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media relations : a type of public relations activity through which public relations specialists establish and maintain good

communication and relationships between the organization and print and broadcast media organizations relatiile cu mass media : Relatiile cu mass media - o functie a relatiilor publice care implica munca si comunicarea cu presa, mentinerea unei bune relatii de comunicare intre specialistii de relatii publice si jurnalisti. media relations : The relationship between the company and all the various media of communication, including print and electronic. media releases Media releases are : news releases, press releases, video press releases, press statements. communicate pentru presa : Communicate pentru presa : totalitatea documentelor cu caracter informativ redactate de practicianul de relatii publice care au ca destinatari intreaga media. press release : A press release is a type of public relations document, a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value. comunicat de presa : Comunicatul de presa este un material redactat de specialistul in relatii publice responsabil cu relatia cu media si trimis mass mediei, prin care se face un anunt cu privire la un eveniment important din cadrul organizatiei sau cu privire la o declaratie a unuia dintre membrii conducerii. video press release : A video press release is a type of media release very similar in content to a press release, a pre-taped video program that can be aired intact by TV stations. comunicat de presa video : Comunicatele de presa video sunt materiale de relatii publice, de informare publica prin audiovizual, sub forma de stiri de impact, nu reportaje, care sunt trimise fie pe suport video fie prin satelit. hold for release : Hold For Release in a press release, these words should appear in the upper lefthand margin with all letters capitalized, meaning do not publish until . embargo : Intr-un comunicat de presa, element al comunicatului de presa ce desemneaza data in care comunicatul poate fi facut public. embargo : The warning about publication of a news release on a specified date; usually appears at the top of the first page of the news release or statement. synonym : press embargo antonym : allowance intermercials : Modern types of animated commercials used by PR practitioners as advertising methods, posted on the internet and which last at least four minutes. intermerciale : Tip nou de reclame pe internet, folosite si in domeniul relatiilor publice drept spoturi publicitare care contin dialog si miscare si dureaza cel putin 4 minute. newsletter : In public relations, a newsletter is a regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic that is of interest to its subscribers which can be: journalists, customers, employees, other companies. buletin informativ / newsletter : Publicatie online a unei organizatii, disponibila propriilor angajati, clientilor, jurnalistilor care sunt abonati la aceasta publicatie, fie gratis fie contra cost.

white paper : An authoritative report on a major issue, as by a team of journalists. syndicated articles : The same article published in the media across a series; the copy and layout can sometimes change within the series. FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) : A list of questions and answers for the media pertaining to a press release, often included in a press kit . press kit : Usually a docket containing background material, photographs, illustrations and news releases distributed at a news conference as source materials for the news media. editorial : An article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers or a commentary on television or radio expressing the opinion of the station or network in the media. press contacts : After a PR practitioner has been working in the field for a while, he or she accumulates a list of contacts in the media and elsewhere in the public affairs sphere. This Rolodex becomes a prized asset, and job announcements sometimes even ask for candidates with an existing Rolodex, especially those in media relations. snapshot documents : It is a combination of executive summary ( a concise document, normally on one side of an A4, highlighting key research findings for busy people) and best of press. Possibly will include press releases and a short overview. It creates an awareness of a larger project using key elements from it. advertorial : It is a type of article written by pr officers for the media, in order to communicate a public information. May have an advertising effect, but it is not an advertisment. advertorial : Este un tip de anunt utilizat de oamenii de relatii publice pentru a transmite un mesaj de informare publica tip sheet : It is a document made by pr people and intended for the media. Through this type of document, pr specialists want to find out from the journalists if their articles or stories are interesting and relevant for their publications. fisa de sugestii : Practicianul de relatii publice realizeaza o fisa de sugestii pentru a vedea daca redactorii unor publicatii sunt interesati de un subiect anume.

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