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pauloloureiro@unb.br Perodo: 2o Semestre 2011 Carga Horria: 60 horas (4 crditos) Horrio: Todas as Quartas 19 s 22h30min OBJETIVO: O principal objetivo do curso analisar os fatores econmicos envolvidos no processo de determinao de emprego e salrios e o papel de instituies no mercado de trabalho. EMENTA: Como o mercado de trabalho, a exemplo de outros mercados, apresenta ofertantes (trabalhadores e sindicatos) e demandantes (empregadores/firmas), analisa-se, inicialmente, o comportamento de cada um dos lados desse mercado (oferta e demanda) e como eles interagem entre si para determinar os nveis observados de emprego e salrios. Num segundo estgio, investigam-se os aspectos macroeconmicos que influenciam o desempenho do mercado de trabalho. Por fim, trata-se do terceiro lado do mercado de trabalho, entendido como o papel de instituies que podem afetar os resultados da barganha salarial. METODOLOGIA: Aulas expositivas, seminrios e trabalhos. Cpia de livros e artigos e/ou traduo de textos em ingls sem a devida citao bibliogrfica ser tratada como plgio e resultar na nota zero no trabalho em questo. Nos trabalhos, todas as fontes consultadas devem ser citadas ao longo do texto e listadas ao final na bibliografia, conforme o padro a ser recomendado pelo professor. O uso de telefones celulares durante as aulas expressamente proibido. AVALIAO: Os alunos sero convidados a apresentar seminrios ao longo do curso. Tais seminrios sero responsveis por 30% da avaliao final. Os 70% restantes sero cobrados na forma de um artigo ao final do curso. CONHECIMENTOS PRVIOS NECESSRIOS: Para um desempenho satisfatrio na disciplina, desejvel que os alunos j tenham feito os cursos de microeconomia e macroeconomia ao nvel de graduao. Entretanto, essa no uma condio sine qua non. CARGA DE LEITURA: Espera-se que o aluno dedique pelo menos 12 horas de leitura por semana a essa disciplina. Recomenda-se fortemente que os alunos venham para a aula j tendo lido a bibliografia indicada para a semana. PROGRAMA

1 OFERTA DE TRABALHO Becker, G. A Theory of the Allocation of Time. Economic Journal, 75, September 1965. 493-517. Killingsworth, M. Labour Supply, Cambridge, MA. Cambridge University Press 1983. Gronau, RF. Leisure, Home Production and Work - A Theory of the Allocation of Time Revisited. Journal of Political Economy. 1977 84, 4, S201-220. Blundell, R. and T. Macurdy . Labour Supply: A Review of Alternative Approaches, in: O. Ashenfelter and D. Card (eds), Handbook of Labor Economics, Vol.III, North-Holland, Amsterdam.1999 2 DEMANDA POR TRABALHO Bosworth, Derek, Peter Dawkins and Thorsten Stromback. The Economics of the Labour Market. Addison Wesley Longman Limited. 1996. Captulos 6,7,8 e 9. Nickell, Stephen. Dynamic Models of Labour Demand, in Orley Ashenfelter and Richard Layard. eds. Handbook of Labor Economics, Vol. III, North-Holland, Amsterdam.1986 3 TEORIA DO CAPITAL HUMANO Becker, G. (1975). Human Capital. Columbia University Press, New York, 2nd edition. Becker, Gary S. Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis. The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 70, No. 5, Part 2: Investment in Human Beings. (Oct., 1962), pp. 9-49. Becker, Gary S. Human Capital, Effort, and the Sexual Division of Labor. Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 3, No. 1, Part 2: Trends in Women's Work, Education, and Family Building. (Jan., 1985), pp. S33-S58. Carneiro, P. E Heckman, J. Human Capital Policy. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 9495. 2003. Heckman, J. Human Capital Formation and General Equilibrium Effects; A study of Tax and Tuition Policy. Fiscal Studies, 20, pg. 25-40, 1999. Heckman, J. A Life-Cycle Model off Earnings, Learning, and Consumption. Journal of Political Economy, v.84, pg. 11-44. 1976.

Loureiro, Paulo RA, Mario J. C. de Mendona; Adolfo Sachsida Um Estudo sobre Retorno em Escolaridade no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Economia - RBE- FGV/RJ, volume 58 n 2, abril/junho, (2004) [with] Rivkin, S. G., Hanushek, E. A., Kain, J. F. Teachers, Schools and Academic Achievement. Econometrica, vol. 73, n.2, pg. 417-458, mar. de 2005. 4 DISCRIMINAO Arrow, Kenneth J. The Models Of Job Discrimination. Anthony H. Pascal, ed. Racial Discrimination in Economics Life (Lexington Books): 83-102. 1972. ________________ What Has Economics to Say About Racial Discrimination? The Journal of Economic Perspectives. Volume 12 number 2 Spring, pp.91-100. 1998. Becker, Gary. The Economics of Discrimination. The University of Chicago Press. 1957. Cain, Glen The Economic Analysis of Labor Market Discrimination: A Survey. In Handbook of Labor Economics. vol. 1, edited by Orley Ashenfelter and Richard Layard, Amsterdam: North Holland. 1986. Loureiro, Paulo RA Uma Resenha Terica e Emprica sobre Economia da Discriminao. Revista Brasileira de Economia - RBE- FGV/RJ, (2003) v.57, n1. Loureiro, Paulo RA, Adolfo Sachsida and Francisco G. Carneiro. Race and Gender Differentials: An Analysis for the Urban and Rural Sector in Brazil. Journal of Economic Studies. Volume 31 N 2 May, (2004) Oaxaca, R.; Ranson, M. R. Identification In Detailed Wage Decompositions. The Review of Economics and Statistics. V. 81, p. 154-157, 1999. 5 DIFERENCIAIS COMPENSATRIOS DE SALRIO Rosen, Shervin (1986) The Theory of Equalizing Differences .in Handbook of Labor Economics. Vol I. ed. By Orley Ashenfelter and Richard Layard. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.V. 1986. pp. 641-692. 6 MIGRAO E MOBILIDADE DE TRABALHO Borja, George J. The Economics of Immigration. Journal of Economic Literature 32 (December 1994): pp1667-1717. Farber, Henry S. The Analysis of Interfirm Worker Mobility. Journal of Labor Economic 12 (October 1994): pp554-593.

Mincer, Jacob and Boyan Jovanovic. Labor Mobility and Wage, in Shervin Rosen, editor, Studies in Labor Markets. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp21-65. Solon, Gary. 1999. "Intergenerational Mobility in the Labor Market," in Handbook of Labor Economics, vol. 3A, 1761-1800. Solon, Gary. 2002. Cross-Country Differences in Intergenerational Earnings Mobility. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Summer), pp. 59-66. 7 INSIDERS-OUTSIDERS Akerlof, G.A. The Insider-Outsider Theory of Emplyoment and Unemplyoment Review. Scardinavian Journal of Economics. 93:3, pp.472-74. Lindbeck, Assar and Dennis J. Snower. Insiders versus Outsiders. Journal of Economic Perspectives volume 15, Number 1-Winter 2001 pp.165-188. Solow, R. Insiders and Outsiders in Wage Determination. Scardinavian Journal of Economics. 87:2, pp.411-28. 8 SALRIOS DE EFICINCIA Akerlof, G.A. and T. Yellen Efficiency Wage Models of the Labour Markets. Cambdrige: Cambdrige University Press.1986 Cappelli, P. & Chauvin, K. (1991). An Interplant Test of the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(3):769787. Krueger, Alan B. Lawrence Summers, H. Efficiency Wages and The Inter-Industry Wage Structure: Econometrica vol. 56 No 2 March 1998 pp259-293. Loureiro, Paulo RA, Joo B. B. Machado and Jaime Orrillo. Impact of Sex on Worker's Effort within Efficiency Wage Setting. http:// papers.ssrn.com/ sol3/papers.cfm? abstract_id=993081 Solow, R. Another Possible Source of Wage Stickness in Efficiency Wage Models of the Labour Markets. Cambdrige: Cambdrige University Press 1986 pp4144. Weiss, A. Efficiency Wages, Models Unemplyoment, Layoffs and Wage Dispersion. Oxford: Clarendon Press.1990.

9 DESEMPREGO Kim B. Cark and Lawrence H. Summers Labor Market Dynamic and Unemplyoment: A Reconsideration. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1979):13-60 p56. Lazear Edward P. Why is There Mandatory Retirement? Journal of Political Economics 87 (December 1979): 1261-1284. 10 ECONOMIA DO CRIME Becker, Gary S. Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach Journal of Political Economy, 1968, vol. 76, no. 2 Block, M.; Heineke, J. A Labor Theoretic Analysis Of The Criminal Choice. American Economic Review 65, p. 314-325, 1975. Freeman, R. B. The Economis of Crime. In: ASHENFELTER; CARD, D. (eds.), Handbook of labor economics. Vol. 3. Amsterdam, Holland: Elsevier Science, 1999. Glaeser, E. L.and Sacerdote, B. (1999). Why is There More Crime in Cities. Journal of Political Economy, v. 107(6), S225-S258. Glaeser, E.L., Sacerdote, B. and J. Scheinkman (1996) "Crime and Social Interactions," Quarterly Journal of Economics CXI(2): 507-548. Loureiro, Paulo RA, Adolfo Sachsida, Mario J. C. de Mendona e Tito B. Moreira Crime, Economic Conditions, Social Interactions and Family Heritage. International Review of Law and Economics [(v. 29, p. 202-209) (2009)

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