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oxygen supply to body

Legend Predisposing and Precipitating Factors Signs and Symptoms Management Nursing Diagnosis multiple organ failure/ dysfunction systemic hypoxia


bronchoconstriction results from from overexertion of lung parenchyma to respirate cells

Chest X-Ray PA Lateral: Nebulization: bronchodilators Salbutamol (Ventolin) Salbutamol + Ipatromium bromide (Combivent) 12/04/11 increased density in the right upper right lung & left lower lung due to pneumonia 12/07/11

SaO2= 91%

hypoxemia occurs due to lack of oxygen being transferred to the cell

O2 therapy at 4 L/min

Progression of insterstitial pneumonia to alveolar pneumonia, particularly the right lung with consolidation 12/10/11

efforts to icrease oxygen supply results to faster, shallow and irregular breaths

use of accessory muscles

Shows improvement of pneumonia

increased bronchoconstriction due to uncompensation

overexerted muscles produce lactic acid due to anaerobic respiration

pleuritic pain, chest pain occur due to thoracic muscle cramps

excessive bronchoconstriction accompanied by drowned alveoli result to atelectasis

cessation of manual breathing or ventilation due to pain perception

PRECIPITATING FACTOR: -Age -gender (male) -genetics (history of respiratory illness pneumonia, asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc.) -food or drug allergies v Organisms (staphylococcus and Gram-negative bacilli ) enter the respiratory tract through inspiration or aspiration of oral secretions Antibiotics Normal pulmonary defense mechanisms (cough reflex, mucocilliary transport, and pulmonary macrophages) usually protect against infection. However, in susceptible hosts, these defenses are either suppressed or overwhelmed by the invading organism. Cefuroxime (Zinacef) Azithromycin ( Zithromax) PREDISPOSING FACTOR: - causative organisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan. -previous hospital admission -smoking

Symptoms include: Fever Malaise Cough Increased tactile fremitus on palpitation (for bacteria- caused pneumonia) Wheezing, rales and ronchi on auscultation SaO2 = < 95% (91%) Dyspnea RR = >30 cpm (78 cpm, shallow, irregular and labored Nasal flaring Budesonide (Asmavent)

organism multiplies

Ineffective breathing pattern

Stimulation of lung tissue to release histamine and endotoxins

inflammation and edema of the lung parenchyma accumulation of cellular debris and exudates

accummulation of mucus on upper respiratory tract Ineffective arirway clearance Impaired gas exchange

secretion of mucus

ischemia of the alveolar spaces

Fluid build-up affects cellular respiration because of the drowning of the alveoli in mucus

Lung tissue fills with exudates and fluid.

Severity of symptoms depends on the extent of pneumonia present (e.g., partial lobe, full lobe [lobar pneumonia], or diffuse [broncho pneumonia]).

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