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I n t he na m e of Alla h, t he M ost - M e r ciful, t he All- Com pa ssiona t e

"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"

Pra is e be to A lla ah , w e s eek His h elp an d His forgiven es s . W e s eek refu ge w ith A lla ah from th e ev il of ou r ow n
s ou ls an d from ou r bad d eed s . W h om s oever Alla ah gu id es w ill n ever be led as tra y , an d w h om s oever Alla ah
le aves as tra y , n o on e can gu id e. I be ar w itn es s th a t th ere is n o god bu t Alla ah , an d I be ar w itn es s th a t
Mu h am m ad is His s lave an d Mes s en ger.

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam ’ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Day 1 :
Before t he 8t h of Dhul- Hij j ah, a person who want s t o
perform pilgrim age ( Haj j ) pronounces t he int ent ion t o
perform Um rah while approaching t he Miqat . A second
int ent ion for t he act ual Haj j is pronounced at a lat er period.
There are several rit es t o properly com plet e t he Haj j and
Um rah.

Addit iona l I nfo

The rit es of Um rah and Haj j m ay include but are not lim it ed
t o:
Put t ing I hram , perform ing supererogat ory ( Sunnah) prayers,
m aking several t ypes of Tawaf, recit ing Talbiyah, doing
Sa’ee bet ween Safa and Marwah, t rim m ing and/ or cut t ing
hair, praying and st aying in Mina, praying and st anding in
Arafah, praying and st aying in Muzdalifah, t hrowing pebbles
in t hree Jam rahs, sacrificing an anim al, praying behind
Maqam I brahim , and drinking from t he well of Zam Zam .

I n t he case of Haj j at - Tam at t u, aft er com plet ing t he Um rah,

t he pilgrim t rim s his/ her hair, showers, and changes int o
everyday clot hes. These st eps com plet e t he Um rah port ion.
All rest rict ions of t he I hram are t em porarily lift ed. The
pilgrim wait s unt il t he 8t h of Dhul- Hij j ah t o st art t he rit es of
Haj j .

On t he 8t h of Dhul- Hij j ah, t he pilgrim pronounces a new

niyyah at t he place t o perform Haj j . There is no need t o go
t o Miqat for t his. The pilgrim changes int o I hram in t he
prescribed m anner and proceeds t o Mina soon aft er t he Faj r

• Pr ocla im ing t he N iyya h for H a j j

All act s of worship are preceded by an appropriat e

proclam at ion of Niyyah.

Addit ional I nfo

Niyyah for Haj j

O Allah! I int end t o perform Haj j . Make it easy for m e and
accept it from m e. I m ake t he niyyah for Haj j and ent er int o
t he st at e of I hram for t he sake of Allah alone, t he Most

• Put ing on I hr a m Aft e r Fa j r

The dist inct ive garb of t he m ale pilgrim worn during Haj j or
Um rah. I t consist s of t wo pieces of whit e, un- sewn and plain
clot h. One of t he pieces is wrapped around t he m idriff t o
cover his body from j ust above his navel t o his ankles, and
t he ot her is draped around his shoulders t o cover t he upper
body. For ladies, t heir ordinary and unpret ent ious clot hes of
everyday wear const it ut e t heir I hram .

Addit iona l I nfo

During I hram , t he following act s are forbidden: Cut t ing hair,

shaving any part s of t he body, clipping nails, put t ing
perfum es or colognes, killing or hunt ing anim als, sexual
int ercourse, m aking m arriage proposals, or m arriage
cont ract s
• Pr a ying 2 Ra k ’a t N a fl At M iqa t

An im aginary boundary around Makkah. A prospect ive

pilgrim cannot cross t his boundary wit hout first changing
int o I hram . The pilgrim changes int o I hram at Miqat and
pronounces t he int ent ion t o perform Haj j or Um rah.

Addit iona l I nfo

The Miqat boundary is anchored by different t ownships and

locat ions in different direct ions around t he Kaabah. They are
a- Thul- Halaifa in t he Nort h, b- Yalam lam in t he Sout h- East ,
c- That ’ I rq in t he Nort h- East , d- al- Juhfah in t he Nort h-
West , e- Qarn al- Manazil in t he East . For people living inside
t he Miqat area perm anent ly, t heir place of residence is t heir
Miqat .

• M a k ing Ta w a f

The devot ional act of circum am bulat ing ( i.e. walking around)
t he Ka’bah while recit ing prayers and supplicat ions. One
com plet e circuit around t he Ka’bah const it ut es a shawt ( pl.
ashwat ) , and seven ashwat com plet e one Tawaf.
Addit iona l I nfo

During Tawaf ( circum am bulat ing) , t he pilgrim cannot ent er

t he Ka’bah nor st op anywhere around it . He/ she m ust ent er
int o and disappear from t he crowd, get t ing drawn int o t he
roaring river of people who are circum am bulat ing. This is t he
collect ive invit at ion t o whoever want s t o com e t o t his house.
Everyone is dressed in one color and pat t ern. There is no
dist inct ion nor personal prom ot ion: t rue t ot alit y and
universalit y is dem onst rat ed.

• Pe r for m ing Sa ’e e

The devot ional act of walking seven t im es bet ween t he

knolls of Safa and Marwah. This act ret races t he foot st eps of
Haj ar, wife of Prophet I brahim ( pbuh) , during her desperat e
search for wat er for her infant son I sm ail ( pbuh) aft er t hey
were left in t he desert by Prophet I brahim in response t o a
Divine vision.

Addit iona l I nfo

A sm all knoll approxim at ely 200 yards from t he Ka’bah
inside t he Masj id Al- Haram
A sm all knoll ( i.e., hillock) locat ed approxim at ely one
hundred and fift y yards from t he Ka’bah.

• Re cit ing Ta lbiya

A devot ional recit al of t he following words by t he piligrim

during Haj j and
Um rah
Labbaik Allahum m a Labbaik. Labbaik La Sharika Laka
Labbaik. I nnal- Ham da, Wan- Ni’m at a Laka wal- Mulk. La
Sharika Lak.

Addit iona l I nfo

Click here t o list en Talbiya

Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am , Here I am at

Thy service and Thou hast no part ner. Thine alone is all
Praise and All Bount y, and Thine alone is t he Sovereignt y.
Thou hast no part ner.
The Talbiyah is a prayer as well as an assert ion of t he
pilgrim ’s convict ion t hat he/ she int ends t o perform Haj j only
for t he glory of Allah. The pilgrim st art s t he recit al upon
changing int o t he I hram , and cont inues t o recit e it
frequent ly t hroughout Haj j . Male pilgrim s are required t o
recit e t he Talbiyah loudly whereas fem ale pilgrim s are
required t o recit e it in low voice.

• Going t o M ina
The Pilgrim goes t o Mina on t he 8t h of Thul- Hij j ah anyt im e
aft er Faj r prayer but before Zuhr.

Addit iona l I nfo

Mina is a desert locat ion approxim at ely t hree m iles from

Makkah where several Haj j rit es are perform ed.

• Pr a ying in M ina
The pilgrim m ust perform t he daily prayers in Mina st art ing
wit h Zuhur Prayer.

Addit iona l I nfo

These rit uals are part of t he first day of Haj j , also known as
t he Day of Tarwiyah. The 4 Rak’ahs prayers m ust be
short ened t o 2 Rak’ahs but m ust not be com bined t oget her.

• St a ying Ove r night in M ina

The pilgrim m ust st ay overnight in Mina, perform t he Faj r

prayer and leave aft er sunrise on t he 9t h of Thul- Hij j ah.

Addit iona l I nfo

Prayer upon Depart ing from Mina:

O Allah! To You I t urn, praying t o approach Your Bount eous
Count enance. Let m y sins be forgiven and Haj j be
accept able, and have Mercy on m e. Allow m e not t o be
disappoint ed, for You have power over all t hings.

Com plet ion of t he First Day.

This com plet es t he first Day of Haj j , also known as t he Day
of Tarwiyah.

D AY 2
• Going t o Ar a fa h
Aft er leaving Mina, t he pilgrim heads t oward Arafah.
Arafah is a desert locat ion approxim at ely nine m iles from
Makkah. Pilgrim s don’t have t o get crowded on t he Mount of
Rahm ah ( Mount ain of Mercy) . They can st ay in any place
WI THI N t he boundaries of Arafah.

Addit iona l I nfo

Prayer Upon Ent ering Arafah

O Allah! Forgive m y sins, help m e repent t o you, and grant
m e all t hat I beseech of You. Whenever I t urn, let m e see
goodness. Allah be praised! All Praise is due t o Allah! There
is no deit y except Allah! And Allah is The Most Great .

• Pr a ying in Ar a fa h
Aft er set t ling down in t he t ent s at Arafah, t he pilgrim offers
t he Zuhur and Asr prayers in qasr ( short ened) and Jam ’
( com bined) m odes, t hat is, 2 rak’at s each prayer inst ead of
4 rak’at s, and t he t wo prayers are offered at t he sam e t im e,
wit h one adhan and t wo separat e I qam ahs, one each for
Zuhur and Asr.

Addit iona l I nfo

Once in Arafah, t he pilgrim should spend as m uch t im e in

prayer and rem em brance of Allah as possible. This is a very
special day and t he pilgrim m ay never see it again. Everyone
m ust m ake t he m ost of out it .
No Nafl or any ot her prayers are perform ed, eit her before or
aft er t he obligat ory prayers.

• St a ying in Ar a fa h
The pilgrim st ays in Arafah unt il sunset . I t is recom m ended
t o spend t he ent ire t im e reading t he Quran, recit ing t he
Talbiyah, offering supplicat ions, and repent ing t o Allah.

Addit iona l I nfo

St anding in Arafah
I n t he lat e aft ernoon j ust before sunset , t he pilgrim s m ay
st and out side t he t ent facing t he Qiblah, and raise t heir
hands supplicat ing t o Allah. There are no prescribed prayers
for Wuquf ( st anding) Arafah. During t hese sacred m om ent s,
t he pilgrim is alone wit h Allah, praying t o have his/ her sins
and lifelong short com ings get forgiven. Com m unicat ion wit h
Allah in any language is accept able

• Le a ving t o M uzda lifa h

Aft er sunset , t he pilgrim depart s for Muzdalifah quiet ly,
always recit ing t he Talbiyah and ot her prayers.

Addit iona l I nfo

Muzdalifah is a desert locat ion approxim at ely m idway

bet ween Mina and Arafah. The pilgrim spends t he night of
t he 10t h of Thul- Hij j ah here.
Toilet s and ablut ion facilit ies are available. Nat urally, t hey
are very crowded at all t im es. The pilgrim s m ust be pat ient ,
court eous, and underst anding t o ot her fellow pilgrim s.

• Offe r ing Pr a ye rs in M uzda lifa h

The pilgrim offers Maghrib and I sha prayers com bining t hem
and short ening t he I sha. Thus, aft er t he adhan is called,
t hree rak’ahs of Maghrib are offered following t he usual
iqam ah.

Anot her iqam ah ( but not adhan) is called and t hen t wo

rak’ahs of I sha are offered.

Addit iona l I nfo

The pilgrim st ays under t he sky at Muzdalifah. No t ent s or

ot her lodging facilit ies are available

• Colle ct ing Pe bble s

The pilgrim t hen walks t o t he foot of nearby hills, and
collect s about 70 pea- size pebbles for t hrowing.

Addit iona l I nfo

I t is a good idea t o collect addit ional pebbles t o m ake up for

accident al losses. The pebbles lying around t he bat hroom s
facilit ies should not be collect ed. No one should leave
Muzdalifah before Faj r wit hout a legit im at e excuse: only
wom en, elderly, and weak people can leave aft er m idnight .

Com plet ion of Second Day

The pilgrim spends t he night at Muzdalifah and offers Faj r
t here. Before sunrise, t he pilgrim leaves for Mina on t he
m orning of t he 10t h of Thul- Hij j ah.

Addit ional I nfo

Aft er Faj r prayer, t he pilgrim goes t hrough t he al- Mash’ar al-

Haram and m akes du’a unt il bright ness of t he sun is
widespread. The pilgrim m ust speed up t he walk when
passing by t he Muhasir valley.
D AY 3
• Going t o M ina

Due t o t he large crowd going t o Mina, t he pilgrim m ust

rem ain calm , avoid pushing people, and m ust be respect ful
t o ot hers.

Addit iona l I nfo

Weak and sick people can appoint ot hers t o t hrow st ones at
t he Jam rahs in Mina on behalf of t hem .

• Thr ow ing Pe bble s

The pilgrim st ones t he Jam rat al- Kubra ( Jam rat al- Aqabah)
only, preferably before m idday. St oning t he pillar sym bolizes
st oning t he devil. t he pebbles m ust t ouch t he inside of t he
Jam rat ’s fence.

Addit iona l I nfo

The Jam rat al- Kubra is t he closest t o Makkah. While

t hrowing t he st ones, t he pilgrim recit es Bism illah, Allah- u-
Akbar wit h each pebble. The size of t he pebbles should not
be big: anywhere bet ween 1- 1.5 cm . The pilgrim m ay t hrow
eit her from under t he bridge or from over it .

• Sa cr ificing a n Anim a l
A sacrifice is now required for t he pilgrim perform ing Haj j al-
Tam at t u or Haj j al- Qiran. The choice of t he anim al is eit her a
sheep, or 1/ 7t h of a cow or a cam el shared wit h ot her

Addit iona l I nfo

For t he pilgrim perform ing Haj j al- I frad, sacrificing t he

anim al is recom m ended but not required.
The pilgrim should always choose t he best anim al and avoid
anim als which don’t look healt hy or have defect s. The
pilgrim can slaught er him / herself or appoint som eone t o do
it on his/ her behalf.
One t hird of t he m eat can be consum ed, one t hird offered as
a gift and one t hird dist ribut ed t o t he poor people. The
sacrifice can be perform ed bet ween t he 10t h and t he 13t h of
Thul- Hij j ah but not aft er t he 13t h.

• Cut t ing H a ir
The pilgrim m ay now shave/ t rim t he hair, shower, and
change int o everyday clot hes. The hair m ay be shaved or
t rim m ed for m en. I t is recom m ended t o st art from t he right
side. For wom en, t rim m ing only a finger t ip’s lengt h is

Addit iona l I nfo

Sacrificing an anim al, cut t ing hair, and perform ing Tawaf al-
I fadah are alt ernat e rit uals. There is no specific order t o
perform t hem . All rit ual places m ust be kept clean.
At t his point in t im e, t he regulat ions for I hram no longer
apply except t hat t he pilgrim can not have conj ugal relat ions
wit h his/ her spouse unt il aft er Tawaf al- I fadah and Sa’ee.
This is known as at - Tahalul al- Asghar, or a part ial ending of
t he st at e of I hram .

• Ce le br a t ing Eidul- Adha

St art ing from t he 10t h of Thul- Hij j ah and on, Muslim s
around t he world celebrat e t his special occasions.

Addit iona l I nfo

EI D- AL- ADHA is celebrat ed on t he t ent h day of Zul- hij j ah,

t he 12t h and t he last m ont h of t he I slam ic calendar. I t is a
very j oyous day; it is a feast of self- sacrifice, com m it m ent
and obedience t o Allah. I t com m em orat es t he great act of
obedience t o Allah by t he Prophet I brahim ( pbuh) in showing
his willingness t o sacrifice his son I sm ael ( pbuh) . Allah
accept ed his sacrifice and replaced Prophet I sm ael ( as) wit h
a lam b.
• Going t o M a k k a h

The pilgrim proceeds t o al- Masj id al- Haram in Makkah for

Tawaf al- I fadah.

Addit iona l I nfo

The pilgrim has t he opt ion t o post pone Tawaf al- I fadah t o a
lat er t im e. Menst ruat ing wom en should not m ake t awaf unt il
t heir period st ops. I f t he pilgrim select ed Haj j I frad or Qiran
and has already m ade Sa’ee wit h t he first Tawaf ( t he visit ing
Tawaf) , t here is no need t o m ake Sa’ee again.
• Pe r for m ing Ta w a f a l- I fa da h

The pilgrim perform s t he Tawaf al- I fadah aft er t aking off t he

I hram and changing int o everyday clot hes and before
ret urning t o Mina for pebble t hrowing.

Addit iona l I nfo

I hram , I dt iba and Ram al are not required in t his Tawaf.

However, Sa’ee is required of a Mut am at t i, but is not
required for Qarin or a Mufrid.

• M a qa m I br a him
The st ep- st one used by t he Prophet I brahim ( pbuh) during
t he original const ruct ion of t he Ka’bah.

The st one carries t he im print s of his feet , and is housed in a

glass enclosure on t he Nort h side of t he Ka’bah.

Aft er com plet ing t he Tawaf, it is good t o pray 2 rak’ahs

behind Maqam I brahim , if possible.

Addit iona l I nfo

Prayer at Maqam I brahim

O Allah! You know t hat which I keep secret and t hat which I
disclose. Grant m e Your pardon. You know m y needs; grant
m e m y wishes. You know t hat which is in m y breast ; forgive
m e m y sins. O Allah! I seek from You a Fait h t hat will
sat urat e m y heart , and a t rue convict ion t hat will m ake m e
realize t hat naught can befall m e except what You have
decreed for m e, and t hat I m ay find cont ent m ent in
what ever You have given m e. You are m y pat ron in t his
world and t he Hereaft er. Allow m e t o die in a st at e of I slam
and t o be count ed am ong t he right eous. O Allah! On t his
occasion of our presence in t his place, let not any of our sins
go unforgiven, nor any of our worries undispelled, nor any of
our needs unfulfilled or unfacilit at ed by You. And let all our
t asks be m ade easy, and our m inds relieved, and our heart s
illum inat ed and our act ions j udged as pious. O Allah! Allow
us t o die as Muslim s and t o j oin t he ranks of t he virt uous
wit hout any dist ress. Am en, O Lord of t he Universe.

• D r ink ing fr om Za m za m

Aft er com plet ing t he prayer at Maqam I brahim , t he pilgrim

m ay visit t he Zam zam area and drink from t he wat er.

Addit iona l I nfo

Prayer at Zam Zam

O Allah! I seek from You profit able knowledge and

bount eous sust enance and a cure from all ailm ent s t hrough
Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of t he m ercifuls!

• Pe r for m ing Sa ’e e be t w e e n Sa fa a nd M a rw a h
The devot ional act of walking seven t im es bet ween t he
knolls of Safa and Marwah.

This act ret races t he foot st eps of Haj ar, wife of t he Prophet
I brahim ( pbuh) , during her desperat e search for wat er for
her infant son I sm ail ( pbuh) aft er t hey were left in t he
desert by Prophet I brahim in response t o a Divine vision.

Addit iona l I nfo


A sm all knoll approxim at ely 200 yards from t he Ka’bah

inside t he Masj id Al- Haram

A sm all knoll ( i.e., hillock) locat ed approxim at ely one
hundred and fift y yards from t he Ka’bah.

• Re t ur ning t o M ina

The pilgrim ret urns t o Mina and st ays t here unt il t he 12t h or
13t h of Thul- Hij j ah for t hrowing t he pebbles.
End of Day 3

D AY 4
• Pe r for m ing Pr a ye r s in M ina

Back in Mina, t he pilgrim perform s all of t he daily prayers,

short ening t he 4 Rak’at s prayers t o 2 Rak’at s, but wit hout
com binig t hem .

Addit iona l I nfo

The m inim um st ay in Mina should exceed m ost of t he night .

Ot herwise, t he pilgrim is required t o m ake a sacrifice. This is
one of t he best opport unit ies t o acquire knowledge from t he
scholars on dut y.

• St oning t he Ja m r a hs

The pilgrim st ones t he The first Jam rah, t hen t he Middle,

and finally t he Big one in t he sam e consecut ive order, aft er
m idday on all t hree days.

Addit iona l I nfo

Throwing on t he 13t h of Thul- Hij j ah is opt ional. The pilgrim

m ay ret urn t o Makkah aft er t hrowing pebbles on t he 12t h of
Thul- Hij j ah t o perform Tawaf al- Wada ( farewell
circum am bulat ion) .

• Thr ow ing a t t he Fir st Ja m ra h

Scene from t he first st one pillar in t he line, also known as

t he sm all one.

Addit ional I nfo

Each t hrowing is const it ut ed of 7 pebbles wit h t he pilgrim

recit ing Allahu Akbar and m aking Dua.

• Thr ow ing a t Se cond Ja m r a h

Scene from t he second st one pillar in t he line, also known as
t he m iddle one.

Addit iona l I nfo

Each t hrowing is const it ut ed of 7 pebbles wit h t he pilgrim

recit ing Allahu Akbar and m aking Dua.

• Thr ow ing a t Thir d Ja m r a h

Scene from t he t hird st one pillar in t he line, also known as
t he big one and t he al- Aqaba.

Addit iona l I nfo

This t hrowing is const it ut ed of 7 pebbles wit h t he pilgrim

recit ing Allahu Akbar but t his t im e, wit hout m aking duaa.

• St a ying in M ina

The pilgrim should st ay in Mina m inim um from Faj r unt il

Midnight .

Addit iona l I nfo

I t is very im port ant t o keep Mina clean, and m aint ain proper
cont act wit h t he pilgrim s.

• Ex t e nding t he St a y

For t he pilgrim s who int end t o st ay only t wo days, t hey m ust

leave before Maghrib.
Addit iona l I nfo

For t hose int ending t o st ay m ore, t hey can collect m ore


End of 4t h Day.

D AY 5
• St oning t he Ja m r a hs

On t he 12t h of Thul- Hij j ah, t he sam e procedures as t he 11t h

t ake place. The pilgrim st ones t he The first Jam rah, t hen t he
Middle, and finally t he Big one in t he sam e consecut ive
order, aft er m idday on all t hree days.

Addit iona l I nfo

Throwing on t he 13t h of Thul- Hij j ah is opt ional. The pilgrim

m ay ret urn t o Makkah aft er t hrowing pebbles on t he 12t h of
Thul- Hij j ah t o perform Tawaf al- Wada ( farewell
circum am bulat ion) .
• Thr ow ing a t t he Fir st Ja m ra h

Scene from t he first st one pillar in t he line, also known as

t he sm all one.

Addit iona l I nfo

Each t hrowing is const it ut ed of 7 pebbles wit h t he pilgrim

recit ing Allahu Akbar and m aking Dua.

• Thr ow ing a t Se cond Ja m r a h

Scene from t he second st one pillar in t he line, also known as

t he m iddle one.

Addit iona l I nfo

Each t hrowing is const it ut ed of 7 pebbles wit h t he pilgrim

recit ing Allahu Akbar and m aking Dua.

• Thr ow ing a t Thir d Ja m r a h

Scene from t he t hird st one pillar in t he line, also known as

t he big one and t he al- Aqaba.
Addit iona l I nfo

This t hrowing is const it ut ed of 7 pebbles wit h t he pilgrim

recit ing Allahu Akbar but t his t im e, wit hout m aking Dua’.

• Re t ur ning t o M a k k a h

Pilgrim s ret urn t o Makkah before Maghrib t im e aft er

com plet ing t he st oning t o perform Tawaf al- Wada.

Addit iona l I nfo

At t his point , t he crowd is very large and pilgrim s should not

push, but inst ead be court eous and offer help t o t hose who
need it .

• Ta w a f a l- W a da
This is t he farewell Tawaf t hat a pilgrim perform s j ust before
leaving Makkah for ot her dest inat ions. I t is t he sam e as
ot her Tawaf, going in 7 circuit s, st art ing from t he black
st one line. Aft er com plet ing t he Tawaf, it is good but not
required t o pray 2 Rak’ahs behind Maqam I brahim , or, if not
possible, t o pray any ot her 2 Rak’ahs facing t he Kaabah.

Addit iona l I nfo

Though it is neit her obligat ory nor relat ed t o Haj j , it is

recom m ended for a pilgrim t o visit Prophet Muham m ad’s
m osque in Madinah. This could be done before or aft er
perform ing Haj j .

D e pa r t ing fr om M a k k a h
This com plet es t he Haj j j ourney. I t is recom m ended t o leave
Makkah as soon as t he pilgrim com plet es t he pilgrim age.
The pilgrim also asks Allah t o accept t he rit uals and
prom ises t o abide by t he divine com m ands.

Addit iona l I nfo

Prophet Muham m ad ( pbuh) said: " Whoever goes t o Haj j

wit hout obscenit y he or she will be forgiven as a new- born."
Anot her Hadit h st at es:
" A Sound Haj j has no reward except Paradise".
Date Wise Haj Time Table

8th of Zul-Hajj
After Sunrise Proceed to Mina
After Zawal
Zohar In Mina
Asar In Mina
After Sunset
Maghrib In Mina
Isha In Mina
Wait at Night In Mina

9th of Zul-Hajj
Fajr I n Mina
After Sunrise Proceed t o Arafah
After Zawal St ay in Arafah fr om Zawaal unt il sunset
Pray Zohar & Asr com bine wit h I m aam of Masj id Nim rah in
After Sunset Proceed t o Muzdalifah WI THOUT praying Maghrib
Isha Pray Maghrib & I sha com bine in Muzdalifah
Wait at Night
Sleep in Muzdalifah , Collect 7+ ( 7* 3* 3) = 70 Pebbles

10th of Zul-Hajj
Fajr I n Muzdalifah
- St ay in Muzdalifah unt il sunrise
After Sunrise
- Pr oceed t owards t he Jam araat Area
Act ions of 10t h Dhul Haj j
a ) Thr ow 7 pebbles at Jam arah Uqba ONLY ( Big Pillar of
Shayt aan / Evil – closer t o Mak kah)
After Zawal
b) Slaught er Anim al ( Qurbani)
c) Shave Head
d) Rem ov e Ahram and wear norm al clot hs
Zohar I n Makkah ( or Mina)
I n Makkah ( or Mina)
e ) Per form Tawaf- e- I fadah ( Ziyarah)
Asar f) Per form Haj j Saee
Afdhal Tim e for t hr owing pebbles on big Jam ar aat ends
befor e sunset
After Sunset
Maghrib I n Mina
Isha I n Mina
Wait at Night I n Mina

11th of Zul-Hajj
Dawn Tim e t o st one big Jam ar aat ends
Fajr I n Mina
After Sunrise
- Pr oceed t o Jam araat Area
- Throw 7 pebbles each on t he 3 Jam araat s in following
After Zawal order
SMALL ( pillar closer t o Masj id Khaif) , MEDI UM, BI G ( pillar
closer t o Makk ah)
Zohar I n Mina
Afdhal t im e for t hrowing st ones on 3 Jam araat ends befor e
After Sunset
Maghrib I n Mina
Isha I n Mina
Wait at Night I n Mina

12th of Zul-Hajj
Dawn Tim e t o st one 3 Jam araat s of 11t h ends
Fajr I n Mina
After Sunrise
After Zawal - Pr oceed t o Jam araat Area
- Throw 7 pebbles each on t he 3 Jam araat s in following
SMALL ( pillar closer t o Masj id Khaif) , MEDI UM, BI G ( pillar
closer t o Makk ah)
Zohar I n Mina
Leav e befor e sunset if y ou do not int end t o st ay in Mina
beyond t w o days
I f Cont inu ing I f D e cide d t o Le a ve M in a
After Sunset
Per fr om Tawaf- e- Wida
Maghrib I n Mina
( farewell) befor e leaving
Isha I n Mina
Makkah for y our hom e
Wait at Night I n Mina

13th of Zul-Hajj
Dawn Tim e t o st one 3 Jam araat s of 12t h ends
Fajr I n Mina
After Sunrise
- Pr oceed t o Jam araat Area
- Throw 7 pebbles each on t he 3 Jam araat s in following
After Zawal order
SMALL ( pillar closer t o Masj id Khaif) , MEDI UM, BI G ( pillar
closer t o Makk ah)
Zohar I n Mina
Asar Leav e befor e sunset t o Makkah
After Sunset
Maghrib Per fr om Tawaf- e- Wida ( far ewell) befor e leaving Makkah for
Isha your hom e
Wait at Night

Proceed to Mina : Hajj-Qiran pilgrim (one who wears Ahram, performs Umrah and remains in Ahram
till the completion of Hajj) will go straight to Mina. Hajj-Tamattu pilgrim (one who wears Ahram,
performs Umrah then removes Ahram to wear again for Hajj) & Hajj-Ifraad pilgrim (one who wears
Hajj Ahram and directly proceeds to Mina on 8th) will wear their Ahram now and proceed to Mina. back

Combine your Maghrib & isha : It is a must to combine the two prayers Maghrib & Isha in Muzdalifah on
this night of 10th Dhul Hajj. back

Collect Your pebbles (Stones) : If you are planning to stay for only two nights (11th & 12th) in Mina
then collect only 7+(7*3*2)=49 pebbles. You might want to collect a few extra pebbles to make sure
you have enough.back

Sacrifice of Animal (Qurbaani) : If you are perfoming Hajj Ifraad pilgrim, you do not need to
sacrifice animal. back

Remove Ahram and wear normal clothes : Prohibitions of Ahram state are no longer applicable
except sexual intercourse, which will be lifted once the pilgrim (Haji) performs Tawaf-e-Ziyarah & Hajj
Saee. back

Tawaf-e-Ifadah (Zyarah) : Time to perform Tawaf-e-Ziyarah & Hajj Saee is applicable until sunset of
12th Dhul Hajj. back
10th Zul-haj’s Night in Mina : It is important to stay for a major part of every night (11th,12th &/or
13th) in Mina. You could be in Makkah for Tawaf-e-Ifadah, so you can pray these salaah there too. back

This time table is an immediate reference for all the 5 days activities of Hajj. It is possible that one may
not remember all these day to day activities during Hajj. Therefore we suggest to to take the opinions
from Islamic Scholar Available in the Hajj.


Request is being m ade t o all t hose who ar e going for Haj j and have found t his
docum ent useful.
Please pass m y ‘salaam ’ t o Prophet Muham m ed ( pbuh) when you visit t he pr ophet ’s
grav e.
Also, r em em ber m e in your duaa.

As- Salaam Walekum

Adil Khan
Bom bay.

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