incarcerated for those additional two years made all the difference in his becoming viceroy of Mitzrayim. We should be Zoche to see the ultimate and everlasting light of Moshiach .
For questions, comments, or to get a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsha- Please email: ParshaPshetel@gmail.com
Thank you, Y. Schechter

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