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Crearea logoului Brandul Canadei a fost primul pas indraznet pentru schimbarea pozitiei Canadei printre destinatiile la nivel mondial. In lumea competitiva si aglomerata a pietei destinatiilor stim ca pentru a patrunde trebuie sa vorbim intr-o voce clara si colectiva care prezinta o fatada unita pentru consumator. Puternica identitate vizuala Canada. Keep exploring va intari informatiile in media. Brandul inspirat si reimprospatat evoca imaginea Canadei pe care o putem imparti acum cu tine. Ideea de Canada. Keep Exploring vorbeste inimilor si mintii calatorilor curiosi, ii invita sa experimenteze un pamant si o cultura definite printr-un spirit geografic, cultura specific. Calatorii trebuie sa simta ca orice se poate intampla aici, fiecare are libertatea sa se exprime si sa exploareze singuri in felul in care doresc. CTC doreste sa aprinda imaginatia lor cu momente si experiente care sa te faca sa te simti unic si special. Doua valori sunt esentiale in identitate brandului: expresia de sine si libertatea de a descoperi. Inspirat de mediul natural al Canadei si de curiozitatea calatorilor de a descoperi, noi am creat un bogat sistem de imagini si grafice care vor ajuta la definirea Canadei ca o destinatie de talie mondiala. Aceste serii de elemente pot fi combinate in diferite modalitati pentru a alcatui diferite mesaje, tipuri de aplicatii si informatii. Libertatea de a descoperi este un catalist pentru expresia de sine, la fel ca in natura, este complet organic, nemasurabil si incontraolabil. Pesonalitatea brandului este o reflectare directa a a culturii unice a Canadei. Frunza de arar este respectat i cunoscut n intreaga lume iar logoul Comisiei Canadiene de Turism este contemporan, ia n considerare acest simbol naional. Intalnirea este reprezentativa atat pentru pentru caracterul national al Canadei ct i cel al Comisiei canadiene de Turism. Portiunea tipografica a logo-ului isi face aparitia in Bllss , care are de asemenea un caracter casual si prietenesc. Esenta identitii brandului este Canada. Keep Exploring si de asemenea aceasta fraz este o parte important a logoului CTC. Logoul Canadei este temelia identitii brandului; acesta reflecta caracterul naional ala Canadei. Versiunile, verticala si orizontala, logoului sunt disponibile pentru a fi utilizat n englez, bilingv(englez i francez canadian), francez(canadian) i spaniol. Versiunea orizontal este preferat, fiind utilizat mai frecvent. Versiunea vertical trebuie utilizat atunci cnd spaiul orizontal este limitat. Marimea si proportia logoului sunt fixe nu trebuie sa fie nicioadata modificate. Textul nu va fi niciodata inlocuit in alta limba sau cu alt mesaj. Cele doua ,versiuni, orizonatal si verticala, sunt disponibile in engleza pentru a fi utilizate in Statele Unite ale Americii, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, Germania, Coreea, China, Japonia i Australia; n francez pentru Frana si alta pentru Quebec(francez canadian); bilingv(englez i francez) pentru Canada i n spaniol pentru Mexic.

Logoul este disponibil in mai multe culori pentru a fi utilizat in diferite aplicatii. Fiecare variatie de culoare este diponibila in toate variantele de limba utlizate. Paleta de culori CMYK si RGB sunt apropiate. Niciodata nu trebuie generate variatii de culoare ale logoului. Aceeasi culoare(disponibila in pata de culoare, CMYK si RGB)- Logoul rosu pe fundal alb.simbolul marcii este negru in versiunea CMYK pentru a asigura lizibiltate. Varianta rasturnata( disponibila in pata de culoare, CMYB si RGB) logoul este alb, marca rosie pe fundal negru- aceasta versiune trebuie intotdeauna utilizata atunci cand logoul este aplicat modelului Grafic Bar. Mai exista si varianta negru si alb(logoul negru pe fundal alb) si varianta rasturnata( logoul alb pe fundal negru). Variatia si marimea minima pentru simbolul marcii Pentru fiecare logo este disponibila doua variante:varianta mare a logoului si cea mica. Scopul variantei mici este sa asigure lizibilitate simbolului marcii si la marime mica. Exista 4 variante de utilizare 2 orizontale si 2 verticale. Varianta orizontala mare a logoului,caracteristica pentru o latime a logoului mai mare de 5 cm ; varianta verticala pentru utilizarea mare a logoului este utilizat pentru o latime mai mare decat 3.8 cm. Varianta mica a logoului, orizontala este folosita pentru o latime mai mica decat 5 m, iar varianta verticala este utilizata pentru o latime mai mica decat 3.8 cm. Marimea minima pentru varianta mica a logoului este de 2.5 cm sau de 2 cm. Se impune de asemenea o distanta minima fata de alte grafice ce trebuie utilizata in toate aplicatiile. Distanta este determinata de inaltimea si de latimea literei C din Canada. Aceasta regula trebuie aplicata pentru toate versiunile de limba ale logoului. Logoul trebuie intotdeauna pozitionat acolo unde este garantat impactul vizual maxim. Pozitia recomandata este intr-unul din colturile aplicatiei, avand in vedere respectarea unei zone exclusive. Pozitia preferata, atunci cand spatiul permite, este in coltul din dreapta jos. Pozitii care pot fi utilizate Pentru a proteja integritatea brandului este esential ca acesta sa fie utilizat corect. CTC da cateva exemple care trebuie utilizate in variate aplicatii pentru a asigura lizibilitatea din toate partile. Modele care sa nu fie utilizate Este important pentru parteneri sa aiba acces la logo pentru a-si promova organizatia si afacerea si in acelasi timp sa promoveze Canada. In aceeasi masura este important sa pastrezi integritatea logoului.

CTC da si cateva exemple in care sa nu fie utilizate diferite aplicatii. Paleta de culori a CTC este inspirata de unicitatea populatiei, culturii se geografiei Canadei.

Paleta de culori a CTC reflecta vibratiile, bogatia si diversitatea poporului, culturii si geografieie Canadei. Paleta este aplicata graficelor si tipografiei pentru a afecta tonul si starea de spirit a compozitiei. . Paleta de culoare Paleta de culori este alcatuita din trei culori de baza, care impreuna reprezinta diversitatea geografica a Canadei. Fiecare din aceste trei culori include trei nuante, care au o utilizare specifica ca parte a unei largi identitati vizuale. Culorile utilizate sunt albastru, verde, portocaliu, rosu, gri si negru. Fiecarei culori ii este atribuit un adjectiv ce reprezinta canada. Albastru- expresiv, verde- descopera, portocaliu- libertate, rosu- explorator, gri si negru- deschis. Nuanta inchisa a fiecarei culori poate fi aplicat doar titlului si call-outs Nuanta medie a fiecarei culori poate fi aplicata graficelor. Nuanta deschisa poate fi utilizata doar ca fundal. Nuanta deschisa a culorii rosii este utilizata doar in anumite aplicatii si in logoul CTC. Nuanta deschisa este utilizata doar in logo, si trebuie sa nu fie utilizata nici unui alt element. Griul poate fi aplicat doar ariile cu texte lungi, legendelor. Negrul va fi utilizat doar in cazurile cand lizibilitatea is in question due to size or
reproduction limitations of text

ajuta la spunerea povestilor si pentru a stabili tonul comunicatiei, pentru a fi sigur ca alegi o culoare care completeaza sau este in contrast cu intreaga compozitie. In cazul in care o singura fotografie este in centrul compozitiei si o mica copie este solicitata( ca un anunt, carte postala sau coperta) poate fi utilizata o singura culoare. Alege o singura culoare care completeaza sau este in contrast cu culorile predominante din intreaga fotografie. Atunci cand copia este predominanata , ir graficwele si fotografiile sunt utilizate pentru a ajuta textul, doua culori pot fi increditate textului si graficelor. 2.3. actori implicati
culorile pot fi utilizate pentru a

Comisia Canadiana de Torism impartaseste o filozofie comuna cu toti partenerii sai. Prin aceatsa filozofie comuna va comunica mesajul brandului Canadei intregii lumi. Viziunea CTC Indeamna lumea sa viziteze Canada Misiunea CTC Ajuta Canada sa-si imbunatateasca veniturile din export. Valorile CTC Inovatia Colaborarea Respectul Canada este o experienta care evoca emotii si iti da libertatea sa te exxprimi asa cum simti. Declaratia brandului Canada este un catalizator pentru exprimarea de sine.

Promisiunea brandului Sa vina in Canada, sa-ti creezi povesti extraordinare. Rasplata/recompensa Traiesti o experienta mai putin obisniuta Valori Natura Frumusete Creativitate Pace Compasiune Idealism Lipsa artificiului/ flexibilitate Personalitate Confident Tineresc Informal Calduros/ generozitate Amuzant/ spiritual Intrigant Deschis Autentic/real Identitate senzoriala Intim/esential/interior/aprofundat Modern pur upbeat integrararea cu partenerii CTC joaca un rol important in asigurarea succesului colectiv, aceasta este si filosofia CTC de a avea o relatie stransa cu partenerii, si cu jutorul identitailor lor unice sa faca aceasta visiune a Canadeisa prinda viata. CTC este recunoscatoare fiecaruia din industrie care , pe parcursul a doi ani inainte de crearea brandului, care au ajutat si toturor partenerilor care va promova brandul. Impreuna cu partenerii sai CTC vor transforma Canada intr-o destinatie de exploarat pentru calatorii curiosi. Toate activitatile de marketing si promovare trebuie sa reflecte aceste atribute cheie: intrigant deschis informal cald spiritual confisdent tineresc autentic(real)

asa cum brandul are imagine unica asa trebuie sa fie stabilit si un ton unic al vocii. Amabilitatea cuvintelor si a frzelor pe care le utilizam spun foarte multe despre modul in care suntem. Asadar este cert faptul ca limbajul reflecta caracterul nostru; caldura, deschis, informal, autentic(real), spirituali, confidentiali- ca insasi canadienii.conceptul de libertatea de a descoperi se extinde asupra tonului limbajului. El trebuie sa fie concis. . binevenit si accesibil ca si cum un calator i-ar vorbi unui altui calator. CTC ofera cateva exemple cu utilizarea brandului in diferite aplicatii. CTC a dezvltat o serie de principii calauzitoare pentru parteneriii care se ocupa de promovare si publicitate. Aceste principii dau directii flexibile in care diferite variante ce cuprind logoul si anumite elemente grafice selectate pot fi aplicate in diferite anunturi si formaturi publicitare ce incorporeaza variate situatii co-branded. Ctc ofera si diferite tipuri de machete Scopul princi[al 2.4.grupuri tinta Atat prin modalitatile scrise cat si cele vorbite , se doreste sa se aprinda potentialii vizitatori/clientii cu notiunea de calatorie in Canada. Le vom arata ca experientele din vacanta din canada le vor imbogati viata. Sunt prezentate patru directii care vor ghida dezvolta activitatea de comunicare. Expresia de sine Canada este un catalist pentru experienta proprie. Libertate Canada permite sa te exprimi si sa-ti creezi propriile experiente. Exploarare Canada ma incurajeaza sai descopar geografia, cultura si aoemnii. Atributiile legislative ale CTC Sustine o industrie a turismului rasunatoare si profitabila in Canada Promoveaza Canada ca o destinatie dorita de turism Sprijina o relatie de cooperare intre sectorul privat si guvernele din Canada, provinciile si teritoriile cu privire la turismul canadian Furnizeaza informatii despre turismul din Canada sectorului privat dar si guvernelor din Camada

Comisia canadiana de turism este organizatia nationala care se ocupa de promovarea Canadei. Corporatia federala, Crown , CTC a indreptat industria turismului in promovarea /vanzarea Canadei ca o periada de primele patru sezoane turistice de destiantie.

e provinces and the territories comisia suporta sectorului turismului din Canada in captare veniturilor din calatoriilor. Datorita colaborarii si parteneriatelor cu sectorul privat, cu guvernul Canadei, provincii si teritorii, CTC lucreaza cu sectorul turismului pentru a mentine competivitatea si repozitionarea Canadei ca o destinatie unde calatorii pot trai experiente extraordinare. Abordarea CTC se concentreaza pe acele piete globale sau segmente de piata ale consumatorilor unde este cel mai mare potential pentru randament ul investitiilor. CTC patrunde pe pietele internationale de turism pentru a incerca sa mobilizeze brandul de turism al Canadei in Statele Unite ale Americii,Marea Britanie, Germania, Franta, Mexic, Japonia, China, Coreea de sud si Australia, si programele nationale de turism intern. Planul CTC- 2008-2012 se bazeaza pe planul stabilit pentru 2007-2011 si ia masuri suplimentare pentru a accelera promovarea brandului de turism al Canadei. Prin implementarea unui target, concentrat pe vanzare, CTC va dezvolta si implementa strategii de marhketing care sunt relevante pentru nevoile individuale ale clientilor si pe experienta persoanala pe care o cauta in destinatiile de calatorie. Pentru perioada 2008-2012 CTC a stabilit urmatoarele patru obiective 1 . Convert high yield customers 2. concentrarea pe piete cu cel mai mare randament al investitiei 3. mentinerea soliditatii brandului 4. cautarea de noi piete oportune The CTC's approach to growing export revenues is based on deepening the relationship with high yield consumers in an effort to influence their travel decisions and convert them to travel purchasers. Second, the CTC's approach focuses on those global markets or consumer market segments where research shows there is the highest potential for return on investment.

CTC partnership philosophy

The CTC is a unique organization founded on the principle of partnership between the

public sector and private industry. Through these partnerships, the CTC achieves the maximum return on investment for its financial resources by matching its funding contributions for marketing initiatives Lumea vine sa vada Canada nu doar pentru locul minunat cu incredibile peisaje naturale ,ci si ca un loc care ofera oportunitati pentru calatori sa-si creeze propriile povesti si experiente, istorioare unice care sunt de cele mai multe ori neasteptate, neobisnuite si extraordinare. CTC va continua sa munceasca alaturi de industria turismului pentru a dezvolta un brand de turism puternic in jurul conceptului de experiente extraordinare. Pe parcursul perioadei 2008-2012 , CTC isi propune sa lucreze in colaborare cu industria pentru a comunica avantajele unui brand global pentru Canada.

Prioritatile CTC Ca parte a

As part of the CTC's 2008-2012 strategic planning process, research regarding the external and internal CTC environments was conducted, perspectives of the tourism sector were considered, and the Commission's performance in its core function areas was reviewed. As a result, five priorities have been identified for the 2008-2012 period: 1. Consumer relevancy 2. Align market allocations to achieve highest return on investment 3. Differentiate Canada 4. Leverage media exposure of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games 5. Organizational excellence

Strategic Objectives
The CTC Olympic Games Tourism Strategy focuses on leveraging media exposure in support of the following objectives: Accelerate the CTC corporate strategy to differentiate Canada in a manner relevant to consumers Add depth and dimension to Canadas image as a tourism destination Accelerate the building of a bold new tourism personality for Canada

Ensure the 2010 Winter Games have a lasting positive effect on Canadas tourism sector Support VANOCs goal to promote the 2010 Winter Games as Canadas Games Support VANOCs commitment to applying sustainability principles and practices

The $26 million Advantage

The additional $26 million investment by the Government of Canada enables the CTC to establish a Business Development unit to lead the implementation of the Olympic Games Tourism Strategy. Specifically, the CTC has developed three new program initiatives in support of this strategy: International Tourism Business and Media; Tourism Partners; and Building the 2010 Advantage. The activities within these programs are directly linked to the mandate and build upon existing expertise in global marketing, media and public relations. The outcomes of these programs will contribute to the Government of Canadas objective to derive maximum benefit from its overall investment in hosting the 2010 Olympic Games. This incremental investment enables the CTC to establish an inventory of assets (imagery and stories), relationships with key media and partnership agreements that would otherwise not be possible. These benefits will support the CTC in delivering on the strategic objectives of the Olympic Games Tourism Strategy and in the long-term delivery of its corporate strategy. In addition to the incremental resources identified, the CTC will leverage its existing marketing and sales activities as appropriate in support of the strategy.

Strategic Approach
The Olympic Games Tourism Strategy is a three-phased approach. The strategy

supports the overall corporate strategy and its goal to generate export revenue. During each phase, the CTC will continue to market Canada through partnered campaigns to stimulate travel to Canada.

Phase I
BRAND BUILDING Pre-Olympic Games Period (January 2008 to September 2009)

This phase is an opportunity to get ready for the Games. During this period, the CTC has an ideal opportunity to create a tourism personality for Canada and strengthen partner relationships to enhance the way the Canadian travel experience is communicated to the world. In particular, the CTC will develop enhanced and sustained relationships with media and new business partners. The organization will also further develop the assets (video, images, and stories) that will be fundamental to executing Phases Two and Three. 1. Create a tourism personality for Canada: Canada is a mature tourism market that suffers from a bland tourism personality, which has been identified as its primary weakness as a destination brand. The 2010 Winter Games offers an opportunity to adopt a new vibrant personality as part of Canadas tourism brand and to infuse that brand into the minds of consumers. In the years leading up to the Games, Canada will continue the successful brand building strategies it developed in 2005, while creating a sense of urgency that the time to visit Canada is now. This will include a significant focus on developing a clearer distinguishable personality that differentiates Canada in the minds of travelers. This will be supported by introducing key Canadian experiences in unique and previously untold ways. Simon Anholts Nation Brands Index continues to consistently rank Canada 3rd in the world. Canada excels on dimensions such as people, employment, and

social values. However more recently, Anholt states Canada is still lagging on important tourism-driving factors including a distinguishable personality and product differentiation. Canada needs to stand out, not just be a major competitor, but strive to be beyond category and above comparison. For that, Canada needs a bold new personality. 2. Strengthen and Expand Partner Relationships: In this relationship building phase, the CTC will engage partners in support of promoting the Canada.Keep Exploring tourism brand. A good brand builds incremental credibility by the global brands it is associated with. The CTC will leverage two to three key 2010 Winter Games sponsors to accelerate the tourism brand image over the next two to four years. The CTC will also forge new relationships with world broadcasters that will be maintained after the Games. Finally, the CTC will continue to establish key relationships with partners in the media and tourism partners across the country with the goal of leveraging new opportunities, including, for example, sponsorships to hosted media familiarization trips. The key relationship with the VANOC will also be nurtured. This relationship will allow for use of Olympic trademarks in joint sponsorships undertaken as part of the marketing initiatives for the Games. 3. Further Develop CTC Assets: Building a bold new personality and strengthening relationships requires a solid base of information and technology. The CTC will focus its collective efforts on ensuring this foundation is in place by further developing its Asset Collection and Technology platforms. Asset Collection: Develop a content and asset management system for all content that resides globally at the CTC (text, viral, digital). Collect assets that

align with the brand and are influenced by partner input and intelligence from Product Innovation and Enhancement and Research. Ultimately, stories that both align with the brand and have traction in the media will be featured. Technology: Knowing where to host assets and building a website are critical to success, specifically a system that is nimble, easy to navigate, searchable and has the look and feel of a sophisticated story-telling centre. Emarketing and IT will establish the platforms that will be needed to easily publish and share the media assets. Throughout Phase One, the CTC will continue to sustain its ongoing marketing initiatives and to focus its core investments on enhancing Canadas desirability as a tourism destination, while stimulating visitation to Canada. Phase One is also critical for the work in the Sales and MC&IT units across the globe. In order to shift from an awareness level marketing approach to a tactical sales approach, (when the focus in Phase Three shifts to selling trips to Canada), the following will be accomplished: Educating Canadas tour operators and travel agents by investing in an advanced Global Canada specialist program, which will highlight Canadas new tourism experiences consistent with its brand. This program will include education, outreach, familiarization tours of Canada and a significant focus on Canadas newly enhanced experiences at Rendez-vous Canada in 2008 and
12 CTC 2008-2012 Olympic Games Tourism Strategy

2009 (Rendez-vous Canada is a CTC-led trade show that introduces tour operators and the travel industry from around the world to Canadas tourism destinations, experiences and products.) Developing and enhancing Canadas tourism experiences through the CTCs

Product Innovation and Enhancement team. Establishing targeted sales objectives and plans for inclusion of Canadas new experiences, destinations and products in CTC overseas markets in support of tour operators advanced buying cycles. Generating awareness of Canada as a significant corporate/ incentive, meeting and sports event destination based on its experience as a facilitator of one of the worlds biggest events. Developing (by spring 2009) the tactical marketing/media and communication strategy for spring of 2010 to allow partners sufficient time to invest in the strategy.

Phase II
MEDIA RELATIONS Just in Advance and During the 2010 Winter Games (October 2009 to April 2010)

During this intense period of the Games, the CTC will build on the foundations established in Phase One to focus on media relations and web communications. Media relations activities will showcase the refreshed Canadian experience via dynamic and intriguing images and stories targeted to global media, and through the enhanced website. It is anticipated that due to the work done previously (2005-2009), Canadas brand personality has begun to resonate with target audiences and perceptions have begun to change on what travellers can expect when visiting Canada. Relationships with key media partners have been established and up to 5,000 journalists from around the world will have visited Vancouver and Canada in preparation for the Games. The opportunity in this phase is to take these enhanced perceptions of the Canadian travel experience among world influencers, such as media personalities and broadcasters, and make them real through stories and images. Consumers residing in the core target markets will have an opportunity to see through a variety of media what Canada has to offer as an inspirational tourism and meeting

destination. The CTC will be working closely with its media partners to undertake the following activities: Provide accredited and unaccredited media stories, media pitches and production

CTC are ca target urmatoarele piete cheie: Australia China Franta Germania Japonia Mexic Coreea de sud Marea Britanie Statele Unite ale Americii
The CTCs Marketing Department engages in top-level guidance, planning and research from headquarters, while the Sales Department leads marketing development, media relations and promotion abroad.

From our Vancouver, BC headquarters, the CTCs marketing staff works strategically. Marketing is accountable for the overall implementation of committee plans. In conjunction with sales, the marketing departments:

Promote Canada as a desirable tourist destination. Generate timely, accurate information and research for the tourism industry. Put together effective marketing strategies and programs aimed to increase tourism Bolster industry coordination and partnering. Strengthen industry competitiveness. Work closely with the Planning team to develop strategic plans within our key

revenue for Canada.

geographic regionsthe U.S., Canada, Europe/Latin America and Asia/Pacific.

Contact Greg Klassen, VP Marketing e-mail: klassen.greg@ctc-cct.ca Tel: 604-638-8394 The CTCs Marketing Departments are:

Asia/Pacific e-Marketing Europe/Latin America U.S. Leisure

The CTCs marketing support programs are:

Brand Experiences Research

Departamentele de vanzare a CTC sunt: Asia/ Pacific Europa/ America Latina Statele unite ala americii

Efectele implementarii strategiei de brand

Numarul de turisti internationali sositi in Canada An 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Milioane turisti 19.7 19.7 20.1 17.5 19.2 18.6 18.3 17.9 Variatia(%) 0.2 0.2 1.9 -12.9 9.2 -2.2 -2.7 -1.8 Loc 9 7 10 11 12 13 14

Sursa: united nations world tourism organization

Incasarile din turism miliarde dolari $ Anul 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 15.3 Miliarde $ 10.7 10.8 9.7 10.6 12.8 13.6 14.6 -0.1 13 Variatia(%) 0.7 -10 -1 21.8 5.5 7.7 Loc 8 11 11 12 12 11

Un sector al turismului prosper aduce beneficii intregii tari, si o majora sursa de locuri de munca in special in zonele rurale, in total cam 663000 locuri de munca. Canada are 160000 afaceri in domeniul turismului si majoritatea din acestea sunt organizatii cu mici si medii cu mai putin de 20 de angajati care formeaza coloana vertebrala economica a tarii. Industria turismului este unul dintre sectoarele care se dezvolta repede si sunt cele emai importante forte economice din lume in zilele noastre , cu capacitatea de a genera castiguri externe semnificative. Avand in vedere miza pentru venituri si locuri de munca, competita pentru vizitatorii internationali este intensa. Pentru a reusi sa indeplinim misiunea de a creste veniturile din tourismul exten, ne-am focalizat atentia pe programele de marketing de pe pietele globale si acle segmenete de consumatori care detemina cea mai mare rentabilitate a ionvestitiilor noastre. Suucesul este masurat prin abilitatea noastra de a influienta intentiile in actiuni, inspirand vizitatorii sa ia un avion si sa exploareze tara noastra in orice momente al anului.

The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) is a federal Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of Canada. As set out in the Canadian Tourism Commission

Act, our purpose is to sustain a vibrant and profitable tourism industry by supporting a cooperative relationship between the private sector and the governments of Canada, the provinces and the territories. We promote Canada as an internationally competitive, premier four-season tourism destination where travellers have access to extra-ordinary experiences. We provide a consistent voice for Canada in the international tourism

CTC este o organizatie federala Crown, proprietate guvernului Canadei.

Istoria ctc
In May 1994, the Prime Minister appointed a Special Advisor on Tourism with the directive to determine what steps the federal government could take to enhance Canadas tourism industry. Through the Report From the Honourable J. Judd Buchanan, Special Advisor on Tourism to the Prime Minister, Buchanan reported on a consultation with the public sector and the tourism industry that he conducted and made recommendations to the federal government. Buchanan noted that committing significant federal resources to the tourism industry would demonstrate the governments belief in the industrys ability to generate new revenues as well as encourage participation in the financing of a national marketing program. In October 1995, the federal government accepted the recommendations. Recognizing, however, that a partnership could not be imposed, the Prime Minister asked Buchanan and the Industry Minister to work with the industry so that everyone signed on. The Prime Minister noted that the CTC would give us the chance to marshal all of our resources in a cooperative rather than a competitive manner, and committed $50 million annually. The departmental unit of Industry Canada that was responsible for marketing Canada as a tourism destination was thus established as a Special Operating Agency (SOA).2 Soon after, Industry Canada began developing options for increasing the CTCs administrative autonomy within the Industry portfolio. It was recognized that the CTC could operate best as a Crown corporation where it would be a partner in the Industry portfolio and would report to Parliament through the Minister of Industry, who would be required to approve its annual business plan.

Bill C-5, An Act to establish the Canadian Tourism Commission, was tabled by the Minister of Industry and given First Reading in the House of Commons on 15 October 1999. It received Royal Assent on 20 October 2000, and established the CTC as a Crown corporation3 under Schedule III (Part 1) of the Financial Administration Act and governed by Part X of that Act. In partnership with the Canadian tourism industry, the CTC works to promote Canada as an internationally competitive, premier four-season tourism destination where travellers have access to extra-ordinary experiences. We provide a consistent voice for Canada in the international tourism marketplace. Depending on their markets and objectives, provinces and territories may choose to work in partnership with the CTC to promote their tourism interests or they may develop independent programs. Generally speaking, the more distant the market, the greater the likelihood that individual provinces or territories find strategic benefit under Canadas tourism brand, Canada. Keep exploring. Given the importance of SMEs as the central pillar of Canadas tourism industry, we engage and strengthen its relationship with the SME community in order to harness the collective voice of Canadas tourism partners, both big and small, and work together to advance Canadas tourism brand and entice travellers to come to Canada now. Marketing Canada is the most important and effective because customers are more aware of countries as destination choices rather than sub-national entities such as provinces, regions or icons (i.e. Rocky Mountains). According to the Global Tourism Watch, conducted by Harris and Decima in 2008, most international citizens are aware of Canada but not its individual provinces and territories or any of its attractions as tourism destinations. To put things in perspective, when international travellers were asked, 0.1% of travellers said they had heard of the city, Montreal, 0.2% were aware of Toronto and the Rocky Mountains, 0.4% of travellers were aware of the city Vancouver, and 0.49% were aware of British Columbia. Alternatively, 14% of international travellers that were questioned were aware of travel opportunities to Canada all together. It is clear through these results that, to a potential customer, Canada is seen as a whole instead of its contents. It is our responsibility to market Canada in a way that informs travellers of all the country has to offer and spark interest not only in the Canada brand, but its components.

Canadas tourism industry

The CTC works in the national interest to make Canada more competitive internationally and to generate increased revenues for an industry that contributes significantly to the Canadian economy. In 2008, Canadian tourism industry revenues reached $74.7 billion, generated over 662,900 jobs and contributed $21.9 billion in government revenues. Tourism represents approximately 2% of the Canadian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with a value of $30.3 billion in 2008 which equals the approximate economic value of agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting combined.4 Tourism generates export revenues as any item sold to an international tourist is considered an export.

Our strategy

To achieve our strategic goal of growing tourism export revenues for Canada, the CTC follows a solid strategy of targeting specific markets and customers to achieve the highest return on investment possible. We are active in the markets that account for more than 90% of all international arrivals to Canada. By deepening our relationship with highyield customersthose who stay longer and spend morewe are influencing their travel decisions and increasing Canadas tourism revenue even when arrivals are down. In addition, by harnessing the collective energy of different levels of government and the private sector, we are taking the lead in communicating a strong, consistent, global brand for Canada. Finally, by focusing on both short- and long-term potentials for maximizing return-on-investment, we are positioning ourselves for maximum flexibility as markets mature and evolve. Overall, we are leading the way to attract the best customer to Canada.
4 Based on Statistics Canada 2008 data for Gross Domestic Product at basic prices, primary industries.

There were four types of CTC partnership arrangements with contributions in 2008: CTC-led marketing or sales campaigns: $12.4 million. Marketing initiatives where a partner takes the lead in managing the campaign: $29.6 million. Parallel partnerships where the CTC runs parallel advertising with its partners: $22.4 million in the form of parallel advertisements. In-kind partner contributions: $31.3 million, with in-kind contributions including airfare and free television advertising.

Our partnerships

Operating on the basis of public-private partnerships, the CTC leverages every public dollar invested in tourism marketing to achieve a maximum return-on-investment. The ultimate beneficiary is the Canadian taxpayer, who enjoys tourisms contribution to the quality of life in Canada through public and private investments in parks, transportation infrastructure, attractions, events and event facilities. In addition to stimulating export revenue growth and job creation in Canada, we also stimulate high-value knowledge-based businesses and jobs for the Canadian economy. The tourism marketing industry is a strong customer of Canadas creative economies (e.g. enabling technology, e-marketing, creative production, research, and creative testing). Typically, between 38% and 43% of the total marketing investment required to ensure a successful international campaign is spent domestically in Canada. The CTCs partner contributions totalled $95.8 million in 2008, for a 1.2:1.0 ratio of tourism industry monies to federal appropriations. Over the 2010-2014 period, we will continue to leverage partner contributions in order to increase the impact of the public money invested in Canadas tourism marketing activities.

Why were here


The evolution of Canadas tourism brand

Beginning in the late 1940s, Canada portrayed itself as a land of pure, unspoiled nature. Over the next sixty years, Canada would take its place as one of the worlds most beautiful countries, vast, unspoiled and wonderfully natural. During this time, our image as a travel destination remained largely unchanged; but in those years, everything else around us underwent remarkable change.

Travel became commonplace. Travellers can go almost anywhere from anywhere in less than a day. Tour operators began to compete for business with fervor and travel became a right and an integral part of the mobile lifestyle. The world is truly the consumers oyster, and the game shifted from seeing sights to a quest for immersive and highly individualized travel experiences. However, even through the 1970s, Canada portrayed itself with tried and true icons of wildlife and nature. By consistently communicating the same nature-based message, Canada became a one-dimensional brand in a three dimensional world, known largely for its moose, Mounties and mountains. Finally, in 2005, we began the process of researching and developing a revitalized tourism brand for Canada; we knew we needed to fix the lack of consistency and develop a strong collective voice that was missing from Canadian destination marketing.

Canada. Keep exploring

In 2007, the CTC launched Canadas revitalized tourism brand Canada. Keep exploring. We worked to create a bridge between the worlds naturebased perceptions of Canada and the need to present more diverse and real Canadian travel experiences in a personal, emotional, relevant and interactive context.

Designed to inspire, impassion and excite curious travellers, the Canada tourism brand is bringing Canada to life in a consistent way around the world. Created collaboratively by the CTC and Canadas tourism industry partners, the Canada tourism brand takes travellers on a new journey where visitors mingle with the locals, uncover exotic landscapes and stumble upon extraordinary cultural encounters that move spirit, mind and body. The tone is witty, warm, creative and bold. It lets the world know that Canada is a place like no other: a country of dramatic landscapes, vast wilderness, vibrant cities and diverse peoples; a country where nature and humanity come together in distinctive ways; a country with no fewer than 15 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Canada. Keep exploring has become a reflection of Canada, expressing its attributes and strengths through enticing and modern visuals, along with a personality and tone that mirror the authentic, warm nature of Canadians. Canadas tourism brand will be a leading storytelling brand in the world where travellers bring home extra-ordinary stories all their own. This is very much in-line with current

and anticipated future customer expectations and needs where high-yield travellers view travel as enriching their lives. We are succeeding in the challenge to take Canadas positive brand association and present consumers with compelling reasons to visit Canada. The world has come to see Canada as not just a beautiful place with incredible landscapes, but as a place that offers travellers an opportunity to create their own stories and experiences unique stories that are a little unexpected, unusual and out of the ordinary.

Our brand
10 Canadian Tourism Commission Canadian Tourism Commission 11
Montreal, Quebec Mountains / West Newfoundland and Labrador Churchill, Manitoba Montreal, Quebec Niagara Falls,

Direct-to-Consumer advertising
Direct to consumer advertising and marketing is the most direct way to influence demand for Canada as a vacation destination. In all CTC markets (except China, India and Brazil), we engage in integrated advertising campaigns using broadcast, newspapers, magazines, and out-of-home, such as billboards, e-marketing and database marketing. Our advertising and marketing campaigns are run in partnership with key provincial, city and SME tourism partners.

Media and public relations

Media and Public Relations (PR) activities aim to develop significant relationships with inmarket (international) media to influence a high level of positive coverage about Canada. The editorial media remain an important channel to reach a high number of consumers regarding Canada as a vacation destination. Key activities include the Media Familiarization program (organizing trip invitations for international media, resulting in positive stories about Canada), GoMedia Marketplace event (bringing together industry and media to promote Canadian travel opportunities), and Media and PR campaigns.

Travel trade

Travel Trade involves CTC staff working directly with overseas travel companies, to develop and sell Canada as a vacation destination. Travel agents who understand Canada's tourism products have a much greater likelihood to influence consumers to visit Canada. To this end, we engage in two key travel trade activities: The Canada Specialist Program (CSP) and Tour Operator Key Account Program. The CSP educates travel agents and tour operators regarding the Canada product. The Tour Operator Key Account Program influences tour operators to include Canada in their sales offerings in competition with other destinations around the world. It also influences existing tour operators to sell more Canada and to add more Canadian product and experiences to their catalogues, effectively increasing shelf space for Canadian product and SMEs in the supply chain.


The Meeting, Convention & Incentive Travel program (MC&IT) is designed to generate business opportunities (leads) to various Canadian

partners (Provincial Marketing Organizations, Destination Marketing Organizations, hotels, etc.), resulting in the eventual booking of a convention, meeting or incentive program (i.e., travel rewards for top performing employees). This provides economic impact to destinations and ultimately increases export revenues. Additional goals are creating greater awareness of Canada and the brand among meeting planners and influential senior executives and CEOs.


The CTC research program has gained a global reputation as a leading innovator in tourism research. The research conducted has been the fundamental catalyst to our success and the success of Canadas visitor economy. Research contributes to giving Canadas tourism a competitive edge. Timely, credible, and relevant business intelligence has been at the forefront to support effective strategic business decisions. The business intelligence generated by our research program focuses on three strategic priorities: 1. Macroeconomic tourism environment: tracks the economic value and importance of the Canadian tourism sector and its related industries, including tourism revenue, gross domestic output, employment and tax revenues. 2. Market research: tracks market perception, product performance and trends, measures awareness levels, identifies motivating factors and product gaps in target markets, determines travel intentions and assesses price competitiveness. 3. Strategic planning tools: make marketing and sales budget allocations by market in order to maximize the best return on our marketing investments.

Experiential product

In order to position small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Canadian tourism industry for success, they must be competitive. Simply put, strong sales rely on products that are relevant to the target consumer base. Most SMEs are understandably focused on their operations, and do not have sophisticated marketing, branding and media and technology skills. The Experiential Product Development program works to bridge that gap by working with SMEs to identify unique Canadian travel experiences, and ensuring that tourism products match consumer interests. This ensures that Canadas tourism brand can deliver on its promise and attract travellers. This program is the first point of entry for SMEs to develop Canadian-branded, exportready, consumer relevant product experiences. These are used in our sales, marketing and media relations initiatives. Working directly with various stakeholders in the tourism industry, this program: Obtains research on product demand and positioning; Shares information to make the Canadian tourism industry more competitive; Encourages small businesses to develop new products by building partnerships; and Provides the venue or vehicle through which market-ready products can be developed. These activities act as a catalyst to influence the competitiveness of market-ready product. Improving Canadas experiential travel inventory involves training, tools, expertise, customer knowledge and finesse but is softer than the traditional view of product investment in areas such as infrastructure or bricks and mortar investment.

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