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W hat is Robotics Robotics Technology - Actuators

Robotics Tecnotion Linear
Actuators, also know n as drives, are mechanisms for
Technology M otors
getting robots to move. Most actuators are pow ered by
Sensors pneumatics (ai r pressure), Tecnotion ist der führende
Effectors hydraulics (fluid pressure), or Hersteller der
motors (electric current). Most Linearmotoren
actuation uses electromagnetic www.tec notion.c om
Controllers motors and gears but there
Arms have been frequent uses of Linear Synchronous
other forms of actuation
Artificial M otors
including NiTinOL"muscle-w ires"
Intelligence Design and manufacture
and inexpensive Radio Control
servos. To get a motor under
of LSMs Mining, defence,
computer control, different motor types and actuator renewable energy
Type of Robots t y p e s are used. Some of the motor types are
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Robotics History Synchronous, Stepper, AC servo, Brushless DC servo,

and Brushed DC servo. Radio Control servos for model
Current Dc M otor
airplanes, cars and other vehicles are light, rugged,
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cheap and fairly easy to interface. Some of the units
Future of can provide very high torque speed. A Radio Control Keine Versandkosten ab
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the interrupt handler. GraniteDevic es.fi

DC Motors
The most common actuator you w ill use (and the
most common in mobile robotics in general) is the direct
current (DC) motor. They are simple, cheap, and easy to 將貿興業有限公司
use. Also, they come in a great variety of sizes, to 齒輪 齒輪箱 螺桿 料管 押出
accommodate different robots and tasks. DC motors 機零件 風環 鏡面輪
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convert electrical into mechanical energy. They consist of
permanent magnets and loops of w ire inside. W hen
current is applied, the w ire loops generate a magnetic
field, w hich reacts against the outside field of the static
magnets. The interaction of the fields produces the
movement of the shaft/armature. Thus,
electromagnetic energy becomes motion. As w ith any
physical system, DC motors are not perfectly efficient,
m e a n i n g that the energy is not
converted perfectly, w ithout any w aste.
Some energy is w asted as heat
generated by friction of mechanical
p a rt s . Inefficiencies are minimized in w ell-designed
(and more expensive) motors, and their performance
can be brought up to the 90th percentile, but cheap
motors (such as the ones you may use) can be as low
as 50%. (In case you think this is very inefficient,
remember that other types of effectors, such as
miniature electrostatic motors, may have much low er
efficiencies still.) A motor requires a pow er source
w ithin its operating voltage, i.e., the recommended
voltage range for best efficiency of the motor. Low er
voltages w ill usually turn the motor (but provide less
pow er). Higher voltages are more tricky: in some cases
they can increase the pow er output but almost alw ays
at the expense of the operating life of the motor. E.g.,
the more you rev your car engine, the sooner it w ill
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die. W hen constant voltage is a pplie d, a DC motor

draws current in the amount proportional to the work it is
doing. For example, if a robot is pushing against a w all,
it is draw ing more current (and draining more of its
batteries) than w hen it is moving freely in open space.
The reason is the resistance to the motor motion
introduced by the w all. If the resistance is very high
(i.e., the w all just w on't move no matter how much the
robot pushes against it), the motor draw s a maximum
amount of pow er, and stalls. This is defined as the stall
current of the motor: the most current it can draw at its
specified voltage. W ithin a mo to r's operating current
range, the more current is used, the more torque or
rotational force is produced at the shaft. In general, the
strengths of the magnetic field generated in the w ire
loops is directly proportional to the applied current and
thus the produced torque at the shaft. Besides stall
current, a motor also has its stall torque, the amount of
rotational force produced w hen the motor is stalled at
its operating voltage. Finally, the amount of power a
motor generates is the product of its shaft's rotational
velocity and its torque. If there is no load on the shaft,
i.e., the motor is spinning freely, then the rotational
velocity is the highest, but the torque is 0, since no
mechanism is being driven by the motor. The output
pow er, then, is 0 also. In contrast, w hen the motor is
stalled, it is producing maximum torque, but the
rotational velocity is 0, so the output pow er is 0
Betw een free spinning and stalling, the motor does
useful w ork, and the produced pow er has a
characteristic parabolic relationship demonstrating
that the motor produces the most pow er in the middle
of its performance range. Most DC motors have
unloaded speeds in the range of 3,000 to 9,000 RPM
(revolutions per minute), or 50 to 150 RPS (revolutions
per second). That turns out to put them in the high-
speed but low -torque category (compared to some
other alternatives). For example, how often do you
need to drive something very light that rotates very
fast (besides a fan)? Yet that is w hat DC motors are
naturally best at. In contrast, robots need to pull loads
(i.e., move their bodies and manipulators, all of w hich
have significant mass), thus requiring more torque and
less speed. As a result, the performance of a DC motor
typically needs to be adjusted in that direction, through
the use of gears.
The force generated at the edge of a gear is equal
to the product of the radius of the gear and its torque
(F = r t), in the line tangential to its circumference. By
combining gears w ith different radii, w e can manipulate
the amount of force/torque the mechanism generates.
The relationship betw een the radii and the resulting
torque is w ell defined, as follow s: Suppose Gear1 w ith
radius r1 turns w ith torque t1, generating a force of
t 1 /r1 perpendicular to its circumference. Now if w e
mesh it w ith Gear2, w ith r2, w hich generates t2/r2,
then t1/r1 = t2/r2. To get the torque generated by
Gear2, w e get: t2 = t1 r2/r1. Intuitively, this means:
the torque generated at the output gear is
proportional to the torque on the input gear and the
ratio of the tw o gear's radii. If r2 > r1, w e get a bigger
number, if r1 > r2, w e get a smaller number.
If the output gear is larger than the input gear, the
torque increases. If the output gear is smaller than the
input gear, the torque decreases. Besides the change
in torque that takes place w hen gears are combined,
there is also a corresponding change in speed. To
measure speed w e are interested in the circumference
of the gear, C= 2 * pi * r. Simply put, if the
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circumference of Gear1 is tw ice that of Gear2, then

Gear2 must turn tw ice for each full rotation of Gear1. If
the output gear is larger than the input gear, the
speed decreases. If the output gear is smaller than the
input gear, the speed increases. In summary, w hen a
small gear drives a large one, torque is increased and
speed is decreased. Analogously, w hen a large gear
drives a small one, torque is decreased and speed is
increased. Thus, gears are used in DC motors (w hich
w e said are fast and low torque) to trade off extra
speed for additional torque. Gears are combined using
their teeth. The number of teeth is not arbitrary, since
it is the key means of proper reduction. Gear teeth
require special design so that they mesh properly. If
there is any looseness betw een meshing gears, this is
ca lle d backlash, the ability for a mechanism to move
back \& forth w ithin the teeth, w ithout turning the
w hole gear.
Reducing backlash requires tight meshing betw een
the gear teeth, but that, in turn, increases friction. As
you can imagine, proper gear design and
manufacturing is complicated. To achieve "three to one
gear reduction (3:1)", w e apply pow er to a small gear
(say one w ith 8-teeth) meshed w ith a large one (w ith 3
* 8 = 24 teeth). As a result, w e have slow ed dow n the
large gear by 3 and have tripled its torque. Gears can
b e organized in series ("ganged"), in order to multiply
their effect. For example, 2 3:1 gears in series result in
a 9:1 reduction. This requires a clever arrangement of
gears. Or three 3:1 gears in series can produce a 27:1
reduction. This method of multiplying reduction is the
underlying mechanism that makes DC motors useful
and ubiquitous.
Electronic Control of Motors
It should come as no surprise that motors require
more battery pow er (i.e., more current) than electronics
(e.g., 5 milliamps for the 68HC11 processor v. 100
milliamps - 1 amp for a small DC motor). Typically,
s pe cia liz e d circuitry is required. You need to learn
about H-bridges and pulse-width modulation there.
Servo Motors
It is sometimes necessary to be able to move a
motor to a specific position. If you consider your basic
DC motor, it is not built for this purpose. Motors that
can turn to a specific position are called servo motors
and are in fact constructed out of basic DC motors, by

some gear reduction

a position sensor for the motor shaft

an electronic circuit that controls the motor's


Servos are used in toys a great deal, to adjust

steering on steering in RC cars and w ing position in RC
airplanes. Since positioning of
the shaft is w hat servo motors
are all about, most have their
movement reduced to 180
degrees. The motor is driven
w ith a w aveform that specifies
the desired angular position of
t h e shaft w ithin that range.
The w aveform is given as a
series of pulses, w ithin a pulse-
width modulatedsignal. Thus, the w idth (i.e., length) of
the pulse specifies the control value for the motor, i.e.,
how the shaft should turn. Therefore, the exact
w idth/length of the pulse is critical, and cannot be
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sloppy. There are no milliseconds or even microseconds

to be w asted here, or the motor w ill behave very badly,
jitter, and go beyond its mechanical limit. This limit
s h o u l d be checked empirically, and avoided. In
contrast, the duration betw een the pulses is not critical
at all. It should be consistent, but there can be noise
on the order of milliseconds w ithout any problems for
the motor. This is intuitive: w hen no pulse arrives, the
motor does not move, so it simply stops. As long as the
pulse gives the motor sufficient time to turn to the
proper position, additional time does not hurt it.
Continuous Rotation Motors
A regular DC motor can be used for continuous
rotation. Furthermore, servo motors can also be
retrofitted to provide continuous rotation (remember,
they only to 180 otherw ise), like this:

remove mechanical limit (revert back to DC motor


remove pot position sensor (no need to tell


apply 2 resistors to fool the servo to think it is

fully turning

Related Products For Drives and Actuators

Research into shape memory alloys, polymer gels
and micro-mechanism devices is ongoing, and changing
often. Nickel-titanium alloys w ere first discovered by
the Naval Ordinance Laboratory decades ago and the
material w as termed NiTinOL. These materials have the
intriguing property that they provide actuation through
cycling of current through the materials. It undergoes a
‘phase change’ exhibited as force and motion in the
w ire . At room temperature Muscle W ires are easily
stretched by a small force. How ever, w hen conducting
an electric current, the w ire heats and changes to a
much harder form that returns to the "unstretched"
shape -- the w ire shortens in length w ith a usable
amount of force. Nitinol can be stretched by up to eight
percent of their length and w ill recover fully, but only
for a few cycles. How ever w hen used in the three to
five percent range, Muscle W ires can run for millions of
cycles w ith very consistent and reliable performance.

USB Motion Controller High Quality Controllers With Free Technical Support! Learn More & Buy www.Pro-Dexoms.c om/USBMotionControl

SEM Servomotors Manufacturer of high quality servos 0.2 to 70Nm (incl. a compact range) www.sem.c o.uk

Operational amplifiers Line of op-amps, comparators, CMOS, single/double supply from ROHM www.rohm.c om

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