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Localisation Techniques to improve BCI

Thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience

Rianne Hupse Supervisors: Dr. ir. P. Desain and Prof. dr. C. Gielen Music, Mind and Machine group, NICI, Radboud University Nijmegen 10th September 2006

The aim of this study is to develop a new type of brain computer interface (bci) system: a system in which selective attention to rhythmic tactile stimuli is used to control an external device. It is known that temporal rhythmic tactile stimuli induce a steady-state somatosensory evoked potential oscillating at the same temporal frequency as the driving stimulus. The amplitude of this oscillation increases when the subject is attending to the stimulus. This attention induced power gain can be detected in the eeg and might be translated into commands for a computer or other device. Because eeg data has a small signal to noise ratio, it is investigated if a beamformer spatial lter improves the classication success rates. To be sure that the beamformer lter allocates activity to the correct anatomical locations, a new method is proposed to construct realistic head models. During the experiment, tactile stimuli with dierent temporal frequencies are presented to the left and right index nger of a subject. The subject is instructed to attend to one nger and to ignore the sensations of the other nger. Perception conditions, in which only one nger was stimulated, were included as a baseline. Single trial eeg and voxel data was used in a classication algorithm to detect which nger was attended. Classication rates are relatively high ( 90%) for perception conditions, while selective attention conditions give succes rates at chance level. An explanation for this can be that the attention induced power gain is too small to be detected in single trials. Results show that beamforming allocates the frequencies presented to left and right index nger to separate areas of the brain. This is in contrast to electrode data, in which the two frequencies reach electrodes at both sides of the scalp. Therefore, by using the beamformer lter the power of a single stimulus is focused to a single area which will increase the signal to noise ratio. However, classication success rates show no improvements when the beamformer lter is used. A suggestion for further research is to include a discrimination task in the experiment which might increase the attention level of the subject and therefore the attention induced power gain. The amount of trials can be increased that is used as a training set in the cross validation procedure of the classication algorithm. Further, the amount of trials used for estimating the covariance between the sensors, which is necessary for building the beamformer lter, might improve the results.

1 Introduction 1.1 Brain Computer Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 History of Brain Computer Interfaces . . . . . 1.3 The challenge of improving the signal to noise 1.4 Beamforming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Our approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Overview thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 5 7 7 9 9 11 11 13 15 16 16 16 18 22 22 25 28 30 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 34 35 35 36 37 37 37 38 38

2 Materials and methods 2.1 Construction of realistic head models . . . . . . 2.2 Stimuli and experimental design . . . . . . . . 2.3 Data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Alignment of electrode positions to mri 2.4.2 Construction of the forward models . . 2.4.3 Analysis of eeg data . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Results 3.1 Beamformer activity images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Power dierences between contralateral and ipsilateral channels 3.3 Attention induced power change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Classication success rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Discussion A Construction of a realistic head model A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Segmentation and triangulation of the brain A.2.1 Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.2 Triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3 Segmentation and triangulation of the scalp A.3.1 Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.2 Triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4 Skull surface: direct triangulation algorithm A.4.1 Preprocessing of the anatomical mri 2

A.4.2 Triangulation process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4.3 Detection of the boundary between skull and scalp . . . . B Beamforming B.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Construction of the lter . . . . . . . . B.2.1 The forward model . . . . . . . B.2.2 Filter design . . . . . . . . . . B.2.3 Linearly Constrained Minimum B.3 The Neural Activity Index and noise . B.4 Correlated sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Chapter 1

1.1 Brain Computer Interfaces

Patients suering from motor diseases can have diculties performing even the simplest actions. One example is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als), a disease in which a progressive degeneration of motor neurons leads to an inability of the brain to control movements. In the later stage of this disease patients may become totally paralyzed. Other examples of motor diseases are brainstem stroke, brain or spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. In most cases only motor functions are aected; patients do not experience impaired intellectual reasoning, vision or hearing. A system in which an external device like a speech synthesizer, a computer or a wheelchair can be controlled without the usage of muscles would greatly improve the quality of life of these patients. For this reason brain computer interfaces (bci) are being developed. Using these interfaces a patient will be able to control a device using his/her brain only, for example by directing his/her attention to one of multiple stimuli present. While controlling the device, the patient is wearing an electrode cap for measuring the electrocortical encephalogram (eeg) signals. A basic design for a bci system is shown in gure 1.1. Signals are measured by electrodes at the scalp or at the surface of the brain. Specic features are extracted from the digitized signal. A translation algorithm makes a decision based on these features. This decision is executed by sending commands to an external device like a typing device, a wheelchair or hand prothesis. The loop is closed by the subject who is observing the device. In this way the subject can learn to adapt to the system. Besides eeg, there are multiple other techniques available to measure activity from the brain such as magnetoencephalography (meg), positron emission tomography (pet), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri), and optical imaging. However, these techniques require expensive equipment that cannot be used in every environment. Further, fmri and optical imaging have a poor time resolution and are therefore not suitable for a device that has to measure rapidly changing patterns of mental activity. Because eeg measurement has 4

Figure 1.1: Basic design of a bci system, adopted from [25].

a high time resolution and requires simple and inexpensive equipment, it is at present the most suitable technique to be used in bci systems.


History of Brain Computer Interfaces

The rst bci studies started with research in monkeys. Electrodes were implanted in the brain of a monkey and ring patterns were measured of individual and groups of neurons. In 1973 the group of Fetz found that macaque monkeys were able to selectively adjust the ring rate of individual cortical neurons to attain a particular level of cell activity. This was done by the use of a conditioning paradigm and providing sensory feedback that signaled the level of neuronal ring [7]. Based on these ndings, Schmidt proposed in 1980 that activity measured in cortical motor centers might be used to activate external devices [20]. In 2000 the group of Nicolelis developed a bci system that recorded brain activity from implanted electrodes in monkeys. This activity was used to control a robot arm [4] [24]. In this system, several motor parameters such as velocity, gripping force and hand position were extracted from the neural ring patterns of dierent motor areas. The robot arm was invisible to the monkeys, and feedback of the movements was provided by a visual display. During training, the performance of the monkeys improved. Control of the robot arm was even possible when the arms of the monkeys did not move, presumably when the

monkey made the movement in his imagination. Another group that measured neural activity in monkeys is the group of Andersen. Activity was measured while the monkey was preparing to reach to a stimulus that was shown before. Using activity patterns collected in these training trials, it was possible to predict the reach direction of the monkey in other trials [16]. The use of implanted electrodes provides a way to obtain signals from the brain with a high signal to noise ratio. However, this invasive technique is not well suited for use in human bci systems. Therefore techniques were developed to control a device using the signals measured from the scalp: eeg signals. Because of a lower signal to noise ratio and the fact that an eeg electrode measures signals coming from a huge amount of neurons together, other features in the signal are extracted than in the case of implanted electrodes. Systems that use eeg signals can be divided into three groups: systems using mu and beta rhythms, systems using slow cortical potentials and systems using P300 evoked potentials. One of the groups that uses mu and beta rhythms for bci is the group of Pfurtscheller. Knowledge about beta and gamma synchronization in the human brain during the imagination of simple motor tasks was used to control several devices like a virtual keyboard device and an orthotic device that opens and closes a paralyzed hand [18] [19]. A group that uses slow cortical potentials, is the group of Birbaumer. Slow cortical potentials (scps) are slow voltage changes generated in the cortex that occur over a time period of 0.5 to 10 seconds. Negative scps are associated with functions involving cortical activation, while positive scps are associated with reduced cortical activation [2]. It has been shown that subjects can control these potentials and thereby control a cursor on a computer screen [3]. However, the training period lasts for several months and is very demanding for the patient. Besides mu and gamma rhythms and slow cortical potentials, P300 evoked potentials can be used for bci. A P300 evoked potential is the positive peak in the eeg that is measured over parietal cortex about 300 ms after an auditory, visual or somatosensory stimulus is presented to a subject [6]. The group of Donchin uses this P300 response in a paradigm in which a 6 by 6 matrix of letters is presented to a subject, which has to select a letter. Every 125 ms, a row or a column of this matrix ashes. After a set of trials the average P300 amplitude is calculated to the ashing of every row and column. Based on these P300 amplitudes the system chooses a letter. The advantage of using the P300 amplitude is that it requires no initial user training. However, the P300 response is likely to change over time and over long time periods P300 might habituate.


The challenge of improving the signal to noise ratio

The biggest challenge of developing brain computer interfaces lies in the fact that the signal to noise ratio of eeg signals is low, which makes recognition of dierent activity patterns hard. This low signal to noise ratio is due to measurement noise, ongoing brain processes that do not correlate with the relevant mental activity and smearing out of signals by dierent tissues in the head. In brain research usually the averaging over multiple trials is used to reduce these noise eects. However, in bci this will lead to a considerable increase in classication time because the system has to wait for multiple trials before being able to select an response. When developing a faster interface in which single trials are used, ltering of the signals to obtain a higher signal to noise ratio becomes important. Several temporal lters like bandpass lters and notch lters are used to decrease the noise level in single trial eeg data. Also spatial lters like independent component analysis (ica) and principal component analysis (pca) are used to combine the data measured by the dierent channels in a linear way into signals representing a few virtual channels measuring the independent or principal sources that are active. In this way relevant information is extracted from the data that can be used for classication algorithms. However, these methods do not use any information about the known location and behaviour of active sources in the brain. By including this information in a spatial lter the potentials stemming from certain brain areas can be optimally extracted while potentials from other areas are suppressed. The use of this kind of spatial lters will result in signals that can achieve a neuro-physiological interpretation and might give better results in classication algorithms.



A localisation technique often used in brain research is called beamforming. In this approach we calculate the activity present in volume units in the brain called voxels (volume pixels) from the signals measured by the electrodes. These signals can be interpreted as stemming from virtual electrodes measuring directly in the brain itself. Therefore there is no smearing out of potentials due to dierent conductivities of the dierent tissue layers in between the brain and the electrodes; every virtual electrode measures activity coming from one single voxel. From the set of voxels a subset can be chosen from which the activity patterns over time are used in the classication algorithm. By doing this, we concentrate only on the part of signal that is expected to originate from one or multiple brain areas that are relevant for the processing of the stimuli. Beamforming roughly consists of constructing a forward model which predicts the potential distribution at the scalp due to activity in a certain voxel. This model is inverted to estimate the activity in this voxel that is related to the measured potential distribution (gure 1.2 adopted from [26]). An example

Figure 1.2: The basic principle of beamforming is to construct a forward model H that predicts the measured potentials at the scalp due to a single dipole in the brain. Using this forward model and the covariance between the sensor measurements, a lter is constructed. By multiplying the potentials measured at every sensor by the lter weights and summing the results, the activity at the location of the dipole is calculated. (Figure adopted from the neuroimaging II course of the FC Donders Centre.)

of a resulting activity pattern can be seen in gure 1.3. Beamforming is often used in meg (magnetoencephalography) research in which the magnetic elds close to the scalp are measured. Because magnetic elds are not aected by the dierent tissue properties, the forward model only depends on the shape of the head of the subject. However, for eeg research the construction of the forward model is more complicated. A model of the shape and conductivity of all dierent tissues in the head is necessary to be able to calculate the potentials measured at the scalp due to activation of a certain brain area. Because it is hard to construct a realistic head model containing the precise shapes and conductivity values of every tissue type, often a simplied model is used. This simplied model usually consists of three compartments for the brain (including cerebral spinal uid, csf), skull and scalp. In this model the brain compartment is a sphere and the skull and scalp compartments are two spherical shells around the brain compartment. In order to obtain a more precise locatisation of brain activity we developed head models containing more realistic shapes for the three compartments using mri (magnetic resonance imaging) scans of the subjects.

Figure 1.3: Example of brain activity estimated by beamforming. The activity patterns are plotted on top of the slices of the anatomical mri of the subject. Red indicates high brain activity, blue indicates low brain activity. The data set is from a language study on semantically congruent and incongruent sentences. (Image is adopted from the Fieldtrip tutorial of the F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging in Nijmegen)


Our approach

In section 1.2 three dierent types of bci systems were described that use eeg measurements. We aim to elaborate a new type of bci system: a system in which fast temporal rhythms in brain activity are detected that are naturally driven by rhythmic stimuli. When using these naturally occurring features in brain activity for classication the subject does not have to learn to adjust to the system and the training period will be shorter. In our experiments we use vibrotactile stimuli. It is known that vibrotactile stimuli induce a steady-state somatosensory evoked potential. The evoked potential has the same temporal frequency as the driving stimulus [12] [13] [21]. Further it is known that if vibrotactile stimuli with dierent temporal frequencies are applied simultaneously to the index nger of the left and the right hand, the steady state potential that oscillates in the frequency of the stimulus at the attended nger is enlarged compared to when the other nger is attended [9]. Our goal is to develop a system that is able to select the nger that the subject is attending to, based on the measured eeg signals. By selecting his/her attention, the subject is able to control the output of a computer or a machine, for example a cursor on a screen.


Overview thesis

In this thesis a bci experiment is described in which vibrotactile stimuli are used. Because beamforming might improve results in classication algorithms, the

measured eeg data is ltered using a beamformer lter. An important aspect of building the beamformer lter is the construction of a model of the dierent tissues in the head. The methods we used for the construction of a realistic head model are described in section 2.1 and more extended in appendix A. The stimuli we used in the experiment are described in section 2.2. Section 2.3 describes the eeg data acquisition. The analysis section 2.4 consists of the alignment of electrode positions to the anatomical mri, the construction of the forward model and the analysis of the eeg data including beamforming. The theory of beamforming is described more extended in appendix B. Results are shown in section 3. Section 3.1 shows beamformer activity images for both perception and selective attention conditions. In section 3.2 power dierences between contralateral and ipsilateral channels are shown, and in section 3.3 the attention induced power change. Section 3.4 describes the classication success rates for both electrode (not beamformer ltered) and voxel (beamformer ltered) data. Discussion points are given in section 4.


Chapter 2

Materials and methods

2.1 Construction of realistic head models

To obtain accurate forward models to construct the beamformer lters, we created realistic head models for subjects that participated in the experiments. The head models consist of three triangulated surfaces representing the outside of the brain, the skull and the scalp compartment. The methods we used for obtaining these surfaces are described in appendix A. A summary of the construction is given in this section. First, for every subject a T1-weighed (anatomical) mri was made in a 1.5T SIEMENS Sonata scanner. During scanning, subjects wore ear plugs in which vitamin E gel capsules were placed. Vitamin E appears bright on mri scans and can be used as a marker in the alignment of measured sensor coordinates to the mri. From the mr scan, the white matter, gray matter and cerebral spinal uid (csf) compartment were extracted using the segmentation tool from the Statistical Parameter Mapping software package (spm) which is a method by Ashburner and Friston [1]. These compartments form together the brain volume. A triangulated surface of this volume is obtained by projecting the vertices of an evenly triangulated sphere onto the outside of the volume (gure 2.1a and b). The original mri was thresholded to obtain a volume representing the whole head of the subject. Vertices of an evenly triangulated sphere were projected onto the outside of this volume to obtain the triangulated surface modeling the outside of the scalp (gure 2.1c and d). The construction of the surface surrounding the scalp was more dicult than that of the brain and scalp because there was no available method to extract the skull volume from an mri. However, the method we used to create the forward models does not need the information which voxels are part of the skull volume and which are not, but only a triangulated surface around the skull volume. Therefore we combined the segmentation and triangulation into one single process. This means we searched for the boundary between skull and 11

Figure 2.1: a and c: Evenly triangulated sphere at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume depicted on top of the saggital section of the brain volume (a) and on top of the saggital section of the head volume (c). The vertices of the triangulated sphere are projected onto the outside of the volumes by interpolating lines going from the centre of gravity to the vertices. b and d: Resulting triangulated surfaces representing the outside of the brain and the scalp.


Figure 2.2: a: Evenly triangulated sphere aligned to the smoothed mri volume in a way that its centre is located at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume. (Only one slice of the smoothed mri volume is shown). Projection lines are drawn from the centre through the vertices of the sphere. b: For every projection line a vector is created consisting of all interpolated mri intensity values at every 0.5 mm on the line (black line). The detection algorithm nds the index of each vector that represents the skull-scalp boundary (blue line). c: All resulting coordinates form the triangulated skull surface.

scalp during the projection of the vertices of an evenly triangulated sphere to the outside direction. We developed an algorithm that automatically detects the location of this boundary by searching for local minima in the intensity values on the projection line and local maxima in the derivative of the intensity values (gure 2.2). The triangulated brain, skull and head surfaces form together the head model and are used for the construction of the forward models that are needed for beamforming (see section 2.4.2).


Stimuli and experimental design

Tactile stimuli were presented to left and right index ngers using two piezoelectrical Braille stimulators (see gure 2.3). Each Braille stimulator had a matrix 13

Figure 2.3: One of the piezoelectrical Braille stimulators. The stimulator contains a matrix of two columns by four rows of pins which are raised and lowered driven by a voltage.

of two columns by four rows of pins which were raised and lowered all together at the same time. The vibration of the pins was driven by a block voltage. This block voltage was switched between a frequency of 20 and 26 Hz every 1.5 second. Figure 2.4 shows a schematic view for four dierent stimulus runs. Every run consisted of a 6 second baseline period without tactile stimulation and a 31.5 second period with tactile stimulation. During the whole run, a cross was presented on a screen at which the subject had to xate. In the perception runs P1 and P2, only one of the index ngers is stimulated; the left index nger in the case of P1 and the right index nger in the case of P2. In the selective attention runs A1 and A2, both index ngers were stimulated simultaneously. However, one of the tactile stimulators started vibrating 1.5 second earlier than the other. This was to indicate the nger that had to be attended. During every 1.5 second time interval of these runs, the left and right nger experienced dierent frequencies; i.e. 20 Hz at the left index nger and 26 Hz at the right index nger, or the other way round. The experiment consisted of two blocks; a perception block and an attention block. The perception block included 6 P1 and 6 P2 runs which were randomly mixed. The subject was instructed to direct his attention towards the stimulated index nger. The attention block included 6 A1 and 6 A2 runs which were also randomly mixed. During these runs, the subject was instructed to direct his attention towards the index nger that was stimulated rst, and ignoring the vibrations at the other nger. In between the runs there was a small break. The start of every run was self-paced which means that the subject decided when to start the next run by pushing a button with his thumb.


Figure 2.4: Schematic view for four dierent stimulus runs. P1 and P2 are perception runs in which only one index nger is stimulated by alternating 20 and 26 Hz. A1 and A2 are selective attention runs in which both index ngers are stimulated simultaneously.


Data acquisition

One of the subjects (right-handed) for which a forward model was constructed served as a volunteer in the experiment. During the experiment, the subject was sitting comfortably in a shielded room with his/her arms resting on cushions and the tips of the index ngers placed on the stimulators. To avoid any inuence of the sound produced by the stimulators, pink noise (noise with a frequency spectrum such that the power spectral density is proportional to the reciprocal of the frequency) was presented to the subject through headphones. Before the experiment, the exact positions of all electrodes and of three reference points were measured using a magnetic tracker (MiniBIRD, Ascension Technology Corporation, Burlington). The reference points were the nasion point and the locations of the vitamin capsules in the ear plugs that the subjects wore during the making of the mri scan. Electrophysiological data was recorded from 256 active electrodes mounted in an elastic headcap (BIOSEMI, Amsterdam). Active electrodes and their leads are less sensitive for noise pickup than passive electrodes because the rst amplier stage is integrated in the electrodes. Eye movements and blinks were monitored by electrodes above, below, and at the sides of the eyes. The signals were recorded with an anti-aliasing sync lter, digitized at 256 Hz and stored on a disk for oine analysis.



Data analysis
Alignment of electrode positions to mri

To obtain a forward model that predicts the potentials measured by the electrodes due to sources in the brain, the positions of electrodes have to be expressed in the same coordinate system as the head model. Therefore we performed a rigid body rotation and translation on the electrode positions measured in the magnetic tracker coordinate system (cM T,i ) to obtain the electrode positions in the mri coordinate system (cM R,i ): cM R,i = RcM T,i + d. (2.1)

In this equation cM R,i and cM T,i are matrices of size 3 by 1 containing the xy- and z- coordinates of electrode i, R is a 3 by 3 rotation matrix and d is a 3 by 1 translation matrix. The rotation matrix R and translation matrix d are calculated by a least-squares t of rigid body rotation and translation [5]. This least-squares t was performed on the rotation and translation of the three reference coordinates from the magnetic tracker coordinates system to the mri coordinate system. The exact coordinates of the reference points in the mri coordinate system were determined by examining the mri scans in a medical image viewer (MRIcro).


Construction of the forward models

Construction of the forward model was done by applying the boundary element method (bem) [8]. This is a numerical computational method for solving partial dierential equations which is frequently used to solve eld problems. The method assumes that the electrical conductivity of the head is piecewise homogeneous and requires the surfaces of all dierent tissue layers to be expressed as a mesh, for example as a nite number of small triangles. These meshed surfaces, the conductivity values, voxel grid and electrodes locations are then used to calculate the forward model. Section 2.1 and appendix A describe how we constructed the meshed surfaces modeling the outside of the brain, skull and scalp. The relative conductivity values were chosen according to Oostendorp [17] and are 15:1:15, for respectively the brain, skull and scalp tissue. A three dimensional grid was constructed dening the centre coordinates of the voxels. Grid points lying outside the brain volume were removed from the grid. The forward model was normalized in a way that the sum of potentials at all electrodes due to activity in a single voxel was zero. This was done after removing some electrodes from the model that measured too much noise during the experiment. To illustrate the dierences between forward models made for dierent subjects, in gure 2.5 the scalp potentials are simulated when two dipoles are placed into corresponding positions in dierent head models. The dierences in surface potentials are caused by dierences in the shape of brain, skull and scalp volumes between the subjects. 16

Figure 2.5: Scalp potentials simulated using the forward models for two dierent subjects. a and b: Two dipoles are placed into the somatosensory cortex, one is located 3.5 cm above and 4.5 cm to the left of the centre of the brain, the other is located 3.5 cm above and 4.5 cm to the right of the centre of the brain. Both dipoles have the same length, the left dipole points to left, the right dipole points to right. c and d: The scalp potentials are expressed relative to the length of the dipoles.


Table 2.1: Sets of compared classes class A: class B: comparison attention to left attention to right 1 L-20 R-26 2 L-26 R-20 3 L-20/r-26 l-20/R-26 4 L-26/r-20 l-26/R-20


Analysis of eeg data

When using selective attention for bci purposes, dierences in eeg signals have to be found for two classes in which the presented stimuli are the same, but the attention of the subject is dierent. The sets of classes we compared are given in table 2.1. In the case of tactile stimulation one class can be the stimulation of the left index nger with 20 Hz, and the right index nger with 26 Hz while the subject is attending to the left index nger (L-20/r-26). The other class is then the exact same stimulation, but now the subject is attending to the right index nger (l-20/R-26). Perception classes, in which for example only the left nger is stimulated with 20 Hz (L-20) or only the right nger is stimulated with 26 Hz (R-26), are also compared as a baseline reference. An overview of the analysis steps performed on the recorded eeg data is presented in gure 2.6. These analysis steps are performed for each set of classes. Besides the two dierent classes, also data is analysed from the start of every run in which no tactile stimuli are given and the subject only xates at a xation cross. This data is used as a contrast of the stimulation data, especially for the beamformer images of brain activation during stimulation. The analysis can be divided into three parts: preprocessing and analysis of the electrode data (1-6), beamformer analysis (7-19) and classication (20-21). Preprocessing and analysis of electrode data Preprocessing the raw eeg data (step 1 in gure 2.6) is done using the Fieldtrip software package, a MATLAB-based toolbox (www.ru.nl/fcdonders/eldtrip/) that is being developed by the F.C. Donders Centre (FCDC) in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. For both classes, data segments of 1.5 second were taken from the raw eeg data, starting directly after stimulus onset or after a switch in frequency. Also three data segments were taken from the xation period at the beginning of every run. These segments had also a duration of 1.5 second and started at 0.5, 2, and 3.5 seconds after onset of the xation cross. The data segments, which are called trials, were ltered using a notch lter to remove the 50 Hz line noise. Artefacts due to eye-blinks, eye movements and muscle contractions were detected by a semi-automatic routine. This was done by determining a rejection threshold to a specic feature in the data that is sensitive for each artefact. Trials containing artefacts were removed from the set. For both classes and the xation period data an equal amount of trials (approxi18

Figure 2.6: Overview of the analysis steps performed on the recorded eeg data


mately 50) was used for further analysis. All trials were baseline corrected by subtracting for every electrode the average potential over the whole duration of the trial. All data was averaged referenced by subtracting at every moment in time the average potential of all electrodes. Spectral analysis of the preprocessed electrode data was done in two ways. The rst way was to perform a Fast Fourier Transform trial by trial (step 2 in gure 2.6), the second way was to perform a Fast Fourier Transform on the event related potential that was obtained after averaging the data over trials (step 5 and 6 in gure 2.6). In both cases, the spectrum was calculated only from the timewindow starting 0.5 second after trial onset till the end of the trial. After calculating the direct trial by trial spectra, the power at the stimuli frequencies 20 and 26 Hz of all trials was used in testing for dierences between classes and dierences between electrodes (step 3 and 4 in gure 2.6). Beamformer analysis The Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance (lcmv) method [23] was used to construct the beamformer lter. This method uses the forward model and the covariance in time between the sensor data to calculate lter weights for every voxel. This is done by minimizing the total amount of signal that can pass the lter, while ensuring that the signal expected to come from the voxel of interest is able to pass (see appendix B). A common covariance matrix was calculated by averaging the covariance matrices for every trial of the two classes and xation data (step 7 and 8 in gure 2.6). The lter was obtained by applying equation B.13 on the covariance matrix and the forward model (step 9 in gure 2.6). For every trial, the electrode data was ltered using this lter (step 10 in gure 2.6). The resulting activity is expressed in an estimated x-, y-, and z-component of the dipole vector modeling the activity in the voxel. To combine these components into one single parameter for every voxel varying over time, we estimated the general direction of the dipole in every voxel and projected the x-, y- and z-components at every moment in time onto this direction vector. The estimation of the general direction of a voxel was done using Principle Component Analysis (step 11 in gure 2.6). Data from all trials of class A and class B was used to estimated the direction in which the dipole has the largest variance. The data of the classes and the xation period was then projected in this direction to obtain a measure of the length of the dipole over time (step 12 in gure 2.6). Spectral analysis of the voxel data was done in the same way as was done for the electrode data. A Fast Fourier Transform was performed for every trial separately (step 13 in gure 2.6) and for the event related potential (step 16 and 17 in gure 2.6). The power at the stimuli frequencies in the single trials was used in testing for dierences between classes and dierences between electrodes (step 14 and 15 in gure 2.6). The power at the stimuli frequencies in the event related potential was used to obtain activity images of the brain (step 18 in gure 2.6). In order to correct for the beamformer spatial bias as explained in section B.3, the power for every voxel was divided by the power calculated for 20

the xation period (step 19 in gure 2.6). Classication Both preprocessed electrode data and voxel data are used for classication (step 20 and 21 in gure 2.6). The classication scheme rst combines measurements from signicant channels to a limited number of features, and classies with these features [14]. The class that gives rise to the highest posterior probability is assigned to the features, i. e. a Bayesian classier. A multivariate normal distribution is tted to the features per class, based on data in a training set, to calculate the posterior probability. Signicant channels are extracted from the data with a cluster randomization method [15]. A cross-validation scheme was used to calculate the classication rate, because of the limited amount of data. A cross-validation scheme repeatedly divides the data into a training set and an evaluation set. The training set is used to calculate the settings of the classier, in this case the data is used to t the normal distribution, and the evaluation set is used to estimate the classication rate. The nal classication rate is the averaged value over all the individual classication rates [10].


Chapter 3

3.1 Beamformer activity images

Beamformer activity images are depicted in gures 3.1-3.3. These images are constructed by calculating for every voxel the increase in power at 20 Hz or 26 Hz in the stimulus erp relative to the power of the same frequency in the xation erp. The resulting values are presented as colors on a log (dB) scale in a smoothed mri overlay. Figure 3.1 shows the activity for the two perception classes of comparison 1: stimulation of the left index nger with 20 Hz (L-20, left column) and stimulation of the right index nger with 26 Hz (R-26, right column). For both classes, a large increase in power for the stimulus frequency is found at the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex. Figure 3.2 shows the activity for the two selective attention classes of comparison 3: stimulation of the left index nger with 20 Hz and the right index nger with 26 Hz while attending to the left nger (L-20/r-26, left column) and while attending to the right nger (l-20/R-26, right column). For both classes, a large increase in power is found at the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex for both stimulus frequencies. In the case of 26 Hz, this increase is visible over a large area, including parts of the temporal lobe. Figure 3.3 shows the activity for the two perception classes of comparison 2: stimulation of the left index nger with 26 Hz (L-26) and stimulation of the right index nger with 20 Hz (R-20). Also the activity is shown for the two selective attention classes of comparison 4: stimulation of the left index nger with 26 Hz and the right index nger with 20 Hz while attending to the left nger (L-26/r20) and while attending to the right nger (l-26/R-20). Also for these classes, a large increase in power is visible in the contralateral somatosensory cortex. All gures show brain areas with small decreases in 20 and 26 Hz power. The locations of these areas change per stimulus class, and might be due to measurement noise in combination with the relatively small number of trials.


Figure 3.1: Brain activity during perception. Shown are the power increases in 20 Hz and 26 Hz for stimulation of the left index nger with 20 Hz (L-20) and stimulation of the right index nger with 26 Hz (R-26). Color indicates the dB power increase relative to the xation period.


Figure 3.2: Brain activity during selective attention. Shown are power increases in 20 Hz and 26 Hz for stimulation of the left index nger with 20 Hz and right index nger with 26 Hz while attending to the left index nger (L-20/r-26) and while attending to the right index nger (l-20/R-26). Color indicates the dB power increase relative to the xation period.

Figure 3.3: Shown are power increases in 20 Hz and 26 Hz for the conditions L-26, R-20, L26/r-20 and l-26/R-20. Color indicates the dB power increase relative to the xation period.



Power dierences between contralateral and ipsilateral channels

For both left and right hemisphere a voxel in somatosensory cortex was chosen that showed a large increase in stimulus frequency compared to the xation period. The spectra of the erp (step 16 and 17 in gure 2.6) for these voxels are shown in the rst rows of gures 3.4-3.7. The second rows in these gures show the spectra of the erp for two electrodes above the left and right hemisphere that are expected to measure the largest potential dierences when left or right somatosensory cortex is active. These electrodes were chosen by simulating the scalp potentials when a dipole was placed at the location of the chosen voxels pointing into the direction of the activity (calculated in step 11 of gure 2.6). Figures 3.4 and 3.5 show the spectra of the perception classes of comparison 1 and 2. The voxel spectra show clear peaks for the stimulus frequency that is presented to the contralateral nger, for example 20 Hz for the voxel in the right hemisphere in the case of L-20, and 26 Hz for the voxel in the left hemisphere in the case of R-26. When looking at the frequency that is presented to the ipsilateral nger, no clear peaks are detected. The electrode spectra show peaks at the same frequencies as the voxel spectra. However, the stimulation frequency is not only found in the contralateral electrode, but also peaks are found at the ipsilateral electrode, for example a peak at 20 Hz for the left electrode in the case of L-20. In table 3.1 the power change of the stimuli frequencies in the erp between contralateral and ipsilateral channels are shown. These power changes are expressed in dB change for the power in the stimuli frequency found contralateral to the stimulus side compared to the power found ipsilateral to the stimulus side. The stimulus side is dened as the side at which the nger is stimulated at the specied frequency. The comparison is made between the same voxels and electrodes used for gures 3.4-3.7. All values in table 3.1 are positive which means that the frequency power at the contralateral channel is always larger than the frequency power at the ipsilateral channel. Further, the gain between contralateral and ipsilateral voxels (on average 12.9 dB for perception and 16.3 dB for selective attention) is in most cases larger than the gain between contralateral and ipsilateral electrodes (on average 5.3 dB for perception and 6.2 dB for selective attention). The only exceptions to this are 20 Hz in stimulus l-20/R-26 and 26 Hz in stimulus L-26/r-20. In table 3.2 signicance values of power dierences between contralateral and ipsilateral channels are shown. These values were calculated by performing Student t-tests between the stimulus frequency power in the contralateral and ipsilateral channel in every trial separately (step 13 and 14 in gure 2.6). For voxels, we found signicant dierences for almost all stimuli and frequencies (10 of 12 t-tests gave p-values lower than 0.05). For electrodes, only 7 of 12 ttests gave signicant results. In general, signicance values for voxel data were lower than for electrode data. This means that in voxel data the stimulation frequencies given to the left and the right index nger are more concentrated to 25

Figure 3.4: Spectra of the erp measured by two voxels and two electrodes in the case of stimulation of the left nger with 20 Hz (blue), stimulation of the right nger with 26 Hz (red) or when there is no stimulation (green). Electrodes and voxels were located in and above somatosensory cortex in left and right hemisphere.

Figure 3.5: Spectra of the erp measured by two voxels and two electrodes in the case of stimulation of the left nger with 26 Hz (blue), stimulation of the right nger with 20 Hz (red) or when there is no stimulation (green).


Figure 3.6: Spectra of the erp measured by two voxels and two electrodes in the case of stimulation of the left nger with 20 Hz and the right nger with 26 Hz while attention was to the left nger (blue), and while attention was to the right nger (red). The spectrum is also shown for the the case when there is no stimulation (green).

Figure 3.7: Spectra of the erp measured by two voxels and two electrodes in the case of stimulation of the left nger with 26 Hz and the right nger with 20 Hz while attention was to the left nger (blue), and while attention was to the right nger (red). The spectrum is also shown for the the case when there is no stimulation (green).


Table 3.1: Power change in erp between contralateral and ipsilateral channels (dB) voxel electrode Stimulus 20 Hz 26 Hz 20 Hz 26 Hz L-20 10.7 5.6 R-20 13.7 2.5 L-26 12.9 4.9 R-26 14.1 8.1 L-20/r-26 14.2 23.6 4.5 4.9 l-20/R-26 10.1 29.8 12.2 3.5 L-26/r-20 20.4 9.7 3.2 12.5 l-26/R-20 16.3 6.1 2.5 5.9 Table 3.2: Signicance of dierences between contralateral and ipsilateral channels voxel electrode Stimulus 20 Hz 26 Hz 20 Hz 26 Hz L-20 <0.0001* 0.06 R-20 <0.0001* 0.0006* L-26 0.01* 0.04* R-26 <0.0001* 0.01* L-20/r-26 0.03* <0.0001* 0.5 0.0002* l-20/R-26 0.01* <0.0001* 0.4 0.004* L-26/r-20 <0.0001* 0.1 0.0002* 0.2 l-26/R-20 <0.0001* 0.2 <0.0001* 0.4

separate areas of the brain than in electrode data.


Attention induced power change

In table 3.3 the attention induced power change in the erp is shown when comparing the power for the stimulus frequency between attention to the left index nger and attention to the right index nger. These power changes are expressed in dB change for the case the nger experiencing the specied frequency is attended compared to the case that the nger is not attended. For example, in the cases when the left nger is stimulated with 20 Hz and the right nger with 26 Hz (L-20/r-26 and l-20/R-26) the voxel contralateral to the 20 Hz stimulation (the voxel in the right hemisphere) shows a 2.3 dB power increase when the left nger is attended (L-20/r-26) compared to when the right nger is attended (l-20/R-26). The voxel contralateral to the 26 Hz stimulation (the voxel in the left hemisphere) shows a 0.4 power increase when the right nger is attended (l-20/R-26) compared to when the left nger is attended (L-20/r-26). For the perception classes, contralateral voxels and electrodes show a large at28

Table 3.3: Attention induced power change in erp (dB) voxel contralateral ipsilateral 20 Hz 26 Hz 20 Hz 26 Hz 29.1 20.5 1.1 4.7 16.1 23.3 -0.9 -3.6 2.3 0.4 -1.9 -5.8 -1.0 1.9 3.1 -1.8 electrode contralateral ipsilateral 20 Hz 26 Hz 20 Hz 26 Hz 12.9 15.0 7.4 10.5 25.0 9.1 11.3 5.6 1.1 1.3 8.8 2.7 -2.5 2.4 -1.8 -4.3

Stimulus L-20 vs. R-26 L-26 vs. R-20 L-20/r-26 vs. l-20/R-26 L-26/r-20 vs. l-26/R-20

Table 3.4: Signicance of dierences between conditions

voxel contralateral 20 Hz 26 Hz <0.0001* <0.0001* <0.0001* 0.001* 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.2 ipsilateral 20 Hz 26 Hz 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.4 electrode contralateral ipsilateral 20 Hz 26 Hz 20 Hz 26 Hz <0.0001* 0.0006* 0.2 0.1 0.0001* 0.008* 0.01* 0.04* 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.1 0.7 0.4

Stimulus L-20 vs. R-26 L-26 vs. R-20 L-20/r-26 vs. l-20/R-26 L-26/r-20 vs. l-26/R-20

tention induced power change when the nger stimulated with the frequency is attended, compared to when the other nger is attended. This is also expected, because only the attended nger is stimulated and in the compared class the other nger is stimulated at another frequency. Further, the increase in power is larger for the contralateral voxel (on average 22.3 dB) than for the contralateral electrode (on average 15.5 dB) in 3 of the 4 comparisons. For ipsilateral voxels, the increase in frequency power is smaller (on average 0.33 dB) than for ipsilateral electrodes (on average 8.7 dB) and in two cases there is even a decrease in power. For the attention classes, contralateral voxels and electrodes show a small increase in stimulus frequency power when the nger is attended in 3 of the 4 comparisons. In table 3.4 signicance values of dierences between conditions are shown. These values were calculated by performing Student t-tests between the stimulus frequency power for every condition in every trial separately (step 13 and 14 in gure 2.6). The signicances are calculated for both contralateral and ipsilateral voxels and electrodes. For perception classes, there is a signicant increase in stimulus frequency power in the voxels contralateral to the side of the stimulated nger. The same is the case for contralateral electrodes although the signicance is slightly larger. Ipsilateral voxels do not show a signicant increase in frequency power, while in two cases ipsilateral electrodes do show a signicant increase. For attention classes no signicant increases are found.



Classication success rates

In table 3.5 the success rates are given for classication. For the perception classes both voxel and electrode data give very large success rates. For these classes, the success rates of the electrode data are slightly larger than that of the voxel data. Selective attention classes give for both voxel and electrode data very small success rates, even below change level. Table 3.5: Classication success rates Stimulus voxel data electrode L-20 vs. R-26 0.88 L-26 vs. R-20 0.87 L-20/r-26 vs. l-20/R-26 0.42 L-26/r-20 vs. l-26/R-20 0.49 data 0.90 0.91 0.41 0.39


Chapter 4

The aim of the experiment described in this thesis was to explore the possibility to elaborate a new type of bci system: a system in which selective attention to temporal rhythmic stimuli is used to control an external device. Simultaneously, beamformer techniques were used to see if the success rates of the classication procedure would improve. To be sure that the beamformer lter allocates activity to the correct anatomical locations, a new method was proposed to construct realistic head models. When looking at the power of the stimulus frequencies in the erp, a clear increase was found in the somatosensory cortex contralateral to the stimulus side compared to the xation period. This corresponds to the steady-state somatosensory evoked potentials found in [12] [13] [21]. This nding means that the beamformer lter based on the realistic head model is able to allocate the measured eeg activity to brain areas in an accurate way. For both voxel and electrode channels the power in the contralateral channel is larger than the power in the ipsilateral channel, but the gain in power is larger for voxel data than for electrode data. Further, the signicance values for dierences between these channels in single trials are also smaller for voxel data. These ndings indicate that beamforming allocates the dierent stimulation frequencies to separate areas of the brain, while the frequencies found in the original electrode data reach both sides of the scalp. By this spatial separation of frequencies the power of a single stimulus is focused to a single area which will increase the signal to noise ratio. Therefore, signals allocated to voxels in these areas might give a more accurate estimation of the power of the steady-state somatosensory evoked potential than electrode signals. For both contralateral voxel and electrode channels an increase in power is found between the compared perception classes. This increase is larger for voxel channels, which conrms the idea that voxel data has a larger signal to noise ratio. The attention induced power gain calculated from the data measured in the selective attention conditions is small and not signicant present in single trials. Perception success rates are relatively high when voxel or electrode data is


used in the classication algorithm. Success rates for electrode data are slightly larger than for voxel data. An explanation can be that cross talk between some electrodes and the stimulator leads results in a large power for the stimulation frequency in some electrode signals. If this happens at isolated electrodes, beamforming will ignore the signals because they are not correlated with the signals from neighbouring electrodes. Classication success rates for selective attention classes are very low and even below chance level. Probably the signal to noise level of the attention induced power gain is too small to be measured in single trials and averaging over a few trials is necessary. Recently, a new classication algorithm is developed that uses the features of two successive trials for classication. This algorithm gives higher classication success rates ( 60%). Probably inuences in frequency power due to other ongoing brain processes are reduced by using also the power during the second trial in which the frequencies are switched. An important suggestion for improving the experiment is to include a period in each run in which the stimulators are active, but the ngers of the subject are not attached. The vibrating of the stimulators should be the same as the experiment, and the subject should be xating to a xation cross during the stimulation. The data recorded during this time period can then be used as a baseline instead of the xation baseline. In this way the probability that dierences between stimulation and baseline are the result of crosstalk is reduced. This baseline data can also be used in the classication algorithm to see if the success rates are (partially) due to crosstalk. Next, a discrimination task can be added to the experiment, for example the task to detect a small interruption in time of the stimulus at the attended side while ignoring the interruptions at the not attended side. This might increase the attention level of the subject and therefore the attention induced power gain. Further, it might be worthwhile to examine if other tactile stimuli, for example stimuli without alternating frequencies, give better results. A suggestion for improving the analysis of the experimental data is to increase the number of trials that is used as a training set in the cross validation procedure. This can be done by combining the data from multiple experiment sessions. The beamformer lter could be improved by using more trials in estimating the covariance matrix. If the data analysis can be performed online, i.e. during the experiment, direct feedback about the chosen class can be given to the subject. This might encourage the subject to concentrate and might increase the attention induced power gain. Further it might be necessary to use the average signal over a small amount (2-3) of trials to increase the signal to noise ratio. However, this will increase the time needed for every decision and therefore slows down the system. Further research will show if the results described in this thesis are representative to the results of experiments with other subjects. More analysis should be done to investigate if beamforming gives better results than other spatial lters like independent component analysis (ica). Further, a comparison can be made between the beamformer results obtained when the forward model is 32

based on a simple sphere model to the results obtained when it is based on the realistic head models we constructed.


Appendix A

Construction of a realistic head model

A.1 Introduction

When applying beamformer techniques, a forward model has to be estimated that predicts the potential distribution measured at the scalp when parts of the brain are active. This forward model consists of coecients for every combination of volume unit in the brain and electrode. Every coecient denes how much of the activity present in the selected volume unit is transmitted though the dierent tissues in the head to the selected electrode (see appendix B). The construction of a forward model involves the making of a head model in which the shapes of the dierent tissue volumes in the head are dened. Every tissue layer is given a conductivity value. The forward model can then be calculated using the boundary element method. In the case of using the boundary element method, the shapes of the tissue layers have to be dened by triangulated surfaces that represent the boundaries between these layers. The accuracy of the forward model depends heavily on assumptions made about the shape of the tissue layers in the head: the headmodel. The forward model used in eeg experiments is often based on a spherical head model. This model consists of multiple shells representing the brain, skull and scalp tissue layers (gure A.1a). It has been shown that realistic head models (gure A.1b) can obtain a more accurate source localisation, especially when signal to noise ratio is low [22]. Although the construction is more complicated we decided to use a realistic head model instead of a spherical head model. By using more physiological information in the forward model the resulting estimated activity patterns will deviate less from the real activity patterns in the brain and therefore are expected to contain more information to be useful in classication algorithms. To obtain a realistic model of the head geometry, we used T1-weighed mri (magnetic resonance imaging) scans of our 6 subjects. Using these scans, we


Figure A.1: a: The spherical head model consists of spherical shells representing dierent tissue layers. b: The realistic head model consists of multiple layers based on the realistic shapes of the dierent tissues that are extracted from an anatomical mri.

created a model consisting of three triangulated surfaces representing the outside of the brain (including cerebral spinal uid), skull and scalp. These surfaces are used in the boundary element method to calculate the forward model. The construction of the brain and scalp surfaces is done in two steps: extracting the desired compartment from the mri and projecting the vertices of a triangulated sphere onto this compartment. To obtain the triangulated surface representing the outside of the skull we created a new method which combines the segmentation and triangulation steps into one process that automatically searches for the boundary between skull and scalp in the mri during the projection.


Segmentation and triangulation of the brain


To create a volume modeling the brain we rst extracted the white matter, gray matter and csf compartments from the mri using the SPM segmentation tool which is a method by Ashburner and Friston [1]. This method aligns the mri volume to a template and performs cluster analysis with a modied mixture model and a-priori information about the likelihoods of each voxel being part of the three dierent tissue types. The output of this tool are three volumes containing probability values representing the likeliness for a certain voxel to be part of one the three compartments (gure A.2b, c and d). The three volumes were merged into one single brain volume by taking for every voxel the maximum value of the three segments at that location (gure A.2e). To reduce noise while preserving the surface of the segment we ltered this volume using a 3d median lter. This is done by moving a 3d kernel with a size of 5 mm3 over the mri volume and taking as a new value for the voxel in the centre the median of the values of all 125 voxels in the kernel. The results is shown in gure A.2f. Next, we rounded all values towards the nearest integer


Figure A.2: a: One slice of the mri scan made in a 1.5 T scanner, every pixel corresponds to a voxel (volume pixel) of 1 mm3 . The colored volumes depicted in b-h are laid over this original volume. b-d: Output of segmentation tool consisting of probability values for voxels being part of respectively white matter, gray matter and cerebral spinal uid. e: Probability values for voxels being part of the brain segment (for every voxel the maximum value of gure b-d is taken). f: A median lter is applied to smooth the volume while preserving edges. g: A logical volume is obtained by applying a threshold. h: The nal brain segment after smoothing the logical volume.

(0 or 1) to obtain a logical volume (gure A.2g). To smooth the surface of the volume we eroded the volume and dilated it again by 3 mm. The result is shown in gure A.2h.



To create a triangulated surface that surrounds the brain volume we projected the vertices of an evenly triangulated sphere with its origin located at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume onto the outer surface of the volume (gure A.3).


Figure A.3: a: Evenly triangulated sphere depicted at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume (only the saggital section of the brain volume is shown). The vertices of the triangulated sphere are projected onto the outside of the brain volume by interpolating lines going from the centre of gravity to the vertices. b: Resulting triangulated surface representing the outside of the brain.


Segmentation and triangulation of the scalp


To create a segment containing the whole head, rst the original mri was transformed into a logical volume by setting all values exceeding a certain threshold to 1 and the others to 0 (gure A.4a). The holes of the resulting 3d volume were lled (gure A.4b). To reduce noise that was still present, all connected components of the binary image were labeled. All voxel values were then set to zero, except the voxels that are part of the component that contains the centre of the brain (gure A.4c).



The triangulated surface that surrounds the scalp was constructed in the same way as for the brain compartment; that is by projecting the vertices of an evenly

Figure A.4: a: One slice of the logical volume obtained by thresholding the anatomical mri. b: The same slice after lling the holes. c: The same slice of the nal head volume. The nal head volume is obtained by choosing the compartment of the logical volume that contains the centre of the brain.


Figure A.5: a: Evenly triangulated sphere at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume depicted on top of the saggital section of the head volume. The vertices of the triangulated sphere are projected onto the outside of the head volume by interpolating lines going from the centre of gravity to the vertices. b: Resulting triangulated surface representing the outside of the scalp.

triangulated sphere (with its origin located at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume) onto the outer surface of the head volume (gure A.5).


Skull surface: direct triangulation algorithm

The boundary element method that is used for calculating the forward model does not require the head model in terms of volumes, but only triangulated surfaces representing the surface located between these tissue volumes. Therefore, instead of creating a time consuming algorithm for segmenting the skull segment from the mri, we developed a new fast method in which the vertices of an evenly triangulated sphere are projected directly onto the boundary between skull and scalp without rst extracting the skull compartment from the mri. In this way, only the boundary between skull and scalp at a limited amount of lines has to be detected.


Preprocessing of the anatomical mri

To be able to detect this boundary accurately we rst smoothed the mri volume in a way that relative large smoothing was obtained in the direction along the skull and scalp layers while the smoothing perpendicular to these layers remained small. This was done using a three-dimensional Gaussian kernel that had a relative smaller standard deviation in one direction (the direction perpendicular to the dierent tissue layers) than the other directions. This is shown in gure A.6. To shorten the time needed only the part of the mri was ltered that was outside the logical brain volume and inside the logical head volume.


Figure A.6: a: Saggital slice of the anatomical mri, only the part is shown that is inside the logical head volume and outside the logical brain volume. The yellow dot represents the location of the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume. For every to be ltered pixel a line is drawn starting at the centre of gravity of the brain volume and pointing to the pixel. b: Detail of part of the slice. c: Saggital section of the constructed three-dimensional Gaussian kernel that is used to calculate the new value for the pixel. The values in this kernel are relative small (darker) in the direction of the centre of gravity (yellow line) and relative bigger (lighter) in the direction perpendicular to this line (blue line). d: The same detail as shown in gure b, after ltering. e: One slice of the resulted smoothed mri volume.



Triangulation process

To construct the triangulated skull surface we again started with an evenly triangulated sphere with its origin located at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume. For every vertex of this sphere we constructed a vector containing all intensities of the smoothed mri volume that were crossed when projecting the vertex on the outside of the mri volume. Examples of these projection lines are shown in gure A.7a. Because these lines do not cross the voxels exactly through their centre we interpolated the intensity values of all neighbouring voxels according to the place where the line crosses. We did this for locations at every 0.5 mm of the line. Examples of the interpolated mri values at these lines are shown in gures A.7b and A.8. We constructed an algorithm that automatically detects the position in every intensity vector that represents the boundary between skull and scalp. This position is then easily transformed into the corresponding mri coordinates to obtain the projection of the vertex onto the outside of the skull. All projected vertices form together the triangulated skull surface (gure A.7c).


Detection of the boundary between skull and scalp

Because T1 magnetic resonance imaging measures hydrogen density which is not (much) present in bone tissue, the skull produces low intensity values on mri. On the other hand, scalp tissue contains much hydrogen and appears bright on mri. Therefore we expect when going from the outside of the brain through the skull and the scalp to nd rst low intensity values representing the skull and later high intensity values representing the scalp. In gure A.8 the values of a representative intensity vector are plotted (black line). The local minimum in this gure represents the bone tissue. Connected to the bone there is a layer of arachnoid and dura mater which give higher intensity values than the bone itself. This results in an small peak at the left of the local minimum. The scalp tissue starts with a layer of subcutaneous fat. Fat contains much hydrogen and therefore there is a big peak in the intensity values at the right of the local minimum representing the skull. The plateau at the most right part of the gure represents the other layers (dermis and epidermis) of the scalp. Automatic detection of the position representing the boundary between skull and scalp was done by rst creating a second vector containing the dierences between neighbouring intensity values (red line in gure A.8). For every vertex both the mri intensity vector and the derivative vector were used in the detection algorithm (algorithm 1). The basic idea behind this algorithm was that we expected the intensity to go from low to high values at the boundary between skull and scalp, and therefore to be located at a local maximum (higher than a constant threshold, green line in A.8) in the derivative vector. Further we expected the position of this local maximum to be located at the right side of a local minimum in the intensity vector representing the center of the skull. This local minimum must be somewhere in the middle in between the end of the brain and the end of the scalp. 40

Figure A.7: a: Evenly triangulated sphere aligned to the smoothed mri volume in a way that its centre is located at the centre of gravity of the logical brain volume. (Only one slice of the smoothed mri volume is shown). Projection lines are drawn from the centre through the vertices of the sphere. b: For every projection line a vector is created consisting of all interpolated mri intensity values at every 0.5 mm on the line (black line). The detection algorithm nds the position in each vector that represents the skull-scalp boundary (blue line). c: All resulting coordinates form the triangulated skull surface.


Figure A.8: Black line: Interpolated mri intensity values at every 0.5 mm of one representative projection line. Because mri measures hydrogen density bone tissue gives low intensity values, while fat tissue gives high values. Arachnoid, dura and (epi)dermis give moderate values. Red line: derivative of intensity values. Green line: threshold used in detection algorithm. Blue line: Boundary between skull and scalp chosen by the detection algorithm.

If there was no local minimum at all in the intensity vector, or there was no local maximum at the right site of the chosen local minimum, we decided to use the position of the second (from the start) local maximum in the derivative vector as the point representing the boundary between skull and scalp. Examples are shown in gure A.9a and d. We chose the second local maximum because all intensity values inside the brain volume were set to zero during ltering and therefore the rst local maximum only represents the starting of the part of the mri that is outside the brain. If there was also no second local maximum present in the derivative vector, we calculated the boundary point using the thickness of the skull under the neighbouring vertex that was projected previously (gure A.9b and c). The automatic procedure was applied only at the lines that crossed the upper half of the brain surface because at the lower half of the head, the skull is not directly covered by the scalp. The upper half was dened by the plane through three points of the triangulated brain surface that were chosen in advance. For the lower half the boundary between skull and scalp tissue was assumed to be at a standard distance away from the brain segment, namely the mean of the skull thickness of the upper half. The detection algorithm was applied for each of the 6 subjects. In table A.1 the average number of vertices is specied for which the basic algorithm was used and for which one of the alternative methods was used: a) the second maximum because there was no maximum in the derivative vector at the right of the intensity minimum chosen to be the centre of the skull, b) the skull thickness of the neighbouring vertex because there was no maximum in the derivative vector at the right of the minimum and also no second maximum in the derivative vector from the start, c) the skull thickness of the neighbouring vertex because there was no minimum at all and also no second maximum in the derivative vector from the start, d) the second maximum because there was 42

Figure A.9: Intensity values (black line), derivative of the intensity values (red line), threshold (green line) and detected boundary between skull and scalp (blue line) for four dierent projection lines for which alternative methods are used. a: Example of a projection line containing a local intensity minimum, but without a local derivative maximum at the right side of it that exceeds the threshold. Therefore the overall second local maximum in the derivative vector is chosen as the boundary between skull and scalp. b: Another example of a projection line containing a local intensity minimum, but without a local derivative maximum at the right side of it that exceeds the threshold. Because in this case there is no second local maximum in the derivative vector exceeding the threshold, the boundary is determined using the thickness of the skull under the neighbouring vertex that was projected previously. c: Example of a projection line without a local intensity minimum. Because in this case there is no second local maximum in the derivative vector exceeding the threshold, the boundary is determined using the thickness of the skull under the neighbouring vertex that was projected previously. d: Example of a projection line without a local intensity minimum. Therefore the overall second local maximum in the derivative vector is chosen as the boundary between skull and scalp.


Table A.1: Number of vertices for which the basic algorithm and alternative methods are used
basic algorithm method a method b method c method d average number of vertices 576 17 1 1 28 percentage corrected 2.7 1.0 40.0 0.0 0.6

Figure A.10: Detail of a saggital slice of the smoothed mri. Red dots depict the projected vertices.

no local intensity minimum at all. For most of the vertices this procedure gave an accurate estimate of the location where the skull ends and the scalp starts (A.10). However, some vertices had to be corrected manually (A.11) using a interface in which the vector values are shown and the position of the boundary between skull and scalp can be typed in. The percentage of vertices that had to be corrected manually are given in table A.1.


Figure A.11: a: Detail of a transverse slice of the smoothed mri. Red dots depict the projected vertices. One of the vertices is not projected correctly and is corrected manually (purple arrow). This is done using a interface in which the vector values are shown and the position of the boundary between skull and scalp can be typed in. b: Intensity vector (black) and derivative vector (red) for the projection line of the incorrect projected vertex. The blue line shows the boundary chosen by the algorithm, the purple line shows the boundary chosen manually. c: Detail of a coronal slice of the smoothed mri (containing the ear). The depicted vertex is not projected correctly and is corrected manually (purple arrow). d: Intensity vector (black) and derivative vector (red) for the projection line of the incorrect projected vertex. The blue line shows the boundary chosen by the algorithm, the purple line shows the boundary chosen manually.


LIN ES {MR-values on projection lines} nLIN ES {number of projection lines} minSKIN {minimal thickness of skin} minSLOP E {minimal slope at boundary} lastT HICKN ESS {estimation of mean skull thickness} for n = 1 to nLIN ES do M R LINES(n) SLOP E {dierences between successive M R values} indexST ART {index of line where brain ends} indexEN D {index of line where skin ends} minM R {indices of local minima of M R} maxSLOP E {indices smaller than (indexEN D - minSKIN ) of all local maxima of SLOP E that are bigger than minSLOP E} if minM R is empty then if maxSLOP E(2) exists then BOU N DARY (n) = maxSLOP E(2) else BOU N DARY (n) = indexST ART + lastT HICKN ESS end if else CEN T ERSKU LL = value in minM R that is most near indexEN D + (indexEN D-indexST ART )/2 if there is a value in maxSLOP E bigger than CEN T ERSKU LL then BOU N DARY (n) = rst value of maxSLOP E that is bigger than CEN T ERSKU LL else if maxSLOP E(2) exists then BOU N DARY (n) = maxSLOP E(2) else BOU N DARY (n) = indexST ART + lastT HICKN ESS end if end if end if lastT HICKN ESS = BOU N DARY (n) - indexST ART end for Algorithm 1: Calculation of boundary positions between skull and scalp, algorithm is given in pseudo code. Input are the MR-values on the projection lines (LIN ES), output is a vector containing the boundary positions (BOU N DARY ).


Appendix B

B.1 Introduction

Beamforming is a spatial ltering method to estimate the activity at every predened voxel (volume pixel) in the brain using potentials or magnetic elds recorded at the surface of the head. The beamformer lter consists of weights that have to be assigned to every sensor that is used. The estimated voxel activity is then the weighed sum of all measurements (see equation B.3). For every voxel of interest, the lter is calculated in a way that activity from the specic voxel passes the lter while activity from other voxels is suppressed. In the beamformer model all activity in a voxel is modeled as a single dipole at the centre of the voxel.


Construction of the lter

The forward model

The rst step in building a beamformer lter is the construction of a forward model. A forward model describes how the brain activity is transmitted from the voxels of interest to the sensors at the surface of the head. This forward model is needed because its inverse describes how brain activity can be calculated from sensor measurements, which is the purpose of beamforming. If there are N sensors and M voxels of interest, M forward models Hm of size N by 3 have to be constructed. The three columns in the forward model Hm contain the activity that will be measured at the sensors due to a dipole source located in the centre of the voxel of interest that has an unity moment in respectively the x- y- and z direction and zero moment in the other directions. If the forward model is known, the activity at the sensors for a given point in time can be calculated by multiplying the forward model by a vector containing the dipole moment present in the voxel at that point in time. This vector is called ym (t) and has a size of 3 by 1. The three subsequent rows in this vector contain respectively the length of the x-, y- and z component of the dipole representing 47

the activity in the voxel. The resulting vector xm of size N by 1 contains the activity at the sensors due to the dipole in voxel m: xm (t) = Hm ym (t) (B.1)

If there is activity in multiple voxels at the same moment in time, the measured activity at the sensors is the sum of all vectors

x(t) =

xm (t) =

Hm ym (t).



Filter design

As already mentioned in paragraph B.1, the beamformer lter consists of weights that have to be assigned to every sensor to obtain the estimated voxel activity by calculating the weighed sum of the electrode measurements. The activity in a voxel is modeled by a dipole in the centre of the voxel that has a component in the x-, y- and z direction. The beamformer lter wm contains weights for calculating each of these components and therefore it is a matrix of size N by 3. The estimated dipole is a vector sm (t) of size 3 by 1 and can be obtained by multiplying the transposed lter by the vector x(t) containing the measured activity at the sensors: T sm (t) = wm x(t). (B.3) The ideal lter wm is constructed in a way that it gives unit response for the activity in voxel m, this means that the estimated voxel activity is equal to the actual voxel activity. T sm (t) = wm x(t) = ym (t). (B.4) Substituting equation B.1 for x(t) gives:
T wm Hm ym (t) = ym (t).


Therefore the ideal lter satises the linear response constraint:

T wm Hm = I.


Further the ideal lter let not pass any activity coming from other voxels (stopband attenuation): T wm Hp yp (t) = 0 (p = m). (B.7) Therefore the second constraint for the ideal lter is:
T wm Hp = 0

(p = m).


If the columns of all forward models H are linearly independent, it is possible to nd a lter wm that satises equation B.6 and B.8. However, as mentioned in paragraph B.2.1, the forward model is not based on the exact anatomy of the human head; it is an approximation in which the head is assumed to consist of a limited number of tissue types with their own (estimated) conductivity 48

properties. This means that the columns of forward models that belong to voxels located near each other can be nearly linear dependent. This means that wm will have a large norm and noise in the measured signal x(t) will have large impact on the estimated brain activity sm (t). Often the signal to noise ration in eeg measurements is very low, and therefore a lter constructed in this way will lead to unreliable estimated brain activity. Another problem is that there are N weights in every column of wm and therefore N degrees of freedom. This means that the total amount of lter columns 3M can not be larger than N and the number of voxels M for which the activity is estimated can not be larger than N/3. Even when for example 256 sensors are used, the activity for only 85 voxels can be estimated which means that the volume of every voxel is about 15 cm3 which is much too large.


Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance

Because of the big limitations of using the stopband constraint as described in paragraph B.2.2, a method is developed by Van Veen et al. [23] which is called the linearly constrained minimum variance (lcmv) method. In this method the lter is constructed in a way that it minimizes the total variance of the lter output. In this way signals coming from other voxels than the voxel of interest are attenuated while at the same time the linear response constraint is satised. Therefore the lter is found by solving: min(V ar{sm }) subject to:
T wm Hm = I.

(B.9) (B.10)

Here sm is a matrix in which the rows represent the three dimensions of the estimated dipole and the columns represent the time points at which the activity is estimated. The variance of the lter output is given by V ar{sm } = = tr{Cov[sm ]} tr{sm sT }. m (B.11)

Substituting equation B.3 in equation B.11 gives V ar{sm } = = =

T T tr{[wm x][wm x]T } T tr{wm xxT wm } T tr{wm Cov[x]wm }.


Here x is a matrix of measurement values in which the rows represent the sensors and the columns represent the time points. The solution of minimizing the result of equation B.12 while satisfying the linear response constraint is described in [23]. This results in the beamformer lter equation:
T T T wm = {Hm Cov 1 [x]Hm }1 Hm Cov 1 [x].



By substituting this equation into equation B.12, we obtain the estimated variance for the dipole in every voxel: V ar{sm } = = = =
T tr{wm Cov[x]wm }

T Cov T [x]Hm {Hm Cov 1 [x]Hm }T } T tr{{Hm Cov 1 [x]Hm }1

T T tr{{Hm Cov 1 [x]Hm }1 Hm Cov 1 [x]Cov[x]

T T {Hm Cov T [x]Hm }{Hm Cov T [x]Hm }1 } T tr{{Hm Cov 1 [x]Hm }1 }.


Active neural populations will lead to a large variance in the dipole moment modeling the activity in a voxel and therefore equation B.14 can be used to estimate the activity for every voxel for the time interval in which the data is measured. The dipole moment at a certain time point can be calculated by substituting equation B.13 into equation B.3.


The Neural Activity Index and noise

Often the signal to noise ratio is very low in eeg measurements. Therefore, part of the data in xm (t) is not activity coming from neural sources. When calculating the activity for a voxel, part of the result of equation B.14 will be due to noise. If for example xm (t) is equal for all electrodes and totally due to uncorrelated noise, then Cov[xm (t)] = I and equation B.14 becomes
T V ar{sm } = tr{{Hm Hm }1 }.


This means that the estimated activity in a voxel only depends on the forward model. If the voxel is located at the outside of the brain, the forward model will contain relatively large elements because the activity in the voxel generates relative large measurements at the sensor. Large elements in Hm give small T elements in {Hm Hm }1 and therefore the estimated activity will be small. In case of a voxel located deeper in the brain, elements in Hm will be relative T small resulting in large elements in {Hm Hm }1 . Therefore the estimated voxel activity will be relative large. [23] In general, if the measured noise has a covariance matrix Q then the estimated activity due to this noise will be:
T tr{{Hm Q1 Hm }1 }.


In eeg measurements part of the measured potentials in xm (t) is due to brain activity and part is due to noise. The part that is due to noise depends on the location of the voxel. This can lead to unreliable activity estimations showing large activity in the centre of the brain. Therefore a normalized estimate of the voxel activity can be obtained by dividing equation B.14 by equation B.16: V arN {sm } =
T tr{{Hm Cov 1 (x)Hm }1 } . T tr{{Hm Q1 Hm }1 }



The covariance matrix Q can be estimated by measuring a period in which there is no stimulus given to the subject. Another method is to use the covariance matrix of the measurements during the presentation of another stimulus. In this way a contrast is calculated between activity induced by the two stimuli.


Correlated sources

The main assumption in beamformer analysis is that the activity of any neural source is not linearly correlated to the activity of any other neural source. This is due to the way the lter is constructed, namely by minimizing the variance of the lter output while satisfying the unity passband constraint. If for example activity at two locations is fully correlated in time, the forward models Hi and Hj corresponding to these two locations will add as vectors: yj xi xj xt = = = = = byi Hi y i Hj y j bHj yi Hi yi + bHj yi (B.18)

= (Hi + bHj )yi ,

in which xt is the measurement due to the combined sources. The beamformer that estimates the activity at voxel location i, allows sources with a forward model Hi to pass unattenuated, and minimizes all other components. However, due to the correlated sources, the measurement xt now seems to stem from one source, with forward model Hi + bHj . As this is not equal to Hi , the beamformer minimizes this contribution therewith underestimating the source strength of voxel i. A similar reasoning holds for the other voxel. Van Veen et al [23] examined the eect of correlated source activity by simulating two sources located in a three-shell sphere. In gure B.1 the neural activity index at a cross section of the sphere is depicted in the case of uncorrelated, partially correlated and fully correlated sources.


Figure B.1: Neural activity index at a cross section of the sphere model in the case of two uncorrelated (a and d), two partially correlated (b and e) and two fully correlated (c and f) sources. In a-c, the sources are relatively close to each other, in d-f the sources are relatively far from each other. When sources are fully correlated it is not longer possible to detect the distinct source locations. If they are partially correlated, a distinction can be made if they are located relatively far from each other. (Figure is adopted from [23])


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