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What happened in 2011?

We launched the new Introduction to Desteni Forum, for people who

are new to the Desteni material. There are teams of Moderators that
SuorL new-comers ln Lhelr wrlLlng or Lo oer dlrecLlon Lhrough Lhe
available Desteni material. If you have any questions about the Desteni
material or would like to participate in writing yourself to freedom, then
this is the forum to join.
The Desteni Leadership forum is where we discuss world events, the
Equal Money System and work on our general skills and insights to
become eecLlve wlLhln Lhe currenL world sysLem. 1o be lnvlLed Lo
the Leadership Forum, you have to complete Lesson 3 of the Desteni I
Process. Participants on the Leadership Forum are required to remain
consistent within their Desteni I Process as well as their blogging/vlog-
For members that are already
familiar with and applying the
Desteni material and toolsa
discussion forum on everything
that goes around this world -
from economics, religions, soci-
eLles, educuLlon, ersonul uulrs
at all levels, with perspectives
from other long standing mem-
bers. Posting on this forum is
by invitation only. If you would
llke Lo |oln Lhls forum, FrsL |oln
the ITD forum and after a few
months of consistent participa-
tion, you will receive or can re-
quesL un lnvlLuLlon Lo Lhe Omclul
Destonian Forum
Desteni Artists
What happened in 2011?
The Launch of the Destonian Wiki
This Wiki contains material that will sup-
port one within and through all aspects of
life, ranging from understanding and be-
ing able to direct ones feelings, emotions,
thoughts, relationships, beliefs, society to
world structures.
This is a one-of-a-kind resource presenting
research and practical solutions to personal
as well as global problems. The focus is on
wholeness, completeness and practicality
of the solutions and their implementation.
Desteni Artists
What happened in 2011?
For the past 20 years, we have been involved in the Re-
search into the Afterlife and Human History. The group
is now known as Desteni after it was decided to present
the Research on the History and Design of Mankind as
Pre-programmed Mind Consciousness System trapped
within cycles as a Soul within the Soul Construct.
Luch member of Lhe Crou wulked u dlerenL Llfe ex-
perience; from studying parapsychology, and chan-
neling to the Esoteric. When the Interdimensional Por-
tal opened end of 2004 it allowed the members to fully
exlore Lhe Llmenslonul exlsLence whlle dlmenslonul
beings utilized the portal and communicate about their
exerlences ln Lhe ufLerllfe, how Lhey dled, why Lhey
dled, why demons exlsLed und how Lhe dlmenslons
really functioned. The realization was that there was
more going on in the dimensions than the channels
and psychics were even aware of. Over a period of two
years relationships developed between the members
involved and the beings within the dimensions. It was
reullzed LhuL u roblem exlsLed wlLhln Lhe dlmenslons
which no channel, psychic or light worker was willing to face or even
knew how Lo fuce demons us Lhe Lrue exlsLence of demons wus hld-
den from those who claimed they could assist demons. At that stage
people who worked with demons, claiming that they could remove de-
mons from homes and people were not aware of what really happened
to the demons. The demons had already been around for a long time
und hud un exLenslve umounL of self-uwureness und self-reservuLlon,
because they relied on the energy generated by and through humans
through system designs within the humans. Again the Channels and
Psychics could not see the systems therefore did not see what the de-
mons knew which was that the systems within humans were respon-
sible for all human beliefs and thoughts. Therefore the war that was
being waged between the demons who could see how Consciousness
functioned within each human and the religious/spiritual who thought
Lhey knew how Lo dlrecL Lhe dlmenslonul exlsLence und demons- would
never be resolved as the demons played with human fear based on the
feurs generuLed by sysLems. 1he demons knew LhuL no god exlsLed ln
the dimensions and that the angels were programs of the white light.
They knew that the symbology of religion like crosses and holy water
meant something to the human, but that these symbols had no other
meaning therefore they played with humans and their sole purpose
wus Lo feed o feur.
Through the portal it was possible to contain and communicate with
demons so the members sat night and day, communicating endlessly
wlLh belngs who were Lrued ln Lhe demonlc exerlence. Pleuse wuLch
the History of Desteni Series. At that stage the human mind conscious-
ness system and the afterlife was designed to function on through and
as Energy. Therefore once beings crossed over they were trapped in
heuven, whlch exlsLed us Lhe ln-beLween sLo where Lhe soul, whlch wus
the pre-programmed energetic body of all beings, was processed and
prepared to enter this system on earth again. It was here that the soul
was prepared to live another life on earth, generating energy through
the World Systems, which was transferred to Heaven. This allowed the
musLers und dlmenslonul belngs Lo exlsL ln Lhelr energy sLuLes ln heuven
as knowledge and information. Please watch the History of Mankind
Series to understand the Design of Man and how Heaven was created.
The members assisting the demons had developed the tools of self-
honesLy und self-forglveness us Lhey wulked Lhrough Lhelr llfe exerl-
ences realizing the deception of the White Light and realizing for them-
selves how Consciousness worked. By the time they started working
with the demons, they realised that the tools which had assisted and
supported them in stopping various forms of addictions, self abuse and
Fear would now Equally serve the demons and it was then that many
hours over a period of about two years were spent assisting the demons
through the Portal. Please listen to the Interviews called: The History
of Desteni. Once the group realized that the tools of Self-Honesty and
Self-Forgiveness were to play a keys role in stopping the Abuse that we
have accepted and allowed and that it worked with the demons, a deci-
sion was made to launch the website Desteni and to present, no mat-
ter what resistance was met on the Internet the research and tools of
Self-Support that will be the beginning of Real change as each person
is given the tools through which to stop their Self-Beliefs, Fears, Opin-
ions, Judgments, pre-programming, ego and our Resonances - to Live
here in the Physical as the Physical through the Breath. The glue which
blnds LogeLher Lhls webslLe wlLhln Lhe exerlences of Lhe demons ls Lhe
resenLuLlon of Lhe exerlences of Lhe demons und Lhe Lools whlch us-
sisted and supported the demons, to assist the human-demons called
humanity to stop the Patterns of Self-Abuse which we accept within
ourselves, which we then accept within the world as our outer reality
as seen in the world systems that we have already accepted and al-
lowed. To change the world we start within ourselves and our inner re-
ality. The demons as the unseen reality have shared their stories and
once you remove your fear of the idea of demons and actually listen to
what they have to say you will realize that the demons were no dif-
ferenL Lo humuns, who exlsL ln leur, Puln, Sudness und un uddlcLlon Lo
Through the research into the Design of Consciousness, it was realized
that man has already become demonic in nature feeding of the energy
provided by the planet and other people, regardless of the consequenc-
es, in an attempt to survive as the Mind. The Demons survived from the
energy that humans give of through thinking, feeling, reacting, fear-
ing etc therefore something to consider: to judge a demon is to judge
oneself becuuse Lhe demon LhuL you |udge exlsLed becuuse you exlsL.
The demon became that because in human form he/she accepted of
themselves that which we as humanity accept within ourselves within
a Lifetime and thus through the process of crossing over, were trapped
ln Lhe exerlence of Lhemselves us Lhe ersonullLy euch hud become.
Luch erson's ersonullLy exlsLs ouL of feur, |udgmenL, comurlson,
ego, emotion, desire, anger, regret, jealousy and this becomes us as
Lhe end roducL of our Llfe exerlence. 1herefore uL Lhe olnL of cross-
ing over each being was trapped within their Personality with no means
of hiding or suppressing and due to the addictive nature of the Mind
us 'who l um' us un energy exerlence Lhe demon would Lhen seek
Lo exress lLself und Lhus would requlre energy generuLed by humuns
through participating in thinking and feeling (personality).
Therefore we started with the demons, purifying ourselves as the de-
mons urlFed Lhemselves und from Lhere we used whuL ls ulreudy
here the Demonic Nature of Man to establish a point for each to
work with in Self-Honest Self-Realization. That is why this website will
resenL Lhe usL reseurch und exerlences of Lhe demons, however our
main focus is to stop the Demonic Nature of ourselves which is now
munlfesLlng ln Lhe exerlences of Mlnd Lemons. WlLhln Lhls webslLe,
we will be giving perspectives on the world events which indicate a rise
in the Mind Demon as the Personality man has become. We ask that you
luce your demon, demonlc ossesslon und enLlLy exerlences und we
wlll do lnLervlews on seclFc usecLs wlLhln your exerlences und how
Lhese exerlences ure deslgned Lhrough Lhe Mlnd und Resonunces. We
usk LhuL you sLurL o by wuLchlng Lhe vldeos done by Lhe demons, dl-
mensional beings and the History of Desteni to familiarize yourself with
Lhe sLory behlnd how demons exlsLed, whuL Lhey reullzed ubouL Lhe dl-
mensions and how they were assisted to release themselves through
Self-Forgiveness. To familiarize yourself with the Mind Demon we
suggest watch the Interview on the New Demon, the System Demons
and the Interview perspectives done on World Events. If you have a
LnLlLyjLemonjLemon Possesslon exerlence LhuL you would elLher llke
to share or ask a perspective on, please join the forum. This website is
oen Lo ull who would llke Lo shure Lhelr exerlences or Lo usk quesLlons,
however please realize we do not support Religion, New Age/Enlighten-
menL or uny form of 'ghosL hunLlng' or esoLerlcjrellglous demon exorcls-
ing. Please read the forum guidelines before participating on the forum.
Desteni Artists
Desteni Artists
Desteni Artists
What happened in 2011?
The Desteni I Process website got a new look:
Whats New in the Desteni I Process?
An inside peak to the Desteni courses:

Introduction to Desteni course:

1he lnLroducLlon Lo LesLenl course ls Lhe FrsL of Lhe SRA
courses in DIP (Desteni I Process). Within this course youll
be introduced to the Desteni principles, as well as the
Desteni tools of Self-Honesty, Writing, Self-Forgiveness,
Breathing and Self-Correction. The lessons are spread
over 12 months, whereby each lesson is accompanied with
assignments wherein you practice the tools for yourself.
Along each step of the way, you have a buddy ready to pro-
vide you with assistance and support. The Introduction to
LesLenl wlll glve you lnslghL ln who you ure Lhrough exlor-
ing your inner reality - and will show you how youre able to
reinstate yourself as the directive principle in your life.

To register for the Introduction to Desteni course - go to

Agreement course:

A new course is being developed, which pertains to the es-
LubllshmenL of LecLlve AgreemenLs us un ulLernuLlve Lo ReluLlonshls.
The course and the lessons will be structured and presented in such
a way that one can walk the course alone or together with a partner.
You'll be lnLroduced Lo Lhe conceL of AgreemenLs und whuL Lhe dler-
ence is between an Agreement and a Relationship. A large part of the
course wlll be focuslng on how Lo eecLlvely esLubllsh Lhe AgreemenL
and how to align your starting points so as to provide the necessary
support as a foundation for yourself, from which to walk the Agree-
ment. Further perspective and tools will be provided on how to practi-
cally live with another as self (or with self alone) and how to face and
work-through the various challenges that are encountered within walk-
ing an Agreement. Note that walking this course will not be a guaran-
tee for a successful Agreement as it is your own application that always
determines the outcome. However, this course will provide you with
exLenslve suorL und us such, slgnlFcunLly fuclllLuLe your rocess.

If you are interested in participating in the Agreement course, please
conLucL MulLe uL mulLeQequulllfe.org. You wlll recelve u noLlFcuLlon us
soon as the courses is launched and registrations open. ?
Structural Resonance Alignment Three:
The Subconscious Backchat Series
In the Backchat phase we learn to identify our own inner demons and
the inner demons in others through the multiple ways they shapeshift
and hide - so that one can get to a self-honest point in your commu-
nication to get beyond the ultimate fear which has been the design
and driving force and origin of the current human functioning as ego.
Through this we will identify what types of personalities have been
fabricated through the multi-dimensions as ways to deal with reality as
the constant struggle for superiority and control - which has led to the
current state of humanity and the current economic system.
ln Lhe FrsL 8 monLhs of Lhe course we wlll ldenLlfy Lhe 8 mu|or forms of
Backchat and learn how to identify the starting point as well as reason
for participating in the Backchat. This includes working with the vari-
ous forms which Backchat presents itself as within the mind. The last 4
monLhs ure senL keelng u 8uckchuL dlury ln reluLlon Lo mu|or exerl-
ences ln ones world, such us work, reluLlonshls, sex, money, |eulousy,
substance abuse, addictions and others.
Blogging For Sponsorship:
For those who are unable to pay the full price for DIP, we have made
available blogging for sponsorship. Join the ITD forum and within the
thread called: Blogging for Sponsorship, open a new topic with your
name. Place your writings or a link to your blog and a team of Spon-
sorshl ModeruLors wlll monlLor your blogs for Lhree monLhs, oerlng
uddlLlonul suorL ln eecLlve wrlLlng where necessury. 1he Lolcs
for writing could be why I want to join the Desteni I Process, My Life
exerlences', '1he World roblems und my ersecLlves', 'un Lquul
Money System, or How I apply the Desteni material in my life.
Blogging for sponsorship consists of doing 4 blogs per month over a
period of 3 months. The blogging for sponsorship options are :
50 plus sponsorship
100 plus sponsorship
Full sponsorship
1hese oLlon ure sub|ecL Lo whuL you us urLlclunL ure uble Lo uord.
The launch of the EQAFE store
The EQAFE store already has 17o
products consisting of books, re-
cording and music. By participating
in the store you are supporting the
Equal Life Foundation as well as the
development of an income for the
Destonian members.
The launch of the new series through the Interdimensional Portal:
1he new HlsLory of Munklnd serles , whlch ls wulked by un lndlvlduul belng from euch ruce. 1he FrsL
interview is by the Atlanteans:
Atlanteans: The Beginning (only on EQAFE)
Some of the products listed in the store:
Alice Bailey - Relationships and Agreements (only on EQAFE)
A series of 6 recordings done through the interdimensional portal wherein Alice Bailey discusses the dif-
ference between Relationships and Agreements.
Allce sLurLs o wlLh shurlng her own exerlences Lowurds reluLlonshls und ugreemenLs.
Allce shures her exerlence wlLh Lhe feur of belng hurL und how lL lnuencedjcomromlsed who she wus
within the agreement.
The geometrical design of relationship.
locus on AgreemenL - how ugreemenLs exlsL, how Lo suorL yourself wlLhln Lhe munlfesLed exresslon
of and as agreement and how to ensure that you wont deceive yourself making the agreement into a
Intro for practical self support before walking into agreement with another being.
Continuing the intro for practical self support before walking into agreement with another being.

Beginners - Thoughts, Writings and Self Forgiveness - Conscious, SubConscious and UnConscious
MindSupport Series (only on EQAFE):
No. 1 - Beginners - Thoughts, Writings and Self Forgiveness - Conscious, SubConscious and UnConscious Mind
Were covering here the basic points that self will face as ones Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind in
initially starting walking ones process of facing the Mind as self as we take you through One Dimension in/as which
Lhe Consclous, Subconsclous und Unconsclous Mlnd exlsL us '1houghL munlfesLuLlons'. 1houghL-munlfesLuLlon us
Lhe buslc FrsL urLsjcomonenLs ofjus Lhe Mlnd LhuL self wlll fuce when sLurLlng one's rocess und rovlde rucLlcul
ersecLlve und exumles of Luklng one's rocess of self-reullsuLlonjself-chunge Lhrough from wrlLlng Lo self forglve-
ness in preparing self to establish self within and as the physical, to be able to live actual real self-change within/as the
process of self-corrective application.
What the FAQ is an Equal Money System - Volume 1 (only on EQAFE)
Huve you ever wondered how lL would be rucLlcully osslble Lo chunge Lhls world? 1o muke u dlerence?
1o llve ln u wuy where no one hus Lo suer or sLurve?
This book was written by Destonians who have answered the most frequent question with regards to the Equal
Money System.
In this book questions like: How will the Equal Money System be Implemented? Will we all have chip implants?
Who wlll do Lhe shlLLy |obs? Wlll l own my own house? ...ure unswered wlLh much seclFclLy und clurlLy. Reud ull
about the HOME of the Future with Equal Money System.
The Writing of Self Forgiveness (only on EQAFE):
Bernard goes into the point that without self-trust there cannot be self as self will, self direction and self movement.
The writing of Self Forgiveness and Self Corrective Statements is the only way to prove to oneself that you have
wrlLLen yourself lnLo und us Lhe llvlng word - from whlch self LrusL wlll be born. SeclFclLy us Lhe sLuLemenLs you
make as that which you will live, and that which you direct as yourself - will also indicate to you that which you are
equal to as what you are allowing.
He exlulns Lhe seclFc sLes requlred wlLhln your wrlLlng Lo be uble Lo move oneself from LhoughL lnLo llvlng u-
plication of Self.
No. 2 - Beginners - Thoughts, Writings and Self Forgiveness - Conscious, SubConscious and UnCon-
scious Mind Practical Application (only on EQAFE)
WlLhln Lhese vldeo-lnLervlews we ure wulklng Lhrough lnLo Lhe PrucLlcul AllcuLlon huse exumles, from wulk-
ing Writing and Self-Forgiveness on Thought-Manifestations of/as the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious
Mind. Here we are only looking at the Basic Practical Application Preparation Phase of assisting and supporting self,
within walking the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind Thought-Manifestations to establish self here,
in/as/with the physical out of the Mind.
No. 3 - Beginners - Conscious, SubConscious and UnConscious Mind Thought-Manifestations Energy
http://eqafe.com/p/no-3-beginners-conscious-subconscious-and-unconscious-mind-thought-manifestation-s-energy (only
on EQAFE):
Here we'll be wulklng Lhe Lnergy-munlfesLuLlons und exerlences LhuL self wlll be fuclng ln wulklng-Lhrough Lhe
Consclous, Subconsclous und Unconsclous Mlnd wlLhln Lhe conLexL of 1houghL-MunlfesLuLlons.
1hls lnclude how Lnergy ls exerlenced wlLhln Lhe Consclous, Subconsclous und Unconsclous Mlnd wlLhln Lhe con-
LexL of 1houghLs MunlfesLuLlons, LogeLher-wlLh rucLlcul-exumles und rucLlcul ullcuLlon guldellnesjersecLlves
in assisting and supporting self in walking through this dimension/manifestation of Energy.
Then, to note that it only covers the energy in relation to the manifestation of Thoughts in the Conscious, Subcon-
scious and Unconscious Mind as we are only at the Beginners stage of walking process within these interviews, it
only discuss the basic forms of energy one will face as the Mind as self initially.
It is furthermore suggested to watch/listen to the First Two video-interview series covering the basic practical
manifestations and applications in facing self as the Mind within the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious
manifestations as Self. ENJOY!
Andreas Journey with Demons (only on EQAFE)
Andreas journey of how she became involved with demons and becoming dependent on their perspectives of life
whlle fully exerlenclng Lhe ower of demonlc lnuence. As well us her exerlence of unvelllng Lhe LruLh behlnd
dimensions and demons.
Blame and Animosity (only on EQAFE)
A serles of volce-recordlngs by 8ernurd, exlulnlng Lhe deslgns of blume und unlmoslLy us u wuy of ubdlcuLlng self-
responsibility and giving ones power away, as well as the corrective application of allowing another to stand as an
exumle for self-erfecLlon und self-exunslon.
Swedish: http://eqafe.com/p/vanliga-fragor-det-jamlika-pengasystemet-del-1
Tagalog: http://eqafe.com/p/mga-kasagutan-sa-katanungan-sistema-ng-parehong-pera-para-sa-bawa-t-isa-unang-kabanata
Slovenian: http://eqafe.com/p/pogosta-vprasanja-in-odgovori-enakovredni-denarni-sistem-1-del
Portuguese: http://eqafe.com/p/perguntas-frequentes-sistema-de-igualdade-monetaria-volume-1
Greek: http://eqafe.com/p/greek-faq-equal-money-system-volume-1
Dutch: http://eqafe.com/p/veelgestelde-vragen-gelijkheids-geld-systeem-deel-1
Chinese: http://eqafe.com/p/chinese-faq-equal-money-system-volume-1
Danish: http://eqafe.com/p/ofte-stillede-sporgsmal-ofte-stillede-sporgsmal-1-del
German: http://eqafe.com/p/haufig-gestellte-fragen-gleich-gerechtes-geldsystem-teil-1
Spanish: http://eqafe.com/p/desteni-espanol-sistema-igualitario-monetario-preguntas-frecuentes
French: http://eqafe.com/p/foire-aux-questions-systeme-monetaire-egal-volume-1
Equal Money - other languages: (only on EQAFE)
Italian: http://eqafe.com/p/domande-frequenti-sistema-monetario-egualitario-volume-1
Polish: http://eqafe.com/p/czesto-zadawane-pytania-system-rownych-pieniedzy-czesc-1
Hebrew: http://eqafe.com/p/desteni-israel-faq-equal-money-system-volume-1
*A new Feature in the EQAFE store, is to buy the products as a gift for someone
Desteni Artists
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Money Revolution- Equal Money from Birth to Death - Value Life!!
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Stop All Religions and Live Equal
True Stories of DEMON Possession with Videos - Demonology Re-
search https://www.facebook.com/groups/56949158056/
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Education of the Robot Human - The Joke is on YOU!!!
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Desteni Group
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Desteni JammO - Oneness & Equality Music Project
Desteni Artists
Desteni Artists
Desteni Artists
Desteni Artists
Featured Art Work by Sylvie Jacobs
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002446641750
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/SylvieJacobs
Blog: http://sylviejacobs.blogspot.com/
Featured Art Work by Niklas Nydahl
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/niklas.nydahl
Featured Art Work by Joe Kou
My Blogs
My Channels
Featured Art Work by Tim Jones
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SirTimJones
Featured Art Work by Sylvie Jacobs
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002446641750
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/SylvieJacobs
Blog: http://sylviejacobs.blogspot.com/
leuLured ArL Work by Wllllum Cu
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/wcuff1209
Blog: http://transmutation-process.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/william.cuff
Featured Art Work by Gian Robberts
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/GianRobberts01
Blogs: http://gianrobberts01.blogspot.com/
Featured Art Work by Greg Wiater
Blog: http://equalworldandlife.blogspot.com/
Featured Art Work by Ingrid Bloemheuvel
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/IngridBloemheuvel
Blog: http://innosentence.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ingrid.bloem
Featured Art Work by Joana Ferreira
YouTube Channels: JoanaFerreiraAsLife
Blog: http://joanaslifeprocess.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/joaninhapsiferreira
Featured Artwork by Kim Kline
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kimkline81
Blog: http://thrubreath.blogspot.com/
Featured Art Work by Garbrielle Goodrow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/garbrielle.goodrow
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/goodrow17
Blogs: http://garbrielle.blogspot.com/ - process blog, garbriellegood-
row.blogspot.com - equal money research blog
Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MattiFreeman
Featured Artwork by Nelly Dimitrova:
Featured Art Work by Rozelle de Lange
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rozelle.de.lange
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rozelledelange
Blogs: http://equalmoneyexposesego.blogspot.com/
Featured Art Work by Manuela
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.
Featured Art Work by Maya Harel
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MayaHarelHere
Mayas process - http://harelmaya.wordpress.com/
Maya Equal Money System Blog - http://mayaems.wordpress.com/
Desteni Israel - http://desteniisrael.wordpress.com/
DIP Agent: http://desteni.co.za/profile/21
Featured Art Work by Ruben Moutinho
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rubenmoutinho
Featured Art Work by Sylvia Overschot-Gerssen
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/sylviasimonegerssen
Blog: http://sylviafreedom.wordpress.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sylviasimone.gerssen
Featured Art Work by Sylvia Overschot-Gerssen
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/sylviasimonegerssen
Blog: http://sylviafreedom.wordpress.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sylviasimone.gerssen
Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/marlen.delrazo

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