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import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import import import import import import import org.rsbot.event.events.ServerMessageEvent; org.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener; org.rsbot.event.listeners.ServerMessageListener; org.rsbot.script.

Script; org.rsbot.script.ScriptManifest; org.rsbot.script.methods.*; org.rsbot.script.wrappers.*;

@ScriptManifest(authors = { "QuietCrystal" }, keywords = "party", name = "Party All Night", version = 1.01, description = ("Falador Party Room. Burst and Bank." )) public class PartyAllNight extends Script implements PaintListener, KeyListener, ServerMessageListener { public String noticeMessage = ""; public String status = "Banking"; //Statuses: "Party Room", "Walking to bank", "Banking", "Walking to Part y Room" public int totalProfit = 0; public RSArea bankArea = new RSArea(3009, 3355, 3018, 3358); public RSArea partyArea = new RSArea(3037, 3372, 3054, 3384); public RSArea slackWalkArea = new RSArea(3039, 3374, 3052, 3382); public RSTile[] walkToBank = {new RSTile(3046, 3370), new RSTile(3032, 3368), new RSTile(3022, 3364), new RSTile(3015, 3362), new RSTile(3013, 3357)}; //public RSTilePath walkToBank = null; public RSTile[] walkToParty = {new RSTile(3015, 3362), new RSTile(3022, 3364), new RSTile(3032, 3368), new RSTile(3046, 3370), new RSTile(3046, 3374)}; //public RSTilePath walkToParty = null; //(int swX, int swY, int neX, int neY) int bankID = 11758; @Override public void serverMessageRecieved(ServerMessageEvent e) { } @Override public void onRepaint(Graphics render) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) render; try{ RSComponent chatIntrf = interfaces.getComponent(137, 0); g.drawString(noticeMessage, chatIntrf.getAbsoluteX() + 5 , chatIntrf.getAbsoluteY() - 10); } catch (Exception ex){ } } public boolean onStart() { if (bankArea.contains(players.getMyPlayer().getLocation())) { status = "Banking"; } else if (partyArea.contains(players.getMyPlayer().getLocation( ))) { status = "Party Room"; } else { log("Please start the script in Falador Bank or Party Ro

om"); return false; } //walkToBank = walking.newTilePath(tempWalkToBank); //walkToParty = walking.newTilePath(tempWalkToParty); return true; } @Override public int loop() { mouse.setSpeed(random(4, 7)); if (status == "Party Room") { RSGroundItem toLoot = detectNearestLoot(); if (toLoot != null) { if (verifyItem(toLoot.getItem())) { notify("Looting item: " + toLoot.getItem ().getName()); toLoot.doAction("Take " + toLoot.getItem ().getName()); return random(300, 600); } } RSObject balloon = detectNearestBalloon(); if (balloon != null) { notify("Bursting balloon"); mouse.setSpeed(random(1, 3)); balloon.doAction("Burst Party Balloon"); return random(300, 1000); } if (inventory.getCount() >= 20) { notify("Beginning walk to bank"); status = "Walking to bank"; return random(100, 200); } activateAntiban(0); } else if (status == "Walking to bank") { while (!bankArea.contains(players.getMyPlayer().getLocat ion())) { notify("Walking to bank. Do not stop script whil e walking!"); activateAntiban(2); RSTilePath currentPath = randomizeMyPath(walkToB ank); walking.walkTo(currentPath.getNext()); sleep(500, 900); } status = "Banking"; } else if (status == "Banking") { notify("Banking"); RSObject bankBooth = objects.getNearest(bankID); if (!bank.isOpen() && inventory.getCount() != 0) { camera.turnToObject(bankBooth); bankBooth.doAction("Use-quickly"); //} else if (bank.isOpen()) { } else { //calculateProfit(); bank.depositAll();

bank.close(); status = "Walking to Party Room"; activateAntiban(1); } return random(200, 500); } else if (status == "Walking to Party Room") { while (!partyArea.contains(players.getMyPlayer().getLoca tion())) { notify("Walking to Party Room. Do not stop scrip t while walking!"); activateAntiban(2); RSTilePath currentPath = randomizeMyPath(walkToP arty); walking.walkTo(currentPath.getNext()); sleep(500, 900); } status = "Party Room"; } notify("Idle"); activateAntiban(1); return random(300, 400); } public RSTilePath randomizeMyPath(RSTile[] myPath) { RSTile[] tempPath = myPath; /*for (int i = 0; i < tempPath.length; i++) { tempPath[i] = tempPath[i].randomize(3, 3); }*/ return walking.newTilePath(tempPath); } public void notify(String message) { noticeMessage = message; } public RSObject detectNearestBalloon() { return objects.getNearest("Party Balloon"); } public RSGroundItem detectNearestLoot() { try { RSGroundItem[] loot = groundItems.getAll(2); if (loot[0] != null) { return loot[0]; } else { return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public void turnTo(RSObject object) { if (!object.isOnScreen()) { camera.turnToTile(object.getLocation(), random(-20, 21)) ; } } public void turnTo(RSGroundItem object) {

if (!object.isOnScreen()) { camera.turnToTile(object.getLocation(), random(-20, 21)) ; } } public void calculateProfit() { //To be added in the future for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getItems().length; i++) { if (inventory.getItems()[i] != null) { RSItem toValue = inventory.getItems()[i]; int quantity = 1; try { quantity = toValue.getStackSize(); } catch (Exception ex) { quantity = 1; } /* if (toValue.getStackSize() == 0 toValue.ge tStackSize() == 1) { quantity = 1; } else { quantity = toValue.getStackSize(); } */ int value = 0; try { GEItemInfo checker = grandExchange.loadI temInfo(toValue.getID()); value = checker.getMarketPrice(); } catch (Exception ex) { notify("ERROR: CAN'T GET GE PRICE"); } totalProfit += value * quantity; } } notify("Total profit: " + totalProfit); sleep(3000, 3500); } public void activateAntiban(int mode) { if (random(1, 14) == 1 && mode <= 2) { notify("Antiban - Camera movement"); camera.moveRandomly(random(1000, 2000)); } if (random(1, 5) == 1 && mode <= 1) { notify("Antiban - Mouse movement"); camera.moveRandomly(random(1500, 2500)); } if (random(1, 16) == 1 && mode <= 0) { notify("Antiban - Random walking"); RSTile[] toWalk = slackWalkArea.getTileArray(); walking.walkTileMM(toWalk[random(0, toWalk.length)]); } sleep(1500, 2000); } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {} public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {}

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F12) { notify("Overriding script to dump inventory to bank."); status = "Walking to bank"; } } public boolean verifyItem(RSItem item) { String name = item.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.indexOf("afro") != -1 name.indexOf("10th anniversary ") != -1) { return false; } return true; } }

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