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Report to the

Government of











ROME, 1965

Heport Ne. 2015

Preject B R A / T E / L A


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by Carl H. Stenaland



C O N T B N T S Page INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Report ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I PROBLBMS OF AGRICULTURAL DBVBLOPMENT IN NORTHBAST BRAZIL A. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THB NORTHBAST 1. Summary of terrain and geological features 2. Summary of the climate and vegetation 3. Summary of the soils in relation to the landscape* 4. Recapitulation B. LAND USB INFORMATION 1. Land well suited to tropical agriculture on a sustained production basis 1 2 3 6 6 -6 9 14 18 19 19 21




1. 2. 3. B.

Published information about the soils of Pernambuco Soils in the various phytogeographic areas of Pernambuco Summary of the agricultural soil resources in Pernambuco

21 23 27 31 32 38 60 70 73

THB ZONE OF THB MATA 1* Soils of the Mata Zone of Pernambuco Profile descriptions and analyses DBTAILS OF THE PROBLEM



Mr. Carl H. Stensland was engaged as a technical officer by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); and began this work with the Superintendncia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (SUDENE) on 1 April 1962, upon invitation by the Government of Brazil. The terms of reference for this assignment were: "To advise and assist the Government on the possibilities of land utilization and settlement through such measures, as: 1. 2. 3. Interpreting aerial surveys for the selection of areas suitable for agricultural development; Investigating and appraising the broad soil associations of selected areas with regard to development possibilities; Indicating the relative suitability of individual soils for crops adapted to local conditions and assessing crop production potentialities; Preparing proposals on possible cropping and farming systems suited to the land settlement activities.


The first year of assignment, until 1 April 1963, was concerned with assisting in soil investigations in the SUDBNE Colonization Project in the State of MaranhSo, and in making an evaluation of the soils for agriculture and other use.. A short report evaluating the soils investigated was submitted to the Government of Brazil (SUDENE) on 30 October 1963. The second and final year of assignment, until 1 June 1964, was concerned with activities of the InterAmerican Committee for Agricultural Development (CIDA), and in investigating agricultural problems in the northeast and making recommendations for agricultural development, with special reference to the Zone of the Mata of Pernambuco. Members of the CIDA Mission of Northeast Brazil collaborated in their specialties toward the writing of a joint report on the problems and recommendations for development of agriculture in the area mentioned. This report attempts to fulfill that obligation from the standpoint of soils and land utilization.

^ 2 Purpose of the Report 1. 2. 3. To review the basic information about the terrain, geology, climate and soil materials of the area. To present a classification of the soils that have been identified or reported in the area. In the absence of available soil survey data, to attempt to point out on a phytogeographic map the kinds of soil in the different areas. To assemble all information pointing toward the areal. extent of the major soils and a evaluation of their suitability for agriculture. To present descriptions and analyses of profile sections of the major soils. By example, illustration, and discussion: To describe the purpose and function of a soil survey, a soil- survey map, and report. To show how a soil survey is used in making soil-capability determinations and land-use classifications. To point out why it is necessary to have accurate maps of the present land-use in order to make organized recommendations and revisions for improvement in the land use. To explain why geodetic ground-control or triangulationnet is necessary for the production and publication of accurate detailed maps, To show how information for improved land use is organized and applied, and to make some basic recommendations for the area. To illustrate three stages of farming or management systems, and to discuss possible or feasible goals in the northeast. To make a brief comment about Agrarian Reform and to point out that passing a law or changing the social system may be no guarantee of successful farming and ample food production, and that technical considerations while important, may not be the only answer.


5. 6.

7. 8



11. 12.

- 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to thank Or.E.B. Campello and r. J.R. Rodrigue8 of SUDENE for their cooperation and assistance during the past weeks. Appreciation is also sincerely expressed for being able to use the fine soils library at 1.P.E.A.N.B. and for the valued cooperation of Or. Costa Lima and all members of the staff; also for the cheerful cooperation and loans of equipment from the staff at I.P.A. Special thanks are also due to Mr. Haynes of US/AID for use of his invaluable appraisals (1960), and to other members -of the staff for much cooperation and assistance. And finally, my thanks to Or. Pioger and Mr. A.F. Fernandez of FAO Special Fund for continued cooperation during the two years.

- 4 -

y v-....






100 200 300

-n i-l I =1 Kilometres







Blue-line base map showing jurisdiction of Sudene is from the report "The Brazilian Northeast - Sudene and its First Guiding Plan",30pp. Super-intendeneia do Desenvolvimiento do Nordeste,Recife,1962|

- 5

39e L_



Toboleiros Hilly Uplands


Tabular Uplands rur| Low Mountains The Recncovo Coastal Lowlands Zone of Escarpment Hilly Lowlands Sedimentary Basin of Bahia

-:MR A N H16 'ijilJEn

Broad Plains with Erosion Remnants

120 M 193 K.

Cd bo .So Roque \ Natal

Cabo OBranco
ijoo iPessoo

Recife '^.:. -Petrolina Juazeiro



ola d os os Santos

Arcoverde Campina Grande Jatina Petrolndia Feira de Sant'ana Cuesta Boundary


Between the Zones of Mata and Cootinga PA Paulo Afonso

G. 23706 39 36

1/, This map, as well as some of the terrain description, is from the book of Preston E. James,"Latin America",third edition,1959,pp.410 - 413; OdysseyPress. N.Y.

t ' PROBLEMS OH AGKiCULTURAL EVBLPM^NT IN NGKTHBAST BRAZIL A. Physical Description of the Northeast (see Map No J "Jurisdiction of SUDBNB"). .

Agricultural resources of any given area are importantly affected by the physical configuration of the land and by its soil materials, water resources, and climate. It is also true that each of these natural physical factors has an important effect upon the other, especially in the natural formation and development of soils that are suitable for agriculture-. There is some kind of soil in some stage of formation almost anywhere on the face of the earth, but it scarcely requires a glance at the world map to bring to mind the vast areas that are presently unsuited for agriculture as we know it: large areas of mountainous land, areas that are too cold - or too hot and dry, saline areas - wet or dry, inland basins containing much swampy and marshy land, and areas of nearly level land with abundant rainfall but which are composed of harsh and infertile sands or sterile laterite or latosols. There are but a few examples that easily come to mind. When we consider these things, and review also in our minds the few large areas of fertile soils that support large populations with abundant food and animal crops, we realize that it is indeed a happy combination f the above natural factors - land relief, soil materials, water and temperature - that exist in a natural balance to give sufficiently watered and fertile soils capable of furnishing the animal production and food crops necessary for supporting large populations at a high level of economic development. Let us then consider each of these natural factors in Northeast Brazil:1 ; Summary of terrain and geological features: (See Map No.2 "Northeast Brazil - Surface Features")

The main land surface of northeast Brazil is a broad plain of intermediate elevation. From its steeply dissected ascent along the east coast, it is often called a plateau. Formed on massive and geologically Pre-Cambrian igneous rocks the great plain rises gradually from sea level along the coast of Ceara and extends southward to an elevation of 500 meters in northern Bahia. This gently sloping surface is strikingly

- 7uniform over vast areas, but here and there at irregular intervals are low knobs and isolated rocky masses (inselbergs) standing above the general level because of their greater resistance to erosion. Lying somewhat below the widespread plain are valleys of the larger streams. Hilly uplands and low mountains - massive and rounded in outline - formed also where the crystalline rocks are especially resistant - are found in Cear, but the largest such area is in Pernambuco and Paralba - called the "Borborema" - the rounded summits of which stand between 800 and 1,000 meters above sea level. There is a cover of cretaceous sandstone strata whic"h will remain lying over the ancient basement rocks in Piaui and Maranho, and in small outliers farther to the east in Cear, ttio Grande do N'orte, and Paraiba. The eastern edge of the sandstone cover forms a conspicuous cuesta {a sloping rim escarpment) facing toward the east along the border between Cear and Piaui. A detached outlier of considerable size is the flat-topped Chapad'a do Araripe, along the border between Cear and Pernambuco, the surface of which lies at an elevation of about 700 meiers above t he sea. Coastal "tabuleiros" - flat-topped mesa-like forms consisting of much younger sedimentary strata of the Harreiras series (pliocene) extend in a narrow belt running fruin Rio Grande do Korte southward almost as far as i(io de Janeiro. The series, one of t;e most widespread Tertiary deposits in ttie world, consist chiefly of friable sandstone and varxegated clay with yellow, red, yellowish red and white colors predominating. The tabuleiros rise sharply to elevations from 50 to 150 meters back of the beach and coastal ^lain of low Pleistocene terraces. Some streams that cross this zone of tabuleiros have cut through the sedimentary strata and in places have uncovered the granite or other crystalline rocks below. On the inland side, the tabuleiros and the hilly lands developed on the dissected edge of the crystalline plateau are at about the same elevation. The main distinction visible in the landscape is in the change from tabular to rounded forms. In Bahia, sedimentary strata occupy an elongate canoe-shaped hollow in the crystallines below. The strata being upturned along the margins, from conspicuous cuestas facing out away from the sedimentary basin; the northern end of this basin is north of the Rio Sao Francisco in Pernambuco. Toward the south

- 8the sedimentary strata underlie the bay (Bahia de Todos os Santos) which gave Bahia its name. The lowland around the bay is known as the "itecncavo". Here the sedimentary strata have been dropped down between two upstanding blocks of crystalline rocks. One such block is on the east where the city of Salvador is situated. The other is on the west where the lowland of the Recncavo stops abruptly at the base of the east-facing sc-.<rp. This sedimentary basin is of great importance to Brazil, for not only did its clay soils support sugarcane plantations for some rour centuries, but also in modern times oil has been found there. The narrow coastal plain from Para to Sergipe consists of low Pleistocene terraces, and recent sediments partly reached by high tides. In Para and Maranhao this Quaternary plain consists of muddy clay covered with mangrove and fluctuating tidal waters, and a more elevated ;>art of terra firme covered with siriuba groves. On the coast of Cear there are mangrove swamps, sand dune, and lagoons with diatomites. The lower course of the Jaguaribe Kiver is an extensive and fertile Quaternary low piain. Often called the "Litoral Zone" by phytoclimatologists, the coasts of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, and Perhambuco consist of long narrow plains, widened in places to 10 kilometers, as at Recife. At Cabo iown, near junction with the foothills, the plain reaches an elevation of 13 meters above sea level. It terminates southward at Cabo Santo Agostinho. Sand flats and low, mostly stabilized dunes are alon^ the coast, backed by intermittant niarhses or small lagoons of sand and intercalated gray plastic clay. Very gently sloping and slightly higher ground farther inland contains brownish soils; these are generally above recent alluvial action and may be regarded as Pleistocene. Near the remnants of slightly higher Pleistocene terraces and the considerably higher (and dissected) Pliocene terraces, which terminate the coastal plain along the inland side, there are occasional low "islandsof red-and-yellow soils; there are probably eroded remnants of the adjacent higher Pliocene terraces. In southern Pernambuco another Quaternary strip begins, and extends to Ponta Verde, Alogas, between the aea and the Tertiary scarps of the Barreiras series (Pliocene). South of Macei the Quaternary strip widens and is cut with 1agoons. The Rio Sao Francisco rises in central part of Minas Grais and flows for thousands of kilometers northward through the backlands, the sertoes. It forms a natural border between Bahia-

-9 Pernambuco and Alagas-Sergipe. 2. Summary of the climate and vegetation

The Northeast contains two strongly contrasting areas of climate, vegetation, and soils. One area is called the LitoralMata Zone, or more commonly, the Zone of the Mata Originally forested, it is the zone of dependable rainfall (40 inches or more than 1,000 millimeters annually). It extends along the coast (and encroaches upon the plateau inland) south from Natal in a belt 25 to 90 kilometers wide; narrowing below Recife and widening again across southern Pernambuco and the State of Alagas, then narrowing again in Sergipe state. Although the natural evergreen-deciduous tropical forest has been almost entirely destroyed by agriculture, the area it once occupied is marked by predominantly Red-Yellow Podzolic soils and some Gray-Brown Podzolic soils, Latosols, Regosols, and Reddish-Brown Lateritic soils in the uplands and by Hydromorphic soils, Regosols, Alluvial soils, and possibly some Acid Brown Forest soils on the coastal plain. In contrast to this humid belt along the coast, is the Zone of Caatinga. ' This is the inland plateau area of recurring droughts and occasionally disastrous floods, a land covered with drought-resistant scrubby trees, brush, and cactus (in the drier parts). The soils are for the most part shallow to moderately deep Non-calcic Brown soils, with lesser proportions of Lithosols, Regosols, and Alluvial soils. Saline and Alkaline soils have also been reported. The striking contrast between the two parts of the Northeast is because of the climatic differences and the resulting differences in the natural vegetation and soil. The Zone of the Mata receives fairly dependable or regular rains, brought by the cold ;air masses as they push northward during the southern hemisphere winter. Rains are generally more than 1,000 millimeters or 40 inches annually, most of which occurs between April and July. A small area south of Recife and a longer strip along the coast south from Salvador receive about 65 inches or more than 1,500 millimeters annually. On the coast northwest of Cape Sao Roque, Sao Luiz do Maranhao receives an average annual rainfall of about 85 inches, mostly between January and June, as is common in the eastern part of the Amazon Basin. These rains are generated by a different weather system, being brought by the indraft of warm, moist air from the equatorial North Atlantic.

- 10 Between' eastern Maranhao on the west and the coast of Pernambuco on the east lies the triangular-shaped semi-arid Zone of the Caatingas. Although the annual rainfall is usually less than 25 inches or 600 millimeters, it is generally irregular with extremes of both droughts ana of floods. In the so-called good years, about 90 percent of the rain falls between November and early May. In bad years a whole year may pass in certain localities withouth any rain at all. Or there may be rains in December and January, but none after that; or there may be no rains from January to the end of March, followed by excessive downpours in April and May. Any of these departures from the normal, results in disaster for the farmers; and if several abnormal years come in succession, there may be a widespread failure of the pasturage upon which the grazing livestock depend. A variety of spineless cactus (palma), which because of its high water content and its palatability to cattle, goats, and donkeys, has been planted to help combat the drought. 3ut in times of extended calamity from lack of rain, it has been necessary for the people and surviving animals to vacate some areas. It should be noted, however, that within this great triangular area of low or uncertain rainfall there are "islands11 of heavier rainfall located on the tops of the higher elevations, such as the Borborema or the Chapada do Araripe. Even in the dry years these summits are well watered, and in wet years the rainfall in these places may be very heavy. Along the east side of the semi-arid zone, between the Zone of the Caatingas and the Zone of the Mata, there is an irregular, narrow transitional zone called the Zone of the Agreste Sometimes wet, sometimes dry, it also contains some elevations of higher rainfall that compare favorably with the humidity in the Zone of the Mata. Rainfall and temperature data for different months of the year are shown in the graphic Figures 1, 2 and 3 (for the Zone of the Mata). Figures 4, 5 and 6 (for the Zone of Agreste), Figure 7 (for the Sertao of the Borborema), and Figures 8, 9 and 10 for stations along the San Francisco River (Sertao) or



3O2010I I I I I I I I I I I I M A M J J A S O N D J F M

Figure I

Figure 2

Fig. I to 3 - Note the relatively abundant rainfall and the small number of dry months shown on the charts,represented \y by the line indicating the precipitation,below the o n e corresponding to the mean temperature,for three coastal stations in Zone of the Mata.

CAMPINA GRANDE - PB -200 M M - 180 - 160 - 140 -120 - 100 - 80 30' 2010I M I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 F M

GUARAIBA - PB -200 MM -180 - 160 -140 - 120 -100 -80 3020 10r i I r i i i i I M A M J J A S O N D J F M Figure 5 -60 -40 -20 3020 10-

PESQUEIRA - PB - 2 0 0 MM -18 0 -160 -14 0 - I 20 - 100 - 90 -60 o r - 40 - 20 1 1 1 ! 1 Figure 6 1 i i i i i

- 60 - 40 - 20




Figure 4

Fig. 4 to 6 - Pluviomtrie regime found in the transition area (Agreste),interposed between the humid coastal 2/ 0 area (Mata) and the dry hinterland (Castingas,or sertao).
Mean temperature


2 / . Cons. Nac. Geograf., p . 115 (1962). 2y. Ibid p . 126.

G. 23706

- 12 -

I B I A P I N 0 P 0 L I S - PE

CABROB- PE -200 M M -ISO -160 -140 -120 -200 M M - 180 -160 ^140 v- 120

3020ioi i i i i i i i

3020 10-

A-60 i -40
1 1





M A M J J A S O N D J F K1




- 80

- 40 - 20

! i ! i i I I I I l I

Figure 7

Figure 8



REMANSO - BA -200 M M - 180 -160 -140

-180 -160 -140 -120 -100

-120 - 100


r"" ^ ^ k

w i ii I

i-80 JL-60
-40 -20


3 J F MA MJ JA S 0

X 7 W

-60 -40

- 20



Figure 9

Figure 10

Fig. 7 to

1 0 -


The regimes of sparse rainfall are represented by the part of the graphic between the line which indicates precipitation and the one indicating the mean temperature,but below the l e t t e r . Ibianop6lis represents the Sertao of the Borborema. The remaining stations represent the semi-arid band along the San Francisco River.

"~~~ ^ ^

Mean temperature Precipitation

J/. Cons. Nac . Geograf., p. 116 (1962). j2/. Ibid. P. 117.



Driest ( D) and Wettest (W) mo. O.ct. 42} March


T E M P E R AT U R E Maximum Minimum Mean Mean

Absolute Maximum


Absolute Minimum


a 76.9 88.9 77.4 85.8 63.8 70.5 74.1 83.2

PRECIPITATION : Maximum i i High (mm) 24 h r s (mi

10. 0

I9II-I942 I9II-I942 I913-I942 I912-I942


27. 1 25. 7 27. 1 26. 2 27. 1 26. 5 26. 7 26. l _ 26. 6 25. 9 26. 4 22. 7 25. 9 25. 5

32 .6 30 .4 30 .7 29 .8 33 .7 31 0 6 32 . 0 30 .7 33 . 2 . 32 .9 29 5 28 .7 34 5 28 .6 29 .3 28 .6

23. 1 22. 3
24. 0 23. 1 22. 1 22. 6 22. 7 21. 8 20. 3 22. 1

37.6 35.3
33.8 34.6 36.6 36.8 35.0 34.9

19.2 19.2
21.1 20.3 I9.O I9.O 18.6 18.3 14.7 17.0 20.3 19.4 15.8 13.9 18.8 13.3

434. 6 9. 2 440. 3

36o3 151.7

Oct. March SepA. March Oct. April Sept. March Nov.



222.7 10.2 112.2 11.2 IO6.O I6.O 137.5 67o8 154.O 56.2 50.6 30.8 127 o7


192. b
10. 9 323. 2

Portalesa Cear Cabrar Olinda Pao de Auear Maoei

Pernambuco I928-I942 Pernambuco I9II-I942 Alagas Alagas


It) M

39.5 37.3
33.0 32.2 40.7 36.0 32.6 32.3

3. 2 110. 0 27. 6 260. 4

21. 4 112. 6

24. 3 23. 2
20. 5 18. 6 22. 2 22. 2

81.8 69.O 82.8 76.7 82.2

I912-I942 I923-I943

Oct. July Nov.



26. 4 245. 7

- 14 (Caatingas). Coastal areas indicated on the nap as receiving more than 1,000 millimeters of rainfall in 1956 are roughly equivalent to the Zone of the Mata. Areas shown as receiving less than 1,000 millimeters and more than GOO millimeters of rainfall in 1956 are roughly equivalent to the transitional Zone of the Agreste. The semi-arid Zone of the Caatinf-as lies generally in the areas shown as receiving less than 60 millimeters of rainfall in 1956. In the graphic Figures 1 to 3 it can be noted that tue monthly mean temperature in the Zone of the Mata is slightly lower and with less wide variation than in the serto Zone of Caatingas. The above mentioned Figures andftlapare from the Cunselho Nacional de Geografia (1962), pp. 112-126. The average percent of relative humidity in the Zone of the Mata is reported to range in the high seventies and the middle eighties, while in the sertSo or Zone of the Caatingas it is in the low to mid-seventies. (See Table No. 1, f rom "SUDENE Normals Climatolgicas, 1963"). 3. Summary of the soils in relation to the landscape 1^/.

One of the main features of the older landscapes of Brazil is the presence of widespread erosion surfaces at different levels in the landscape, the older surfaces usually being at a higher level with respect to the younger ones. Some of the erosion surfaces are in the Quaternary, some i<n the Tertiary. These latter, in Brazil, cover very large areas and many are still well preserved, particularly the one which is believed to date from mid-Tertiary (some 30 million years ago) and which forms a vast plateau at a mean altitude of 2,500 feet (750 meters) above sea level. This indicates that after submergence in the Cretaceous, a great part of Brazil was uplifted during the Tertiary in much its present form (except along the coast). Younger land surfaces initiated

1/ This summarization of the soils in Northeast Brazil is taken largely from a paper presented at the 1962 Congress of International Society of Soil Science, by Bennema, J., Camargo, I l , and Wright, A.C.S.: Regional contrast in South American v. soil formation in relation to soil classification and soil fertility: New Zealand.

TABLE Ho. 2 SOIL CLASSIFICATION (Representing the kinds of soils identified or reported to date in HE Brazil)** ORDER SUBORDER Light-colored podzolized soils of the timbered regions GREAT SOIL GROUPS Gray-Brown Podzolic Soils Red-Yellow Podzolic Soils Red-Yellow Podzolic-Latosolic Intergrades Sandy Podzols overlying Latosols. Reddish-Brown Lateritic Soils Zonal Soils of forested warm-temperature and tropical regions Red Latosols Red-Yellow Latosols Yellow Latosols Latosolic very dark Soils Soils of the forested-grassland transition

[ Non-Calcic Brown Soils ~ Acid Brown Forest Soils Humic-glei Soils Bog and Half-bog Soils Low-humic glei Soils Grumosols Pianosols Ground-water Podzols Ground-water Laterite Solonchak Soils (saline soils) Solonetz Soils (alkali soils) Solodized-Solonetz Soils (non-alkaline to medium depth) LithosoIs Regosols Alluvial Soils


Hydromorphic soils of marshes, swamps, flats, and seepage areas Intrazonal Halomorphic (saline and alkali) soils of imperfectly drained arid regions, littoral deposits Azonal (No suborders)

* System of classification modified from J. Thorp and G.D. Smith, "Higher Categories of Soil Classification s Order, Sub~ Order, and Great Soil Groups" Soil Science 67s 117-26, 1949 f * Soils identified or reported by Comissao de Solos do C.N.E.P.A. (1958), Haynes (i960),(1964), Costa Lima (1957) Oliveira (1958), Roberts (1963), Stensland (1964).

- 16 in the Quaternary era are more common in the Atlantic coastal regions and in the semi-arid part of the Northeast. Since the time factor for the whole landscape process is large, a great diversity of geomorphological features has been produced. For soil studies it is helpful to recognize three major landscape categories: a) b) c) old land surfaces which retain many relief features; the areas with youthful features forming the more elevated parts of the landscape. youngest erosion surfaces forming the relatively lowest parts of the landscape.

The different landscape categories have different amounts and a different distribution of waste material, leading to a characteristic soil pattern, and are therefore helpful in guiding the soil scientist. (a) Smooth ancient land surfaces (and their slightly modified derivatives with accentuated relief), generally contain a relatively thick weathered mantle or "waste". This may be mure than 100 feet (30 meters) thick from the underlying bedrock. Broad areas of this waste mantle may contain a superficial layer of "drift" material, i.e., weathered material that has suffered some movement and is no longer a continuation of the saprolite or weathered mantle immediately below it. Stone-lines (visible in roadcuts or trenches) often mark the lower limit of the superficial "drift" material. Possibly representing reworked remnants of earlier soils, the superficial drift layer contains no easily weatherable minerals; 2:1-lattice clay minerals are also absent. Although always composed mainly of strongly weathered materials, significant differences nevertheless do exist between different kinds of drift, and these influence the kinds of soil formed in the drift materials. The soils most commonly developed from drift materials are various kinds of Latosols. These differ among themselves in three major ways:

- 17 (4.) in degree of development of the A horizon (usually relating to regional differences in the current climatic and organic regimes); in the composition of t;ie parent material (usually best expressed by the aluminum oxide/iron oxide ratios, and by the quartz content.influencing texture), and in minor differences in degree of weathering of the soil material (usually expressed in the silica/aluminum oxide and silica/sequioxide ratios).



In Brazil, the Latosols with the most strongly weathered characteristics are those commonly found on tue oldest and most stable land surface; for example, the Latosols of the almost flat Tertiary surfaces (this does not necessarily mean Tertiary rocks) of north-central or northeast-central Srazil. There one may find Latosols whose subsurface horizon consists principally of sesquioxides and is electropositive (pH in KC1 is higher than in H2O). Toward the northern limits of the Brazilian highlands, such as in Maranhao, some concretionary Latosols are found. It is possible that this equatorial region was more markedly affected by the climate oscillations of the Pleistocene period and that the concretionary materials were formed under more extreme climatic conditions than exist at present. (b ) The areas with youthful features forming the more elevated parts of the landscape contain a much higher load of waste mantle. In many parts, especially on very steep slopes and over very hard rocks, the mantle of waste may be almost or entirely absent. In such areas, some Lithosols occur in juxtaposition with rock outcrops. Blsewhere, on less steep relief, somewhat older soils with an incipient B or a podzolic B horizon are common where humidity has been sufficient lor such development: Gray-Brown and i<ed-Yellow Podzolic soils, possessing clays of low activity and either medium-to-high or a low base saturation.

- 18 (c) The younger erosion surfaces forming the lowest landscape category are also characterized by relatively small amount of mantle waste present, except in local areas where there may be very heavy accumulation of Quaternary sediments. The most common soils are those with a podzolic B horizon. In the more humid areas, such as along the coast (often called the Litoral-Mata Zone), most of tiieae soils have clay minerals of low activity and may have low or medium-to-high base saturation (RedYellow Podzolic soils, and occasionally Reddish-Brown Lateritic soils). Intergracies between soils with a podzolic_Bhorizon and Latosols often occur where this landscap~~~c~ate-gor-y_ (c ) merges with the old land surfaces (). In the semi-arid region of the extreme northeast edge of the plateau, the soils with a podzolic B in youthful landscapes have clays of higher activity and always have a high base saturation. They often show a minimal profile development. Rock outcrops, Lithosols, and Uegosols are found in places where erosion is most active.

In the landscape category (c) is found the greatest development of Alluvial soils, Low Humic Gley Soils, Humic Gley Soils, and Gray Hydromorphic soils. Groundwater Laterites (and sometimes weakly ferraiitic Yellow Latosols on terraces) are in the humid and sab-humid regions. Non-calcic Brown soils and Alluvial, Saline, and Alkaline soils are common on the plateau in the semi-arid region of the Northeast. 4 . Recapitulation

Thus we see that the system of soil classification in orocess : o J evolution in Brazil recognizes first tiie importance of the decree of weathering of the parent material. At the one extreme is the youthful, thin mantle of waste, often somewhat unstable, yet always closely related in composition to the parent rock or parent rocks; and normally rich in inherited easily weatherable mineral particles and their immediate colloidal derivatives. At ehe other extreme there is 'tue soil material that has been in an advanced state of weathering for millions of years, almost devoid of reactive ingredients, with a minimal quantity of weatherable minerals; and with a predominance of clays of very low activity which have low silica/sesquioxide ratios and low

- 19 mobility. The youthful waste materials give rise to Azonal soils (Lithosols, Regowols, and Alluvial soils); the senile materials give rise only to Latosols. The differences within the Latosol group are due mainly to differences in the nature o f tie uppermost drift la^er and in the amount and size-range _ of the quartz residue which influence surface textures. Hor soils derived from materials taat are not fully weathered (i.e., non-Latosols), the development of the podzolic B or an incipient B horizon is regarded as tue next most important diagnostic characteristic. Differences due to the composition of the parent material, moisture regime, and base status are next taken into account in the order ^iven. Since this basis is or classification is essentially a genetic one, the units " differentiated by the soils maps are highly significant to agriculture, especially when supplemented by additional information on relief and vegetation. B. 1. LAND USB INFuKMATIN Land well suited to tropical agriculture on a sustained production basis

Bennema, et al (1962), have tue following to say about land use in Brazil, much of which applies to the Northeast: "From the point of view of land use, the main limiting factors are low soil fertility (especially in the humid regions); inadequacy of soil moisture (especially in the semiarid regions ),and relief (mainly in the mountainous or dissected coastal regions^. Land well suited to tropical agriculture on a sustained production basis is relatively scarce; the more fertile soils tor tue most ^art are in the semi-arid regions, or on the steep slopes (where they are often podzolic soils with clays of medium to high activity mixed with Lithosols or Lithosolic soils). In search of sustained fertility the farmers tend to gravitate towards the drought-prone northeastern region or to concentrate on farming the steepland soils or more humid regions. Weither system provides an adequate basis for permanent agriculture, for in the one case there can be no security without greatly improved irrigation facilities, and in the other costly major soil conservation measures need to be applied to keep the soils in place

- 20 Much of the land of easy relief in the humid and sub-humid region of Brazil (such as the north-central plateau) is occupied by Latosols whose natural fertility is low and is virtually conceatrated in the organic matter and in the vegetation cover. Where forested (as in northwestern Maranhao), such Latosols may be converted to agricultural land without the use of added fertilizers, but the natural reserve of nutrient is very limited and within a few years, trie land usually has to be abandoned or at best can be maintained only as very poor grazing pasture. Latosols whose natural plant cover is savannah ("cerrado") generally lack sufficient initial fertility to permit agricultural development unless fertilizers are applied from the outset. More and more attention is being paid to the development of these soils of extremely low fertility. A system of rational land use for these extensive soils is more than a technical challenge: it is an urgent economic and social problem." In the sertao, or the Zone of the CaatingaS of the Northeast, tiie main problem is the lack of a regular supply of water, even for the pasture and grazing of livestock, for which the area seems best suited. The feasibility of wells, windmills, and farm reservoir-dams remains to be more fully explored. There are many small-to-medium size natural basins where water accumulates during the irregular and sometimes infrequent torrential raias. Small parts of tuis water which do not r , n off within a few hours are otherwise lost within a few days i by infiltration and evaporation. Earth dams with spillways mi^ht retain more water fur a greater length of time, and wells with pumps near the edge of such basins might retrieve subterranean water after the surface water is gone. Success of such a scheme may depend upon the salinity or alkalinity problems encountered, but these may vary from one place to another. In the /gone of the Mata of the Northeast, soils with a more secure moisture regime and with some remnants of a once yood fertility potential are those with a podzolic B horizon, a ad with clays of low activity and medium-to-hi&h base status. These are mostly near the edge of the plateau on hilly or steep slopes. They have been surprisingly slow to succumb to ^ully erosion where good stands of sugarcane have been maintained in rows planted more or less on the countour perpendicular to the downward slope. Many of these are at a critical stage in their agricultural history. They now need more and better applications of fertilizers and refinements in the planting and tillage practices to maintain the good stands of sugarcane necessary to prevent the onset of gully erosion. Furthermore, the current effort to introduce diversified crops on tne hilly soils of the sugarcane area will increase

- 21 the danger of gully erosion because, unlike sugarcane, there is a marked tendency to plant corn (maize) and other cleantilled crops in rows running up-and-down the hills. Instead of this, to avoid gullying and irrepairable damage to the land, these diversified crops should be introduced in belts or strips among the sugarcane, and the rows should be parallel with those of the sugarcane. The hills of corn (maize) should be drilled or planted fairly close together instead of being check-planted at widely-spaced intervals. Other good soils, in rather limited quantities, in the Zone of the Mata are the better drained Alluvial soils and Hydromorphic soils (and some unidentified brownish soils) of the wider valleys (vrzeas) and of the terra firme (low Pleistocene terrace) of the coastal plain or Litoral Zone which in this report is treated as a part of the Zone of the Mata. Most of these soils are in sugarcane. Coconuts, with high salt-tolerance and a liking for friable soils of medium-to-high pH, are found in the sandy and loamy soils along the coast. In the Zone of the Agreste, there are small to fairly lar{;e "islands" (brejos) of fairly dependable rainfall and with soils similar to those of the Zone of the Mata, as well as some Latosols or intergrades thereof. II A 1. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN PRNAMBUCO

DIFFERENCES IN T.ili VARIOUS AGRICULTURAL ARBA3 OF Published information about the soils of Pernambuco

As yet, there is no published soil map of the State of Pernambuco. A reconnaissance survey of the Great Soil Groups (without soil slope classification) is being made by the Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentaao Agronmica do Nordeste (IPEAKB) in Pernambuco. Starting at the western end of the State, the map was about half completed. Then it became more urgent to map the Mata Zone and a map of Great Soil Groups or Associations of that area will be published at a scale of 1:250.000, late in 1964. The report will include physical and chemical analyses, soil descriptions, and interpretations. This report is being anticipated with interest because of its value for overall planning and appraisal of soil resources.

- 22 Detailed surveys have been made of a few small areas, by both IPBANE and IPA (Instituto de Pescjuisas Agronmicas de Pernambuco). Both of these institutions, National and State, have also done considerable study, descriptions, and analyses of various kinds of soil profiles, especially in the areas where crop and fertilizer experimentations are or were being carried out. Many of these are still in the files at the two Institutes, but some of the information has been published. J.W. Costa Lima.(1957) published a survey of the Curado Experiment Station, at Recife. L.B. Oliveira (1958) made a detailed survey of the soils of Engenho Pedra Branca, and (1959) published a study of the wilting point of some of the soil types in the' Northeast. An assembly of further articles by Costa Lima, L.B. Oliveira, and others, along with several soil profile descriptions and analyses, is contained in the ^ publication of SUDENE (1962) "Anais II Reuniao de Investigaao Agronmica d Nordeste, Volume II, SOILS". Other information at hand indicates that a reconnaissance survey of the Great Soil Groups in the State of Alagoas has recently been completed by IPANB, and that it will be published probably in the latter part of 1964. 2. Soils in the various phytogeographic areas of Pernambuco.

As stated in the beginning of the soils discussion, the agricultural resources' of any given area are importantly affected by the physical configuration of the land and by its soil materials, water resources and climate. Lacking a soil map, a very general idea of the kinds of soil in the different natural areas of Pernambuco can be gained by referring to Map No. 4, "Major Soils in the Phytogeographic Areas of Pernambuco". This map is an adaptation from "Mapa Fitogeogrfico de Pernambuco" by Drdano de A. Lima (1960), in which we can only try to indicate the majority of soils that have been identified in the different phytogeographic areas. A brief discussion of each area follows: Litoral Climatically this is a part of the Zone of the Mata, but geographically it is the more sandy part of the coastal plain along, and immediately inland from the beach. The soils are almost pure sand, and the main crop is coconuts. Some garden vegetable crops are grown on sandy Regosols inland from the beach. Urban development is also on much of this area.

- 23 Mata-Litoral. Climatically this is also Zone of the Mata, but geographically it is the very gently ascending part of the coastal plain inland from the beach and lagoon area. Sandy Regosols are on parts of the Shoreward margin of this area, but they thin to extinction inland on the gently ascending Pleistocene sediments which are now in low terrace position, as at ngenho Garapu near Cabo. These relatively flat terrace soils are of brownish clay, well-drained to moderately well-drained, and are valuable agricultural soils, mostly in sugarcane. These are the "Unclassified Brown Soils" referred to in other parts of this report. Small to medium" large "islands" ofUed-Yellow Podzolic soils are found, more or less surrounded by the Brown soils. These "islands" are incompletely planated humps or undulating areas of earlier (older), higher Pleistocene terrace, probably marine-abraded remnants of Pliocene - deposited materials. Undulating terrain and small hills of these Red-Yellow Podzolic soils are largely in sugarcane. Other hills on this otherwise flat coastal plain are deeply weathered and erocied remnants of basaltic or diabasic rock. These form tteddish-Brown Lateritic soils, and are also nearly all in sugarcane. Situated at elevations slightly lower than the Brown clay soils of the flat coastal plain terrace are the Hydromorphic clay soils. Those with moderately impeded drainage, due to seasonally high water table, are moderately to strongly mottled with light yellowish-brown and gray, and are mostly in sugar cane. Others, at still slightly lower elevation, are poorly to very poorly drained and generally strongly mottled or gleyed (reduction of the reddishbrown iron oxides to gray hydroxides of iron). Short-term crops are grown on some of these, such as sweetpotatoes, largely by making small mounds or "hills" for the individual plantings. Large areas of these soils, frequently flooded are in pasture. Other Hydromorphic soils, in linear depressions or rounded basins and more or less permanently ponded or very wet, are Bog, Half-bog, and Humic Gley soils. As drawn on the map, "Major Soils of the Phytogeographic Areas", the inland or western margin of the transitional Mata-Litoral area includes bordering hills of the plateau which seem to contain Pliocene-deposited sediments. These

- 24 appear to have been stair-stepped (terraced) at two or three intermediate elevations between the coastal plain and the true plateau, possibly in late Pliocene or in early Pleistocene time. They contain a variety of materials, sandy to clayey, generally deeply weathered, although there are some boulders and cobbles of both granite and of Tertiary sandstone. The soils are chiefly Red-Yellow Pidzolics; but not all of them are fanned, except for pasture, because of steep slopes and locally boulder or sandy conditions. iV;ata. Climatically this is the irregular but fairly wide humid belt extending on the plateau inland from the coast, with rainfall more than 1.000 millimeters per year. Geographically or topographically it is a part of the inland plateau, although more and more severely dissected by streams as it rieurs the coastal plain. The largest number of different kinds of soil occur in this main Zone of the Mata, and some of chose found in Pernambuco will be described or discussed in detail in the next main part of the section on "Soils". Most widespread are the Latosols and the Red-Yellow Podzolic soils, and the Latosols, although generally hilly to very steep, support most of the sugarcane plantations in the Northeast Brazil. Arreste. Climatically the Agreste has an annual rainfall of between 600 and 1,000 millimeters. It is the transitional area with less dependable rainfall than in the Mata Zone, but with significantly more moisture than in the regular sertao or Caatingas Zone. Rocks and terrain are also similar to those of Mata Zone, except that in Agreste of Pernambuco there are several "islands" at higher than average elevations and with climate similar to that of the Mata Zone. These irregularities and fluctuating climate cause erratic sor.l development, ranging from those found in the Zone of the Mata, such as the Latosols and Red-Yellow Podzolic soils, to those predominant in the Caatingas Zone - the Noncalcic Brown soils. Wide ranges in the terrain elevation have apparently also resulted in considerable areas of Lithosols, Kegosols, Rock land, and Stony land. For these reasons the system of agriculture is transitional, between that of the extensive sugarcane cropping in the Zone of the Mata, and that of extensive grazing and livestock production in the Caatingas Zone. The cultivated areas consist largely of maize, beans, rice, and mandioca, some fibrous sisal, and considerable planted palma (a spineless cactus) as food and emergency water ration for livestock.

- 25 Arreste (Tabuleiros and subhumid Chapadas). Some liberty has ~ " been taken with scientific nomenclature in the naming of this group of somewhat similar but widely separated soil areas. It includes the Canada do Araripe in northwestern Pernambuco, which has annual precipitation of generally more than SOU millimeters, and it includes the coastal tabuleiros northwestward from Goiana in northeastern Pernambuco. Roberts (1963) reported Latosolic soils with very good physical characteristics on the Chapada do Araripe, at least in the vicinity of Barbalha, Cear. He also estimated that "with proper fertilizer probably they would become fairly productive for many crops". The area is quite large, consisting of a relatively flat tableland generally above 700 meters in elevation that is composed of the sandy Araripe series in the Cretaceous system of the Mesozoic era, according to Prof. J.D.U. Dias (I960), Heynes (1960) estimates 325,OO hectares in the Araripe area. The flat terrain and sandy soils of the tabuleiros in northeast Pernambuco are the main reasons lor including them in this group. Kanzani, et al (1962), have reported light-colored, sandy Regosols and Latosols on the tabuleiros of Paraiba. Roberts (1963) mentions soils that appear to be leached Latosols arid Ground water Podzols on the tabuleiro in vicinity of Goiana, Pernambuco. These are supposedly formed in the weathered Barreiras formation of Tertiary sandstone and intercalated clays. Rainfall is generally above 1,000 millimeters per year, so in reality the climate is humid Mata. It is possible that somewhat excessive internal drainage in tiie soils might make the soil-climate more similar to the Agreste than to Mata Zone conditions however. These soils will require fertilization, if tiiey are to be farmed successfully. Oddly, this kind of experimentation seems to have begun only recently, C aatingas (Sertao). Climatically this is the semi-arid area of the north-east. Rainfall is generally less than 600 millimeters per year, and in a part of the area (north of Pesqueira) it is less than 40/ millimeters per year. Geographically the area occupies the main plateau in Pernambuco. The most common rocks are of the pre-Cambrian granite-gneiss crystalline complex, with a capping of Cretaceous sandstone, from the Sao Francisco River at Petrolandia and northeastward to Arcoverde.

- 26 Noncalcic Brown soils are predominant. About half of these, according to Haynes (I960), are less than onehalf a meter deep, with the remainder estimated to be more than one meter deep. borne saline and alkaline soils were also mentioned by Huynes. Lithosols, iiock land, and Stony land may predominate locally, with some Alluvial soils alon^ the drainageways. The infrequent rains are apt tu be torrential, aad flash floods are not uncommon. In some years the rains are evenly spaced enough to provide some pasture for livestock (cattle, burros, aad goats), but a main feature of this country is the irregularity of the rains. In some years scarcely any rain occurs; then even the goats and burros may die, and the people and cattle have to move out. When the rains come again, the pressure for productive land is so great that the people bring back their cattle again, or others move in to take their place. Survival might be better insured if wells and windmills could be installed and a system of farm-ponds or reservoirs established to retain some of the surface water runoff. Possibly enough water could be gained in this way to irrigate at least some small garden plots. Caatingas (Sao Francisco Valley). In Pernambuco this area consists of a band about 20 kilometers wide along the north side of the San Francisco River, from Petrolina to Petrolandia. Rainfall is generally less than 400 millimeters per year. The area of Alluvial soils is inconsequential, as most of the soils are derived from the underlying rock or from sediments laid down in tiie geologic past. The rocks are predominantly preCambrian crystalline complex, although Tertiary sandstone may occur locally. Pleistocene terracing of sediments from these rocks may have also been effective, Grumosols have been mapped by the FA Special Fund Project of SUDEiNfi, which is endeavoring to establish irrigation experimentation at Petrolina, but I believe most of these are on Bahia side of the river, west or southwest of Joazeiro. Solonetz, Solidized-Solonetz, Noncalcic Brown soils, and Lithosols have been reported. Roberts (1963) mentioned sandy Regosols, some Alluvial soils, and near Corips, some good Red-Yellow Podzolic soils; evidently a museum piece of a formerly wetter climate. Sparse,

-27low brushy and s^iney vegetation, including cactus of different kinds, are characteristic of this region. Except by irrigation, or in extremely favorable short periods, few cultivated crops can be grown. Grazing for cattle is also scant, and in long periods without rain it is practically non-existent. Because of the limited, very narrow alluvial floodplain along the river, the prospects for extensive irrigation do not appear bright. Lateral gradients of the slopes along the valley are sufficient to make the cost of pumping irrigation water prohibitive beyond rather short distances. Even with tbe abundant water in the great river, agricultural development can proceed only so far as it is profitable to transport the water. 3. Summary of the agricultural soil resources in Pernambuco.

From the few sources available to us at the present time, we have tried to show the general locations, by different areas, of the major kinds of Great Soil Groups represented in the State of Pernambuco. Fortunately, this makeshift information will have to serve only until the reconnaissance survey of the Great Soil Groups is completed. IPBANE is planning to publish the much needed map and preliminary report on the Great Soil Groups of the Zone of the Mata of Pernambuco and Alagdas, probably in latter months of 1964. After this initial soil map is completed it will be possible to measure on the map the total square kilometers of each association or kind of soil in the Great Groups, and from this a very generalized approximation of the agricultural soils could be made. But such a map will not give a very detailed inventory of the agricultural resources in Pernambuco. Its main value will be to show in what areas th better agricultural potentials may be found, so that more detailed soils survey work can be concentrated in those areas. Such future mapping would show soil associations, series, and types, with their differences based upon drainage -characteristics, depth and type of soil materials, pH reactions, textures, and other morphological features. The mapping should also show the slope classifications, erosion classification, presence of stones or rock, and other features. The present land use should also be indicated on the field mapping sheets, so that a separate land-use map could be made. Then the present agriculturecould be compared with the agricultural potential, with some degree of accuracy.

- 28 Without state-wide coverage of the soil mapping or even of aerial photography for photoanalysis, it is practically impossible to arrive at an accurate approximation of the agricultural soil resources of Pernambuco, or any other state. But a valiant effort in this direction has been made by Prof. James L. Haynes (1960), who has served several years in Pernambuco and surrounding states, with the presently named United States Agency for International Development (USAID). We have taken the liberty to present Table No. 1, of Haynes (1960), "Summary of Estimated Present and Possible Soil Resources in Pernambuco". Dr. Hayn.es has' used identifiable natural features for the different soil areas of the Mata Zone, the Agreste Zone, and the Serto Zone (Caatingas). The table shows the estimated hectares of soil in each areas of each one, the estimated hectares of land now cultivated, evaluations of the means of increasing the intensity of use of the agricultural soil in each area, whether he thinks it should be used for agriculture, and a final column in the table shows additional land in each area, now idle, which he estimates could be converted to inteasive agriculture. There is no need for repeating information of the table here, except possibly to clarify the summations at bottom of the second column of figures "Area (hectares) of land now cultivated". From the total of 948,000 hectares now cultivated, Mr. Haynes has subtracted 480,000 hectares representing areas which he indicates in the next column as being "negative" for cultivation; being recommended for pasture or forest instead o i cultivation. But this does not seem to be the whole story. f In the last three columns of the table, Mr. Haynes has given a similar appraisal of the suitability for cultivation (intensive use) of "Land now in extensive use, waste, and non-agricultural laud"; in other words, not now being cultivated. The total at the bottom of the column indicates 461,000 hectares in Pernambuco not now being used for agriculture, but which, if treated as indicated in the preceding column, could be considered as "convertible to intensive use". This would seem to mean that it is potentially arable land, and so as presented in this report, the 461,000 hectares considered as "convertible to intensive use" are added to the "Net suitable for cultivation" now being cultivated; and this should give an approximation of the estimated total arable land in Pernambuco, or 929,000 h ec tares.


T J o n J #4 n *4 >>n

Total Area of Grouping hectares 100,000 60,000 180,000 20,000 55,000 715,000

Area hectares 30,000 50,000 160,000 16,000 10,000 40,000 306,000

Land now cultivated Means for increasing intensity of use footnote no. 1, 5, 9 3,15,6,7,8

Land now in extensive use waste and nonagricultural land Total Needs for converting Area convertible Area to intensive use to intensive use. heotarea 70,000 10,000 20,000 4,000 45,000 715,000 footnote no. 1,5,18,19 3,15,6,19 18,20 1,10 1,11,5 Negative 23 heotares 40,000 3,000 10,000 3,000 40,000 None 96,000


A. B.


s. p.

Coastal PlainsLltoral Valloy alluviums Slopes of red_and yellow clays Blaok oand ohs White sand Tabuleiros Rooky land, outorops and thin soils ZONE TOTALS

1,10,2,22 (3?) 1,3,2,8 Negative 23




Agreste soils moro than 1 meter deep Agreste soils less than 1 meter deep AQHE3E ZONE TOTALS

200,000 1,638,000 1,838,000

20,18,4,2,22,21 Negative 12,17,16

60,000 1,418,000 1,478,000

20,4 Negative 12,24

40,000 None 40,000


Mountain s l o p e s of s a r t a o Valley alluviums of a e r t o Chapada do A r a r i p s Chapada do Buique a Taoaratfl Lowland s s r t e e s o i l s ZONE TOTALS

240,000 50,000 400,000 200,000 5,950,000 6,840,000 9,808,000 Less (Negatives)

Plus "Convertibles" Total, arable

40,000 17,000 40,000


Negative 23,9 7,10,15,2,9 1,13,5,18,21,2 18,12 Negative 18,12

200,000 33,000 360,000 195,000 5,770,000 6,558,000 8,900,000

Negative 23,13 7,15,6,14,5

1,13,5,18,21 Negative 12,24 Negative 24,12

282,000 948,000
460,000 468,000 461,000 929,000 REFERSKCES TO FOOTNOTES BELOW


Cultivated soils of incurably low productivity Het suitable for cultivation (now cultivated)

1. Solve fertility problems. 2. Implementation for better precision and timing of cultural operation 3. Install systems for internal soil drainage. 4. Control of water erosion. 5* Control of vrind erosion or wind protection. 6. Install flood protection systems. 7. Install irrigation and drainage systems. 8. Special soil tillage praotices. 9. New, improved and standardized crops speoies. 10. Programmed crops sequenoes. 11. Watertable control system. 12. Complete range management and continuous feed supply aystem.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Water supply development Flosculate impervious d a y layer. Land levelling Inexpensive brush control. Introduce methods to make forage crops produotion economically feasible. Development of coordinated diversifisd farming enterprise system for more productive use of land and labor Tide (salt) water control. Substitute fertilization and useful rotation for present crop-capoeira sequenoe Ant control. Nematode control Forest is best use. Range and pasture land is best use.

_1/ Haynes, James L., i960, Pernambuco Agriculture Heport Estimate of physical resources for agricultural produotion in Pernambuco and opinions regarding possibilities for increasing their productive use. (Prepared for Pernambuoo Instituto de Pesquisas Ajronomioas).

- 30 A short discussion of the Zone totals might be useful: Arable Now Add. possible Cultivated to cultivated (Ha) (Ha) 266,000 + 140,000 + 6 2,OO + 96,000 40,000 3 25,000 TOTAL ARABLE OR CULTIVATIBLB Percent of Percent of Hectares each Zone entire State 36 2,000 180,000 387,000 32.5 9.9 5.65 3.68 1.87 3.94

Zone Mat a Agreste Sertao

Haynes' Table (No. 3)shows an estimated 306,000 hectares of the Mata Zone being cultivated, Of which he thinks 40,000 hectares should be in forest (negative, 23), leaving only 266,000 now cultivated which is really fit for cultivation. To this we can add 96,000 hectares now idle which he thinks might be suitable for cultivation, making a total of 362,000 hectares or about one-third of the Mata Zone, which he considers suitable for cultivation. This is about 56,000 hectares more than is being presently cultivated in the Mata Zone, and would represent about 18.3 percent again in cultivated land in the Mata Zone alone. Following the same procedure of deduction for the Agrest e Zone, we find that the cultivated land would be reduced from 360,000 hectares down to 180,000 hectares, a loss of 50 percent. And this may be rightfully so. It is entirely possible that a conversion of that much land to fertilized pasture and forage crops with livestock and perhaps some dairying might pay off much better than the present cropping practice^ Additional large readjustments are indicated for the Sertao (or Caatingas) Zone, with a large gain (325,000 hectares) in cultivated crops or probably mixed crop-and-livestock farming, if water wells can be successfully established and fertilizers are introduced in the Chapada do Araripe (our "Agreste - subhumid Chapadas", on the Map "Major soils in the phytogeographic areas of Pernambuco"). But the ,..ains from developing agriculture on the Chapada do Araripe do not quite make up for the recommended reduction of cultivated land in the Agreste; and the final total of 929,000 hectares estimated as suitable for cultivation is actually 19,000 hectares less than now being cultivated. The significant thing about all of this seems to be that there is a great need for a readjustment of the land-use in Pernambuco, in all three Zones, and a possibly serious need for revisions or adjustments in the farming system; especially in the Zone of the Agreste where a decided swing toward less cropping and more forage-pasture-livestock and possibly dairying is indicated.

- 31 These things can b e done by tri al-and-error, as in the . past history of agriculture almost everywhere. Or they can be done with tiie scientific assistance of soil surveys, soil capability determinations, soil fertility research and fertilizer experimentation, introduction of soil conservation methods all of which are needed to make sound adjustments in the landuse. Extension service or soil conservation agronomists could help introduce the needed yield increases for sugar-rich varieties of cane in the Mata Zone so that some land in cane could be released for diversified food crops. Livestock and pasture and forage experts should be able to assist in the transition toward more beef and dairy production in the Zone of the Agreste. A ground-water investigation and surface-water conservation study may be needed on the Chapada do Araripe, along with soil, fertilizer experimentation, if the area is to be developed. If well-drilling proves feasible, government loans or subsidies may be needed to get the wells established. These are just a few of the things needed to improve the agricultural development of the various regions of Pernambuco. A summarization of these and other recommendations will be made at the end of the report. B. THB ZONB OF THB MATA

The climate, topography, and geological materials of the Zone of the Mata have been discussed earlier in the report, and the various kinds of soils identified in the Zone have been listed on the Map "Major Soils of the Phytogeographic Areas of rernambuco". The purpose here is to indicate the major kinds of agricultural soils of the Mata Zone of Pernambuco, with some interpretation of their suitability for cultivated crops, and an indication of the management practices or special treatments needed to develop or maintain the soils for continued economical production of crops. As a soil survey of the Pernambuco Mata Zone has not yet been published, it is not possible to describe the soils as individual physical units in the landscape; with their modal qualities and tull range of characteristics such as texture, stricture, consistence, pH reaction, internal and external drainage edacities, along with a classification of the degree of erosion and of the slope categories in which the soils have been mapped. These plus many other favor .ble or inhibiting factors (duripans, susceptibility to flooding, etc) are always recorded as "personality traits" and physical qualities of the

- 32 individual soils in the natural landscape'. Along with the chemical and mineralogical analysis of a carefully selected soil profile considered as representative of tiie mapping unit, these things become a major part of the ultimate basis for evaluating the soil unit's suitability for use (whether for crops, pasture, or forest, etc) and for an appraisal of the practices or treatments needed for economic use. This review of the function of a soil survey has been made so that there will be no misunderstanding about the value of the soils data being presented in this report. It has somewhat the form, but not the substance, of a soil survey report. Even the form is incomplete, because we are unable to completely describe tlie soils as individual identifiable physical units in the natural setting, and to accurately map them - before these things can be done. Then, and only then, can their qualities and capabilities be measured and evaluated. For these reasons, there is a great need for a soil survey of Pernambuco and of the entire Northeast Brazil, if economic evaluations and planning are contemplated, 1. Soils of the Mata Zone of Pernambuco.

To avoid a long discussion which cannot be justified by the available facts, we are presenting Table 4 "The Soils of tlie Mata Zone (of Pernambuco) - Natural Features - Estimated Utility". This lists tlie kinds of soils that have been identified or reported, tying groups of them to identifiable natural features, with an estimate of the total areas, cultivable areas, and of estimated suitability for cultivation and special practices needed. Names of the natural areas, hectare estimates, and tue list of special management practices or treatments needed are taken from Table No. 3 of Haynes (.960), but tiiat is as far as his responsibility should go, in this table, because we must assume the responsibility for the kinds of soil indicated for tiie different natural topographic areas, and we must also assume the blame if our estimates of suitability for cultivation and s;ecial practices needed for the individual soils should prove faulty. It is merely an extension of the method used by Mr..Haynes and about the only thing that we can do, under the circumstances. As I am sure that air. Haynes will agree, in no instance should these kind of data be considered a satisfactory short-cut or substitute for a standard soil survey, the soil map and report, and the interpretations that go with them.

- 33 -

As a step in that direction, in response to a pressing need for soils information by the Association of Sugarcane Growers of Pernambuco, IPLANE has recently completed a reconnaissance survey of the Great Soil Groups in the Mata Zone of Pernambuco and Alagoas, and Paralba will soon be completed. These maps will be published, along with a preliminary report giving soil descriptions, physical and chemical analyses, and evaluations, as soon as possible, perhaps in the latter part of 1964. A brief discussion of the major soil areas of the Mata Zone of Pernambuco follows: Sandy soils along the coast. These are the chief "coconut soils", and some (beach sand and dune sand) are land types instead of soils. Progressing inland are sandy Regosols and Podzols, chiefly in urban development, coconuts plantation, and some garden patches. Terrain is gently sloping to nearly level. Red-Yellow Podzolic Soils and other of Litoral-Mata. The Red-Yellow Podzolic soils are on the first hilly land adjacent to the coastal terrace. Slopes are generally steep to very steep. Chief use is sugarcane and pasture. Erosion is well advanced. Fertilization is necessary to grow worthwhile crops of sugarcane, and planted pasture grass or forage would require fertilizers to start a good stand. Red-Brown Lateritic soils are on some hills, among the Red-Yellow Podzolic soils. These are mostly in sugarcane. They should also be fertilized, as they are much eroded. On the coastal plain terrace adjacent to the hills are some unclassified Brownish Soils (Stensland, Garap); these were also noted on "varzea" terrace at Catende. These are nearly level terrace soils and will grow very good sugarcane if well-managed and given some fertilizers each year. Also on the coastal plain, at slight-lower elevations than the Brown Soils, are the Alluvial soils and Hydromorphic soils. Some are fairly well drained to imperfectly drained, and mostly in cross (sugarcane, and food crops), but most of these soils are

- 34 poorly doained, subject to frequent moderate flooding and occasional severe flooding, and are chiefly idig or in pasture. Swamps or marshy areas, with water oa or near the surface most of the time, are also a part of this coastal plain landscape. Sandy Regosols and possibly Podzols extend irregularly inland from the and fade out at their margins with the Alluvial cla Hydromorphic clays. Red-Yellow Latosols of "Sugarcane Triangle". This iateresting information has come from the reconnaissance mapping of the Zone of the Mata by IPEANE. From their first reconnaissance it appears that the major soils of the great concentration of sugarcane south and southwest of Recife are associations of Red-Yellow Latosols. This coincides with my appraisal of the hilly soils at Catrade,, which I described as Red-Yellow Latosols, in our CIDA/SUDBNB report on our visit to Catende-Pumaty-Utinga Usinas. Terrain of these Red-Yellow Latosols appears to b mostly hilly to steep, and the main crop is sugarcane. Fertiliser are being used for the more successful Usinas, and should be a practice followed by all who grow sugarcane in this hilly area. Besides improving the yield of sugarcaae, fertilization of the soil is important to promote good stands and good root development in order to reduce erosion on the steep hillsides. The sugarcane, being planted in rows approximately at right-wangle direction of the downward slopes, should be planted more closely on the contour. If maize or other food crops are grown on these soils, they should be planted aleo om the contour, in drilled rows (hills closely spaced in tto rows), in strips no more than ten or twenty rows wi 0 among the sugarcane. These crops should also be fertilized a Red-Yellow Podzolic soils west of Recife. These soils ar also generally hilly to steep. Diversified crops are grown, as well as sugarcane. Brosion is very active in these soils when crop rows are planted up-and-down the slopes. Sugar cane is planted somewhat on the contour, and the cane is closely spaced in the rows. This helps reduce erosion, but fertilizers are now needed to provide better stnde and more root development. Corn and other clean-tilled food crops should be planted on the contour, and fertilized, Check-rows should not be used. The

- 35 TABLE 4





TOTAL AH3A (Heotares)





ESTIMATED SUITABILITY FOR CULTIVATION AND SPECIAL PRACTICE NE3DED Non-Arable; 4, 5 Presently Non-Arable; 19 (expensive) Presently Non-Arable; 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 Presently Non-Arable; 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 Presently Pasture; can be good; 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 Partly farmed; oan be good; 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 Pasture best present use; 1,17 Poor to fair for crops; 1, 3, 6, 9> 10 3uited for Coconuts; 1,9 (inter-plant legumes) Exoellent for Crops; 1, 2, 7, 9, 10 Ezoellent for orops; 1, 6, 7, 9, 10 Good, if controlled; 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 Fair to good, if controlled; 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10 Good, if treated; 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18 Fair to good, if treated; 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18 Qood, if treated; 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18 Poor for crops; 1, 4, 8, 9, 17 Fair to good (especially for vegetables) 1,9, 10, 13, 22 Fair to good; 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 13, 20





Beach sand (and dunes) - Mangrove or Tidal Flats Llarsh or iwamp Land Bog and Half-Bog Soils Humio Gley Soils Low-Humlo Gley Soils Oround-Water Latrite Qround-Water Podzol Sandy Rego3ol Unclassified Brownish Clay Soil I Alluvial Soil, well drained Alluvial Soil, imperfeotly drained I Alluvial Soil, poorly drained









Bed-Yellow Podzolio Soil Red-Yellow Fodzolio - Latosol intergrade Red-Yellow Latosol- - ____ Reddish-Brown Lateritio Soil Flanosol I Latosolio dark sandy soil (Tomb) Pale Yellow Latosol (sandy) ) Podzolio (?) Latosolio Soil (sandy) - ) Regosol (sandy) )

D. E.








715,000 1,130,000 362,000

["Hi Lithosols, Stony land,

Rooky land

Not suited for agriculture; 23

SPECIAL PRACTICES OH TREATMENTS NEEDED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Improve fertility (line, proper fertilizers, micro-elements) Implementation for better preoision and timing of cultural operation Install systems for internal drainage Control of water erosion Control of wind erosion or wind proteotion Install flood proteotion systems Install irrigation and drainage Special soil tillage praotioes (contour oultivation; use of subsoiler, eto) New, improved and standardized crops speoies Programmed orop sequenoes Water-table oontrol system Complete range management and continuous feed supply system. This has been attempted, from soils seen or reported in the Zone of the Mata. 13 14. 1516. 17* 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24* Water supply development Floooulate impervious clay layer Land levelling Inexpensive brush control Introduoe methods to make forage orop produotion economically feasible Develop diversified farming system for more productive use of land and labor Tide (salt) water control Substitute fertilization and useful rotation for present orop-oapoeira sequence Ant oontrol Nematode oontrol Forest is best use Range and pasture land is best use (1960).

\J Adapted from Table No. 1, of Haynes

- 36 should be spaced as closely together as growth will permit. Planosol8 and soils with duripans have been reported in conjunction with these Red-Yellow Podzolic soils* Latosolic sandy soils west and north of Goiana. on "tabuleiros". These are being indicated by IPEANE in preliminary reconnaissance survey as being sandy Latosolic toils, They have been reported as both Regosolic and Latosolic, by Raazani, et al (1962). Roberts (1963) mentioned leached Latosols and Ground-water Podzols in the vicinity of Goiana. They are light-colored sandy soils on nearly level to gently sloping "tabuleiro". Because of their low clay and organic matter content these soils are regarded as being of low natural fertility. They are somewhat excessively drained internally, so that their moisture retention capacity is low. However, they are on nearly level slopes, of apparently excellent tilth for cultivation, and are situated in an area of generally ample rainfall. It is possible that experimentation with specialized crops that bring good prices at the market, and with careful study of fertilizer requirements, a way may be developed to utilize them successfully. Sandy Red-Yellow Podzolic Soils in northwestern Zone of the Mata of Pernambuco. Information about these soils will have to await publication of the recent report by IPBANB, on results of their preliminary reconnaissance survey of the Great Soil Groups. It is my understanding that the rainfall is less dependable in this area, and that it is an area of more diversified farming with very little sugarcane grown. Maps indicate that the slopes are hilly to steep over a large part of the area. This, in fact, holds true for an estimated 70 percent of the Mata Zone of Pernambuco, according to topographic maps, and according to the estimates of topography by Dr. Haynes (1960). Profile descriptions and analyses of some of the agricultural soils of the Zone of the Mata in Pernambuco. The reader is cautioned not to misunderstand the meaning of this paragraph heading. It merely means that we have managed to obtain profile descriptions and chemical and physical analyses of certain soils in the Mata Zone of Pernambuco.

- 37 which are considered to be commonly used for agriculture. But we have no way of knowing if the particular soil profiles that are described and analyzed can be considered as representative of those soils Profiles described and analyzed for a soil survey report are usually carefully selected to approximate as nearly as possible that modal condition of each soil. Ranges of deviation from the modal are carefully stated, and sometimes additional profiles at either end of the range may be given. The distribution and extent of the described mapping units are also given, so that one may know in what locations and on what kind of topography the soils are found. These conditions cannot be stated for the profiles presented. Some of the profiles seem to have been studied in conjunction with soil fertilization experiments: (Zone of the Mata - Pernambuco) - RBD-YBLLOW PODZOLIC SOIL
Reconnaissance s o i l mapping unit: P V A Profile No. 13 Date: 11/14/1963 County: Agua Prta Location: Right side of the road Barreiros-Agua Prta, 40 km off Barreiros; Bngenho Moreno. Situation: In the lower third section of the cut, with 50% slope. Geologic formation: Gneiss with Quart veins Parent material: Regolite from the Gneiss Local: Hills with round tops and convex hillsides Relief some hundreds of meters high, and with flat bottom valleys. Strongly undulating Regional: Altitude: 50 meters above sea level - Drainage: Moderately well drained B ro8ion: Moderate Vegetation Local: Sugarcane Regional: Sugarcane; pasture of "Paspalum sp. N , with many "assa-peixe" and remnants of evergreen tropical forest (Secondary formation). Agricultural use; Sugarcane cropped in most of the area, besides 8ome pasture where the "Paspalum sp." predominates.

- 38 Profile description; A1 0 - 2 0 cm. Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) sandy loam (?) to sandy clay loam (?); structure moderate, medium granular and moderate, fine, subangular blocky; small pores common; slightly hard, friable, plastic and sticky; transition clear and level smooth; pH 5.8. B 20 35 cm. Yellowish red (5YR 5/6); clay; structure weak, fine, subangular blocky; small pores common; hard, friable., plastic and very sticky; transition gradual and smooth; pH 5.3. Reddish yellow (5YR 6/7) clay; structure moderate, fine, subangular blocky; waxiness on ped face weak and many small pores common; hard, friable, plastic and very sticky; transition gradual and undulating - 70-90; pH 5.O. Reddish yellow (5YR 6/7) clay; few mottling, fine and distinct, brownish yellow (10YR 6/6); moderate, fine, subangular blocky; waxiness on ped faces weak and common; hard, friable, plastic and very sticky; transition gradual and wavy 30-50 cm; pH 4.5. Reddish yellow (5YR 6/8) gravelly clay; few, fine and distinct, brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) mottling8; weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; waxiness on ped face weak and few small pores common; slightly hard, friable, plastic and sticky; transition wavy and gradual; pH 4.5. Layer composed of weathered rock.


- 115 cm,



- 155 cm.


- 255 cm.


- 250 cm.

Remarks: Abundant roots in the A l p , few in B^ and B 2 , and rare in Bj horizons. Intense biological activity in the A l p horizon Bdged Quartz stones in the A l p Mixture of material of Aj_p and B^ horizons Primary material in the C Profile collected in the dry season Occurrence of profiles with plinthite in the lower part Presence of Quartz veins on side of profile excavation

- 39 Ministrio da A^ricultura G.N.E.P.A. - S.N.P.A.




661 STATE:

DATE 18-3-64 Pernambuco

side of the road

Barreiros-gua Prta, 4 km off Barreirosj

Bngenho Moreno. Unidade: P V A Osb: Perfil No. 13 - Project III (Zona mida de Pernambaco) Bnviada por: C.R.8. Soil Sample Lab. H 0 R I Z 0 N Thickness (cm) Depth (cm) 0-20 20-35 35-115 115-155 155-225 225-25O IN THE AIR DRY SAMPLE Cobbles Gravel (>20mm (20-2mm) Fine Earth <2mm 86,10 90,60 94,50 90,40 90,90 66,60

Density 1,40 1,30 1,35 1,30 1,30 1,30

Gravity 2,58 2,63 2,66 2,64 2,64 2,65

7?46 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 Soil Sample Lab. Ho. 7246 7247 7248 7249 725O 7251

A,p B l B 2 33 C3 D


80 40 70 25

nil nil nil nil nil


13,90 9,40 . 5,50 9,60 9,10 13,70

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ? i (Dispersion with Na OH) Coarse Pine Silt Clay Sand Sand 29,40 22,70 8,60 14,50 11,80 21,60 34,80 26,50 11,60 17,10 25,10 27,40 13,60 14,10 23,30 23,00 26,10 21,80 22,20 36,70 56,50 45,40 37,00 29,20

Natural Structu-j ral ^ roeity > Clay Ir.dex re


Texture sandy clay loam sandy clay clay clay olay loam sandy clay loam

10,20 19,80 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

54,10 46,10 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00

I Soil Sample Humiditv Wilting Moisture Available Hygros CoEqui- . Water oopicity Lab. efficient No. valent

7246 7 24 7
7248 7249 7250 7251

1,70 2,00 3,10 2,60 2,60 2,00

_ _

21,20 26,30 39,20 33,30 33,80 29,30


Soil Sample Lab.

AD30RPTIVE COMPLEX (meq/100 gm)

Base Sum or exchangeable bas e 3 3,15 1,78 1,49 1,22 1,06 1,20



_ ++

,, ++

1,40 0,85 0,85

0,40 0,30 0,11 0,09 0,11 0,15


ation ex- Saturation change capacity 8,81

7 p_A 7

7248 7249
725O 725I Soil Sample Lab. No. 7246 7247 7248 7249 72^0 7251 Soil Sample Lab. No. 7246 7247 7248 7249 725O 7251

1,30 0,60 0,50 0,35 0,25 0,30

0,65 0,70

0,05 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,05

5,25 5,16 5,77 5,31 5,85 5,27

7,55 9,43

35,75 23,58
15,80 13,12 10,72



ATTACK WITH H 2 SO 4 3iO 2 19,08 26,23 40,58 35,60 34,07 i2,40


1,47 (#) TiO 2

1 1



total 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,03 0,01 0,01

SiO /Al 0 SiO /R 0 Exchange2 2 3 2 2 3 able Ki Kr A1+++ 2,36 2,00 1,72 1,66 1,71 1,90 1,99 1,78 1,46 1,46 1,49 1,70 0,41 0,61 2,17 2,77 2,98 2,45

13,75 22,24 40,13 . 36,27 33,91 29,00

7,99 7,99 5,29

4,06 4,38 11,12

Carbon at. 1,09 0,60 0,27 0,18 0,13 0,C8




Normal K Cl

Organic 25 assxmil. Conductiv. Matter (mg/i00g i 1,88 1,03 0,47 0,31 0,22 0,14

0,13 0,08 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03

8,4 7,5 5,4 4,5 4,3 3,7

5,35 4,90 4,95 4,90 4,90 4,80

4,50 3,90 3,85 3,75 3,70 3,70

(Zone of Profile Date: Location: Situation:

the Mata - Pernambuco) - R DY L O E - BL W L T S L A OO Reconnaissance s o i l mapping unit: Marginal (near the s o i l boundary). County: Colnia Leopoldina at 24 k from m 10% s l o p e . Gneiss

No. 18. 5/25/1963

Right s i d e of the road Macei6-Recife, the Alagdas-Pernambuco border.

In the lower third s e c t i o n of the cut: Pre-Cambrian Litology:

Geologic formation: Parent material: Relief Local:

Probably r e g o l i t h from the Gneiss

Strongly undulating, with round hilltops and slightly convex hillsides of some hundreds of meters high and with V-shaped valleys. Relative local difference in relief 70-100 m. Strongly undulating and mountainous, with sorne rocks outcropping. Slopes of 10-60%. Drainage: Well drained.

Regional: Altitude: Eroaion: Vegetation: 150 m. Slight. local;

Weedy pasture, with much "sap", "red jurubeba" (Salanacea) and "navalha de macaco". Occurrence of "imbaba". Weedy pastures, with much "sap" and "imbaba". Small cropping of corn, beans, manioc and pineapples. Tropical evergreen forest, tall, dense, with many Parria pendula, bromaliaceae epifitidas and "imbaba" on the edges. Occurrence of "pindaiba" (Xilopia sp.) on the lower,poorly drained parts.


Profile Description: A lp 0 - 1 5 crao Very dark grayish browm (lOYR 3/2, moist) sandy clay loam; structure moderate, fine to medium, granular; many small and medium pores; friable, plastic and sticky; transition smooth and clear. 15 25 cm. Brown (lOYR 4/3, moist) clay; structure fine, subangular; pores common and small; friable, very plastic and very sticky; transition smooth and clear, Dark yellowish brown (lOYR 4/4 moist) clay; structure weak, very fine, subangular and weak, fine, granular, with a massive porous appearance "in situ"; pores common and small; friable, plastic and sticky; transition smooth and diffuse. Yellowish brown (lOYR 5/6, moist) clay; structure weak, very fine, subangular and weak, fine, granular, with a massive porous appearance "in situ"; many small pores; friable, plastic and sticky; transition smooth and clear. Yellowish red (6YR 5/6, moist) clay; structure weak, very fine, subangular and weak, fine, granular, with a massive porous appearance "in situ"; many small pores; friable, plastic and sticky; transition smooth and clear. Yellowish red (5YR 5/6, moist) sandy clay; structure weak, very fine, subangular and, weak, fine, granular, with a massive porous appearance "in situ"; m&ny mall pores; friable, plastic and slightly sticky.


65 cm.



- 155 cm.





- 260 cm.

Remarks: Abundant vascicular roots in the A horizon; plentiful in the A3, diminishing downward to B3 horizon. Profile collected during the rainy season (May). Charcoal in the A horizon.

- 43 Ministrio da Agricultura C.N.E.P.A. S.N.P.A.


STATE: Alagoas COUNTY: Colnia Leopoldina LOCATION: Ri-jht side of the road Macei-Recife, at 24 Ion from the AlagasPernambuco border. Ur.idade Divisa Snviada por: C.R.S.

Soil Sample Lab.


H O R I Z O N Symbol Thickness (cm) 15 10 40 90

Depth (cm) 0-15 15-25 25-65 65-155 I55-2IO

IN THE AIR DRY SAlPLE f Cobbles Gravel (>20mm) (20-2mm) nil 3-9O nil 3,60 nil 2,40 nil 3,90 nil 3,30 nil 3,50 Fine Earth <:2mm 96,10 96,40 97,60 96,10 96,70 96,50

Bulk Density 1,50 1,15 1,20 1,25 1,20 1,25

Specific Gravity 2,57 2,61 2,62 2,66 2,66 2,67

6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800

3 B1 321 B22 B3


Soil Samnle Lab. No. 6795 6796 6797 6798' 6799 6800

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION '/i (Dispersion with Na OH) Coar3e Pine Silt Clay Sand Sana. 34,20 29,40 25,30 28,40 26,00 24,10 27,80 20,70 14,60 13,40 13,80 16,00 7,30 8,10 7,20 2,90 6,80 15,10 30,70 41,80 52,90 55,30 53,40 44,80

Natural StructuClay ral Porosity Index 12,70 19,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 58,60 53,80 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00


sandy clay loam sandy clay clay olay clay olay

Soil Sample Humidity Lab. No. 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 ... 2,20 3,50 3,30 3,10 2,60 2,40


Wilting Moisture Available CoEquiWater efficierrt valent 17,60 20,80 23,70 23,90 25,80 27,40

- 44 -

Soil 'Sample T ^V LaD. No.

Ca++ 1,10 0,70 0,30 0,45 0,50 0,35




ADSORPTIVE COMPLEX (men/100 m) Sura of exMg++ changeable Na + bases 1,88 0,08 0,15 0,55 0,40 0,05 0,09 1,24 0,20 0,60 0,05 0,05 0,10 0,80 0,20 0,05 0,20 0,07 0,05 0,82 0,60 0,05 0,05 0,15

5,02 5,09 3,63 3,26 2,88 2,52

Base Cation exchange ca- Saturation pacity 25,70 7,31 7,16 17,30 5,06 11,80 5,10 15,70 4,32 19,00 17,00 3,53


ATTAv3K WITH H 9 30 4 3iO 2 14,43. 21,45 23,46 23,74 25,37 25,14 A12O3 12,38 16,38 20,57 20,92 22,00 22,60

d = 1 ,47 () Fe 2 O 3 1,33 1,86 2,07 1,65 '1,03 0,62 TiO 2



total 0,07 0,05 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01

Ki 1,98 2,23 1,94 1,93 1,Q6 1,89

Kr 1,85 2,08 1,82 1,84 1,90 1,86

A1+++ .

6796 6797 6793 6799 6800

0,83 0,83 1,04 0,62 0,41

Soil Sample Lab. No. 6795 6796 6797 67c8 6799 6800


Nitrogen % 0,12 0,10 0,05 0,03 0,03 0,03

Water 11,6 11,8 10,4 11,0

pH Normal K 01 4,05 3,90 3,85 3,90 3,95 4,05

assimil. (mg/100g) Conductiv

Organic Matter 2,40 2,03 0,90 -

1,39 1,18 0,52 0,33 0,28 0,22

4,90 4,65

9,3 7,3

4,80 5,05 5,30

0,48 0,38

- 45 BSCADA SANDY-CLAY Profile No. 32 - (Zone of the Mata) - Red-yellow Latoaol. Located at Site Alto Jos do Pinho, (Bngenho Campestre), in the County of Bscada, State of Pernambuco, next to Bxperiment No. 324 (Factorial NPK with 54 plots, Plan B.G.B.). Zone of the Mata, sub-zone of humid-mata, secondary forest, mainly comprising "mal-me-quer" and "capim de planta", grown along with sugarcane. Local relief undulating; adequate drainage; gradient of 3-8 percent; moderate sheet erosion. Stoniness and salinity class "0". Parent material originating from the crystalline complex. Profile description; Light-brownish-gray (2.5Y 6/2) clay; moderate 0 - 18 cm A, structure, fine, granular; friable, slightly plastic, sticky; abundant roots; horizon boundary clear and wavy 18 30 cm A 3 - B 1 Light yellowish-brown (10YR 6/4) clay; moderate structure, medium, sub-angular; firm consistence, plastic, very sticky; regular roots; horizon boundary gradual and wavy. Yellow (7.5YR 6/8) clay; weak structure, medium, subangular; firm consistence, plastic, very sticky; few roots; horizon boundary diffuse. Reddish-yellow (7.5YR 6/8) clay; weak structure, strong, sub-angular; friable consistence, plastic, very sticky; rare roots; horizon boundary diffuse. Yellowish-red (5YR 5/8) clay; weak structure, strong sub-angular; friable consistence, plastic, very sticky; rare roots.


58 cm



- 105 cm



- 130 cm


- 46 -

OF AGRICULTURE - C.N.E.P.A. - S.N.P.A. - Engenho Campestre - Pe Profile No. 32 - Soils Section - Bulletin 94 - On 11.9.I960 CLASSIFICATION: Escada Sandy-olay Red Yellow Latoaol IN THE AIR-DRY SAMPLE <fo Cobbles 20mm none none none none none Gravel Fine Earth 2 mm 20-2mra 1,09 98,91 0,97 99,03 1,01 98,99 99,07 0,93 98,51 1,49 Natural Structural Clay Index 13,64 14,86 0,02 0,05 0,00 69,02

Soil H O R I Z O N Sample Depth Lab. ' Symbol Thiokness cm No. cm 0-18 18 1489 18-30 12 1490 30 - 58 1491 28 58 -105 1492 47 105 -130 1493 25 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1489 I49O 1491 1492 1493 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1489 I49O 1491 1492 1493 Soil Sample Lab. 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1489 1490 U9I 1492 1493 Soil : 5 ample Lab. No. 1489 I49O 1491 1492 1493

Bulk Density 1,25 1 ,18 1,16 ,11 ,16 Porosity

Specific Gravity 2,58 2,61 2,61 2,65 2,67 Texture

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION % Coarse Fine Silt sand sand 2 0-05-0,00: 2,0-0,2 0.2-0,05 17,00 11,68 26,50 17,30 9,96 21,69 13,88 7,52 19,90 8,00 7,06 18,29 7,80 8,68 16,84

Clay 0,002 44,02 51,05 58,70 66,65 66,68

70,89 99,97 99,93


Sandy clay clay clay clay clay uation 8 X T Base change ca- Saturation jpacity 6,32 15,03 4,95 17,57 3,54 21,19 2,20 27,27 2,35 31,91 Available Water

Ca + + 0,70 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,50

ADSOHPTIVE COMPLEX ( meq/lOOg) sum ox exK+ Na~ Mg++ changeable bases 0,07 0,15 0,03 0,95 0,05 0,22 0,87 0,200 0,75 0,07 0,03 0,15 0,60 0,00 0,05 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,15 0,75 Hygroscopicity

. H1"
5,37 4,08 2,79 1,60 1,60

Humidity 2,06 2,10 2,22 2,55 2,38

Wilting Moisture . Coefficient : Equivalent 27,14 28,01 29,02 33,69 32,78 d a 1,4 7 ( o /) TiO 2 p2 o5

ATTACK WITH H2SO4 SiO 2 17,12 A l 2 O3 16,01 17,73 19,96 22,51 23,53 Nitrogen

SiO 2 /Ai 2 0 3 Ki 1,82 1,80 1,70 1,68 1,84

,/R 2 O 3

Fe 2 O^

Total 0,03 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,02

1,52 1,51 1,43 1,41 1,53 Conductiv. Organic Matter 1,92 1,36 0,82 0,65 0,46

20,01 22,32 25,31 Carbon " A 1,13 0,80 0,48 0,38 0,27

4,89 5,29 5,94 6,74 6,99

10,3 8,8 8,0 7,6 6,8

4,20 4,40 4,70 4,85 4,90


Assimil. (mg/ToOg)

Water 0,11 0,09 0,06 0,05 0,04

- 47 CIDA/SUDBNB SOIL INVESTIGATIONS Profile No. 63 - Pe-G-1 (6 horizons): Bngemho Garapwj, Usina St n&cio, Cabo, P@.~I.P.A. - Soils Laboratory Sulletin 1119, on 36 December 1963c Classification: Unclassified Broun Soil (Zone of the Bfeta)o

This soil is located at the Garapu Experimental Plots. It is on a low Pleistocene terrace. Th oil is similar to Acid Brown Forest soil or Sol Brun Acide Excavation wa doa in inter-plot road between Lots B-3 and B-4, about 7 meters from north end of those plots. Nearly level alluvial terrace probably of late Pleistocene age. Estimated altitude 10 or 12 meters above sea level. Gradient O to 2 percent overall; surface h as micro-or-macro-undulations with vertical interval up to 30 centimeters within a horizontal rang of 5 to 50 meters. Originally humid tropical forest, probably evergreen. Presently it is plowed and being planted to sugarcane. Front O to SO centimeters this soil is moderately well drained; below 50 centimeters it is imperfectly drained to poorly drained Thi is caused by regionally high water table in soil of moderately low elevation. There is nothing in the soil to cause poor drainage; it is merely a matter of a high and gradually lowering water table regionally, after heavy rains. Profile description 0 - 1 8 cm. Brown to dark brown (10YR 4/3) clay; structure ranges from fine to medium granular, to crumbly and subangular blocky; firnij, friable; rhizomes (generally fine) are meager to plentiful; contains some black fragments, similar to charcoal, 2 to 10 millimeters diameter; pores visible are micro-to 3-4 millimeters diameter, the latter of insects boring: there is some mixture of subsoil, yellowish brown (IOYR 5/4). Brown (IOYR 5/4) to strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) clay; subangular blocky; firm slightly plastic when adequately wetted; numerous micro-grains of quartz, and a dark fe-mm mineral (?); this horizon begins zone of moat root population, some are decayed and channels darkened; one or two large (3-4 mm) insect tunnels or worm borings; some charcoal (5 mm. diameter).


34 cm.

- 48 34 35 cm. Brown to strong brown (7O5YR 5/5) silty clay; firm, friable, nonplastic (?); some pinholes or root channels. Strong brown (7SYR 5/6) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) clay loam; subangular blocky; friable, firm, very slightly plastic to non-plastic; faint few to common fine mottling begins in this horizon, light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4); several rhizomes (up to 1 mm dia.), but this horizon marks about the deepest extent of the root penetration; microto-macro-pores increase numerically downward in this horizon. Brown (7.5YR 4/4) clay loans,, with many faint, medium to coarse mottlings of light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4); friable, firm, non-plastic (?) porous; some small rhtzomes in upper part: much of the light yellow brown mottling is around the root channels0 with yellowish red and reddish brown adjacent. Dark yellow brown (10TR 4/4) clay; abundant fine to medium faint mottling of very pale brown (lOYR 7/4); friable, non-plastic, porous; weak angular blocky structure; fine dark mineral grains, pyrite, and mica flakes.


- 100 cm.


- 125 cm.


- 1 5 0 cm.

Described by Stensland.

-49CIDA/SUDENE SOIL INVESTIGATIONS PROFILE No. 63 - Pe-G-I (6 horizons): Enganho Garapu, Usina St Incio, Cabo, Pe. I.P.A. - Soils Laboratory - Bulletin 1119, on 26 December 1963 CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified Brown Soil on Pleistocene terrace (soil somewhat similar to Acid Brown Forest Soil).

Soil Sample Lab No. P916 F917 F918 P919 P92O P921 Soil Sample Lab. No. F916 P917 P918 P919 P92O P921 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942

H O R I Z O N Symbol Depth (cm) 0-18 18 - 34 34 - 55 55 - 100 100 - 125 125 - 150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Fine Coarse Silt Sand Sand 0,70 20,40 33,00 0,30 19,50 27,00 0,10 25,90 26,30 0,00 24,70 20,90 0,10 39,10 22,50 0,50 35,10 24,40 JADSORPTIVE COMPLEX Ca++ 3,30 1,30 0,75 0,45 0,85 0,80 Mg++ 1,45 1,75 1,40 1,20 1,15 1,85

Bulk Density 1,10 1,10 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,10 # Total Clay 45,90 53,20 47,70 36,40 38,30 40,00

Specifio Gravity 2,50 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 Humidity 3,50 3,50 3,20 2,40 2,50. 2,50

Natural Clay 32,50 40,20 0,50 0,10 0,50 0,40

Structural Index 29,20 24,50 89,50 99,70 98,70 99,00

Texture Clay Clay Clay Clay loam Clay loam Clay

(meq/i00 g)

c i
0,522 0,348 0,348 0,348 0,435 0,478 K+ 0,564 0,154 0,051 0,051 0,051 0,051 H+ 7,04 5,94 4,32 2,89 3,22 3,13 1,6890 0,9084 0,4806 0,2028 0,1914 0,1680

pH 4,10


N yi 0,186 0,137 0,099 0,067 0,064 0,0626


4,10 4,15 4,20 4,20

15,39 5,16 5,16 7,61 6,73 9,18

ITAPIRBMA LOAMY SAND Profile No. 63 (Zone of the Mata) Podzolic Yellow Latosol

Located in the Itapirema Experimental Station, county of Goiana, State of Pernambuco; the profile was cut next to the fertility trial on pineapple, set up by the Research Agreement IANe/SAIC. Local relief-plan (tabuleiro); steepness of 0-3 percent; altitude of _ 84 meters; adequate drainage; moderate + sheet erosion. Zone of Humid Mata, intergrade towards tabuleiro (Savannahs); secondary forest cover, predominating the species "alecrim", "jurubeba", "mangaba", **malva branca", grown for more than 10 years along with pineapples. Stoniness and salinity- class "0". Parent material: pliocenic sediments from the "Serie Barreiras1*. Profile description: O - 18 cm A_ - Grayish brown (25Y -5/8) loamy sand; structureless; consistence very friable, non-plastic, non-sticky; abundant roots; horizon boundary gradual and smooth. 18 35 cm A 12 Dark brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) loamy sand; structure weak, fine, sub-angular; consistence friable, non-plastic, non-sticky; abundant roots; horizon boundary gradual and smooth. Dark brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) loamy sand; structure weak, fine, sub-angular; consistence friable, non-plastic, non-sticky; regular roots; horizon boundary gradual and slightly wavy. Light yellowish gray (2.5Y 7/4) sandy loam; structure weak; medium, sub-angular; consistence friable, non-plastic, non-sticky; few roots; horizon boundary diffuse. Light yellowish gray (2.5Y 7/4) sandy loam; structure weak, medium, sub-angular; consistence friable, non-plastic, slightly sticky; horizon boundary diffuse. Light yellowish gray (2Y 7/4) sandy loam; structure weak, fine, sub-angular; consistence friable, non-plastic, slightly sticky; rare roots.


48 cm A,


65 cm B


95 cm B 21


- 125 cm B,

- 51 MINISTRY OP AGRICULTURE - C.N.K.P.A. - S.N.P.A. - I.A.Ne. - Esto Experimental de Itapirema - Goiama - Pe. - Soils Section - Bulletin 102 - On H.8.I96O. PROFILE-No. 63 - CLASSIFICATION: Soil Sample Lab. No. 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096
Soil Sample Lab. No. 2091 200,2 2093 2094 2095 2096 Soil 3amle Lab. No. 2091 2092 2093 2094

Itapirema Loamy Sand - Podzolic Yellow Latosol IN THE AIR DRY SAMPLE fo Gobbles 20 mm none none none none none none Gravel 20-2mm 0,64 0,49 1,07 1,06 0,87 0,91 Fine Earth 2 mm 93,36 99,51 98,93 98,94 99,13 99,09 Structural Index 83,97 88,90 71,06 Bulk Density Specific Gravi ty 2,60 2,64 2,63 2,66 2,66 2,64

H 0 R I Z 0 N
Symbol " 'hickness cm 18 Depth cm 0-18


30 30 Coarse Sand 2,0-0,2 56,21 57,24 55,87 46,13 50,25 45,38

18 35 48 65 95

- 35 - 48 - 65 - 95 -125

1,32 1,36 1,44 1,49 1,44 1,43

Natural Fine Si If Clay Sand 0-05-0,002 0,002 Clay 0-0,05 1,60 2,02 1,62 29,57 11,80 0,16 30,80 1,31 0,80 31,10 12,23 3,54 2,58 15,97 36,77 1,13 18,18 4,20 30,21 1,29 33,18 5,64 1,85 19,59 ADSORPTIVE COMPLEX (meq/100

Porosity 49,25

Texture Loamy Loamy Loamy iandy Sandy Sandy aand sand sand loam loam loam

45,11 44,09

76,90 71,21

45,73 45,97


Ca++ 0,85 0,35 0,38 0,18 0,18 0,18



Na++ 0,07 0,07 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03

2-'95 2096 Soil Lab.

0,17 0,05 0,02 0,04 0,02 0,02

0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,04 0,04

Sum of exchangeable bases 1,13 0,50 0,46 0,28 0,27 0,27' u Wilting Coefficient 3,63 3,76 3,36

4,244 3,66 2,60 2,42 2,32 1,74

Base Cation exSaturation change capacity 21,04 5,37 4,16 12,02 3,06 15,03 2,70 10,37 10,42 2,59 2,01 13,43 Available Water

Humidity 0,97 0,96 0,60 0,78 1,03 0,94


2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2091 2O92 2093 2O94 2095 2O96 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2091 2092 2O93 2094 2O95 2O96

Moisture Equivalent 3,43 f,70 ( ?,11 1 ,12 1 1,66 SiO-,/AJe 03 I Ci


5,86 6,3! d - 1,47 TiO 2



Total 0 ,02 0 ,01 0 ,01 0 ,01 0 ,01 0 ,01

SiO 2 /R 2 0^


Fe 2 O3 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,80 1,00 1,00

Kr 1,58 1,52 1,46 1,56 1,43

1,32 Organic

4,95 4,57 3,77

5,90 7,63 7,00 Carbon

4,98 4,72 3,96


,62 ,68

8,42 8,35 Nitrogen * 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,03

,55 ,43


11 ,0 0,64 0,57 0,35 0,29 0,200


Normal K Cln.

Water 4,90 4,65 4,60 4,70 4,60 4,70

assimil. (mg/i00g)

Matter 1,89 1.10 0,98 0,60 0,50 0,34

1.3 10,4 14,1 8,3


TAMBB SANDY CLAY Profile No. 65 (Zone of the Mata) - Latosolic dark sandy soil.

Found in the Tamb Bxperiment Station (Secretary of Agriculture), county of Goiana, State of Pernambuco. This profile was opened next to a fertility experiment with black pepper, set up through the IANe's Research Agreement. Dry Mata Sub-Zone, secondary forest mainly comprising such species as "jurubeba", "mentrasto", "lava-pratoH and other small size legumes. Local relief-slightly undulating; gradient 3-5 percent; altitude about 160 meters: adequate drainage; intense sheet erosion class "3". Stoniness and salinity class "0". This soil possibly will constitute a new large group in the tropical regions, comprising the black soils originating from various parent materials. Gneiss rock predominates in the region. Profile description 0 - 30 cm A1JL Black (10YR 2/1) sandy clay; structure moderate, fine, angular; consistence firm, slightly plastic, sticky; abundant roots; horizon boundary diffuse and smooth. Very dark brown (10YR 2/2) sandy clay; structure moderate, medium, sub-angular; consistence firm, slightly plastic, sticky; abundant roots; horizon boundary gradual and smooth. Dark brown (10YR 3/3) sandy clay; structure moderate, fine, subangular; consistence poorly firm, slightly plastic o Strong brown, yellowish red, yellow (7.5YR 5/6 5YR 5/6 - 2.5Y 7/6) clay; structure strong, medium, subangular; consistence very firm, plastic, sticky; rar roots; very mottled, fine, prominent horizon boundary gradual and wavy.


50 cm A 12




- 53 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - C.N.E.P.A. - S.N.P.A. - I.A.Ne. - Exper. Station of Tomb - Pe Soils Section - Bulletin 104 - On H.8.I96O PROFILE No. 65 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2102 2103 2104 2105 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2102 2103 2104 2IO5 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2102 2103 2104 2105 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2102 2103 2104 2105 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2102 2103 2104 2105 Soil Sample Lab. No. 2102 2103 2104 2105 Symbol CLASSIFICATION: H O R I Z O N Tamb Sandy Clay - Latoaolio dark sandy aoil. Speoifio Gravity 2,52 2,56 2,58 2,61

IN THE AIR DRY SAMPLE % Bulk Fine Gravel Jobbles Depth Thickness Density Earth 20-2mm 20mm cm om 2mm 1,40 none 3,67 96,33 0 - 3C 30 1,43 none 95,20 30 - 5C 4,80 20 none 1,43 90,93 50-60/75 7,96 10/25 97,03 2,97 30/35 SO/70-99;!.0 none

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION fi Natural StruotCoarse Fine Clay ural Clay Silt Sand Sand Index 0,002 2,0-0,2 0,2-0,05 0-05-0,002 31,06 24,36 12,69 7,83 65,47 36,75 17,25 55,30 32,60 23,58 38,59 5,23 57,86 17,93 42,55 36,26 14,83 6,36 67,16 49,06 16,11 18,55 16,20 16,19



f '

44,39 44,11 44,52

Sandy olay Sandy olay Sandy clay Clay




1,83 1,60 1,13 0,93

1,00 0,40 0,55 0,72

COMPLEX (meq/100 g) Sum of exK+ Na++ ohangeable bases 0,36 3,26 0,07 0,16 2,23 0,07 0,11 1,86 0,07 0,11 0,07 1,83 Wilting Coefficient 10,27 11,67 13,07 17,92

9,56 8,36 6,44 3,86

Base Cation exSaturation change oapaoity 12,82 25,43 ' 21,06 10,59 8,30 22,41 32,16 5,69 Available Water

Humidity 2,93 2,14 1,87 2,19


Moisture Equivalent 20,22 20,69 20,87 24,61

ATTACK WITH H 2 S0 4 d - 1,47 Slop 14,98 17,07 19,02 29,92 Carbon A l 2 O3 12,44 14,54 16,20 25,12 Nitrogen Fe 2 O 3 1,90 2,30 2,59 3,99

% TiOg


SiO 2 /Al 2 0 3 Si Ki 2,04 1,99 1,99 2,02

Total 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01

2 /R 23
Kr 1,86 1,81 1,81 1,84


Normal K Cl m.

p2 o5 assimil. Conductiv. Organic (mq/i00g) Matter

1,75 1,15 0,85 0,41

0,03 0,08 0,07 0,07

13,46 14,37 12,14 6,42

5,10 4,80 4,90 4,90

3,01 1,98 1,46 0,71

- 54 CURADC LOAMY SAND Profile No. 29 (Zone of the Mata) Alluvial Soil, well drained

Located at the Curado Experiment Station, county of Recife, Pe., next to Experiments Nos. 350, 353 and 349 (comparison of nitrogenized fertilizers - Plan VII - G.B.; factorial NPK with lime. Application in the furrow - before planting - of sugar cane distillery residual - Plan 11/55 - G.B.). Zone of the Mata, secondary forest, comprizing mainly of gramineous and leguminous of small size; for many years such a soil has been used for sugarcane. General relief-undulating and locally plain, with a 0-3 percent declivity Altitude _ 12 meters; well drained. + Parent material constituted by Holocene sediments, deposited by the Capibaribe River. Stoniness and salinity class "0". Profile description 0 - 1 8 cm. X Grayish brown (10YR 5/2) loamy sand; structure weak, fine, granular; consistence friable, non-plastic, non-sticky; many roots; horizon boundary clear and wavy.


38 cm.

II - Light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) sandy clay loam; moderate structure, medium, subangular; consistence firm, non-plastic, slightly sticky; regular roots; horizon boundary gradual wavy. Ill - Yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) sandy clay loam; moderate structure, medium, subangular; consistence firm, non-plastic, slightly sticky; rare roots; horizon boundary diffuse and smooth


52 cm.


82 cm.

IV - Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) sandy loam;

moderate structure, medium, subangular; consistence firm, non-plastic; slightly sticky; rare roots; horizon boundary diffuse and smooth.


- 120 cm.

V ~ Yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) sandy; structureless; consistence very friable, non-plastic, nonsticky; no roots.

- 55 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - C.N.E.P.A. - I.A.Ne. - Eat. Bxp. de Curado - Recife - Pe Soils Seotion - Bulletin 91 - On 11.8.1960 PROFILE No. 29 - CLASSIFICATION: Curado Loamy Sand - Alluvial Soil, well drained. Soil Sample Lab. No. 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 Soil Sample
T **K

H0 R I Z 0N Symbol
Thickness Depth

cm 18 20 14 30 38

0-18 18 - 38 38 - 52 52 - 82 82 -120

IN THE AIR-DRY SAMPLE $> Eine. Gravel Cobbles EartlL 20mm 2 mn 100,0C) none none none 0,07 I 99,9] none 0,08 99,92 none 0,02 99,9t none none 100,0C) natural Clay * 2,43 3,86 5,2 5,09 3,58

Bulk Density 1,48 1,40 1,34 1,33 1,33

Special Gravity 2,54' 2,55 2,58 2,59 2,70

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION $> Fine Coarse Silt Clay Sand Sand 2,0-0,2 0.2-0.05 0-05-0,002 0,002 11,82 20,38 52,73 15,07 54,01 11,47 13,37 21,15 53,01 14,06 11,22 21,71 61,26 6,89. 17,56 14,29 75,01 8,74 9,14 7,11 ADSORPTIVE COMPLEX Ca"*"11,50 2,40 3,10 3,50 4,30 Humidity 1,33 2,42 2,69 2,53 1,93 ATTACK WITH H2SO4 SiO2 A1 2 O 3 Mg++ 0,22 0,33 0,22 0,33 0,00

ural Index 83,88 81,75 76,51 71,01 60,83


Texture Iloamy andy Sandy Sandy Sandy sand clay loam clay loam loam

No. 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 Soil Sample


0,08 0,06 0,06 0,08 0.10

(meq/100 g) Sum of exHa"*"1" changeable H+ bases 0,20 2,00 3,82 0,20 3,96 2,99 0,25 3,63 3,21 0,30 4,21 2,64 0,20 4,60 1.41 Moisture Equivalent 15,49 17,81 19,20 18,99 13,15

Cation es change capacity 5,82 6,95 6,84 6,85 6,01 Available Water 9,76 9,62 10,37 10,26 8,29

Base Saturation 34,36 43,02 53,07 61,46 76.54


No. 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479
Carbon Nitrogen

Wilting Coefficient 5,73 8,19 8,83 8,73 4,86

d . 1,47 9 ^ Fe 2 O 3 TiO 2

0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,03


SiO 2 /Al 2 O3 SiO 2 /H 2 O3 Ki Kr

PH C/N 7,8 5,8 6,0 6,2 4,0 Water 5,00 5,30 5,50 5,50 6,30 Normal K Cl m.

0,47 0,41 0,30 0,25 0,12 0,06 0,07 0,05 0,04 0,03

Organic 2onduotlvr Matter (ml/100 ) 0,81 0,71 0,52 0,43 0,21


2 b

- 56 RIBEIRAO CLAY Profile No. 39 - (Zone of the Mata) - Alluvial Soil - Imperfect drainage. Located in places such as county of Ribeirao, Usina Bstreliana, Engenho Amarajl, Vftrzea do Covuco, next to Experiment No. 346 (comparison of nitrogenized fertilizers - Plan B-C.B.); Zone of the Mata, Humid Mata Sub-Zone, secondary forest, planted with sugarcane. Local flood plain (vftrzea); gradient 0-3 percent; imperfect drainage; slight sheet erosion. Stoniness and salinity class "0". Parent material constituted of alluvium from the crystalline complex. Profile description 0 - 15/20 cm. Ap - Light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) clay; structure strong, medium, subangular; consistence firm, plastic, sticky; abundant roots; few mottlings; horizon boundary gradual and wavy. 1 5 / 2 0 - 3 2 cm. A 3 - B 1 - p a le yellow (5Y 7/3); clay; structure strong, medium, subangular; consistence very firm, plastic, sticky; regular roots; few- fine mottlings; horizon boundary gradual and smooth; sparse ferruginous concretions. 32 80 cm. B 2 1

- Pale yellow - Reddish yellow (5Y 7/3 5YR 6/8) clay; structure moderate, fine, subangular; consistence firm, plastic, sticky; rare roots; many mottlings, fine, prominent; horizon boundary diffuse and smooth; very friable ferruginous concretions. - White - Reddish-yellow and Reddish-brown (5Y 8/2 - 7.5YR 6/8 - 5YR 4/4) clay; structure moderate, fine, subangular; consistence firm, very plastic, very sticky; no roots, many mottlings, medium, prominent; friable ferruginous concretions.


- 110 cm. B o o


- 57 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - C.N.E.P.A. - S.N.P.A. - I.A.Ne. - Engenho Amarajf - Usina Estreliana - Ribeiro - Pe. Soils Section PROFILE No. 39 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1542 1543 1544 1545 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1542 1543 1544 1545 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1542 1543 1544 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1542 1543 1544 1545 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1542 1543 I544 1545 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1542 1543 1544 1545 Bulletin 101 - On H.8.I96O CLASSIFICATION: H O R I Z O N Symbol Thickness Depth cm cm 0 - 15/20 15/20 17/12 15/20-32 48 32 - 80 80 -110 30 Ribeiro Clay-Alluvial Soil - imperfeot drainage IN THE AIR-DRY SAMPLE fo Cobbles 20 mm none none none none Gravel 202mm none none none none Natural Clay . Bulk Fine Earth Density 2 mm 1,18 100,00 1,21 100,00 1,21 100,00 1,22 100,00 Structural Index 42,21 71,33 98,77 99,15 Porosity Specific Gravity 2,54 2,56 2,58 2,62 Texture

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION # Coarse fine Silt Clay Sand Sand 2,0-0,2 0,2-0,05 0-05-0,005> 0,002 48,62 0,00 19,43 31,15 30,80 53,74 0,43 15,03 59,89 0,06 28,84 11,21 29,72 57,46 0,07 12,75 ADSORPTIVE COMPLEX

28,10 15,41 0,74 0,49

Clay Clay Clay Clay

Ca2,75 1,75 1,00

Mg +

0,23 0,10 0,10

1,18 0,76 1,55

(meq/i00g) Sum of exNa + + changeable bases 4,30 4,36 0,23 2,34 0,30 2,95 ,

5,22 3,50 2,71

Cation ex- Base change Saturti capacity 9,58 45,51 6,34 44,79 5,66 52,12 Water


Wilting Hygroscopioity ^ oeffioient

Moisture Equivalent 39,11 36,96 36,86 37,96

2,96 2,72 2,41 2,87 ATTACK WITH H2SO4 SiO2 d - 1,47 (#) Fe 2 03 TiO2

p2o5 Total 0,04 0,03 0,04 0,02


Carbon * 1,54 0,93 0,32 0,21 Nitrogen % 0,14 0,11 0,06 0,04

Water 11,0 8,4 5,3 5,2 5,10 5,10 5,50 5,40 Normal K Cl m.

Organio assimil. Conduotiv Matter 2,62 1,58 0,54 0,36

MACUJB SANDY CLAY Profile No. 26 - (Zone of the Mata) - Low Humic Glei Soil. Pound at Bngenho Macuj, next to Experiment No. 341 (comparison of fertilizers - Plan B-C.B.), in the county of Jaboato, State of Pernambuco; humid mata sub-zon, secondary forest; predominating "gengibre", "mal-me-quer" growing along with sugarcane, Local flood plain (vfirzea); gradient 0-3 percent; moderate sheet erosion; imperfect drainage. Stoniness and salinity class "0". Parent material alluvial from the crystalline complex. Profile description 0 - 1 5 cm. A - Dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) sandy clay; structure strong, medium, granular; consistence friable, slightly plastic, sticky; abundant roots; few mottlings, fine, clear; horizon boundary smooth and gradual. 15 25 cm.A.B.- Dark grayish brown - strong brown (2.5Y 4/2 7.5YR 5/6) clay; structure strong, medium subangular; consistence firm, slightly plastic, very sticky; few roots; mottling common, fine, distinct; horizon boundary irregular and abrupt. 50 cm. B 2 - Yellow - Red - Yellowish-red (2.5Y 7/6 * 2.5YR 5/8 - 5YR 5/8) clay; structure strong, medium, subangular; consistence firm, slightly plastic, sticky; rare roots; many mottlings, medium, prominent; horizon boundary smooth and diffuse. 90cm. B, , ? xYellow - Red - Yellowish-red - White (2.5Y 7/6 BV '2.5YR 5/8 - 5YR 5/8 - SYR 8/1) clay; structure strong, fine, subangular; consistence firm, slightly plastic, very sticky; no roots; many mottlings, coarse, prominent.



- 59 MINISTRY OP AGRICULTTFBE - C.N.B.P.A. - S.N.P.A. - I.A.Ne. - Eng Maouj" - Jaboatao - Pe Soils Section PROFILE No. 26 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1431 1432 1433 1434 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1431 1432 1433 1434 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1431 1432 1433 1434 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1431 1432 1433 1434 Soil Sample Lab. No. I43I 1432 1433 1434 Soil Sample Lab. No. 1431 1432 1433 1434 Bulletin 90 On H.8.I96O Maouj" Sandy Clay Low Hondo Qley Soil. Bulk Speoifio Gravity 2,51 2,57 2,54 2,59


IN THE AIR-DRY SAMPLE %> Depth cm Cobblea 20mm none none none none # Clay 0,002 Gravel 20-2mm 0,93 0,27 0,26 0,18 Natural Clay


Thiokneaa om 15

25 40

0-15 15 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 90

Fine Earth Density 2 mm 1,40 99,07 1,33 99,73 99,74 1,30 99,82 1,37 Struotural Index 62,46 62,37 94,51 100,00

PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Uoarse fine Silt Sand Sand 2 2,0-0,2 0,2-0,05 0-05-0,00; 23,22 26,13 15,07 10,99 19,33 19,38 5,25 16,48 17,13 7,40 15,14 17,43

Poroaity Texture 44,20 48,37 48,69 47,16 Sandy d a y Sandy Sandy Sandy Base

13,36 18,92 3,36 0,00

50,30 61,14 60,03

ADSORPTIVE COMPLEX (meq/iOOg) Ca++ 0,91 0,54 0,61 0,31 Mg++ 0,20 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,28 0,10 0,07 0,07 Na++ 0,40 0,30 0,30 0,30 Wilting ouiD ox exchangeable baaea 1,79 1,02 0,98 0,68 Moisture


i>axon ox

5,85 3,99
3,01 1,90

change capacity 7,64 5,01 3,99 2,58

Saturation 23,43 20,36 24,56 26,36

Humidity 1,90 2,34 2,96 2,74

Available Water


( Joeffioieni; Equivalent 25,49 31,77 36,32 34,99 d - 1,47 (#) Fe 2 O^ TiO2 P U 0 2 5 Total 0,03 0,07 0,08 0,09


SiO 2 /Al 2 O 3 Ki

SiO 2 /R 2 O 3 Kr

Carbon % 1,38 0,93 0,50 0,26 Nitrogen


0,14 0,11 0,06 0,05

Water 4,50 4,60 5,00 5,00

Organio 25 Conduotiv Matter Normal aaaimil. K Cl m. (mq/iOOg) 2,92 2,14 1,45 1,39

9,9 8,3 5,2

- 60 C. DETAILS OF THE PROBLEM. Agricultural Practices; There are many technological phases involved in the problem of increasing production by means of modern agricultural practices so that, although production costs will increase, the net returns will be greater. The various technicians of CIDA will deal with the problems of their specialities in the final coordinated report. The problems and possibilities discussed here pertain to soil surveys, soil-capability determinations, improved land use, appropriate farming systems, and experiment station research for the different areas of Pernambuco and the Northeast,, Soil aurveya and soil-capability determinations. Information on the soils in Northeast Brazil is not yt plentiful, although s orne progress will be made with the publication of the reconnaissance survey of the Great Soil Groups that has been mentioned as probable in late 1964. But unless more funds are authorized and careful planning i employed,, it Mill b a long ira before there will be detailed soil maps of all the potentially arable soils in Northeast Brazil. In getting thi oil information we should avoid the two extreme mentioned by C.B. Kellogg (1950) (1): "a) a long wait for essential guidance in soil u@, o a the one r hand, and b) the superficiality of schematic oil map alon0 on the other hand". Dr l@ll@gg then goes im ome d@tail into the ways of getting soil survey information as quickly as pocsible: ....Thus in new regions the oil survey raust be undertaken in ways to give a great deal of use-prediction and soil-capability value immediately, both for the farisa management system and for estimating regional possibilities This can be done in the following way: 1) A first approximation of the regional schematic soil association map can be approximated from existing data on the soils and the five genetic factors (especially if erial photographia ara geologic information are available). 2) One or more representative sample area of each soil association can be mapped in the full detail required to meet all the specifications of a modern detailed soil survey,, 3) A soil key may then be prepared showing the relationships among the local soil types and phases within oacli soil association


Assistant Administrator for Soil Survey j Soil Conservation , Survey, United States Department of Agriculture,,

.- 61 A full set of predictions of crop adaptabilities, crop yields, and longtime effects on soil productivity of each alternate combination of soil management practices can be made for each soil type and phase with the aid of such analyses and research as can be utilized, 4) With the sample areas completed, a second approximation of the regional schematic soil association map can be prepared (for publication). This will involve some changes in the soil boundaries, but more importantly it makes possible full descriptions and sets of predictions for all of the local soil types, along with keys for their identification by agronomists, within the soil associations shown on the map. This places materials for detailed use within the hands of the agricultural advisors and servea as an excellent map for appraising regional possibilities or potentialities 5) Pield demonstration schools for instruction of farm leaders, workers and other concerned with recommendations within each soil soil map. may be held at each sample area agricultural extension service farm planning and crop association represented on the

6) With the sample areas completed, detailed soil surveys should proceed progressively in the other areas which first need them, where the local demands are greatest, or where the overall planning map (now published) indicate the more promising areas for agricultural development M . We asBume that for the Mata Zone of Pernambuco, Alagae, and possibly Paralba, step one above may be soon completed, and some of the work on steps two and three may be already accomplished But considerable detailed mapping of sample areas within each Great Soil Group or association of Groups will be required to complete step two. Step three requires not guesswork or estimation but actual contacts and interviews with farm operators, agricultural experts, fertilizer representatives and all others familiar actual crop production, crop adaptability, and results from different sets of cropping schemes on the different soils of each sample area As explained above, step three implies that ample areas in each of the Great Soil Groups or associations of Groups has been soil-mapped in detail. This means that subareas of the

- 62 = different soil types or phases are delineated separately on the map according to their different categories or classes of slope and erosion. Soil-capability determinations and soil-use and management recommendations will have to be made by a group of experts (including some practical farmers)) for each of these categories of each soil type. These determinations and recommendations have to be threshed out in a series of meetings, and then formalized in a set of permanent charts, tables, and descriptions outlining their application to the mapped farmland. Step four implies that detailed mapping of the sample areas h as been completed. An improved regional soil association map should then be prepared for publication, with necessary changes or refinements in the soil boundaries, descriptions, and interpretations, along with keys for identification of the mapping units and subunits, so that agronomists can identify the soil types in the field and make application of the soil- capability and landuse recommendations. Step five involves an educational program for instruction of farm leaders, agricultural extension service workers and other concerned with application of this work, so they will understand how to read a soil map and how to apply the soilcapability determinations and land-use recommendations to the different soils on the different farms. Step six means that the detailed soil mapping should continue, with the work concentrated in the areas most needed. Educational work on the benefits from soil surveys, soilcapability determinations, and improved land-use should not be confined to agronomists and agricultural extension service agents. If the Soil Commission and the various Institutes expect to obtain funds appropriated by the legislators, it is more or less up to them to utilize all facilities of propaganda to educate the legislators and the general public as to the real need for a national soil inventory as a basis for improved land-use and soil conservation. The press, radio, and television are usually glad to utilize well-prepared stories, illustrated lectures, taped interviews, and cinemagraphic strips for edification of the general public. It may be necessary for the Agricultural Ministry, and possibly the Soils Commission, to employ a Public Relations Officer skilled in education and information work as well as understanding soils and agriculture and being able to develop effective liaison with the press, radio, and television to assist in the promotion of the necessary interest and understanding.

- 63 Improved land-use. Improvement in land use usually comes through adjusting the cropping system and farming operation to: the various kinds of soil, the degree to which the soils are eroded, and th different slope gradients within a soil unit and among the different soils. Utilities of shallow soils, s tony soils, soils of different textures and different drainage capacities are each different from the other In short, improved land use means an adjustment of the land use to the varied soilcapabilities. It may require a change in the kind of crops and crop rotations on some soils. It may involve a system of fertilization for the different soils, applications of lime, artificial drainage or irrigation. Improved land use may involve a change in the farm field boundaries and farm roads. Woodland or pasture may be recommended for some fields to prevent their destruction by erosion. Any or all of these things may be recommended by an agronomist trained in soil conservation and land utilization, usually only after a thorough study of the soil p^p and identification of the soils in the field. He will also make a map of the present landuse, before he makes a map of the recommended land-use and possible revisions in cropping, management practices, and field lay-outs. Appropriate farming systems. Agricultural scientists and technicians concerned with soil surveys, soil-capability determinations, and recommendations for improved land use in northeast Brazil will have some need for flexibility in their goals for agricultural improvement in the different sectors of the Northeast. Planning will have to be adjusted to the aptitudes of the people and their educational and financial resources for advancement into the modern age of scientific agriculture. Agricultural development in Northeast Brazil ranges along both primitive and modern lines - from the primitive "patch agriculture" of "shifting cultivation1*, practiced by the Indians of western Maranhao, to the complex and semi-mechanized operations of the large sugarcane plantations in the Zone of the Mata. There are also thousands of employees on these sugar plantations who might now be classified as farm laborers, and it may be alleged by s orne that these people are rightful candidates for attainment of small farms of their own, either by a national Agrarian Reform Law, government subsidy, cooperative farm-bank loans, or by some other means. Considerable preparation or assistance, other than financial, may be necessary before these plantation workers may be properly classified a farmers. Many of them are unfortunate in lacking formal education of any kind, and they may have performed only limited kinds of tasks in the complex operation of the sugarcane plantations. In order to participate as owner-

- 64 or-renter operators of small farms or sectors of large cooperative farms these people will require some education and training; a job that may take some years. The question of how far and how quickly the agricultural populace of Pernambuco and Northeast Brazil can go toward mastering the problems of modern agriculture is a most difficult and challenging one. Kellogg (1950) outlined three stages of management or farming systems found in various tropical areas: 1) "Management systems of the native or indigenous farmers without the benefits of modern science and without th facilities of modern industry. This management is not always bad - not by any means - although it may appear so to one familiar only with the methods of farmers in the temperature regions. The soil researcher going to the tropics can learn a great de.al by studying the native practices that have been worked out by trial and error over hundreds of generations". "Management systems involving the application of scientific knowledge about plant growth, water control, use and function of organic matter, and so on, but with only the minimum of such products of modern industry as machinery, electrical power, and chemical fertilizers." "Management systems involving the application of all modern scientific knowledge and full use of the products of modern industry".



Stage one above is represented by the Amazon Indian practicing shifting "patch" agriculture in the virgin forest, which also occupies a part of western Maranho. A deterioration of s tage one, less scientific and more destructive, is practiced by the itinerant small farmers who are locating along the new roads BR-22 and BR-14 that have penetrated the virgin forest area. These people are not only destroying the forest but they are destroying the land as well. The soils of this virgin forest are deeply leached and chemically and physically are classed as "old soils". The condition and process is explained by Jackson and Sherman (1953), as follows: "In the old soils of the humid tropics....the soils are progressively losing their bases. The progress of this leaching process was retarded by the natural virgin forest in that it was constantly returning the bases from the subsoil to the surface by the fall of leaves on the surface.

- 65 As long as the forest could maintain an adequate base circulation from the subsoil, through the tree, to the leaves and finally to the surface soil in the leaf fall, the soil remained productive. When the forest was removed the whole cycle was interrupted with the result that marked changes have occurred in the physical and chemical properties of the soil With the exposure of the soil to the sun and rain, leaching of the remaining bases was accelerated; the organic matter decomposed rapidly, and the structure and physical condition of the soil has deteriorated." The Indians avoid this deterioration by moving to a new "patch1* in the forest after two or three years, when the yields decrease drastically. But the more recent settlers are stuck with their patch of ground, hemmed in on all sides by neighbors who are in the same predicament. They cling to the ground and farm it until poor yields, erosion, weeds, and pests force then to abandon the land or starve. The type of area thus exploited is usually so broad and so far deteriorated that the myriad species of the virgin forest cannot infiltrate the area and reestablish themselves. The space becomes overrun with some fast-growing "weed" tree, such as the Babau palm. Economic use of this palm has not been developed, although the fruit or nut contains some oil. By the nature of its planting, in thick stands along rows more or less on a level contour line, the growers of sugarcane have so far partly succeeded in delaying the deterioration of their lands. Those who fertilized their soils when stands began to thin out have managed to keep going. Others who have not used fertilizers have finally given up some of their fields, badly eroded because of the stunted, thinning stands and meager root-development of the sugarcane. Those fields have gone back to coarse native grasses which have very low nutrient value for pasture. Thus, in the end, the ultimate destination or fate of the sugarcane lands could easily be the same as that of the coffeegrowers in south Brazil, or of the destitute settlers in Maranho, clustered along the traversable portion of highway BR-22. It is estimated that the sugarcane growers in the Zone of the Mata of Northeast Brazil are about in stage two, mentioned by Kellogg (1950). This would apply to those who are competing successfully, at least. Many may not have the necessary capital for the required investments in machinery and fertilizers, or

- 66 they may lack the technical and scientific awareness of the more successful planters, and thus may fall by the wayside unless they receive government agency guidance and financial-loan assistance, Increasing competition in the world market and southern Brazil makes this a critical stage for the sugarcane growers in the Northeast. The question is: are the sugarcane growers of the Northeast technically and financially able and mentally willing to make the seemingly necessary advance into stage three. Full development of the techniques of stage three may be necessary if significant amounts of land are to be diverted to food-crop production in the Zone of the Mata of northeast Brazil. Full utilization of the methods and practices of stage three will require more education, research, and financial capital. Sugarcane growers, government planners and extension workers, and foreign assistance agencies may need to get together and decide just what are the immediate feasible goals. These could well be different in the different soil association areas, with their different soil-capabilities. It is also well to remember that soil capabilities also vary within each soil association or problem area. Practical farm planners will have a big job showing farmers how to adjust their individual farming operations to the different land classes or soilcapabilities* One of the greatest needs for assistance will be in showing farmers how to grow food-crops such as maize, beans, etc., without damaging the land* There is a present tendency in Pernambuco to plant these crops in clean-tilled checkrows up-and-down the hills. This will soon destroy the hilly land for agriculture, as it accelerates sheet-erosion and ends with gully erosion. Any kind of clean-cultivated row-crop should be planted in contour-fStrips or bands ten or twenty rows wide, interspersed among bands or strips of sugarcane, and parallel with the rows of sugarcane. The rows of sugarcane should also be as nearly on the contour-level as possible. All of this is in reference to sloping or hilly land, which includes much of the agricultural land of the Zone of the Mata. Experiment station research. The volume and variety of agricultural research being carried out in Pernambuco alone is impressive. There are crop variety tests, fertilizer tests, plant tissue tests, soil-moisture studies, bacteria and rootdevelopment studies, research plots recording soil and water runoff, and many others. Some of these studies have been made

= 67 in areas where the soils technicians have described and analyzed the soils, so that perhaps some day they can be correlated with mappd soil types and thus extrapolated to other areas of the same soils. But some of the tests (as described in the literature) seem to have no relation to any known type of soil or condition of soil. They seem to have been carried out merely to demonstrate the technique. This is of doubtful value at present. Por instance, there is published research on soil and water runoff studies on a piece of ground. This kind of study is very expensive as it involves partitioning narrow strips of land on a hillside, wit| & gutter or catchment system at the lower end, where the soil and water losses are regularly weighed and recorded. Besides the equipment, it requires constant attendance and much man-labor. The purpose of such testing is to apply the information against certain slope-classes of knowa and established soil types, so that soil-capability evaluations can be made of known soil types in the different slope-gradient categoriee. But nowhere in the ^a&dxng of this published data was there more than generalities about the kind of soil, and there was absolutely no indication as to the percent of surface gradient of the soil in the test plot o The omission of a most vital piece of information about the tst may have been an oversight; but along with the lack of soil identification^ itgreatly decreased the value of the published information. Nowhere is there more need for central direction and cooperation among the various government ggencie, including SUDENB, than in this field of experiment station research Much money and effort can be saved if it is carefully planned and coordinated so that the basic experimentation is applied, or can be applied, against the major agricultural soil types. A soil type has a series nam and a textural indication in its own name. It should be snapped sufficiently so that you will know if it is going to cover enough area in Pernambuco (and elsewhere) to be of significant Importance for the expense of various kinds of experimentation. For this reason the experimental plots should be selected in cooperation with responsible technicians of the Soils Commission or IPBANB. It is necessary to have central direction for all soil surveys, so that soil mapping and classification will be fully correlated; and so that experimentation can be carried on in reference to important agricultural soil types. This means that som detailed soil mapping will have to be carried out as soon a possible in each of the major soil association areas or Great Soil Group areas (soon to be designated as different problem areas), so that am idea can be gained as to the prevalence of major soil types. Then, and only then, is important and costly basic experimentation justified.

- 68 Map-making and geodetic control. Nothing is more important in the development of a civilized country than accurate maps. Many graduate engineers and agronomists regard the present series of planimetric and topographic maps in the scales 1:1,000,000 down to 1:25,000 as accurate enough for the soil and geological mapping that is to be done. Close examination of these maps in the field indicates that they are not accurate enough for any kind of detailed work in geology, hydrology, or soils. But for that matter, detailed topographic maps are not necessary for detailed soil surveys, if you have aerial photographs. __ All you need,*and this is very important, is a triangulation network or geodetic control so that- picture points can be located on the photographs in true relation to their position on the ground and.to a future accurate planimetric map. Then, when at some future date, you do have a series of accurate planimetric maps (whether or not they may have topographic contour lines), you will be able to transpose the soils or geology information onto the planimetric maps. If the geodetic control (or even semi-control) of a triangulation-net is applied to a system of photomosaic maps, such a transfer to planimetric base maps would not be necessary. But the two kinds of maps must always coincide at similar scale, so that the soils or geologic information is transierrable; otherwise you can never be sure as to the exact location of a certain kind of soil or rock on the planimetric map. As an instance of the unreliability of some of the present topographic maps, recently there has been prepared a hypsometric or slope-declivity map of the Zone of the Mata, using current series of 1:250,000 scale topographic maps as a base. The intention is to show the relative areal extent of terrain in various slope-range categories, in this case: land that ranges from 0-2 percent in surface gradient, 2-10 percent, 10-20 percent, and more than 20 percent. The astounding thing is that this map shows less than 1 percent of land in Pernambuco Zone of the Mata as having slopes greater than 20 percent. A quick look at the map indicates that the terrain has been analyzed quantitatively as follows: about 20 or 25 percent of the Zone of the Mata in Pernambuco is shown on the map as having slopes (surface gradients) between O and 2 percent; about 45-50 percent of the total area has slopes ranging between 2 and 10 percent in declivity; about 3 0 percent is shown as having slopes between 10 and 20 percent; and, as mentioned, less than 1 percent of total area has slopes steeper than 20 percent gradient. In this case, it is preferable to look at the terrain than to analyze inaccurate maps; and as a preliminary guess, it is estimated that Pernambuco Zone of the

- 69 Mata roay have at least 20 percent of its land with slopes greater than 20 percent, and at least 30 or 40 percent of its land has slopes of between 10 and 20 percent declivity. The PAO Specialist saw this map being prepared over a period of several weeks, and understands that it is going to be submitted as a part of the SDENS contribution to the CIDA/SUDBNB Mission Final Report. He wishes to herewith submit his strong objection to such a map unless it can be validated, without any personal criticism of the engineer who prepared the map. It is merely a case of trying to do scientific work with maps whose accuracy is insufficient for the purpose intended. Detailed soil mapping requires even more accuracy, not only vertically but horizontally as well. Horizontal control and linear measurements are equally unreliable on the present series of topographic and planimetric maps. They simply cannot be used in detailed scientific work-. Geodesic or geodetic triangulation control can be gained rather rapidly and economically now, by using modern instrumentation, Cost of the initial investment seems great, as compared with old style triangulation instruments; but the ground can be covered about a hundred times faster, and considering the size of northeast Brazil, therein lie the great savings. The reason for stressing the importance of triangulation-net control is that it is essential for the production of detailed soil maps on photomosaic base. This system is recommended because it could be accomplished by the time a detailed soil map is ready for publication. It might even be accomplished in time for publication of the revised reconnaissance map of the soil associations or Great Soil Groups on a controlled or semicontrolled photomosaic base. This would also be a great help in preparing an accurate map of the present land use, and for determination of the several problem areas. Detailed or semi-detailed soil maps containing slope classification separations (lines enclosing subdivisions of each kind of soil according to stated slope categories: areas ranging between 0-2 percent separated from areas having slope range 2-8 percent, or 8-15 percent, etc.) can take the place of topographic maps for use in calculating surface water runoff of watershed areas for dams, bridges, flumes, irrigation, terracing, and most soil conservation practices. They are better than topographic maps because the different soil types are delineated, and the areas of each kind of soil in each slope class can be measured. Permeability and infiltration studies can be made of each slope-class of each soil. These, plus rain-

- 70 gauges and weirs, give complete watershed control. Bxperience in using such soil maps will also give the 3-dimensional effect of topographic maps, plus the benefit of stereoscopic vision if overlapping field-sheets (aerial photographs) are used* Another advantage is that the slope gradients are classified in percentage ranges adapted to the lay-of-the-land, measured at frequent intervals along the ridges or valleys with a clinometer by soil scientists as they map the soils* Different types of soil on different kinds of terrain have a way of falling into generally definite patterns or ranges of slope that are easily measured and classified. Many engineers consider soil-slope information mapped in this manner is fully as accurate, more comprehensive, and easier to use than would be the same information if applied upon a topographic contour map. Ill RBCOMMENDATIONS

1. The main problem in the sertao Zone of the Caatingas is the lack of regular water supply. In the area of Pernambuco there are many large natural troughs or broad shallow valleys in which, if the weathered mantle is deep enough, there should be an aquifer of ground water. The possibility of using wells and windmills to supply water for livestock should be explored. I f the mantle is not too coarse-textured and the permeability of the soil si not too rapid, the possibility of using earth dams for farm reservoirs should be investigated. These things would be a considerable asset in an area suitable only for grazing, and enough water might be obtained or conserved to also irrigate s orne small garden plots 2. Latosolic soils with very good physical characteristics have been mentioned on the Chapada do Araripe (325,000 hectares) in northwestern Pernambuco. Rainfall in the area is more than 800 millimeters annually. Drilled wells might supply enough water for farmsteads in this area. The soils are said to be of low natural fertility, but the fertility problem should be investigated thoroughly. With wells and proper fertilization of the soil, this might become a good farming area. 3. The tabuleiros in the vicinity of Goiana-Tamb, in northeastern Pernambuco present a similar problem. Rainfall is somewhat greater and the soils may be leached more deeply than on raripe. But the fertilizer and cropping research should be persistent until all reasonable possibilities have been exhausted for field crops, especially perennial crops because the roots go deeper. If these things fail then tree-crops should be tried, with fertilizer assistance in the first few years until the roots have penetrated deeply.

- 71 4. The hilly or strongly sloping soils planted to sugarcane in the Mata Zone of Pernambuco have resisted gully erosion for many years, because of their original fertility and because of the way in which sugarcane is planted, closely spaced in rows that are almost on level contours. Many of these sloping or hilly soils are reaching the "point of no return", as the stands of cane become thinner, more stunted, and with scanty root development. Gully erosion will then soon develop, and many areas have already been abandoned to poor pastureland of coarse native grasses of low nutrient value. Proper fertilization of the sugarcane will promote better stands and good rootdevelopment and improve trie structure of the soil. This may spell the difference between farm land and waste land. 5. The recommended introduction of more food-crops as the yields of sugarcane are increased by better management adds another challenge because of the way in which food crops, such as maize and beans, are planted. There is a decided tendency to plant these crops in checkerboard fashion with the rows running up-and-down the hilsides. This invariably causes rapid gully erosion on strong slopes, and the land then becomes worthless or completely destroyed for further cropping. The radio, newspapers, extension workers, and any other available means should be employed to explain to these people that they are destroying their land. Sugarcane plantation owners or their agronomists should help educate the people*in the growing of food crops in the same way sugarcane is grown - in rows, even more carefully on the level-contour than the sugarcane. Plant or drill the maize, beans, potatoes, and other clean-tilled crops closely spaced in the rows (each plant or seed only 20-30 centimeters apart in the row). strip or band five, ten, or twenty rows wide can be planted, parallel with the rows of sugarcane. Fertilizers should also be used for these crops, so that the production space will not be wasted. Care should be used in ascertaining the fertilizer needs for different crops. Nitrogen is perhaps the greatest need for maize and beans. Potassium should greatly help the potatoes. 6. As soon as a generalized soil map of the Zone of the Mata has become available, heavy boundary lines should be drawn on the map, around major areas of different kinds of soil or of soil-slope conditions, as the problems and use-capabilities may be different. These are usually called "Problem Areas", and are studied individually in the order of their seeming importance for agriculture. Land-use maps and detailed soil surveys should be started immediately in the more promising areas. For convenience, the areas can be named, as the studies progress. Sound planning can develop only as the knowledge of the areas increases.

- 72 7. There is a present need for fewer kinds of research and for more basic research. Soils research should be aimed toward understanding the soils and classifying them. Plant and fertility research should not be scattered around on unknown or insignificant 8 oil types; the plots should be carefully located on soils that are already identified and mapped and which are known to exist over large areas. The soil experts at I.P.E.A.N.B. are presumed to be responsible for direction of soil surveys, classification, and correlation, and they should be consulted in the location of experimental areas. Experiments should not be conducted merely to demonstrate a technique; they should be concerned with reducing soil damage or deterioration, or with increasing production. 8. There is a need for more accurate planimetric and topographic maps. There seems to be a weakness in the ground-control (horizontally), and the vertical contour-interval is too great for detailed work. Modern instrumentation would permit rapid construction of an accurate ground-control triangulation network, so that aerial photomosaic maps could be used for the publication of detailed and semi-detailed soil surveys. The present series of topographic maps are unsuited for any kind of detailed survey work, whether in geology, hydrology, or soils.


Andrade, Gilberto 0., and Lins, Rachel C. 1963. Introduao a morfoclimatologia do Nordeste do Druail: XVII Congresso Nacional De Geologia, Recife, Pernambuco, Nov. 1963. Published under auspices of 3UDBNB. pp. 1-19. Bennema, J., Camargo, M., and Wright, A.C.S., 1962 Regional contrast in South American soil formation in relation to soil classification and soil fertility: Transactions (separate reprint) International Society of Soil Science, International Soil Conference, New Zealand, 1962. 15 pp. Coinisso de Solos do C.N.E.P.A. 1958. Levantamento de reconhecimento dos solos do Betado de Pernambuco: Anais da Primeira fieuniao De Investigaao AgronSmica do Nordeste, Periodo de 17 a 27-111-1958. Publicao do Acdrdo de Pesquisas Agricoles do Bstado de Pernambuco. Recife. Brasil, pp. 155-156. Conselho Nacional De Geografia, 1962, Geografia do Brasil, Grandes Kegioes Meio-Norte e Nordeste: Biblioteca Geogrfica Brasileira, vol. III, Srie A, IBGfi, 1962, Rio de Janeiro. Publicao No. 17. Rainfall map op. p . 112; climatic charts pp. 113-127. Conselho Nacional de_Pesquisas, 1958 X Anais da primeira reuniao de investigaao agronmica do Nordeste - Periodo de 17 a 27-111-1958: Publicao do acdrdo de Pesquisas Agricoles do Estado de Pernambuco, Recife. Christian, C.S., 1957. The concept of land units and land systems: Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Science Congress, vol. 20, pp. 74-80. Published by the Congress Secretariat, Bangkok, Thailand, 1958. N.B. Dr. Christian is Chief, Division of Land Research and Regional Survey, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, A.C.T., Australia.

- 74 Dias, Joo de Deus de Oliveira, 1960, Bstudos sObre a geologia da chapada do Araripe, no municlpio de Bxu, Estado de Pernambuco: Arquivo do Inatituto de Pe8qui8as AgronSmicas, vol. 5, 1960, Secretaria de Agriculture, Industrie e Cornrcio, Pernambuco, Drasil. pp. 53-38. Geologia and Mineralogia, Divisao de, 1960, Mapa Geolgico do Brasil: Ministrio da^Agricultura, Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral, Rio de Janeiro, Bscala 1:5,000,000. Heynes, James L., 1960, Bstimates of physical resources for agricultural production in Pernambuco and opinions regarding possibilities for increasing' their productive uses: Escritrio Tcnico de Agricultura USOM-Brasil, Oct. 1960. 57 pp; mimeographed (nglish) report for the Instituto de Pesquisas Agronmicas, Secretaria de Agriculture, Indfistria e Comrcio, Bstado de Pernambuco, Recife. Jackson, M.L. and Sherman, G.D., 1953, Chemical weathering of minerals in soils: Advances in Agronomy of minerals in soils: Advances in Agronomy, vol. 5, pp. 301-306. James, Preston B., 1959, Latin America: Third edition Odyssey Press, New York. Surface features and map, pp. 410-413; climate and vegetation, pp. 413-415. Kellogg, Charles B., 1950, Tropical soils: Reprint from Transactions of International Congress of Soil Science, Amsterdam, 1950, vol. 1, pp. 8-11 ( or reprint). Klingebiel, A.A. and Montgomery, P.H., 1962, Landcapability classification: Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 210, pp. 1-21. Lemo8, Petzeval, and Mendes, Waldemar, 1957, Physical and chemical characteristics of six samples of sugarcane soils of Bahia: Brasil Aucareiro, Ano XXV, vol. XLIX, No. 4, April 1957, pp. 72-75.

- 75 Lima, Drdano De A. 1960. Estudos fi togeogrificos de Pernambuco: Separata doa Arquivos do Instituto de Pesquisas Agronmicas - vol. 5, Ano de 1960. (The separate contains a colored map); Recife, Pe. Brazil. Lima, Joao Wanderley da Costa, 1957, Levantamento dos solos da Estaao Experimental de Curado: Instituto Agronmico do Nordeste, Boletim Tcnico No. 1; 39 pp., with maps M.A. - C.N.B.P.A.S.N.P.A. Brasil. September 1957. Mello, Jos de Oliveira, 1958, Soil units identified in the State of Pernambuco: Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, Anais da Primeira reunio de inves- ' tigaao agronSmica do Nordeste, Perlodo de 17 a 27-III-1958, Anxo II, pp. 155-156. Oliveira, Luiz Bezerra de, 1958, Levantamento ^edolgico do Engenho Pedra Branca, Usina Santa Teresinha: Instituto Agronmico do N o rdeste, Boletim Tcnico No. 5, Ministrio da Agriculture - C.N.B.P.A.S.N. P* A* - Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Oliveira, Luiz Bezerra de, 1959, Determinaao da umidade de murchamento (wilting point) de alguns tipo8 de solo do nordeste: Instituto Agronmico do Nordeste, Boletim Tcnico No. 8, Ministrio da Agricultura - C.N.B.P.A. - S.N.P.A. - Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Oliveira, Luiz Bezerra de, 1961, Coeficiente de permeabilidade de dois tipos de solo (aluvial) da Estaao Experimental do Curado: Instituto Agronmico do Nordeste, Boletim Tcnico No. 16, December, 1961. Pelzer, Karl J., 1957, Land utilization in the humid tropics: Agriculture: Proc. Ninth Pacific Science Congress, vol. 20, Special symposium on Climate, Vegetation, and Rational Land Use in the Humid Tropics, publ. by Secretarxat, Bangkok, 1958. pp. 124-143N.B. - Prof. Pelzer is with Yale University, New Haven, Conn., U.S.A.

Ranzani, G., et al. 1962. Consideraoes grais sobre os solos de tabuleiro do Nordeste: SUDENB, Boletim de Recursos Naturais, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 45-70. Piracicaba. 1963. Roberts, Kay C., 1963, FAO assignment to Northeastern Brazil: Typewritten report of soil examined on two weeks trip in Pernambuco, with members o i the Soil Commission and FAO of Recife, 20 pp. f Soil Conservation Service, 1959. What is a conservation farm plan?: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Leaflet No. 249, pp. 1-8. Souza N. Filho, Mario de, 1957, Comentfirio sobre anlises de solos da zone canavieira do RecSncavo Baiano: Brasil Aucareiro, Ano XXI, vol. XLIX, Marco 1957, No. 3, pp. 135-142. SUDBNE (Superintendncia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste), 1963, Atividades da SUDENB em tabuleiros costeiros (Ano de 1962): Relatrio apreseatado de atividades do DPAA em 8-1-1963, Recife, SUDBNE Departamento de Politica Agricole e AgrAria Grupo de Pesquisas Agronmicas. SUDENB, 1963, Normais climatolgicas da Area da SUDENB: Elaboradas mediante convSnio corn o Servio de Meteorologie do Ministrio da Agriculture. Recife. SUDBNE, 1962, Anais da II reuniao de investigates agronomic as do Nordeste: I volume, Resumo e Recomendaoes, Recife, 1962. 118 pp. SUDBN, 1962, Anais da II reuniao de investigaao agronomic a do Nordeste: II volume Solos, 1962. Recife. SUDBNE, 1962, The Brazilian Northeast - SUDBNE and its first Guiding Plan: SUDENE publication, Recife, 1962. Uhyte, R.O., 1957, Land utilization in the humid tropics Grazing: Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Science Congress, Vol. 20, pp. 143-148. Published by the Secretariat, Bangkok, 1958,


Cootingos (Serto)

CAATtNGAS (S. Froncisco Valley)

NoncolCiC Brown soils Sotodiied- Solcretz toils jrumusol* Lithoiol* Alluvial oit* Stony (and lock land

Ncncalcic Brown toils Solonchak (white alkali) oils Sotondz (dork alkali) soilt Scluth (leached Soloneli) soils Lithotols Regosois Stony lond Rock land

AGRESTE {Tabuleiros and Subhumid Chap a das)

Grayish - Pale Yellow Latosolic Sandy soil! Re goto I* and Reosolic sandy soils Lithosols (Aforipe)


Red-Yellow Podzotic soils Gray-Brawn Podzolic toils Gray Podzolic toils Red-Yellow Latosols Red-Yellow Podiotic-Latosolsjr/*^ Yellow and Pole Yellow Latosols Reddish-Brown Lolerilic soils Plonosols nydromorDhiC soils Unclassified Brown Regoiolt Ltthoioli Alluvial oils Rock tond Slony lond

Marsh or Swomp land Oog and Half-Bog soils'. Humic Gley soils Low Humic Gtey toils Ground-water Podzols Unclassified Brown soils Red-Yellow Podzolic soils Alluvial soils

Mangrove or Tidal flats Beach sand Dune sund Logaon tand Regosol (sandy)

Most soils of the Mata zone, but with more Lithotols, Rock land, and Stony land, and with Noncolcic Brown Soils along western side

distictcd plottau Foothill* along wtitlrn morflin contain Podsolic t o i l i , Rd-6rown Lattric Soil, ond Lilhoiols (many tandy). Jy. Soilt odaptvd to Mop of DA. Limo(t96O

i indicetd .n"SOILS"Stct

if CIOA/SUDENE f i n R*pof1, 1964

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