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1 out of 4 Filipino adults suffers from

hypertension, says DoH

Wednesday, Jun 30 2010
One in every four Filipino adults suffers from hypertension or high blood pressure, the biggest
risk factor for heart and kidney diseases, as well as diabetes.
Worse, the number of Filipinos with hypertension continues to increase, including those addicted
to high salty snacks and other processed foods, according to HEALTHbeat, the official
publication of the Department of Health (DoH).
Citing the latest figures from the National Nutrition and Health Survey of the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute (FNRI), HEALTHbeat said the number of hypertensive adults had increased
to more than 25.3 percent compared to 22 percent in 2003.
The FNRI survey also revealed that at least 11 in every 100 Filipinos have pre-hypertension, or
blood pressure readings of 130 to 139 millimeter mercury, or mmHG (over 85 to 89 mmHG)
This becomes alarming as high blood pressure increases with age starting from 40 to 50 years,
HEALTHbeat warned.
Hypertension is diagnosed when the blood pressure is consistently equal or higher than 140/90
Over 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension, according to the World Health
Organization, noting that 7 million die from the silent killer each year.
The treatment of hypertension is not complicated, according to the Philippine Society of
Hypertension (PSH). It recommended the following tips:
-Maintain a normal weight.
-Reduce sodium or salt intake, said to be the major cause of hypertension in 3 out of 10 adults.
-Eat less processed and so-called fast foods which are high in salt content, saturated fat and
-In general, vegetarian diets help reduce blood pressure.
-Exercise for at least 30 minutes to raise your heart rate.
-Avoid alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and other tobacco products.
-Manage stress with enough sleep, recreation, meditation and relaxation techniques.

Lifestyle changes can help prevent
hypertension DOH, PSH

The Depurtment of Heulth (DOH), together wlth the Phlllpplne Soclety of Hypertenslon (PSH) und other medlcul speclulty
socletles, relteruted lts cull for everyone to pructlce u heulth llfestyle by llmltlng sult ln thelr dlets, mulntulnlng normul
welght und exerclslng dully for 30 mlnutes ln order to reduce the rlsk of hypertenslon or hlgh blood pressure us the country
observes the month of Muy us Nutlonul Hypertenslon Awureness Month under Proclumutlon No. 1761.
The DOH und PSH ulm to rulse uwureness ubout the posltlve lmpuct of slmple llfestyle chunges ln preventlng or munuglng
hlgh blood pressure. These llfestyle chunges lnclude mulntulnlng u normul body welght, mlnlmlzlng sult lntuke, regulur
exerclse such us brlsk wulklng, |ogglng, dunclng or ueroblcs for ut leust 30 mlnutes dully, llmltlng ulcohol lntuke to ut most
two drlnks u duy for men, und one u duy for women, uvoldlng smoklng und second-hund smoke, eutlng potusslum-rlch
foods such us frults und vegetubles, munuglng stress by gettlng enough sleep und recreutlon, und pructlclng reluxutlon
technlques. Llfestyle chunges cun help prevent hlgh blood pressure und control lt ln those who ulreudy huve estubllshed
hypertenslon, suld Dr. Abdlus V. Aqulno, presldent of the PSH.
Hypertenslon hus been dubbed us the sllent klller becuuse ln muny lnstunces, vlctlms ure not uwure of thelr uffllctlon. It ls
estlmuted thut there ure more thun 10 mllllon Flllplnos sufferlng from hypertenslon, hulf of whom dont even know thut they
ure hypertenslve. They ure thus ut rlsk of sudden deuth due to musslve heurt uttuck or stroke. Hypertenslon occurs where
hlgh blood pressure ls conslstently equul to or hlgher thun 140/90 mmHg.
The good news ls thut muny hlgh-rlsk hypertenslve putlents cun be suved from futul compllcutlons through eurly detectlon
und udequute control of blood pressure, suld Heulth Secretury Esperunzu Cubrul. She udded thut thls wlll requlre llfelong
commltment of putlents ln udherlng to u heulthy llfestyle und compllunce wlth prescrlbed drugs. Thls wus seconded by PSH
vlce-presldent Dr. Dunte Morules. Hlgh-rlsk putlents ure those wlth dlubetes, chronlc kldney dlseuse und who huve hud u
prevlous heurt uttuck or stroke. People fulllng under thls cutegory should ldeully huve u blood pressure lower thun 130/80
mmHg, suld Dr. Morules.
Llfestyle chunges ure ulso especlully lmportunt for people wlth so-culled non-modlfluble rlsk fuctors or those thut cunnot be
chunged such us fumlly hlstory, gender, ruce or uge. Theres nothlng thut cun be done ubout these non-modlfluble rlsk
fuctors but one cun lnfluence hls other rlsk fuctors to prevent hypertenslon und metubollc dlsorders such us dlubetes und
hypercholesterolemlu, explulned PSH treusurer Dr. Lynn Gomez.
The DOH und PSH ulso udvocute the lmportunce of u heulth eutlng plun ln helplng prevent or control hypertenslon. One
such plun ls the Dletury Approuches to Stop Hypertenslon or DASH dlet, whlch could help yleld posltlve results ln lowerlng
blood pressure und preventlng the onset of full-blown metubollc dlsorders such us dlubetes, hlgh cholesterol und obeslty.
Under the DASH dlet, one ls requlred to uvold processed foods thut ure hlgh ln sodlum, us well cut down on totul fut und
suturuted fut lntuke, whlle gettlng ut leust 8-10 servlngs of potusslum-rlch frults und vegetubles und three servlngs of low-
fut dulry products whlch ure hlgh ln mugneslum und culclum dully. Whole grulns, flsh, poultry, nuts, seeds und drled beuns
(legumes) ure ulso recommended us purt of the dlet.
In generul, vegeturlun dlets whlch comply wlth the requlrements of the DASH dlet cun ulso reduce hlgh blood pressure, us
these tend to be hlgher ln potusslum, mugneslum und culclum, us well us flber und unsuturuted futs, thun other dlets. The
DASH dlet could be u vegeturlun dlet wlth legumes substltutlng meut us u proteln source.
Dr. Rumon F. Aburquez Jr., u professor emerltus ut the UP College of Medlclne further recommended u fumlly upprouch,
where elders ln the fumlly leud the younger ones by exumple ln lnculcutlng these heulthy llfestyle chunges.

Hypertension care in the community A comparison
between an active community programme (the North
Karelia Project) and the general situation
The quality of care of three groups of known hypertensives was compared. The groups were (1)
subjects who have never used antihypertensive drugs; (2) those who have used drugs
occasionally; (3) those who use them currently. Comparison is made between two areas: North
Karelia, where there is an active community programme for control of hypertension, and the
control area, where the regular health care system existed. The study material comprised a
random sample of people aged 3064 years in 1977.
The results showed that whilst availability of treatment was equal between the areas there was
better utilization of the health care system and better results of the treatment in every subgroup in
North Karelia. The number of blood pressure measurements was higher in the control area, but
the frequency of consultation with physicians did not differ between the two areas.
Systolic and diastolic blood pressures in each treatment group were higher in the control area
than in North Karelia. Among currently treated hypertensives this difference averaged 4 mm of
mercury in men for systolic pressure and 5 mm in diastolic pressure. For women the equivalent
figures were 6 mm of mercury for systolic and 6 mm diastolic blood pressure. Among those who
had previously used hypertensive drugs the difference was 7 mm of mercury in men for diastolic
and 8 mm for systolic. In women the differences in diastolic and systolic pressure were 3 mm in
each case. Also the percentage of those with casual diastolic blood pressures over 105 mm of
mercury was clearly greater in the control area than in North Karelia.
We conclude that the better results among hypertensives that were observed in all three
subgroups are due to the known programme of care for hypertension in the North Karelia
community, which consists of several components. These included early detection, rational
antihypertensive drug therapy and intensive health education of persons with elevated blood
pressure values.
Report of the Philippine Society of Hypertension on
its 2008 World Hypertension Day activities
The Philippine Society of Hypertension (PSH) is active in public information
campaigns promoting awareness and disseminating information about
hypertension and other related cardiovascular disease through the trimedia.
It also conducts workshops and instructional modules on how to
measure the blood pressure properly for health professionals as well as lay
The WORLD HYPERTENSION DAY or WHD (May 17, 2008) was an
excellent opportunity to undertake a concerted public information campaign
and related activities that would draw attention to this killer disease. Some
activities were started within a one-week period of the WHD, culminating on
May 17. Follow-up activities were also conducted on the week following
WHD. The International body, the World Hypertension League (WHL)
spearheaded the WHD international celebration.
The PSH enlisted the support of partner organizations and pharmaceutical
companies in the various activities.
1. Banners containing the PSH-WHL official logo was used in all
organized activities of the 2008 World Hypertension Day celebration.
2. Public Information dissemination was done using print, radio and
television as the information media. Several articles and press
releases were published; PSH officers and members conducted
speaking engagements in lay for; and granted interviews in radio
programs and TV.
* A drug company (Therapharma, Inc.) sponsored an expensive but
effective TV campaign on primetime television with the message
that everyone should have their blood pressure checked even if
they dont feel anything and if found to be high, they should
promptly see their doctor.
*As a kick-off to the 2008 WHD celebration, the PSH with the
collaboration of Department of Health, Philippine Heart
Association and Novartis Health Care Philippines, held a WHD
Media Launch on May 17, 2008. This joint force believed and
recognized medias role in bringing important health care
information to the public
* PSH-Novartis High Blood Infoline - With the main objective of
reducing the rising prevalence of hypertension in the country, the
PSH and Novartis Health Care Philippines launched the High
Blood Infoline. To access the Hypertension Infoline for their
questions, callers dialed the toll-free number 1-800-104425663. It
was open to the public Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. 6:00
p.m. starting on May 17, 2008 until August 17, 2008
*PSH Media Forum - On May 20, 2008, PSH held another Media
Forum wherein hypertension and other related diseases were
highlighted and discussed. The panelists were the Board of
Trustees of PSH.
* Marunong ang Nagtatanong Hypertension Campaign a
hypertension awareness program. The PSH, the Philippine Heart
Association and Stroke Society of the Philippines with the
support of United Laboratories collaborated on a massive
trimedia hypertension blitz titled Marunong ang Natatanong.
The ads on radio, television and newspapers tell everyone not to
rely on well-meaning but misinformed neighbors or friends, but to
go to their family physicians or nearby health center, have their
BP checked and follow their doctors recommendations.
3. Blood Pressure Awareness Campaign - BP measurements in public
places ( i.e. malls, shopping centers, markets, churches, etc.) with the
support of PSH corporate members and other pharmaceutical
companies were conducted nationwide.
4. Medical Missions and LayFora
5. Publication of local comics highlighting Hypertension - To further
promote knowledge and awareness of hypertension, the PSH with the
support of GX International published local comics (in the local dialect)
highlighting basic facts about hypertension and how to prevent it.

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