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(i) The gravitational field strength g is not constant. The students value would be greater than the actual value (because the 1 average magnitude of g is less than 9.81 m s ). (ii) KE = 1/2 mv v = 2r / T C1 3 3 3 1 v = 2 (6800 + 6400) 10 / 8.5 10 / v = 9.76 10 (m s ) 3 2 KE = 1/2 1500 (9.76 10 ) 10 KE = 7.1(4) 10 (J) (iii) A geostationary satellite stays above the same point on the Earth and as such can be used for radio communications. (the term communications to be included and spelled correctly to gain the mark). The satellite is not in geostationary orbit 4 because its period is less than 1 day / 8.6 10 s.

B1 B1

C1 A1 B1 M1 A1





v = 2rf = 2 0.015 50; = 4.7 (m s )

2 3 2

2 2

(ii) a = v /r = 4.7 /0.015; = 1.5 10 (m s ) ecf(a)(i) (iii) the belt tension is insufficient to provide the centripetal force; (1) so the belt does not grip the pulley/does not hold the belt against the pulley/there is insufficient friction to pull/push/move the belt. (1) alternative argument the belt does not grip the pulley/there is insufficient friction to pull/push/move the belt; because of its inertia/insufficient to provide force for acceleration of (belt)-drum (b) resonance occurs; when the natural frequency of vibration of the (1) panel = rotational frequency of the motor (1) (c) (i) 2 1 5, 15, 25 (ms) 0, 10, 20, 30 (ms)

2 1 3

(ii) Stating/using = d/dt (1) 1 3 gradient = 0.67 0.05 (Wb turns ms ); emf = gradient 10 (V) (2)


(i) At top of loop, the centripetal force = mv / r (1) = mg (1) Thus speed at top v = gr = 9.81 9.17 / 2 (1) 1 = 6.7 m s 3 or use an energy argument KE on entry = PE gained + KE at top (1 mark for idea, 1 mark for correct substitution in appropriate formula 1 and 1 mark for correct calculation of 6.7 m s ) (NOTE The unexplained use of v = u + 2gs can only score a maximum of 1 mark)
2 2

Twyford CE High School


Kinetic Energy at top = 86 6.7 (1) = 1935 J (1) Potential Energy at top = 86 9.81 9.17 (1) = 7740 J (1) 4

(iii) Kinetic Energy on entry = 86 15 = 9675 J (1) Sum of energies at top = 1935 + 7740 = 9675 J .......... QED (1)

2 2

(iv) Any reference to loss of contact / centripetal force or wtte (1) Comment on the consequences of taking off vertically or wtte (1) Enacting the suggestion could result in disaster At the point A in the loop, the velocity vector is purely vertical Therefore there is no horizontal component of velocity So no matter how fast the cyclist is travelling he will only be projected vertically And come (crashing?) down on the same point where he left off The best that could happen ( with some skill ) is to return back along same path


4. (b)


arrow towards centre of planet (i) g = GM/R

2 2 2 1

1 1 2

(ii) (iii) (iv)


gS/gO = R /25R ; gS = 40/25 (= 1.6 N kg ) gC/gO = R /16R giving gS = 40/16 (= 2.5 N kg ) average g = (2.5 + 1.6)/2 = 2.(05) (1) 3 7 11 p.e. (= mgavR) = 3.0 10 2.05 2.0 10 ; = 1.2 10 (J) (2)
2 2 2 2

1 3 4

(c) g = v /r; = 4 (5R)/T (2) 8 2 2 8 4 1.6 = 4 9.87 1.0 10 /T giving T = 24.7 10 and T = 5.0 10 (s) (2)


(a) e.g. person in a car on a motorway (1) travelling with constant velocity (do not allow constant speed) (1) (1) for situation, (1) for detail (b) (ii) (i) e.g. object travelling (at constant speed) in a circle e.g. person in a car which is braking

2 1 1 2 2

(c) e.g. ball at the top of a vertical throw (1) for position (1) for zero horizontal velocity (d) e.g. idea of there being a torque or couple acting on it (1) and rotating (1)


(a) (i) Fig. 1 : x and a in opposite directions/acceleration towards equilibrium point/AW; (1) Fig. 2 : proportional graph between x and a/AW (1) Figures not identified max. of 1 mark (ii) a = 4 f x; 50 = 4 f .50 10 ; giving f = 25 and f = 5.0 Hz
2 2 2 2 3 2

2 3

Twyford CE High School

(iii) (b)

cosine wave with initial amplitude 25 mm; decreasing amplitude; (2) correct period of 0.2 s (for minimum of 2.5 periods); (1) (i) the acceleration towards A/centripetal acceleration or force; is constant 2

(ii) a = v /r; so 50 = v /10; v = 500 giving v = 22.4 m s



(a) i. F = GMm/r or F Mm/r with labels (1) ii. finite universe contracts/ resultant force on stars (1) (b) Any 2 from i. (satellite B) has larger circumference/smaller velocity (satellite B) Gravitational field strength is less (satellite B) Centripetal force is less ii.(accept calculation from either satellite) 3 2 3 2 r1 / T1 = r2 / T2 (1) satellite A satellite B 3 3 2 2 r2 = 7000 57.2 / 1.63 r2 = 75,030 km (= 75,000 km)

1 1

r2 = 67100 57.2 / 1.63 (1) r2 = 75, 320 km (1) (= 75,000 km)

(c) Land-based are (any 3) 1 mark for each more light can be collected/ made larger more stable more manoeuvrable cheaper to build/repair longer lifetime/ not exposed to high velocity particles greater access


8. (b)

(a) B = F/Il with symbols explained or appropriate statement in words; (1) explicit reference to I and B at right angles/define from F = BQv etc (1) (i) (ii) arrow towards centre of circle field out of paper; Flemings L.H. rule/moving protons act as conventional current
2 2

2 1 2 1 5

(iii) F = Bev allow BQv (iv) F = mv /r; Bev = mv /r; (2) 27 7 19 B = mv/er = 1.67 10 1.5 10 /(1.6 10 60); = 0.0026; T (3) allow Wb m

(v) the field must be doubled; (1) B v (as m, e and r are fixed)/an increased force is required to maintain the same radius (1)



(a) (i) speed v = 2 r / t v = 2 122/2 /(30 60) (1) 1 1 v = 0.21 m s (1) allow 0.2 m s

Twyford CE High School

(ii) (iii)

F = 12.5 kN 16 = 200 kN (1) W = F s or = 200 k 2 122 / 2 (1) ecf (ii) allow ecf for distance from (i) 7 7 = 7.7 10 J (1) allow 8 10

(iv) P = W / t, energy / time or F v or 7 = 7.67 10 / (30 60) (1) or ecf (iii) / (30 60) = 42.6 kW (1) allow 43 kW, only allow 40 kW if working shown (v) Friction force at bearing opposes motion so not useful (1) Friction force of tyres on rim drives wheel, so is useful (1) Electrical energy supplies power to drive wheels / useful implied (1) Input energy (electrical or energy supplied to motor) is converted into heat (1)

Last point to do with the idea that once moving with constant speed e.g. All work is done against friction No input energy is converted into Ek All input energy ends up as heat Any other relevant point relating to energy (1) (b) (i) k=F/x 6 = 1.8 10 / 0.90 (1) 6 1 = 2.0 10 Nm (1) (ii) f = (1 /2 (k/m) (0) 6 5 0.5 = (1 /2 (2.0 10 / 9.5 10 ) (1) = 0.23 Hz (1) 2 (iii) If wind energy causes this frequency in the structure, the amplitude increases / resonance occurs / or explanation of resonance / ref. to natural frequency (1) e.g. damping is necessary / mass change to shift resonant frequency / change spring constant (1)


10. the pendulum bob is travelling in a circle (1) so it is accelerating towards the centre (1) (it has a constant speed in the time interval just before vertical to just after vertical) bob is not in equilibrium (1) so the tension must be (slightly) larger than the weight of the bob (1) MAXIMUM 3

Twyford CE High School

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