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Course Outline

2011 Fall Term

Section A

Course Objectives This is a required course for all engineering students, except for Engineering Physics students who take a different Physics course in Mechanics. Mechanics is one of the oldest engineering disciplines and it has traditionally been a component of all engineering programs for many years, as required for accreditation purposes. In the first year of engineering you will study the basic sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) and Mechanics is an important branch of Physics. Learning Mechanics will provide you with important problem-solving concepts and skills that are transferable to other subjects in your specific program. Here you will learn the basic applications of the science of physics to the profession of engineering. Mathematics plays an important role in this course and here you will be able to review basic concepts and skills in algebra, trigonometry, vectors, calculus, etc, and their application to engineering mechanics. To understand the basic concepts of science discussed in this course requires attendance and class participation. To develop the skills required for this course you need to actively practice and participate in tutorials and other course elements. Students wishing to enhance their learning experience will benefit from other opportunities offered, such as the daily Office Hours and the weekly PASS program, in addition to the regular lectures and tutorials. Schedule Lectures Section A (30666) Class Room: 3380 ME Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 11:30 am Tutorials Lab A1 (30667) Room: 4332 ME Tuesday 11:30 am to 2:30 pm TA: X. Li Room: TBA (613) 520-2600 Ext TBA xli11@connect.carleton.ca Instructor: J.J. Salinas 7066 MC (613) 520-2600 Ext 7467 jsalinas@connect.carleton.ca

Lab A2 (30668) Room: 501 SA Friday 11:30 am to 2:30 pm TA: X. Li Room: TBA (613) 520-2600 Ext TBA xli11@connect.carleton.ca

Lab A3 (30669) Room: 317 SA Monday 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm TA: J. Alshaikhali Room: TBA (613) 520-2600 Ext TBA jalshai@connect.carleton.ca

Lab A4 (31417) Room: B146 Loeb Wednesday 11:30 am to 2:30 pm TA: J. Alshaikhali Room: TBA (613) 520-2600 Ext TBA jalshai@connect.carleton.ca

Additional contact hours and student support: The Faculty of Engineering and Design is committed to the academic success of all its students and, in addition to the officially scheduled lectures (3 hr/wk) and problem Analysis Sessions (3 hr/wk) for this course. Carleton offers other opportunities for students to become proficient with course materials and to ease their transition into our engineering programs, as per the schedule bellow. Office Hours (10 hrs/week) PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) (3 hrs/week) BBB (Big Blue Button) On demand Location: TBA M/T/W/R/F 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Location: TBA Days/Times: TBA Staffed by our TAs and supervised by the instructor Led by a fellow student, these sessions are open to all students, especially those experiencing difficulties with course materials, concepts or required skills. On line Q/A sessions run by the instructor or by a TA.

Textbook and other The textbook is required. The purchase of a new textbook comes bundled with an online tutorial system called Mastering Engineering (MES). Students not purchasing a new book may buy a separate license to gain access to MES. The use of MES is optional. All problems assigned through MES are also discussed and explained by the TAs during the 3 hr weekly tutorials. While no marks are to be assigned on the basis of work completed in MES, the system offers students another opportunity to develop problem-solving skills.


(Paper) R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, 12th edition, Prentice Hall. Combined Hibbeler 12e Text + MasteringEngineering + eBook ISBN: 0132135167. There is no additional cost for MasteringEngineering when it is combined with the textbook in a package. (eBook) MasteringEngineering - WITH eBook (Stand-alone student access kit) ISBN: 0132126605 (No Book) MasteringEngineering -- WITHOUT eBook (Stand-alone student access kit) ISBN: 0132126613 WebCT. Official course web site.

2. 3. 4.

Student Evaluation
Practice Problems Class Participation and Attendance MES(1) Mid Term(2) Final Exam(4) See lecture schedule. Practice problems are not marked or graded. They are sometimes used in exams. Attendance is mandatory, to all lectures, tutorials and exams. 10 % Class Participation is expected. Taking notes, asking and answering questions. Optional online assignments and review Quizzes. These are all problems from the book 0% 90 min. Closed book. Open class notes: your own hand-written work(3). Lectures 01 to 13. Odd student ID number Tue 25 Oct 2011 at 10 am in 103 SC. 40% Even student ID number Thur 27 Oct 2011 at 10 am in 103 SC. 3 hrs. Closed book. Open class notes: your own hand-written work(3). Includes material from all Lectures. Location/time/date TBA by the university. Usually around 21 ~ 23 Dec. 50% Do not make travel plans until you have checked the date of the exam.


Mastering Engineering (MES) is an optional component of this course. Normally, over 60 % of students that participate in MES see an improvement in their final grade. Students opting to use MES must obtain their own access code to register. This access code is bundled with the paper copy of the book at no extra cost. Students purchasing the electronic version of the book pay a small fee for the MES access code. Students choosing not to purchase either version of the book can buy the access code from the publisher. All problems assigned through MES will also be solved in the tutorial sessions, with assistance from the TAs.

Mid Term exams will be written during the lecture time (10 am) in classroom 103 SC. Students with ODD ID number write on Tuesday 25 October 2011. Students with EVEN ID write on Thursday 25 October 2011. Mid-Term exam papers will be returned to students at the tutorial sessions the week after the exam. All appeals of marks must be within a week of the return of the exam.

Hand-written class notes. May include any material hand-written by the student including problems, solutions, answers, formulas, etc. Do not include any photocopied or printed materials. Student may not borrow class notes from other students. Failure to comply will disallow this privilege. Class notes must be kept in a bound notebook. An item WQ209 (9 by 71/4) 192 pages Inventory number 009055929 ($7.39) found in the bookstore is preferred. Similar types are acceptable. No loose sheets. Use this notebook to record your study notes, suggested problems, class notes, formulas, etc.

Final Exam papers will not be returned. Students have the right to request to see their exam paper, in the instructors presence, by appointment. If students are not satisfied with the marking of the final exam they may ask the instructor directly for an informal review. Any changes will be recorded officially by the instructor and communicated to the student. Students not satisfied with the results of the instructors informal review should contact the Registrars Office and file an Appeal of Grade. Get the appeal form at http://www2.carleton.ca/registrar/forms/. When granted, the Chair of the Department will then ask the instructor, or an alternate faculty member, to re-mark the final exam paper. The result of this appeal will then be the official mark and communicated to the student by the Registrars Office. All appeals of marks must be within two weeks of the posting of the course marks. Class Participation and Attendance: Students are expected to participate in class by asking and answering questions. Attendance to all lectures, tutorials, mid term and final examination is mandatory. Attendance to Office Hours, PASS Sessions and Big Blue Button (BBB) online sessions is encouraged and it is optional. Class participation and attendance marks account for 10 % of your grade. Absence: Absence from the compulsory elements of this course may have a negative impact in your academic performance, If you are absent, it is recommended that you review the material missed as soon as possible; consult with your fellow students and with your TA; attend office hours, PASS and BBB Sessions. Absence from any of the compulsory elements of this course will automatically result in a mark of 0 (zero) in that element until proper documentation is presented to justify your absence. Absence from the mid term exam

will result on a grade of zero unless a legitimate documentation justifying your absence is submitted to the instructor within one week of the exam. Absence from the final examination will automatically result in a grade of ABS which is a failing grade. However, if you have a valid and properly documented reason for missing the final exam you must contact the Registrars Office with the appropriate documentation and apply for a Deferred exam. Granting of a deferred exam is contingent on a passing mark in the term (Attendance + Mid-term Exam > 25 %). If granted, the grade of ABS will be changed to DEF by the Registrars Office. After writing the deferred exam, in February for Fall courses and in June for Winter courses, a new grade will be assigned to the final exam component of your grade, depending on your performance in the deferred exam. The deferred exam mark replaces the final exam mark. Documenting your absence: If you are absent due to a medical condition you must obtain a proper doctors certificate using the medical form found in http://www2.carleton.ca/registrar/forms/ . You must consult a doctor within 24 hours of the onset of the conditions leading to your absence and fill the appropriate form. If your absence is due to a personal emergency please document it in detail, as much as possible, including tickets, visas or passport entries, if travel is involved. You should also include affidavits from coaches, witnesses, your mother, religious officials, police reports, etc, as appropriate. If you know in advance of your absence please contact the instructor early with information on dates of absence. Class Behaviour and Expectations: Class participation, asking and answering questions in class and in the tutorials, is expected from all students. Excessive talking among students during lectures is disruptive of the learning atmosphere and is distracting for the instructor and for other students. Please respect the instructors requests for a quiet, attentive and engaging class environment. Academic Integrity Students are expected to attend all lectures and tutorials; participate in class; and to observe standards of behaviour expected in a university environment and in the profession of engineering. Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, all work submitted for evaluation must be the result of the students individual efforts without advise or answers obtained from other sources. Cheating of any kind will constitute a serious instructional offense subject to sanctions that may include failure in the course or suspension from your degree program. Please consult the university undergraduate calendar for definitions and penalties. See bellow. http://www4.carleton.ca/calendars//ugrad/current/regulations/acadregsuniv14.html Academic Accommodation If you need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term, please see the site: http://www2.carleton.ca/equity/accommodation/ and follow the process described bellow Pregnancy obligation: write to me during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details visit the Equity Services website http://www.carleton.ca/equity/accommodation/student_guide.htm Religious obligation: write to me during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details visit the Equity Services website http://www.carleton.ca/equity/accommodation/student_guide.htm Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations in this course must register with the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) for a formal evaluation of disability-related needs. Documented disabilities could include but are not limited to mobility/physical impairments, specific Learning Disabilities (LD), psychiatric/psychological disabilities, sensory disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and chronic medical conditions. Registered PMC students are required to contact the PMC, 613-520-6608, every term to ensure that I receive your Letter of Accommodation, no later than two weeks before the first assignment is due or the midterm exam requiring accommodations. If you only require accommodations for your formally scheduled (final) exam in this course, please submit your request for accommodations to PMC by the deadlines published on the PMC website: http://www2.carleton.ca/pmc/new-and-current-students/dates-and-deadlines/


Lecture Schedule (2011) Hibbeler 12th Edition Classes will follow the schedule below. Adjustments may be made during the term as required. Before attending the lectures, students are required to read the relevant textbook sections and work on the Suggested Practice Problems. Date Thur 08 Sep Tue 13 Sep Thur 15 Sep Tue 20 Sep Thur 22 Sep Tue 27 Sep Thur 29 Sep Tue 04 Oct Thur 06 Oct Tue 11 Oct Thur 13 Oct Tue 18 Oct Thur 20 Oct Tue 25 Oct Thur 27 Oct Tue 01 Nov Thur 03 Nov Tue 08 Nov Thur 10 Nov Tue 15 Nov Thur 17 Nov Tue 22 Nov Thur 24 Nov Tue 29 Nov Thur 01 Dec L Topic STATICS 1 Course Admin-General Principles 2 Vectors-Resultant-Components 3 Cartesian components-Position vectors-Dot product 4 Particle Equilibrium-FBD 5 2D, 3D Force Systems 6 Cross product-Moments-Triple Scalar Product 7 Moment about a line-Couple-Equivalent systems 8 Reduction-Wrench 9 Rigid body equilibrium-FBD- 2D Supports 10 2-& 3-Force members- 3D Supports 11 3D equilibrium-Frames and Machines 12 Frames and Machines 13 Internal Forces-Distributed loads Mid-Term Exam. Odd Student ID. 103 SC Mid-Term Exam. Even Student ID. 103 SC 14 Centroids-Center of Gravity 15 Centroids of Composites DYNAMICS 16 Rectilinear Kinematics 17 Curvilinear Motion (x-y) 18 Curvilinear Motion (n-t, r-) 19 Relative & Absolute Motion 20 Particle Kinetics 21 Equations of motion 22 Work/Energy-Power/Efficiency 23 Potential Energy-Cons. Forces. 12.1-3 12.4-6 12.7-8 12.9-10 13.1- 4 13.5- 6 14.1-4 14.5-6 3-31 32-52 53-80 81-105 F12.6, 12.2, 12.41, F12.10, 12.51, 68 F12.16, F12.22, 12.74, 12.87,12.96 F12.27, 12.146, F12.34, 12.169, 174 F12.39, 12.202, 12.214, F12.45, 222 9.1 9.2 447-469 F9.1, 9.5, 9.11, 9.25,9.26, 9.38 470-483 F9.7, 9.51, 9.66, 9.72, 9.127 1.1-1.6 2.1 4 2.5-2.9 3.1-3.2 3.3, 3.4 4.1-4.5 4.6-4.7 4.7-4.8 5.1-5.3 5.4-5.5 5.6,7 + 6.6 7.1 3 - 12 17-42 43-81 85-88 89-113 1.7, 1.9, 1.13, 1.15, 1.17 2.3, 2.15, 2.30, F2.7, 2.34, 2.58 F2.17, 2.62, F2.19, 2.91, F2.29, 2.130 F3.1, 3.15, 3.18 3.29, 3.36, F3.8, 3.59, 3.63 Section Pages Suggested Practice Problems

117-147 F4.2, F4.11, 4.31, 4.42, F4.13, 4.59 148-169 4.17, F4.19, 4.83, 4.99, F4.29, 4.106 160-182 4.110, 4.113, F4.31, 4.123, 4.141 199-223 F5.2, 5.2, 5.4, 5.19, 5.23, 5.27 226-242 5.21, 5.26, 5.39, 5.43, F5.7 242-261 F5.11, 5.75, 5.79, 5.91, F6.15, 6.67 294-327 F6.18, 6.71, 6.106, 6.134 329-344 F7.2, 7.2, F4.40, 4.14, 4.35

107-130 F13.2, 13.3, 13.11, 13.31, 13.33 131-154 F13.7, 13.51, 13.70, F13.13, 13.94 169-200 F14.1, 14.6, 14.29, F14.7, 14.11, 62 201-220 F14.13, 14.81, 14.92, 14.96, 14.97


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