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Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain



Cerebral Cortex y y outermost layer composed of gray matter

Function: y y analyze sensory data, perform memory functions learn new information, form thoughts and make decisions

Left Hemisphere y y Function: y language, mathematics, abstraction and reasoning Sequential Analysis systematic, logical interpretation of information

Right Hemisphere y y Holistic Functioning Visual spatial skills

Function: y dancing and gymnastics

Corpus Callosum y Connects right and left hemisphere

Frontal Lobe y Cognition and memory The "Gatekeeper"

Function: y y Personality and emotional traits Language: motor speech

Parietal Lobe y y Processing of sensory input, sensory discrimination Body orientation

Occipital Lobe y y Primary visual reception area Primary visual association area

Temporal Lobe

y y y

Auditory receptive area and association areas Expressed behavior Language: Receptive speech.

. Pons contains centers for the control of vital processes, including respiration and
cardiovascular functions. It also is involved in the coordination of eye movements and balance. Thalamus a major relay station between the senses and the cortex (the outer layer of the brain consisting of the parietal, occipital, frontal and temporal lobes).

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