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Technical questions on C WHY u get the name C?

WHAT r the special features of C ***What are preprocessor directives Why u go for linker in C? What is modularity? ***What is recursion ? give an example C IS a procedure oriented language? What difference between userdefined and library functions? Is main is a library function? Why u go for void? ***Wat diference between structure and union? What is difference between the getch(),getchar(),getche()? What r macros and file inclusion? ***Types of sorting in C ? ***BUBBLE SORT,QUICK SORT,BINARY SORT,MERGED SORT---ALGORITHM ***Types of search in C WHAT IS an array? ***What is pointer? ***Syntax of printf(), scanf() What is resolution of graphics mode? What is graphic mode and graphic driver? What is num of rows and cols in C? ***What is a structure? How to use pointers in structures? Who found language C? HOW to read a file in C? Open a file, close a file and reading modes? Argc and argv why we go for it? Are we boolean operators in c? What r types of instructions we have? How to convert a c pgm to assembly pgm? What is shift left and shift rite? how can u get to know syntax of function if not known? What is call by value and call by reference? What is k r function and ansi prototype? Why u need for prototype? ***What is storage classes? ***Types and differences between register, static, auto? Explain calloc(), malloc() Type casting operator xplain? ***What is enumerated datatype? ***Difference between enum and structure? C programs asked ** frequ ent **Fibbonaci series Multiplication table] Division pgm(check fr 0 ) **Recursion **Sorting-ascending and descending Structures with pointers Search pgm Prime num generation **Odd number and even number generation **Greatest of 3 numbers Greatest of numbers using array **Factorial of a number

Leap year pgm Amstrong number Palindrome number **String reverse, string length, string cat Sum of a number(123=1+2+3) Removing a duplicate num in a series Array pgm Logic fr decimal to binary and octal OS QUESTIONS

without using functions

What is os and types Difference between windows xp and windows 98 Basics of unix and unix vs windows Difference between assemblers and compilers What is real time os? How it differs frm network and distributed os What is kernel What is binding and it types What is deadlock and ways to overcome it? Lexical , analytic and syntax errors Difference between multitasing and multiprgming Process vs thread Producer and consumer problem, dining philospher problem Scheduling and need for it? & types(preemptive and non preemptive) Race around conditions and how to rectify? Why we go for code optimisation? What is a tree? What are overlays , context switching, semaphor Difference between paging , swapping and segmentation Why do u go for page replacement algorithm?

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