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Evaluation of English Skills Test based on Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use 1.

. Identify each of these words as a noun, verb or adjective: a. book h. write b. speak i. new c. good j. man d. word k. right e. house l. blue f. house m. say g. have n. give 2. List four examples of prepositions. 3. Answer these questions: a. What is the plural of MAN? b. Is BAD an adverb? c. Is FROM a verb? d. Is IN a preposition? 4. There are two general categories of words below, sort the words into the two categories: school rain sun teacher cloud exam snow ice student

Category 1: ______________________________________________________ Category 2: ______________________________________________________

5. Complete the following sentences with the verbs had or have. a. Is that your camera? Can I ____________ a look? b. When I went to Colorado, I _________ a good time.

6. Answer the following questions about yourself: a. What did you have for breakfast? b. Do you always have a party on your birthday? c. How many brothers and sisters do you have? d. When did you get out of bed this morning?

7. Complete the following sentences with go, went or gone: a. I ____________ to San Jose last weekend. (past tense) b. I have ____________ to the beach every Saturday this month (past tense) c. I _________ to work on my motorcycle. (present tense) 8. Complete the following sentences with do, did, make, made or does: a. He ___________ twenty laps around the track each morning. (present) b. They __________ very well at the math competition. (past) c. She _____________ a very delicious chocolate cake yesterday. (past) d. They _____________ well when they practice singing every day. (present) 9. Complete the following sentences with the proper expression for dates or grades in school. a. My birthday is on the ___________ of December. (December 26) b. My brother is in the ____________ grade at Middleton High School (10) 10. Answer the following questions about days, months and seasons: a. How many days are there in a week? b. In what month of the year is Christmas? c. What are the days of the week? d. What are the four seasons? 11. Underline the correct answer or answers: a. A pond is i.) bigger than a lake b. I really enjoy i.) play tennis

ii.) smaller than a lake

iii.) the same size

ii.) to play tennis

iii.) playing tennis

c. She gave me a ______________ smile. i.) strong ii.) big iii.) large d. You can put on i.) gloves

ii.) a decision

iii.) shoes

12. Answer the following questions: a. What do you use a dictionary for?

b. What do you use a photocopier for? c. What do you keep in file? 13. Form 5 unique compound adjectives, matching words in the left column with words in the left column. Not all words in the left column will be used. good second brand short left handed sleeved handed new hand

14. Match the sentence beginnings on the left with the endings on the right. 1. He suffers ( ) a. of her mistakes. 2. She apologized ( ) b. at his choice. 3. She said it was similar ( ) c. from a rare illness. 4. The suitcase was full ( ) d. about the bad service. 5. I was very surprised ( ) e. of clothes. 6. She's tired ( ) f. to the one she has. 15. Make two sentences out of each of these phrasal verbs, using different meanings of each: a. pick up ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________

b. take off

16. Explain the meaning of the following idioms within each sentences: a. Are you coming? answer: Yes, hang on. Hang on = __________________________ b. What's up? answer: Nothing. What's up = __________________________ c. Can I borrow your dictionary? answer: Sure, go ahead. go ahead = __________________________ d. I don't know which one to choose. answer: Well, make up your mind. make up your mind = ________________________________ 17. Use forms of the verbs do, have, make or take to complete the following sentences: a. We are ________________ a surprise part for Kim this Saturday. b. I am going to ____________ a shower when I get home.

c. I always _______________ my grocery shopping on Saturday. d. It is not always easy to _____________ new friends in a foreign country. e. We are _______________ a taxi to the airport. 18. Match the nouns on the left with verbs on the left to form common word partnerships. (The number of uses for each verb are indicated in parenthesis.) break (2) catch (2) keep (1) give (2) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ the law ______________ ______________ ______________ a cold in touch me a hand the ball my regards to a record

19. What would you say to a friend a. who is 21 tomorrow? ______________________________________ b. who has passed some important exams? _______________________ c.who is going to take his driving license test tomorrow?_______________ d. on January 1st or soon after? _________________________________

20. Cross out the incorrect answers. Both answers may be correct. a. ( Although / In spite of ) we left late, w still go there in time. b. The enjoyed the course ( even though / whereas ) it was very difficult. c. Most people we met tried to help us. They were very friendly ( too / as well ). d. During the week, the town center is very busy. During the weekend ( on the other hand / whereas ) , it is very quiet and almost empty.

21. Complete the following table: ( 9 pts) Verb define mean write Infinitive -ing form past participle

22. Which words do not belong in each group below? (4 pts) a. hair-restorer plant-holder b. tearful c. worship spiteful dreadfulhandful kinship friendship partnership compliment arrangement step-ladder vacuum-cleaner

d. appointment involvement

23. Match the following words on the left with their synonyms. (5 pts) a. damned b. factual c. pale d. sacred e. tact ( ( ) ) 1. holy 2. diplomacy 3. doomed 4. fake 5. Colorless 6. real 24. Identify the cause and effect in the following sentence, underlining the cause, and circling the effect: (2 pts) We ate chicken that was undercooked and we got sick the next day. 25. Draw a line from the left-hand column to the right column to form an appropriate collective word association: (6 pts) a. a clump of bees b. a swarm of mountains c. a range of fir trees d. a herd of cattle e. a row of school kids f. a gang of houses 26. Which question would you ask? Can I have / borrow a(n) ..? or Can I have / borrow some ..? (6 pts)

( ) ( ) ( )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________.

27. Write a noun that could follow each of the verbs below: (4 pts) a. b. c. d. put up ____________________ put away __________________ put up with ____________________ put out __________________

28. Can you think of a situation where you might.. (3 pts) a. have to get a bite to eat on the way? b. find it hard to make any headway? c. Be willing to pay through the nose for tickets? 29. What do the following idioms mean? (3 pts) a. let the cat out the bag b. be in a fix c. to stir things up

30. The pictures below show some conditions that must be met to do certain things. Make different sentences to describe each situation. (8 pts)

Questions 1-10: Level 1 - Elementary (59 pts) Questions 11-20: Level 2 Intermediate (48 pts) Questions 21-30: Level 3 Advanced (50 pts)

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