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6) I agree with Deming in that management is the problem with poor quality.

Firs t off in order for quality improvement to be successful everyone within the comp any needs to buy into the idea. This means all the way from the CEO to the new g uy just starting. However, in this case if managers are not stressing the import ance of quality within the workforce the employees are not going to think about it either. Management needs to make it a priority to promote quality, and they n eed to realize that it will not happen over night, and the employees who just go about doing thier jobs most of the time will not take it upon themselves to que stion management due to fear of losing their jobs. So usually when quality impro vement is lacking, look towards management not the employees. 8) Deming's ninth point to break down barriers between departments is being used in my current job. Currently I work at Career Services here on the Polytechnic campus and recently Arizona State University implemented a new mission named Cha ngemaker Central which meant my office was getting an addition. Since then we ha ve hired on some new talent and have also taken on the name Changemaker Central, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, because it is two different entit ies there is a seperation of work between the two groups. At first everyone thou ght there should be a seperation between the two groups but as the semester went on it became more clear that our two roles were similar in some ways. We both w orked with students daily, and we both planned events on the Polytechnic campus. Our boss has decided that the two groups will meet every other week to discuss different projects that we are working on and maybe both groups can assist one a nother in the execution of these projects. Deming was right when stating we shou ld break down barriers because it not only allows for a more cohesive work envir onment it also allows for a constant stream of ideas and production to occur. 15) The similartities between all the three styles of quality management, is tha t they are all traced back to Deming in so way. It seems like Juran and Crosby, even though they had great content and factors to look at, was just a spin off o f what Deming was stating in a more reduced form. However, that is where the sim ilarities end, in Juran's thoery of quality he focuses more on the financial asp ect of quality and how it can turn a bigger profit. Juran mainly focused on plan ning, control, and improvement, specifically control versus breakthrough and how control hinders the effects of quality managment. As for Crosby his biggest con tribution was that he wanted zero defects and focused mainly on behavior and mot ivation as aspects for improvement. Deming's theory covers only managerial, work place, and employee improvement. He figured if these things are taken care of th e money will take care of itself.

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