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# # # f

daily repeat of step practice of thinkinf (Iistening) sense of principle iantea spiritual 12th Step call on SELF

Reading: B i g B o ok:


@i:r.i_o_n *-"!o:'s r 1 ( 8i11' s (on pase - xxiii I q&4. C h a P te Stor y page 1)

%qe XXl t I

L2 & L2

Step 1 (on page 21)

Principle: HoMsr] (to. get to know yourserf from outside in...into inner light)
Suggestions: # Think about the first Step (both parts) f ee I / r ememb r " power r e s s - rie s s-En:*-"#" e i 1i t y " a s i n fe eling of "r eactive- nessr ...whei "u a r e you unable to determine "action' r".s,r" ;ie-iction". # "Mmitted - no reservation - no options forever - admit to your innermost self _'Thi; i" tff begirning of personar honesty "Ho; i; it done?', One day at a Time" Know arcoholism as a medi.calry diagnosed di.sease, -bgglt mj.nd, spirit, we i.rif f know by :,f.f:,:.t_rlg_ Iistening EnlnKtng & to our thinking _ the spiritual cause of iun-manageabilitf" Get your house in order (physical) instincts for moderation ise-curi-tj, i n sti n cts) r".rr"" basic social "exl _

Rernember,daily and practice of step/principle your interpretation and thinking on'b6ttr tor example, honest motive/honest tf,infing/honest action, un-manageable.

Pg 50 (a); B/B chp #5


Reading: Bi g B o o k:

Chapter 2 (There is a solution - on page 1?) Chapter 3 (More about alcoholism - on page 30) Chapter 4 (!{e agnostics - on page 44) S te p II ( on page 25) light in)

L2&L2 Principle:

HOPE (to change and let


# Solution - sanity - belief - hope, activated each time you attend meetiDgS, read the book or work with others. # What is sane versus insane. ..for exam ple, "T hi s thinking is insane. tirne it will be different' # Observe your daily -_ littrout=julggnent. with ecome fasdliar yourSELF through your thoughts. life,

# Experience wanting hoPe, and listen to your thinking and reactions when you sense 'unmanageable" situations, # Take a moment to pause - to sense hope indicates Big Book page sanity/soundness of mind- balance. (b ) & ( c) plus Chapter 5 60 # Now taking a moment to pause to sense hope (belief) leads to reaction to the unmanageability and thus oinsane" ( out of bal anc e) , is it based on Higher d e te rmined by thinking... ? S e l f ( G o d ) . . . h o n e s t m o t i v e . . . o r reaction to fear.

it # Insane decision: "This tirne' Go is going to be to God in 3rd Sane decision: d i ffe re nt". Step, Let Go and Let God'r.

P g 6 0 (b ) c ( c) ; B/B chp #5

IIMADEA DECISION TO TURN OT'R Y{ILL AI{D THIRD MONTH STEP THREE HIM.N OUR LIVES OVER TO TTIE CARE OF GODAS WE UNDERSTAND Reading: Big Book: L 2 t L2 z Principle: Suggestions: Chapter 4 (9ileAgnostics - on page 44) Chapter 5 (How it Works - on Page 58) S te p rl r ( on page 34) know light is there and you

EAITH (to let God hetp; want it).

# Decision to go to God (sane) or react without " p a u se " and go to self ( insane) .

with # Listen to yourself daily and become faniliar it will be more conscious your - to your thinking; witn practice of Steps L and 2- Now, thinking will be evident. # Ask God to be your partner in thinking.

- serious # Accept thinking without judgenent problems will be evident by their chronic playing in Your mind. lepetitive as in SteP 1 (with honesty) and # Daily listening (with hoPe) r drrd Dovr with knowledge of Your Step 2 decision to have the falth t o w o r k w i t h G o d . . . is the # Your witl egr:als your thinking - your life your total actions in the day. "Turn It sum of Over' - your will eguals your thinking 'and the actions Lnat result. # Any understanding of God is accePtable, Act as if. you borrow someone elserseven if

# Turning your will and your life over (faith) is (will) and actions turning over your thinking (life) .

n o t e s . . . . P g . 60 to 63 B/B chp 5 to Proper u se o f w i l l : 1 2 to 3 - to 4 - to 5 - to

interpret stay in DAY listen to thoughts turn them in guestions make room for God



Reading: Big Book: 12 & L2z Principle: Suggestions: Chapter 5 (How it works - on Page 58)

Step IV (on Page 42) (to see what is in your waYr blocking COI]RAGE L i ght of Spir it) inventory - what you think in your own # Spiritual head. Inventory of your own mind content. # V{hat reappeared and became evident? have risen to the top frorn listening thinking in SteP 3? What issues to your

- social, security, # Review your basic instincts sexual ald your ambitions, motives in relationship to the to them - list your fears in relationship - define each fear as real or imagined. above # what are your most chronic symptomatic thoughts as a reaction to these fears? #

of any kind insecurity worry: negativity, t:.nanc:.aJ. rnsecurlty, doom)

(example, iurpending

Judqement: both sides (cut you/cut me) r should' r self-worth, texamfffick 'shouid, . I should, if only, if only, if only' ) - Other: This is a very individual Ultirnats goal: only ffinuory. is your s. # Know your problems (StePs L-2-3-4) so you carr bring to your thinkingr Iistening (S te P s 5 - 6- 7) for solution' to Go d Spiritual name on it

from then

note: Page 63 to 71 B/B '

chaPter 5

nADI.{ITTEDTO GOD, TO OURSEL\rES,N{D TO sTEp 5 FIFTH MONTH BEING THE EXACTNATI'RE OF OUR TIRONGS.I' AIIOTIIER HT'MAN Reading: Bi g B o o k: L2&12 Chapter 6 (Into Action - on Page ?2) Step v (on page 55)

**Bi9 Book and L2 & 12 will no longer coincide. Read as suggested and refer back and review as you go to next month and step.** i.e., stories, reading Start e s p e ci a l l y p . 5521, Doctor, Al p.449) etc. Et/t+ edr^l: Principle: Freedom From



(to tell the tftt TNTEGRTTY from others - more claritY,

]to trust more light)

information an

Su g g esti o n s:

# What now do you want to adnit another?

to God, yourself over - How

# What exactly do you now want to turn are you going to do it?

# Discuss chosen issue from Step 4' discuss at - review daily listen for similarities meetings it will become more clear "seIf"- and thinking, You are what you think. and defined. # H o n e s ty of thought ( Step 1) ... hope of chan ge (ste p 2l ... faith that God is a par taer ( step 3) , courlge to admit defects (most chronic- thinking Allow for from Steps 3 and 4 and re-actions). and listening to the'truth' of telting action (S te p 5) to listen - to teIl the truth - to Now, integrity - to be free of SELF. To let listenE-Edtruth you be free to be Yourselfnow' pr acticing N o w , i n the solution... not the Pr oblem . so l u ti on... the bY

Detennine which fears are real vs. inagined, Iistening to others with similar fears. Listen to others' own (sinilarities) notes: truth and you will

know your

Pase72'to 7!

, chr 6 l,D ^i^ 0

SltY 5

''IiIERE ENTIRELY READY TO HA\E GOD REI'IO\IE SIXTH MONTH STEP SIX OF CHARACTER.I' TTIESEDEFECTS Reading: eig go"X: L2 & LZt Principle: Chapter ? (ttorking Vtith Others - on page 89) SteP VI (on Page 63) WILLINGMSS (to remove what blocks light) # You will be more- aware of the manifestations your thinking. # contrary contrary value of Know the action equals entiEely-reegy! act'ion, of taking


changer oD j-ssues Be more committed to spiritual more defined as a result of SteP 5. Choose ! ox 2 slmptoms of fear (example: worry ready -for a and judgement) ind become entirely change [o be closer to God (your wil] and God's w i l l i n Har m ony) . Commitment to face fear head-on with God as partner, on the other side is your own rnrlnerable sp i ri t

# Every thought,

of great change or interaction - especially with another person and value - "solution primary Iistening Lo similarity o b j e cti ve".

# Ofd ideas replace with new ideas. # Change will come form recognition of thinking'

# I need change (Steps L-2-31; How to change (Ste-ps 3 -4 -5 -); wh;t to change, contr ar y action ( S tep 6) # No judgement of self - partnership wi-th God, no negotj.ation roo:m t-or judgement at tnis "spiritual with direct contact and interferes tablen as it clear action # I(now you have chosen to be active in your ' all pEfil-eurs are spiritual exper-Gn$t spiriual - a l t solutions ar e sPir itual.
the solutions # Practice problems (oId ideas). (new ideas) no longer ln

# Irnagined fears turn over directly fears, take contrary action. # old i d ea:
New i d ea:

to God... real

I arn not good enough Help me to see I am enough. I am afraid. Help me to feel unafraid.

Old idea: New idea: Old idea: New idea: notes: p g ? 6 to p B /B Chapter 6

My thinking is harmful to me. Help me to not harm myself.

SEVENTH I{ONTH SHORTCOMINGS. " Reading: Big Book: L 2 & t ?t



Chapter I S te p vII

(To Wives - on Page 104) ( on Page 70)

Principle: IITMILITY (I(now you are loved for having protected yburself as you walk with the light) ' judgement. # Accept what you want to change without Suggestions: # Accept yourself judgenent. and your thinking without

# Hr:rnbly ask God for the harm to yourself to be removed (be specific). - have comPassion for # Practice forgiving Yourself yo u rse lf. # I(now God never judged you... you are accepted'

# Love yourself as you, are... accept yourself wholly as Your God alreadY does' to change # lforking with God is more your. li+ ' and God's to merge (step {l , allows your wil-I as a feel the humility ist"-p 7l - sense Lttat and how much God loves bf that integration ,Eiuit you. # Acceptance of problems and 991uti9,1s' '' your Higher acce-ptance of i-integratiffiSelf. Redefine yourself as yours and Godrs with accePtance and love of self' experience

Allow more room for your Higher SeIf to provide that will cauie profound change' create ;;;;i" in Step-6 and contraiy-action i""ii-lv-cieating


of sirt as vou are in step 7'

* Your liabilities notes: Pg 76 ToP B/B

have now become your assets'

NMADEA IIST OF ATL PERSONS I{E IIAD EIGHTH MONTH STEP EIGHT T|ILLING TO MAKEAMENDS AND BECAI,TE THEI,T A.LL. '| HARMED, TO Reading: Big Book: L2 & L2t Principle: Chapter 9 (The Fanily Aftemard Step VIIJ(on page 77) (brotherly love, loving and praying for COMPASSION people you have unfinished business with, allowing for more light) # You are becoming more 'you' with your Higher SeIf. - more integrated - on page L22l


and are # You are relating to people differently more aware of how they relate to you... your thinking has changed. # How do you experience people daily - what do you think in your interactions with others (notives). # You are more compassionate with others because you have shown compassion for yourself in Step ?. more acceptance and less # You will be practicing judgement with others because you have more acceptance and less judgenent of seLf (Steps 5-67 1. # Acceptance of self in Step 7 will allow for acceptance of others reguired in Step 8. See people through the eyes of your Higher Self would they be the same? Note slogans in this ideas. chapter... they are new


p g s 7 6 -8 4 B /B forS&9

''MADE DIRECT AMENDS TO SUCH PEOPLE, STEP NINE NI}TTI{ !{OMH W}IEREVERPOSSIBLE, D(CEPT WHEN TO DO SO T{OT'LD INJI'RE THm,l OR 'l OTHERS. Reading: Big Book: L2 & L2t Principle: Chapter L0 (To Employers - on page 136) Step IX (on page 83) BALANCE(justice; to takg action with others clear path to light from dark relationships). to


# You will be setting different boundaries - which - greater sense of protect you automatically fa i rn e ss. # You will be nore honest, more clear, since you will be more familiar and accepting of yourself (Steps 4-5) you will not want to harm yourself (S te P s 6- 7) . # You will want to feel a sense of balance (as in S ca 1 e s of Justice) and a sense of fair ness... allowing other people their place in the world. # You will have begun the practice of fighting" everything and everybody. trnot

You will want no more unfinished business, qruilt and remorse entirely. eliminating You begin living daily; not surviving. of living promises

You are aware of fulfillnent in Big Book (on page 83). Note slogans:

new ideas expressed.

Pgs 7 6 -8 4 chP 6 B/B Release - to God

NCONTINT'ED TAI(E PERSOT{AT TENTH MONTH STEP 10 II{\IIEMORY AI.ID TO WHENSIE IIERE 9|RONG PRCI'{PTLY ADMITTED IT. " Reading: Big Book: L2 t L2t Principle: All the appendices (beginning on page 553)

Step X (on page 88) (to PERSEVERANCE use the practice various options of self-appraisal, light...DAILY) . # You have begun to live d a i 1 y. # fnventory character, examination) in of the Steps, to stay in the


the 4th dinension (selfin the day

review daily.

# Stay current, more trpresenttr: - 'whole' than ever before.

# Keep clear path to your God (by acknowledging presence of your Higher Self) - conmunicate in (Questions) writing every night. # Live your life - 'One Day at a Tinetr

# The step that answers the 'how' to stay sober. tlpe of spiritual action - inventory needed stay current each day - to live with solutions not probLems. # Identifies solution. problems - taking and you wilt action eguals riit your

# Know yourself H i g h e r Self.


# Share your day and give your night within. SeIf - the silent spirit

to your Higher

# Become aware of your 6th sense; note the "beyond" l i vi n g " pr omises... the Spir itual Pr or nises. .. the larger role of your intuition. * Take the appropriate self-appraisal any time of the day. necessary a!

# Live Steps 1-9 to stay present in the day in condition. balanced spiritual notes: B /B p g 8 4 - 8 5 chp5-5

''SOUGHT TI{ROUGH PRAIER EI,EVEMH MONTH STEP ELE\EN AI.ID MEDITATION TO I},IPROVE OI'R CONSCIOUS COI{TACT WITH GOD A,S I{E T'IIDERSTAI.ID HIM PRAYING ONLY FOR KNOIILEDGE OF HIS I{ILL FOR US AND THE PO9IERTO CARRY THAT OUT. ' Reading: Big Book: f$+-lrad,ij.ioa.s. (f,6rward), inffi appendixr s irr-tcp-ll. L-2-3 Forward (pages xi to xxiir xx). ->vi/ d qtt'l



LZ & L2z

Step XI

(on page 96)

Principre: sPrRrruAr,rry (to let the light heal you, in the great rnoments "self-forgetting", of nothing blocking the light).
Suggestions: # Discussion with God - conscious, relationship with God. active

Advantage of a clear path to God - the awareness #-of the Presence of your Higher Self - intuition. # Became aware of what to remove from path (Steps l-2-3-41 , how (Steps 5-6-7), help from others (steps 8-9) , conti,nue awareness (Step 10) . # Advantage of moments of clarity through prayer (the guestion), meditation, one with God, (the answer) . # One with the world with all that there is (selfprayer eguals talk to God, nedltation forgetting), eguals to listen to God. # The answer comes through people, places, things you need if you are present and aware to notice. to be in appropriate balance. # Intuitive choice to practice through the day with the solution, not the problen... aware of God, and re su l ts fr om ( Steps 6- ? and 10) . # Conscious awareness of your own actj.ve participation and responsibility for your will and Godrs will integrating in har:urony. # Conscious contact with your Sitent Self, your intuitive SELF, your Higher Self will allow you to take responsibility for not harming yourseJ.f o r o th e rs... the Power of "A11 Ther e is: at y our d i sp o sa l. # Practice of increasing your spiritual memory allowing for the strong intuitive pobrer of the sense. B /B p g s 8 5 -8 8 ; chp 6



( on page 106)

SERVICE (to know, you ha-ve access to the J.ight _ know how to clear the path... ana trren, !iv,i it aray so you can recej.ve more ! ) # you will have obviously-- changed (listen clearer, new thinking) en-iqy the qift retrospect. to your of -


You will guard the traditions with your life! and never defend your spiritual strEngth; You will have experi.enced and own the steps. (Be1ie f becomes-your66axperGilce )

You will know how to prlctice the steps in your daily life - (your owfr@retationi refiied over your lifetime on a daily basis. You need to keep a clear path for God and yourself will be paramount so others can walk with you. Greatest awareness and growth through with others - service. Know you have abundance to give touch with "A11 There fs'. l(now that God will through you. sharing

you are in and

speak through others

l(now you will continue to 1earn through interaction with others by sharing yorir living, working relationghip with your Gol,- in your now spiritual daily life

# To give is to receive - to receive is to give. # You can live

in the world sober and safe.

* Turning your thinking over to a Partder (Higher Self) with whom you urake less hatmful choices is proper use of your will. The result will make you a sober and safe person to be with in this world. # You can now Iive in the world sober/protected safe./rnrLnerable - you have had a Spiritual Awakening. # Sharing what you have for:nd will memory daily. of your spiritual allow practice and



chp 7 in B/B

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