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MP750 / MP780 reset instructions..

These instructions should allow you to reset the ink waste counter on your Canon MP750 or MP780 but they should ONLY be used once you've actually replaced the waste ink pads or handled some form of waste ink collection that doesn't cause the pads to overflow. If you ignore this, you'll end up damaging your printer with ink overflowing into the system!!

Hint: - To select something... Use the '-' and '+' buttons and then the "OK" button. - To go back... Use the "Stop/Reset" button - To reset... Use the "On/Off" button (only after you've gone back as far as possible it seems)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Service menu: Menu -> Scan -> Copy -> Scan (one at a time in sequence) Select "TEST MODE" Select "[8] ETC.." Select "[4] EEPROM CLEAR" Select "[1] INK COUNT" Press the [OK] button. Press the [Stop/Reset] button (returns you to the TEST MOD sub-menu)) press the [ON/OFF] button (which resets the printer)

TIP: Don't rush the printer as it can often take considerable time to respond to your commands. Frantic button pressing will just push the printer into snail mode (ie: slow as hell!).

From the Canon Pixma iP4200 manual, downloaded from http://noel.bouvet.free.fr/ip4200/Canon%2520Servicemanual_ip4200.pdf

pages 28-29:

1) With the printer power turned off, while pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press and hold the Power button. (DO NOT release the buttons. The Power LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.) 2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button. (DO NOT release the Power button.) 3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 2 times, and then release both the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the Alarm and Power LEDs light alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green, starting with Alarm LED.) 4) When the Power LED lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button the specified number of time(s) according to the function listed in the table below. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the

Alarm and Power LEDs light alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green, starting with Alarm LED.) [hth: I believe the power button has to be pressed once more after cycling the alarm button to complete the action. The power/resume-cancel button LEDs toggle to help you count.]

Time(s) LED indication Function Remarks 0 times Green (Power) Power off When the print head is not installed, the carriage returns and locks in the home position capped. 1 time Orange (Alarm) Service test print See 3-4. Verification Items, (1) Service test print. 2 times Green (Power) EEPROM information print See 3-4. Verification Items, (2) EEPROM information print. 3 times Orange (Alarm) EEPROM initialization [hth: does not re-initialize Waste ink counter] >>>> 4 times Green (Power) Waste ink counter resetting 5 times Orange (Alarm) Destination settings [hth: not applicable] 6 times Green (Power) Print head deep cleaning (Cleaning of both black and color) [hth: 7-10 not applicable] 11 to 13 times Orange, Green, Orange (Alarm, Power, Alarm) Return to the menu selection 14 not used in servicing 15 Orange (alarm) return to the menu selection,.

Note: If the Resume/Cancel button is pressed 16 or more times, the Alarm or Power LED lights steadily without any changes.

Anyway,.. here is the process for the MP780. This is all done from the operator panel with power on. I suggest you unplug the USB cable. All of this information in located in section 3-5-3 of the MP780 Service Manual that you have. However it is not explained in words, but in pictures. The first 3 times I tried it it didn't work because I did not clearly understand it. I have written a better description below. I don't have the MP780 in front of me but I tested it again on the MP730, which contains a similar funstion but with different keys. 1. The display should be in default COPY mode and the display should say "100% LTR NORMAL 01" 2. Press the "MENU" button. The display should then say "1. Special Copy" 3. Press and release the "Scan" button, then the "Copy" button, then press and release the "Scan" Button. The display should now say "Service Mode" 4. Press the arrow ">" key until you get to "7 Print Test",..Then press the "Set" key. 5. Press the arrow ">" key until you get to "5 Ink ABS Capa",...then press the "Set" key. 6. The display should now show "0",... so press the "Set" once more to effect the command. 7. The alarm light should come on and the printer make one small internal cycle. The alarm light will go off. 8. The waste ink error is now reset. You should be able to print. Be sure to read these instruction over several times and make sure you understand which button you are going to press at the right time. Don't hurry anything, nothing is going to happen if you

press a wrong button. You can always press the "Cancel button" and start the whole process over again. Now some day in the furture you are going to have to take the printer "TOTALLY" apart down to the bottom to get at the Waste ink Pads, remove them and clean them or replace them. The Canon Service center will charge you anywhere from $80 to $100 because of the amount of work involved, even thougth the waste pads probably only cost $6-10. Unless their top tech does the work, there is a good chance they will screw it up, forget something, put something else back together wrong, or have to take it apart again to fix and put it all back together again. It is not difficult if one has the correct instructions and 15-20 photos to show each step of the process, but the Canon techs don't have this. The odds are they havent' seen one of these printers in the last 6 months and no one there remembers how to do it. This is the advantage of my Repair Manuals. It shows all of this and explains the little secrets about how to take it apart and put it back together, one step at a time. Good luck in reseting your printer. You should be good for at least a year.

I'll be working on a way to create a set of instructions for installing a waste ink tank for the head cleaning system/pump soon. Just don't expect it before Xmas.

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