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TOEFL 5000 classic vocabulary enrichment must root affixes

1 act / active action activate 2 cap / capable capacity capacious 3 ceive () conceive perceive receive deceive 4 cess process concess access recess recessionary 5 cide decide incidence accident 6 cite recite cite excite 7 com/con/co cooperation collaboration company conform 8 counter counterstrike (C.S.) counterpart 9 de decline decide department 10 dem/demo / democracy epidemic 11 dict/dic predict dicionary dedicate addict 12 dis / distance disinterested 13 dom dominate predominate domain kingdom 14 e ()evoke eject emit 15 epi / epilog epidemic 16 evit longevity inevitable 17 ex exit excit external 18 fend defend offend 19 fer prefer infer defer confer 20 fess confess profess 21 fin / finite finish infinite definite indefinite 22 flex flexible reflect

23 flu flu fluent flush fluctuate 24 gress congress progress aggressive 25 ject / reject eject inject deject 26 im/in / intractable 27 leg legal illegal legislation (isl:)delegate allege 28 less careless valueless priceless worthless 29 liter literature literal illiterate literary 30 main maintain 31 mand demand command 32 min/mini minute minimize 33 mis mistake misunderstand 34 mit / emit commit submit transmit 35 mod // mode modify model commodity 36 mono monotone monotonous = boring; 37 nat / natural native 38 nov / novel (adj.) novelty innnovate 39 opt optional adopt optimism 40 para parallel parasite paradox (dilemma) 41 part partial impartial apart apartment 42 pens dispense compensate 43 plex perplex complex

TOEFL reading vocabulary

astronomy, illusive object, cosmos universe, Brown Dwarf, gaseous bodies, planet, massive, ignite, star, heaven, celestial bodies, faint weak, universe, comet, meteor, astronomer, observatory, telescope, image, astronomical object, remote, feeble, solar system, origin, gravitational force, molten, Mars, space

earthquake, seismic activity, tidal force, Erie Canal, inland waterway, Great Canyon, coast, volcanic ash, eruption, filed trip, rock formation, Death Valley, desert, layer, fold, waterfall, rapid, natural wonder, Nile River, crust, Colorado river, swale erosion, geologist, rocky mantle of the continent, mid-ocean ridge, landlocked area , atmosphere, active volcano , ice sheet, glacier, melt global warming, plain, fossil , bored hole, fault , make up the earth interior, vibration, p waves, s waves, crust, core, molten lava

construct, architect, architecture, design, elevator, construction, skyscraper, design element, log structure, cabin, beam, wall, style, prototype, building technique, new material, ten stories high, metal-frame, construction, glass box, a glass-shelf framed in a metal grid

Energy and Environment

fossil fuel, coal, oil, gas, process of photo synthesis , solar energy, nonrenewable, energy conservation, resource, alternative, energy source, tidal energy, coalification, traffic jam, fuel-efficient , rush hour, pollute, zero emission, environment, wildness, preservation, atmosphere, climate, carbon, dioxide, burning of coal and oil, global warming, green house effect , rise in sea level, ice-cap, melt, long-term climatic change, clean up, offshore spillage, Environmental Awareness Club, recycling center , litter, trash bag, garbage, air pollution, pollutant, desertification , deforest, flood, drought, water shortage

dinosaur , die out , extinction , paleontologist , mammal , barnacle, underwater, marine , biology, scuba , diving, one-celled organism, jellyfish, tissue, protective camouflage, predator , biology, oceanic snail , zoology, animal adaptation, wild environment, snake, owl, insecticide, coral, , blood cell, prenatal care , habitat , flat and angular shape, squid, tentacle, biologist, creature, electric fish, prey , navigate, tiny receptor, transmission impulse, nerve, specimen , amphibian , decline in the number, wild life, genetic , endangered species , panda, crane, survival, transition, microbe, yeast, bacteria , single-cell, structure, cold-blooded, warmblooded, adjust, reptile , turtle, lay eggs, hatch , incubation, hibernate nest, robin, wasp, offspring , stinger, chew up, rodent burro evolution, sea life, octopus , shell, spider, unfertilized eggs, nutrient, nourishment feed, survive, cannibalism , gene

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