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Sometimes we just need to stop, smile and savor the good we have all been given.

Too much complaining. Too much bitterness and too many sour attitudes choking the sweetness out of life. But If you re not angry, then you re not aware. Yes. I know. I get it. There s enough going on in the world that could cause a person to live an entire lifetime of rage if they choose to dwell on humankind s universal hardships and be consumed with this world s many misfortunes. But don t some of you people exhaust yourselves? Always nagging about this thing or broadcasting the imperfection in that. Don t you find such behavior tiresome? Do you ever set aside time to simply pause, take a breath, and make note of the many blessings that have been bestowed upon you? Even if you don t believe that you have much to be happy about, once again I urge you to pause, take a breath, and in that moment of inhaling anxiety, exhale relief, and remember you are in fact still breathing. And for this mere fact you have more than enough reason to be thankful. People everywhere are dying but let s not forget the births. Tears of despair flow from face to face but we cannot ignore inevitable laughter. Families become broken but we can t deny the beauty in repair. Hatred found within every environment but let us also consider the compassion shown from understanding heart to receptive soul; a beautiful display of humanity illustrated through various acts in every neighborhood, city, territory, and state. In every country and on every continent, somewhere amongst the lands and somewhere living within it s people, there is an undeniable feeling of love, let us not forget that. You always have something to be grateful for and always have a reason to smile. Yes, life is unfair. Some people have to deal with more unfortunate circumstances than others. But the joy of one single smile, rooting from an unexpected period of pure bliss can atone for all of the frustration and misery that your many frowns of the past have been based upon. You ll never regret appreciation. You ll never regret capitalizing on enjoyment that the many cherished moments in life can provide, if only you open your eyes to see them, instead of being blinded by all that is bad. If only we learn to treasure what s right in our lives instead of focusing solely on what we believe to be wrong, then we would see great difficulty in maintaining that scowl and keeping up with that negative demeanor that not only keeps us down, but also burdens the ones surrounding us.

"Estar sempre insatisfeito, na verdade, o que faz a gente nunca desistir de seguir em frente e quem sabe um dia se encontrar nesse mundo." (T.B)

Lembre-se: "H uma diferena entre interesse e compromisso. Quando voc est interessado em fazer alguma coisa, voc s faz quando for conveniente. Quando voc est comprometido com alguma coisa, voc no aceita desculpas, s resultados!" - Kenneth Blanchard [ ] que eu tenha coragem para enfrentar e superar os meus medos. :)

" por isso que se mandam as crianas escola: no tanto para que aprendam alguma coisa, mas para que se habituem a estar calmas e sentadas e a cumprir escrupulosamente o que se

lhes ordena, de modo que depois no pensem mesmo que tm de pr em prtica as suas idias."

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