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Biotechnology for Everyone, Bi6

Exercise 4 Fermentation Introduction Yogurt is a fermented milk product produced by adding a "starter" of active yogurt containing a mixed culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria produce lactic acid during fermentation of lactose. The lactic acid lowers the pH, makes the milk tart, causes the milk protein to thicken and acts as a preservative since pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria cannot grow in acid conditions (with lids intact, this yogurt will keep at least a month or two in the refrigerator). The partial digestion of the milk when these bacteria ferment milk makes yogurt easily digestible. In addition, these bacteria will help settle gastrointestinal tract upset including that which follows oral antibiotic therapy by replenishing non-pathogenic flora of the gastrointestinal tract. Several factors are crucial for successful yogurt making: good sterile technique (i.e., proper sterilization and cooling of milk, proper cleansing and heat treatment of glassware and keeping out unwanted bacteria) proper incubation temperature (Lactobacilli and Streptococcus thermophilus are thermophilic bacteria, meaning they prefer elevated temperatures for growth. At such temperatures (50C, in this case) pathogenic or putrefactive bacteria are o o inhibited. However, even these thermophilic bacteria are killed if exposed to temperatures over 55 C (130 F) and do not o o grow well below 37 C (98 F)) protection of the starter from contamination (Do not open the starter until you are ready to make the next batch) For this activity, the class will need the following materials: 1 liter of fresh milk (not non-fat milk) Yogurt starter (Nestle plain yogurt) disposable spoon Transparent microwavable containers (small, around 100 - 250 ml, 1 per group)

Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make sure that the microwavable container is clean. Clean it using detergent and water. Rinse thoroughly. Pour boiled water on the containers and allow the water to stay for 5 minutes. This will kill most bacteria that may contaminate the yogurt. Repeat this step for the disposable spoons. Label the containers with laboratory section and group number. Pour the milk on the cleaned containers and put inside the microwave for 2 minutes. Cool the milk to temperatures between 40 to 60C. Add a teaspoon of yogurt starter to the milk and stir. Set aside in a warm room for at least 7 hours until set. Do not disturb. To know whether the yogurt has set, tilt slightly the container to see if the yogurt retains its shape. If it does, place it in the refrigerator. This may serve as starter culture for another batch of yogurt. Do not open it unless the materials to make another batch of yogurt are ready. To enjoy the yogurt, add sugar or salt. Yogurt could also be substituted for sour cream in dips and other recipes.


Guide Questions: 1. What are the health benefits of yogurt? Cite at least two original scientific papers that support the health benefits of yogurt. 2. Give a situation when your own body cells perform fermentation. Which body cells can perform fermentation? 3. It is said to be possible for lactose intolerant individuals to eat yogurt. Why?

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