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P.fL< AH.U



told us of his experiences on the Ti the Carpathia?'' asked Senator I town, the was greatly missed wfcentanic. Cpllett said: Smith. " ' I be left this vicinity. "The sunset oh Sundav evening "I suppose-so, sir. but he did not! w 4 s beautiful, the night was clear understand." . jFAIR HAVEN. and we were steaming along at a "Is there any code word for f o o l " , Haven April 20 Mrs. R. Fa>r good clip, i had been assisting the asked Senator Smith -Wouldn't it h jn r n W e ' n e s d a y ead Rev. William Carter, also of London, Rescued Minister Sends Word in a hymn and prayer service on the With Bid of $108318.90 for i have been as easy to have sent news, t !of Tvour actual condition?" , Tbuwdav on business. Titanic. At this service Miss Wright b to Port Byron. G a v e C a p t a i n M t * * g e H e I n t e r a c t e d f r o m GaJif Ornia T e l l - : witness rade no answer He' Kenneth Humor or Auburn, who played the piano and sang tnree r Locke-Moravia Road. -*~* ^ ^ I said that before leaving the <abin has been spending"!'few da>* with solo, which were; There Are Green r N,rfi h the ship went IMlls Far Away, For Those In Peril ing of Three. Iceberg*~Too "BuyH to Answer Call for Ti ilO miliums before out a final ('. Q. ' * <ii homeC h a r l e s Browjn, ha rs' down Phillips Bent turned At Sea, and Lead Kindly Light. Af D. There was no response. Bride M- Elizabeth Stafford, who has ter which the Rev. Mr. Carter pray tanic-Frankfort Nearer Than Carpathia to Titanic (saying th* spark was then so weak | been spending me winter in Syracuse ed. There were 35 at the service, and IS very ill with pneumonia at t h e I that it probably did not carry. t0mt after the prayer we all sang: Now The witness then toid of his ex home of her son L. L. Stafford in The Day Is Ended. We then went perience with a small boat beneath that city. to berth And Probably Owes His Life to at our staterooms. I waswins my shock And Brayer Brothers of Au Harry Brooks left \\'ednesda> for which h*e nearly was drowned before 11:25 when there* a a Sterling. Kaa.. where he will spend With a New York. April 20.J. Bruce ls- ail the passengers had been 6aved he i ould extricate himself. Having Had Two Young Girls which aroused and startled m e " the sriimraer. burn Were Fourth on List niay, president of the International or- that the Titanic, was being to,wed[i 1 ." 1 "^ er o f o t n e r survivors he daimHe went on and told Mr. Crane George N. Burt and. family of and his brother Thomas that he Mercantile Marine, is to be called to Halifax?" asked Senator Smith. ^ bored on the overturned boat Oswego were in this place Wednes i n His Care. .WHh $115,697.70. '"No. sir." ' "On one--of these v.n-, Phillips." pulled on his clothes hurriecilv and day in their auto \ again before the Senate Investigating Cottam was uncertain as to w h a t ^ a i d the witness. "He died on th< _ went on deck. Terrific noise from the Committee now delving into the facts messages he sent to the Virginian ; wa>" l o t b e Carpathia and was buried,; whistles blowing and the escaping Mother put the kettle on, surrounding the wreck of the levia- or the Californian but Je denied in ',at E a ' LEYANNA. steam, but apparently no confusion at The State Highway Commission l.ef have a cup of tea "ride d< bribed - in detail the. Apri first, for all the passengers were so yesterday received the last bids on Uhan of the sea, the ill fated Titanic. monosyllabic replies that he said to' Le vanna-on-< av uga :0 Ready for the dear, old d"i Just before the Senate Committee anyone that the passengers were all i iaunchiog of the boat on which evenimpressed with the great size of the Hitrhcook areWho'a romtaa- home from aea. boat that they did not dream of her the first section of the first'big let* investigating the Titanic disaster met saved, or the Titanic was in tow. | tually he was sa\ed ' ' . . ' , ' . . .-lltU. _. r You'll be s l a d to aee him. "If the White Star line sent a sinking. Soon he saw them making ting this season. Bids were submit today an invalid chair was wheeled The m*-n were trying to launch moving into ttieir house rc*utl> *aAnd klM htm with dellarht. message Monday reading: Repre the boat when it was wrenched off; cated b\ William N. Hawley. ready the life boats so he dashed to ted on 124 miles of highway for 1912 So. mother put the k e t t l e on, hjs cabin, strapped on a life preserv construction, the Commission already into the committee rqom. In it was sentative J. H. Hughes. Huntington, a I'm oomlms home all r l h t ! When Bride of : James Morse and brother. Frank, ^>' managed to er, roused the two ladies who had having received them on 286 miles. (Harold Bride the assistant wireless W. V.Titanic proceeding to Hali-! and washed away vain the bottom nn- entertained friends very pleasantly SID. between >- and on Saturday evening iast at the log operator on the Titanic whose feet fax. Passengers will probably land the boat he found ' ' --- - --*....The above jingle was received ~T>n been given into his care at Southamp Awards will be made in a day or were wrenched and 'badly injured there Wednesday. cabin ton and went with them to the boat Alt 6afe.' they 10 men already there s a postal card by Mrs. Mawbey Ern deck. two as soon as the bids have been invited Mrs Flora Sullivan of Rochester "I was the latfl man did not oibtain the information on est Collett, mother of Rev. Sidney C. - "They were put into one of the examined and the financial standing when he was crushed on t>he life raft which that was based from vou?" aboard." said Bride. is visiting at the home of her father*, that picked him up from the wreck I 'Did any others seek to get on?" Geor-e K11K S. Collett, the young clergyman Who life boats, and then the officer, stand of the bidders investigated. "No." * age. He was sallow and hollow cheek "Yes sir. dozens. We couldn \ take Miss Marion Suliivan is the guest w as one of ths fortunate survivors of ing with drawn revolver said. 'Well, Serfator Smith sought to have the The Commission is arranging to of Miss Josephine Young of F l e m hour i t h e m . " the Titanic, a few days after that and what of you?' or something of advertise for the second section of the ed, and lay propped up with pillows witness designate the exact hapless vessel sailed from Southamp that sort, meaning he was to step first letting to be held in about three awaiting his call to the witness chair. when he was relieved by Operator I r The w&*&*6aid he did not see J. ing. e Sherwood' orchestra of this placet lm mediately behind Bride came J. Bride who had been taken aboard \ f / ; Ismay and that the last he saw ton for New York. It was the only aside, for the, order was women and weeks, for the construction of 500 o children first. In a quiet way he . T.mv vrr . . m v . h J L r f the Carpathla from the Titanic. ! f Captain Smith he was in the a d furnished music for the dance heWt} iBruce Ismay. Mr. lamay showed news they bad received beyond earli said. I am i charge of those two miles of highways which will be "I don't know, sir. said Cottam i Jumping from the bridge just as . a t t'a\uga last Fridav evening and a t er advices that he intended to sail on ladies' and the officer replied, 'Get plainly the effects of the Jiervens ..j w a g U p continuously and J lost f tiie s h i v e n t down. He said he was j K i n g Verry Monday evening, .nervous the greatest amount of mileage the the Titanic, but its pleasant little in,' and the boat was, lowered away. strain under which he is la-boring. ] track of the hours and days. I had | B w i m m i D 8 within 1^0 feet of t h e ; M l g 9 Margaret I t t spent the week-* Cpmmission has ever let at one time. message was *et at naught when the Think of it, those two words meant from eight to 1* hours sleep f r o m l s n i I , w l , f t n lf w e n t d o w n a n d l h a t n e I end with her parents in Auburn Mr. Ismay announced before the r Commissioner Reel intends to in felt no suction Benjamin Fordyce of. Union news of the sinking reached the his life: to have had to step aside inquiry began that he had given in the time we left the w reck until we The committee, on excusing the Springs was the week-end guest ofi meant his death. Six of the crew at clude several long strips of road so arrived in New" York." Port Byron home and placed a crush > the oars, and an officer at the rudder as to attract bids from the large con structions to all lines of Internation "Did Bride do any sending during witness then took a recess until i Roy DeShong. ing weight upon the young man's par were in charge of al Mercantile Marine, which include that time?" Senator .Smith asked. o'clock. each, life boat. tractors and also reduce the cost per Miss Laura Chase of Auburn was SJ ents. But the glad news came that He thought there were"isbout 35 all mile by relieving the contractors of the White Star line, the American, recent guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Fanny} "Yes, sir. he sent the list of the (Continued on seventh page.) he had been saved and his return told in the boat, which was No; 6. establishing expensive equipment f o r t h e Red Star, the Leyland line, the third class passengers to the cruiser Sherman. home, now delayed by t h e investiga Immediately the boat struck the wa small jobs .Chester." Not in many years has the water Atlantic Transport and the Domin tion in New York, is anxiously ter they pulled away distant from the "Any other message?" in Cayuga lake been as high as it is* Bids on the last day of the first ion line, to equip, all steamers with IN NEARBY TOWNS steamer perhaps a quarter of a mile, section were received on Highway at present. The new stone dock; "Several; I don't remember what awaited. sufficient life boats and rafts for ev 1 they were. The records are on. the built two years ago by George Ellie* QreeenThis morning Rev. and Mrs. Col- but with the Titanic always in sight. No. 1016. Cayuga county, PORT BYRON. I j is almost submerged. J e t t received the following letter She plunged to the bottom at 2:20 Locke-Moravia, seven and nine-tenths ery passenger and every member of Carpathia." "Did'Bride send you any message! from their soli just before he left a. m.. three hours after she struck miles of brick* pavement, u concrete the crew without regard to regula Death of Mrs. Marion Knapn. London. The letter enclosed anoth the berg, and he said the noise as the bituminous top, as follows: Dollard tions prescribed by the government declaring that the Titanic was being i Port Byron. April 20.Mrs. j Albany. $108,318.90; of the United States, Great Britain, towed in Halifax?" er sealed envelope. Its brevity and boilers burst and the waters^riovered & Heeran, t h e nature of its contents seem t o in her was terrific, just like o n e great John Johnson Construction Company, Belgium or any of t h e countries to "No, sir." said the ^witness with Blanche Caldwell Knapp died at thej dicate that some premonition had moan, intensified thousands of times. Buffalo. 1 1 0 8 , 3 4 7 : Guy B. Dlckerson, which the steamers belong.' emphasis, family home a short distance south Perhaps It IsIt Waa a Cold Night warned the young man before he 'The crew knowing the Carpathla Syracuse. $ 1 1 9 , 0 1 8 . 3 4 ; Brayer Bros., Cottam, after rehearsing again of this village, Wednesday'evening j Anyway. Mr. Ismay and other officials of the final messages exchanged be sailed. His letter said: had caught the Titanic's wireless Auburn, $115,69-7.70; Mosier a Sum of abscess on the brain, after a brief j Winter gave a sort of last linger* Erie the^Whlte Star line were subpoenaed tween the Titanic messages, just kept the boat as near mers, Buffalo, $113.674.80; and Carpathia, "London, Eng.. April 9th. the vicinity as possible and then Contracting Company, Buffalo. $ 1 2 3 , - today by *he committee to appear be was excused. He is to be recalled. Illness. *Dr. J. P. Creveling of A u - ; i n g k i c k a t 8 p r i n g last night. The, Dear Father and Mother: burn and Dr. W. L. Wallace of thermometer started downward with "In the event of anything unfore watched and watcned for her com 235.80; James Anderson XPCo., Al fore It in Washington at 10: SO a. m. Operator Bride Called. ing. Just at dawn, four hours after, bany, $ 1 1 5 , 2 1 9 . 9 0 ; W. J. Burns Co., Monday morning. The investigation Syracuse were in almost constant at the evident intention of beating the. seen happening to me In my jour Senator Smith then called what he tendance. ' ' . . deep-sea record of the Titanic and in] ney to you, please open t h e enclosed taking to the life-boats, they saw the Syracuse, $ U 4 , 7 5 3 \ 9 0 ; J. H. Weid- in New York will be concluded to evidently expected to be one of the " reflection of rockets on the horizen man, Syracuse, $126,959.80: .letter addressed to me. Mrs. Knapp was the daughter of several localities Is reported to have* day. most important witnesses, Harold S. - - ' W i t h ' l o r e I remain,. your loving and pulled for dear life in that di Mr. and Mrs. Dejancy Caldwell. She touched "2T degrees aboye-sero.- This" Bride, the sole surviving wireless op rection. 'Twas not long before the comes very near being a record for* CarpetaJa's WirelessJJperator. son, erator of the Titanic. Crippled as a spent her entire life in this vicinity. April 20. permission was refused he stepped Carpathla reached them and they SIDNEY. The first witness wasTfiomas Cot result of his experience. he was A few years ago she married Marion. back and cooly took out his cigar Early risers found the ground cov- "P. S.I hope to see you ere you were taken aboard where everything ette case.' tam the wireless operator on the Car wheeled in an invalid chair to the Knapp who with a baby daughter, ered with frost and water in pailswas done for them and there was no get this." ,r survives. She is also survived by her the table where the committee sat. '<Jood by, dearie,' he called gay- pathia, who Wjas recalled to Enclosed was a sealed envelope ad distinction made as to class. Steer ly. as he lighted of covered with ice to the depth of one-' "Contrary tq the usual procedure" parents, one' brot.ier, How-ard a cigarette and stand. Senator Smith sought to age, first or second cabin met as eighth of au inch. Had t h e freeze, dressed to "Sidney Clarence Stuart leaned over the rail, '1*11 Join you clear up the messages that had pass said Senator Smith rising in his place Caldwell of this village, and one sis come a week or two later" much darn-^ Collett." The letter yas not opened, equals on common ground and were later.' ter, Mrs. Otis Critchett of Syracuse. ed between the Carpathia and the "I must place you under sath." age would have been done to bud-* Providence having spared the par treated as such. Monday night he .Bride said he was a native of Lon Her sudden and untimely death has din'g vegetation. "Another man, a Frenchman. I Titanic. slept in the smoking room, Tuesday ents that ordeal. What its contents don, was 22 years old and had cast a gloom over this entire com think, approached one of the boats As it iB, the season being some "What was the last message sent learned his profession in a British munity. The funeral was held from are only the young survivor in New and Wednesday night in the second about to be lowered. He had with what backward, no appreciable loss the Titanic?" asked Senator school of telegraphy. York waiting for release from t h e ca/bin doctor's stateroom. This is him two beautiful boys. An officer to the Methodist Episcopal church this was sustained except in the coal eervices to other passengers there all I have time to write today. He waved him back sternly. 'Bless yon' Smith. A phalans***. of flashlight photo afternoon at 2 o'clock. is perfectly well and in splendid bins.. and the orders of the Senatorial in "We sent, itword to have its life spirits. When I left them this he said. \ don't want to go, but for boats ready," said the witness. "We graphers exploded a powder just af vestigators knows. ter Bride took the witness stand. Their Funeral o f James Hancock. morning their plan was for' 'both God-'B sake take the boys. A letter to Rev. Mr. Crane of Port brothers to remain with us over Sun- mother is waiting for them in New told them our life boats were ready Senator Smith said the interrup Port Byron. April- 20.:The fu Byron from his brother, Ruthan W. .day. All well at home. With love York.' The boys were taken aboard." and that w e were steaming to them tion by the photographers was "be neral of James Hancock', who died as fast as we could."Crane of .New York, w h o saw Rev. to each one. yond toleration" a n d unjust to the Miss Slayter dwelt at length on Mr. Collett yesterday, brings to Port Senator Smith asked the witness committee and to the witness who suddenly of heart failure Tuesday! Liner on Which He Sails Will Take> the^ large percentage of the crew "RUTHVEN." Byron for the first time an inkling afternoon, was held from the home the Long R o u t e . saved. On t h e boat that carried her lf he had received any messages from was ill. Young Collett retains the metal away from the sinking of the manner in which Mr." Collett Bride remembered receiving and of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ship were the time the Carpathia left the scene Paris, April 20.Robert Bacon, was saved. According t o t h e g j e a g r e figure "9" from the lifeboat as a nine other women and more than 40 of the disaster until it reached New sending messages relative to the Hancock, at 1 o'clock p. m., and who recently resigned the post of information t h u s far fuYoisned Mr. souvenir of his terrible experience. men stokers. York. speed of the Titanic on its trial from the Methodist Episcopal United States ambassador to France, When CoUett met h i s brother, af Collett was assisting the women and The intention was to discover tests. After leaving Southampton on church at, 2 o'clock Thursday after and Mrs. Bacon were the central fig children, and while at first he was ter they had embraced, the first thing whether any official was seeking to the Titanic's fatal trip he could not noon. Rev. K. F. Richardson, pastor ures of a large crowd which had DON'T WALK ON TRACKS. stopped by ship's officers he was al he did w a s to take a small Oxford keep the news of the disaster quiet. remember receiving or. sending any of the church, officiated. Interment gathered at St. Lazar terminus this lowed to pass when ft was seen that Bible from his pocket a n d ' h a n d it Central Officials Issue Warning to "No s l r r \ answered Cottam. 'I re messages for Ismay. Senator Smith was made in Mount f e a s a n t ceme morning to bid them farewell o a about messages tery. he was ministering t o the sick and to his brother. It was given to him ported the entire matter myself to asked particularly .' Violators of Law. their departure for America. Myron' injured. He IB now in New York by his brother w h e n they last parted the steamship Baltic at 10:30 a. m. on Sunday. T. Herrick, the newly appointed. Vice President and General Man Monday. I told them we had been "I don't remember, sir" said Bride attenling several of t h e survivors and with t h e admonition that the next ,* FAIR HAVEN. United. States ambassador, was pres t i m e they met h c s h o u l d hand it back ager A. H. Smith of the New York to the w/eck and had picked up a s "There w a r s o much business Sun waiting t o be called by the investi j Fair Haven, April 20.Mrs. Flor ent, gators of the Senate. In all proba t h e first thing to prove that he al Central railroad has forwarded te many of the passengers as we day." local agents of the company pla could." The official French delegation t o He was asked if Captain Smith re ence Clum. Mrs. Rhona \Vj!ley--*ndbility the examination of the officers ways carried it with him. cards calling; the attention of em will not be concluded today and he Under questioning, the witness ceived or sent any messages Sun Mrs. George Bradley were in Auburn the Cham plain festivities departed, ployes and the public t o t h e law of said the ship w s s first beaded for day. Seward Was Chairman. at t h e same time and will sail with Tuesday shopping. may have to wait until next week Frederick Seward, cousin of Gen New York with reference to walking Halifax. Later he said the captain "No, sir." was the reply. and go to Washington. While his Miss Murial Russell entertained Mr. aand Mrs. Bacon on the new: liner La^ "How do vou know he did not?" inability to come home is a cause of eral William H. Seward, and a sur on railroad tracks. Chapter 481 laws changed his course and headed for the Epworth League at her home French trans-Atlantic "Because I see the messages Mr. Tuesday evening. A good time was France on her maiden voyage fremi deep regret to his parents they pa vivor was appointed secretary of the of New York, 1910, provide: "No New York. Havre to New York. tiently defer their preparation for Committee of Survivors which rais person- other than those connected "Were t h o s e for Sunday made up?" Phillips takes when they are made enjoyed by all. . J Dal Piaz, the genera] manager, up" his home coming, but they will sure ed $10,000 for the benefit of the with or employed upon the railroad "No, they never were." * Mr. and Mrs. Burton McFaden of of the French line, who is also 'a! shall walk upon or along its tracks "Yes, sir." ly "put the kettle on," once definite destitute survivors, After testifying h e made no perma and yesterday Charlotte, who have .been spending a news reaches them thae he is on his presented a .loving cup to Captain or track, except where t h e s a m e shall nent record ef the iceberg warnings. The "C. Q. D." and t h e "S. O. S." few days with Mr. 'McFaden's par- passenger on the La France, said) be laid across or a l o n e streets or Bride insisted he g a v e the memoran this morning that orders had been* way. Roetron of t h e Carpathia. highways, in which case he shall not dum of the warning to the officer on - In an effort to determine whether etns. have returned home. given to the captain t o t a k e the' Miss Emily Badman of SkaneateGeorge Bradley, who has been southern course and to' adopt e v e r r r t h e signal "C. Q. D." might not have / walk upon the track unless neces the watch. les is also being detained in New been misunderstood by passing ships spending a few adys with his family, measure of prudence. P R A I S E FOR ORCHESTRA. sary to cross the same." The operator said he did not in Senator Smith called upon Mr. Mar has returned to. Auburn. York. Several messages, sent to her Havre. France. April 20.La Failure to comply with this law form Captain Smith. have remained unanswered although Miss Slayter s Vivid Description of coni. Mrs. Herbert Grant and Mrs. France, the 27,000 ton French liner' constitutes a misdemeanor and sub Bride said he was in bed when the earlier messages, including a person in Auburn sailed from Havre at 1,o'clock thlei "What is the meaning of. the sig Charles Dietel were Some of. Final Scenes. jects the offender t o the penalty pre impact came. He was net slarmed at al one from her, stated that she was Tuesday shopping. nal?" Mr. Marconi was asked. morning on her maiden voyage t e ' a misde the collision and -remained in bed Miss Hild* Slayter of] London, scribed for committing -, u tr, ~ , .,.. x, safe. Her relatives in Skaneateles, a Estelle Wri'eht of the Oswego Nor " T h e ' C . Q.' said Marconi, "is an mal school, who has been spending New York. ng., who wes on her way to visit meanor. Attention is called to the about 10 minutes H e T a w Phitttea sister, Mrs. Ernest Arthur, and her m , | * T i n t e r n a t i o n a l - sfgnal which meant in the " J l i . - L aunt, Mrs. George Cox, are of t h e her aunts, Mrs. Frank P, Casey of fact that the law i s transgressed by i^ii.1 wireless Iroom * two weeks with he*r parents, has re- : From Mexican Oil Fields. thousands daily. The average an "He told me he thought the boat that all stations should cease sending turned to her school.opinion that she will have to go to Auburn and Mrs. W. B. Chisholm of nual loss because of the failure to had been injured in some way and except the one using the call. The Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mott of Tarn-: Washington t o testify in connection Port Byron, and was saved from the 'D' was added to indicate danger.The pico. Mexico, are the guests of Coun-< with the Investigation of t h e disas wreck of the- Titanic, will not come observe, caution, in this respect, ls_ he e i p e c t e d it would have to go back call, now. has been superceded by MARTVILLK. 45, with about the aame number to t h e builders," said Bride. ty Superintendent of the Poor and ter. t h e universal call s. O. S.' " here for some time ? as she has seriously injured. The . co-operation - Martville. April 2 0 . B o m t o Mr. Mrs. Arthur L. Smith of this city. Phillips Sent. 44C. O. D." Senator Smith then resumed the changed her plans and will remain of the public is desired in t h e efforts and Mrs. Claude A. Timerson, Wed Mr. Mott in his younger days lived) The witness said according to ar direct examination of Bride who had nesday, a son. with a brother, who is an architect to reduce t h e number of these acci in Cayuga county and went to the' said the North German Lloyd was in New York. Both Mrs. Casey and dents. rangement he relieved Phillips. Burdette Harris returned to his Pacific Coast where he became suc the first to answer the Titanic's sig "Immediately the captain came in Mrs. Chisholm are in the South and The placards will be conspicuous estate field of ( home here last Wednesday after cessful in the real Probably Owes His Life t o Fact of will return to this county in four ly posted in localities where the law and said w e had better send out a nal. Oregon and other States. He is now; "Have you heard it said that the spending the winter in Salsbury. _N. cair for assistance." testified (Bride. weeks when Miss Slayter will come is violated. H i v i n g Girts in Charge. located in -the oil region along thej "Phillips asked if he wanted to send Frankfort was the ship nearest to Y. east coast- of Mexico. Business ie; The^flrst story of the experience here, according to the latest advices! a distress call. T o e captain said h s t h e Titanic?" asked the senator. Culvert Cost Heavy. Mrs. Otis Baker is very ill of acute rather quiet there Miss Slayter was interviwed in New at the present: of Rev: C? S. Collett of Port Byron "Yes, sir, Mr. Phillips told me that County Superintendent of (High did. i could read w h a t Phillips s e n t the Frainkfort was the nearest ship." indigestion. time on account of the Mexican! reached the Citizen this afternoon. York -and her highest praise w a s for "C. Q. D." Miss Nellie Archer, was in Cato revolution, although the field of ac-' The fortunate acceptance of the care the members of the orchestra, who ways J. Charles Dayton was In the "How did he know?'.' "How soon did he get a reply." tive hostilities is several hundred; ' of two young English girls. Miss played until the last. She declared town of Fleming this morning look "By the strength Of the signals," -Wednesday. "As far as I know, Immediately. I miles away to the west. Mr. Mott was Mrs. C. V. Mouton that even when the vessel took its ing otver culverts which had broken could not hear wihat he* received, s a i d . t h e witness who added that the Marion Wright and Miss Kate Buss, was in Auvery favorably impressed with the>. burn Wednesday by the young . clergyman as the final plunge the strains of the music down through freezing during the however." Carpathia answered shortly after. Mrs. Noyes Palmer and daughter j growth of Auburn, which city he had In all instances steamer was leaving Southampton mingled with the cries of those who winter months. The witness said that 20 minutes The witness told of hating inter in Anburnt n ot seen in several years. undoubtedly saved his life. Miss realized that they were face to face where the culverts are of any size an rupted amessage from the Californian later the Frankfort operator inter .lennip. were shopping _ _ . ! _ . Wright was bound for Portland, with death. effort will *be made t o construct con intended for the Baltic which told of rupted to ask "what was the mat Wednesday. Humphrey Titus "of Oswego was i n ! Held for Assault. Ore., where she is to marry ber lover "It was terrible," she said, add crete culverts for the future. More the presence of three huge icebergs ter." _ - _ . i ( > o r g e H . Greenfield of Moravia and Miss Buss, slightly younger, had ing-: "Erom the moment the vessel than twice as much money will have in the vicinity of t h e former vessel. "What did you reply?" the sena town Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Hume of Fulton is been Introduced t o the brotherly struck, or as soon as the members o f f 4 0 b e expended t h i s . y e a r as in any "I gave the message to the cap tor inquired. was held-Thursday to await the ac ^~ visiting Jennie L. Allen.care of Rev; Mr. Collett when the the orchestra could be collected, preceding year* for t h e repair and in tain personally," he said. "I'd like to "Mr. Phillips said he waa a fool Miss Merle Chapman was in Syra tion o f r h e May grand jury on the steamer sailed. The story of -Mr. Col- there was a steady round of lively stallation of culverts in*- all of the know just what that' message said," and told him to keep out." <-barge' Of assault in the second de cuse Wednesday. lett's salvation is told in. a letter to airs. It did much to keep up t h e j towns, Senator Smith suggested. Time after time Senator Smith Mrs. Dora Bessy and daughter. gree. The return of Justice of the* Rev. William Crane of the Presby spirits of every one. and probably "Well, sir, 1 did hot take it down." asked in varying forms why .the Ti, .. , terian church in Port Byron, received served as much as the efforts of the Bride replied. "The Californian w a s tanic did not explain in detail its , iMrs s i Frank Schrader, spent Tuesday Peace E. D. Parkhurst of Moravia Baskets Mast B e Standard. n 0 re_0 was filed in the county clerk's office from the Carpathla this morning, officers to prevent panic." County Sealer of Weights and seeking out t h e Baltic and I merely condition tdTne-Frankfort. today. Greenfield is alleged to havs and wHh further facts obtained by "Any operator receiving C. Q. D.'s When the ship struck the iceberg Measures Thomas McDermott has re noted that it was an ice report and NEW HOPE. the Citizen is as follows: struck and beat his wife and also and the position of the shin, if he is Miss Slayter went on deck. She was ceived word from State Superintend told the captain." drawn a revolver threateningly Under a fire of questions. Bride on the job." said Bride, "would tell j New ii->i*> April I'O - M r . and Ruthven W. Crane, brother of Rev. ordered to go back to bed, which she e n t F. Reichmann of AVbany to be did on being assured there was no especially active in enforcing the law acknowledged that a half.hour previ t h e captain at once." | Mrs Samuel Singleton of Mandana \ Thursday noon. He was admitted to William Crane, says: hour later she regarding the use of standard siie ously or at 4 : 3 0 Sunday afternoon, "T reached the dock at 8:30 and danger. A half "Ask him if it would ^iave taken-! visited F. W. Maxwell and family 1 b a i l pending the findings of the i grand jury. the first of the Titanic's rescued pas heard, confusion on deck, and heard baskets among t h e merchants of Cay he was working on his accounts in longer to have sent- "-V-ou-are a fool, Sunday iast t h e wireless room when he heard keep o u t ' than-^we are sinking,*" sengers came ashore at 9:30. Bvery*- some one cry, "Order every one to uga county. . Henry farter is confined to his the Californian trying to raise the suggested Meed. , on deck thing was wonderfully well managed, don lifebelts." Running bed with rivMimatlam. j EthelTin awfufly sorry, but I Mr. McDermott's attention was call Senator Smith for the time contin there was no confusion and every- after dressing again. Miss Slayter re- ed to that section of the law which Titanic^ He did not respond, he said, F. G. Briefs of Moravia was in j c a n t come to the party tonight, a s ued t h e point be had in mind. thing possible was done for the un- t u r n e d to the deck, and was ordered provides that any person who uses because he was "busy." this pat-e Monday. i I-have a date. GladysCan't you r '-Ton had the telephone apparatus fortunate ones. We had an excellent to the boat deck aloft. E. I> Slawson of Syracuse was in >reak it? EthelNot this one dear. Hung on to a Certainty. any other sized basket than that of inquired Senator It's a mandate. vantage point from which to watch "When J. got there." she said, "I standard capacity as prescribed by at your e a r ? " i this place Tuesday. the passengers, as they came ashore found an indescribable scene. A the General Business law shovld be Smith in surprise?" "Was your, object in dismissing! j c; Mickey of Auburn w*a here "Yes, sir." " - One of New York's largest modal and 'twas not long before&tuart Col number of the steerage men pas prosecuted under the Penal law. the somewhat tardy inquiry of the iTuesdav ^ "And you did not respond to the Frankfort due to your desire to h a n g 1 ' tenement houses, on East Seventylett appeared. H e was busy for some, s e n g e r s had attempted to seize o n e of on to a certainty, the Carpathia?" in call?" time aiding some of his fellow pas the boats and there was a brisk re STERLING VALLEY. ninth street", w-as dedicated Thursday Robbers Made Big Haul. quired Senator Smith. Blsho "No. sir." sengers in getting ashore and finding volver fire; many men fell under it. --, Sterling Valley. April 2 0 WbfdTf 8 a fm r i a l ^ , t h ^ ? The'witness said it. was. Grand Junction, Colo., Aprif 2 0 . their friends and 'twas after 11 when The prompt and drajtlc aetion of t.he "Then a half -hour later, about five ._ . . *w J . i Henry-C Potter. Set into the wall of r o , . o i T ^ u~!L T w o masked robbers took $14,000 In hours before the disaster, you took Bride ssid that undoubtedly the has been reiehed here of the deatn t h r o n w n m r i s - a tablet which reads: we started for home*. He seemed very Officers restord"~~order ''There were many touching s c e n e s currency fom the depot office of the t h e message when it was intended for Frankfott-Mceived all of t h e urgent of Charles \ \ \ Crossmaa of Sennett. "To t h e memory-of Heury_Cdmsa popular and from the little we have appeals for help sent subsequently to Mr. "t'rossmar. was a resident of this Potter. Bishop.of N'ew York, and la seen of him I taken him to be a t as the boats put off. I saw Col. John- Globe Express Company here early another vessel, the Baltic?" tn t h e Carpathia f place tor many vears. He was a firm grateful recognition of his life of today and gained two hours' start conscientious, reliable, Christian fel-j Jacol Astor hand his young wife into Jacob -' . j "Why did you not send the mes- ' friend and k i n d , neigJfcbor': For wisdom and courage and righteous on officers and a posse of men armed low. J * * * tenderly, and then ask an of -' . with rifles and shotguns. "Did you send any message that ' s a g e s to the Frankfort a s well as to j many years he held an office in this ness and service. ' "Wtre home a little after 12,- Hejflcetr whether he might a too go. When







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