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. Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in brackets: a) We ____________________ (to become) members of this community. b) He _______________ (to look) at me and ______________ (to say) he ________________ (to need) some explanation about computing. c) Mom ___________________ (to learn) how to use this tool. d) They ___________________(to organize) a group and _______________ (to get) into action. e) You________________(to do) a good job in your community.


Change the following sentences to negative form: a) Our neighbors had problems in getting water. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) Lou connected all this equipment to his computer. ______________________________________________________________________________ c) That graph showed the use of the Internet all over the world. ______________________________________________________________________________ d) The archaeologist found remains of animal skin garments in his last expedition. ______________________________________________________________________________ e) Ken used public transport to go to school. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Put the following sentence into interrogative form: a) Sandra wore an elegant white evening gown at the festival. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) Those students promoted changes at school. ______________________________________________________________________________ c) You went to the beach for the weekend. ______________________________________________________________________________ d) Joe and Sue took part in many projects. ______________________________________________________________________________ e) People began to dedicate time and money to their appearance. ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Complete these past events, as in the example. Use the following words: NEW YORK, DETECTIVE, TELEPHONE, 1500, MUSICIAN, RELATIVITY. a) John Lennon died in Lima. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) Alexander Graham Bell invented the radio. ______________________________________________________________________________ c) Albert Einstein formulated the theory of music. ______________________________________________________________________________ d) Agatha Christie wrote love stories. ______________________________________________________________________________ e) Pedro lvares Cabral discovered Brazil in 1492. ______________________________________________________________________________ f) Chico Buarque became famous as an actor. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Rewrite each sentence according to the instruction given in brackets: a) Sue spoke in English to the Japanese. (interrogative) ______________________________________________________________________________

b) Did Andrea wear her new blue dress? (affirmative) ______________________________________________________________________________ c) Paulo read all the e-mails. (negative) ______________________________________________________________________________ d) The school resources included a library and a computer room. (interrogative) ______________________________________________________________________________ e) Did the volunteers improve the standard of living in this village? (affirmative) ______________________________________________________________________________

6. Passe a frase I think she drives madly and keeps having accidents para o Simple Past. Qual a alternativa correta? a) I thought she drived madly and kept having accidents. b) I thought she drove madly and kept having accidents.

c) I thinked she drived madly and keeped having accidents. d) I thought she drove madly and keeped having accidents.


1. Change these sentences from present to past: a) I am reading the text silently. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) We are exercising to be fit. ______________________________________________________________________________ c) They are not writing e-mails; they are surfing the Net. ______________________________________________________________________________ d) Lopes is dancing and Juan is playing the guitar. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions in parentheses: a) I was having a bath when the bell rang. (interrogative) ______________________________________________________________________________ b) Paulo was not jumping into the swimming pool at that moment. (affirmative) ______________________________________________________________________________ c) Myriam was playing volleyball when you called her. (negative) ______________________________________________________________________________ d) It wasnt raining hard in So Paulo yesterday. ( affirmative) ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Link the sentences using WHEN and the PAST CONTINUOUS or the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parentheses. a) He (to seek) out adventure. He (to face) real danger. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) They (to propose) changes in their community. A new group (to decide) to cooperate with them. ______________________________________________________________________________ c) Mr Chaves (to repair) his TV set. The football game (to begin). ______________________________________________________________________________

d) Otavinho (to write) Marta an e-mail. She (to call) him up. ______________________________________________________________________________


Subject Pronouns: Tem funo de sujeito na frase. Exemplos: She is a pretty girl. They are really nice. Ela uma linda garota Eles so realmente agradveis.

Object Pronouns: Tem funo de objeto na frase. Exemplos: Jane hates John. Jane hates him. Jane o odeia.

Joe loves Carol. Joe loves her. Joe a ama.

Possessive Adjectives: Vm sempre acompanhados de substantives Exemplos: That is my car. Those are our bikes. Aquele meu carro. Aquelas so nossas bicicletas

Possessive Pronouns: Substituem os substantivos. Exemplos: This book is mine. That pen is hers. Este livro meu. Aquela caneta dela.

Reflexive Pronouns: So os pronomes cuja ao recai sobre o sujeito. Exemplos: She cut herself yesterday. John hurt himself last night. Ela se cortou ontem. O John se machucou na noite passada.

Ateno: Os pronomes reflexivos podem tambm ter funo de enfatizar o sujeito ou o objeto.

Exemplos: She herself killed three soldiers. She didnt hate the speech itself. Ela mesma matou trs soldados. Ela no odiou o discurso em si.

Existe ainda um uso dos pronomes reflexivos com by. Exemplos: I did the exercise by myself. Eu fiz os exerccios sozinho.

EXERCCIOS 1. (Milton Campos) Uncle George is a selfish character. He only thinks of____________. a) Yourself b) Itself c) Himself d) Herself

2. (UFES) The women decided to do all the work by ________________. a) Herself b) Ourselves c) Myself d) Themselves

3. (UFES) Will you visit the Taylors? Yes, we will visit ____________ tomorrow. a) They b) Their c) Theirs d) Them

4. (ITA) Each of the girls will have to carry ______________ own dress. a) Their b) Her c) Theirs d) Hers

5. They are _________ shoes. They belong to__________. They are _______________. a) his he him b) yours you your c) their theirs them d) our us ours

6. I promised ____________ a nice present at Christmas. a) Themselves b) Their c) Theirs d) Them

7. Give ___________ that blouse: Its _____________. a) me my b) me mine c) my my d) mine me

8. Peter and I enjoyed ______________ very much at the party. a) Themselves b) Yourselves c) Yourself d) Ourselves

9. ____________ daughters enjoyed _____________ at the concert last night. a) hers ourselves b) our herself c) theirs myself d) his themselves

10. He brought THE CHILDREN some presents. a) They b) Them c) Theirs d)Their

11. Mary is pretty and _____________ sister is pretty too. a) She b) Hers c) Her d) His

12. Ill call ____________ later tonight. a) Your b) Hers c) You d) His

13. Bob is very tired. _____________ job is very hard. a) Your b) His c) Him d) Yours

14. Susan and her friend are from Australia. ___________ country is far away from ___________. a) Their we b) Their ours c) Her Hers d) Her Ours

15. There is John, ___________ wife and _____________ children. a) Her its b) His their c) His His d) Her their

16. My books are under _______________. a) Yours b) Your c) Mine d) Ours

17.Open the window, please. a) Mine b) It c) Her d) Ours

18.The teacher always gives the students homework. a) Me b) Them c) You d) Theirs

19. I am reading the book to my little sister. a) Her b) She c) His d) It

20.Can you help my sister and me, please? a) Them b) Our c) Us d) We

21.Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please? a) Them b) They c) Us d) We


Veja as seguintes frases: Many families have benefited from kangaroo care. Muitas famlias tem se beneficiado do cuidado canguru.

Many parents have commented that their infants are more relaxed. Muitos pais tem comentado (comentaram) que seus filhos esto mais relaxados.

Estrutura Verbal have + benefited

(verbo to have - presente) + (verbo principal particpio passado)

O Present Perfect usado para expressar:

1. Uma ao que tem sido realizada repetidas vezes num passado indeterminado. Exemplo: Cruzeiro has won many games. (O Cruzeiro tem ganhado muitos jogos.)

2. Uma ao que aconteceu em um tempo passado indeterminado. Exemplo: She has seen a crocodile. (Ela viu um crocodile.) They have gone. (Eles se foram.)

3. Uma ao muito recente (com just). Exemplo: She has Just arrived. (Ela acabou de chegar.) They have just gone away. (Eles acabaram de ir embora.)

4. Uma ao que comeou no passado e continua no presente, (com since ou for). Exemplo: We have lived here for three years. (Ns estamos morando aqui h 3 anos.) She has studied English since 1998. (Ela tem estudado ingles desde 1998.)

Algumas palavras, so frequentemente, usadas com o Present Perfect. Vejamos:

Already = j usado em frases afirmativas. Exemplo: She has already slept. (Ela j dormiu.) Ever = j, alguma vez usado em perguntas. Exemplo: Have you ever seen a crocodile? (Voc j viu um crocodilo?) Yet = j usado em perguntas. Has she slept yet? (Ela j dormiu?) Yet = Ainda usado em frases negativas (com not). Exemplo: No, she hasnt slept yet. (No, ela no dormiu ainda.)


Estrutura: That student



studying here since 11 oclock. + (verbo principal gerndio)

(to have presente) + (been)

O Present Perfect Continuous usado para expresser uma ao que comeou no passado e continua no presente ( um dos usos do present perfect). A forma contnua d nfase a continuidade da ao.

Exemplo: The students have been studying since 11 oclock. ( Os estudantes esto estudando/tem estudado desde as 11 horas.

EXERCCIOS SIMPLE PAST, PRESENT PERFECT E PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 1) Joe _______________ that book. a) Write b) Has written c) Wrote d) Are writing 5) I ___________ that film last week. 2) (Milton Campo) Brazilian coffee ____________ competition on the international market since its price started going up. a) Is losing b) Lost c) Loses d) Has been losing 6) Kate _______ just ______________. a) Have/arrived 3) (PUCCAMP-SP) Although they _____________ in the country since they got married, they are now moving to town. a) Live b) Have been living c) Are living d) Be living 7) You ____________ here for 10 years. a) Live b) Are living 4) (ITA-SP) Mr. Smith accompanied by his wife and three children, ______________ just arrived. c) Have lived d) Living b) Is/arrived c) Was/arrived d) Has/arrived a) See b) Saw c) Have seen d) Seen a) Have b) Has c) Was d) Were

8) (Objetivo-SP) We dont want to move because we _____________ in our present house for many years. a) Lived b) Had lived c) Have been living d) Live

d) Have broken

10) (UNESP-SP) Were still waiting for Bill. He _________________ yet. a) Hasnt come b) Havent come c) Didnt come d) Doesnt come

9) You ____________ your leg last week. a) Breaks b) Broke c) Has broken

11. Complete with the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses: a) Can you see how those timetables _______________________ (to be) planned carefully? b) Where __________________ you _____________________ the bus ticket? c) Maria _____________ (to be) to Rio many times, but she _______________ never ____________ (to visit) Paquet Island. d) Computers _____________________ (to help) students organize their researches, and the result are great. e) Im hungry. We ______________________ (to eat, neg.) anything so far. f) __________________ you ever __________________ (to get) off a moving bus? g) On several occasions Mary _________________ (to go) to a Vietnamese restaurant with her family, and they ___________________(to taste) the exotic seafood cuisine. h) _________________ the Royal Family always ________________(to live) in Buckingham Palace? i) How is the restaurant you ______________________ (to talk) about recently? j) Sylvia ______________________ (to drink) a lot of vodka. k)My father ________________________ (to buy) a new car.

CONJUCTIONS AND CONNECTORS So termos de ligao entre as oraes. So elementos importantssimos para a compreenso de textos. Exemplos: She has both the time and the Money to play tennis. She both built and endowed the hospital. He likes to eat chocolate and bread. I dont want to go and besides, I dont have any money.

Addition AND = E

BOTH ... AND = Tanto ... quanto AS WELL AS = Bem como NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO = No s mas tambm BESIDES = Alm disso FURTHERMORE = Alm disso MOREOVER = Alm disso Exemplos: We can eat either chicken or fish. I cant eat either fish or chicken. I can eat neither chicken nor fish.

Alternative OR = Ou EITHER ... OR = Ou ... ou EITHER NOR = Nem nem

Condition IF = Se UNLESS = A menos que AS LONG AS = Contanto que PROVIDED/PROVIDING = Contanto que Exemplos: Youll pass the exams if you study. You wont pass, unless you study. Ill stay here as long as I can see the light.

Consequence or Result SO = Assim THUS = Assim HENCE = Portanto THEREFORE = Portanto, logo ACCORDINGLY = Conseqentemente CONSEQUENTLY = Conseqentemente

Exemplos: It was cold, so I turned the heating on. The TV didnt work, so he took it to the shop. Someone switched the freezer off. Consequently/As a result, all the food was spoilt. I think, therefore I am. Thus, everyone decided to move on.

Contrast THOUGH = Embora ALTHOUGH = Embora EVEN THOUGH = Muito embora DESPITE/IN SPITE OF = Apesar de BUT = Mas

Exemplos: He was angry but/yet/however/nevertheless listened to me patienty. Although you dont like him you can still be polite. (concession) I thought she would accept my offer. Nevertheless, she turned it down. In spite of the doctors effort, the patient eventually died. He likes broccoli, whereas she hates it. We believe he is the thief. However, we have no evidence against him.

YET = Contudo/Entretanto HOWEVER = Contudo/Entretanto NEVERTHELESS = Contudo/Entretanto/ No entanto ON THE OTHER HAND = Por outro lado WHEREAS = Ao passo que BUT = Mas Exemplos: He worked as he was expected to. He works as he likes.

Manner AS = Como AS IF = Como se AS THOUGH = Como se

Purpose SO AS TO = A fim de IN ORDER TO = A fim de SO THAT = Para que

Exemplos: He lit fire in order to keep himself warm. We stopped at a gas-station so as to fill up the tank. Im studying English so that I can get a better job.

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