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Frit 8530 Technology Integration Plan Velvet Ferrari

Standards for Technology Integration Unit ELA2R1 The student quickly applies knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and spelling patterns to decode unfamiliar words. The student a. Reads words containing blends, digraphs, and diphthongs. b. Recognizes, reads, and writes words containing regular plurals, irregular plurals, and possessives. c. Reads compound words and contractions in grade appropriate texts. d. Reads and spells words containing r-controlled vowels and silent letters. e. Reads and spells words containing irregular vowel patterns. f. Reads multisyllabic words. g. Applies learned phonics skills when reading and writing words, sentences, and stories.

ELA2R2 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression. The student a. Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode quickly and accurately. b. Automatically recognizes additional high frequency and familiar words within texts. c. Reads familiar text with expression. d. Reads second-grade texts at a target rate of 90 words correct per minute. e. Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level text.

ELA2R3 The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. The student a. Reads a variety of texts and uses new words in oral and written language. b. Recognizes grade appropriate words with multiple meanings. c. Recognizes and applies the appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms. d. Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context. ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. The student a. Reads a variety of texts for information and pleasure. b. Makes predictions from text content. c. Generates questions before, during, and after reading.

d. Recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts. e. Summarizes text content. f. Distinguishes fact from fiction in a text. g. Interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers. h. Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences. i. Identifies and infers main idea and supporting details. j. Self-monitors comprehension and attempts to clarify meaning. k. Identifies and infers cause-and-effect relationships. l. Recognizes plot, setting, and character within text, and compares and contrasts these elements among texts. m. Recognizes the basic elements of a variety of genres (e.g., poetry, fables, folktales). n. Uses titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information quickly and accurately and to preview text. o. Recognizes the authors purpose. p. Uses word parts to determine meanings. q. Uses dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings. ELA2W2 The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive, and response to literature. The student produces a response to literature that: a. Captures a readers interest by stating an opinion about a text. b. Demonstrates understanding of the text and expresses and supports an opinion. c. Makes connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world using details from the reading selection. d. Uses organizational structures to ensure coherence (T-charts, compare and contrast, letter to author, rewrite the ending, beginning, middle, and end with details from the text). e. Develops a sense of closure. f. May include pre-writing. g. May include a draft that is revised and edited. h. May be published. The student produces a response to literature that: a. Captures a readers interest by stating an opinion about a text. b. Demonstrates understanding of the text and expresses and supports an opinion. c. Makes connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world using details from the reading selection. d. Uses organizational structures to ensure coherence (T-charts, compare and contrast, letter to author, rewrite the ending, beginning, middle, and end with details from the text). e. Develops a sense of closure. f. May include pre-writing. g. May include a draft that is revised and edited. h. May be published.

Overarching Understanding
Students will understand that y Plot, setting, character, conflict, symbol, and point of view are elements of fiction. y To inform, to entertain, and to persuade are the three reasons for the authors purpose for writing their book. y y y y

What are the elements of fiction? What are the elements of nonfiction? What clues can I use to identify text structure? Why does an author want to provide information to their reader? How does text structure determine the type of book? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

What does imaginary mean? What does real mean? What is a theme? What is setting? What are the two types of setting? What is a character? What does plot mean? What does it mean to inform? What does it mean to entertain? What does it mean to persuade? What is time order? What is does it mean to compare and contrast? What is cause and effect? How can a setting be physical? How can a setting be chronological? What are the two types of conflict? How can conflict be external? How can conflict be internal?

Stage Two Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
y Students will create a Book Cover for their Persuasive Essay on wolves. I will use the Book Cover Rubric to assess the finished copy of the book cover. y Students will write an Expository Essay that includes information from the various Little Red Riding Hood books that were covered in class. I will use the Expository Essay Rubric to assess the final draft of the student's writing.

Other Evidence: y Oral and written responses to one of the Essential Questions. y Test on fiction and non-fiction. y Vocabulary test

Stage Three Learning Plan

Where are your students headed and Why? What is required of them?
Where and Why? 1. The teacher will introduce the unit by explaining: We will explore the following: The elements of fiction. The elements of nonfiction. What is imaginary? What is real? What is a theme? What is a setting? What is a character? What does plot mean? What does it mean to inform, entertain, and/or persuade? Comparing and contrasting. Cause and effect. Two types of conflict. What? 1. The teacher explains to the students: To accomplish this goal, we will explore structure of nonfiction; structure of fiction; and learn new elements of literature.

How will the students be hooked and held in this unit?

Beginning Hook: y Have students try to sort a stack of books into a fiction stack and a nonfiction stack. y Have students explain how they sorted their books and why. y Have students check their work to see which group had the most correct answers. They win a prize! Brainstorming/Ongoing: y This activity will allow the students to use their pre-knowledge about books and will allow them to compare and contrast their books.

What activities, instruction, and guidance will be provided to enable and equip students to explore and experience the important ideas in this unit?
Explanation, Interpretation and Application: To enable students to explore and experience the differences between fiction and nonfiction, students will: y Acquire and demonstrate understanding of new vocabulary y Identify the criteria necessary in a nonfiction book y Identify the elements of fiction y Check their comprehension skills and apply what theyve learned to their own writing y The teacher will model how to create a purpose for reading this story and model reading strategies for nonfiction y Demonstrate understanding of online library catalog y Demonstrate ability to choose and determine credible source for research information Perspective, Empathy, Self-Knowledge: More Brainstorming: y Students will complete a gallery walk to determine the authors purpose o each groups books Interpretation, Explanation, Empathy: y As students learn about the relationship between fiction and nonfiction, they will understand the differences between the two and be able to correctly name the type of elements of each.

What activities, products and performances will be designed to provide students with the opportunity to reflect, rethink, and revise?
Opportunities for reflecting, rethinking, and revising Assessments: 1. Ongoing dialogue between teacher and students and between students and students 2. Writing prompts 3. Comprehension checks while reading the different versions of Little Red Hood using guided reading questions and students generated inquiries Evaluations: 1. Practice sheet for vocabulary 5. Rubric for writing 2. Graphic diagrams 3. Story Test 4. Rubric for research Reflection: Students will be asked to write reflections in their journal on different topics.

What self-assessments and self-evaluations will students participate in to allow for reflection and transfer of learning?
Self-Evaluation: Students will self check their criteria for sorting their books. Students will reflect on their research process and performance by completing a self-evaluation rubric. Students will reflect on their Expository Essay and performance by completing a self-evaluation rubric. Rubric for research: Follows on next page Reflection: Writing Prompt Students will write an Expository Essay, and reflect on any new learning.

How will instruction and activities be tailored to provide for the various learning needs, styles, knowledge and interests of students?
Story: y Students will complete varying vocabulary activities based on level of abilities y Students read text in different ways to accommodate various reading abilities (silently and individually, small groups, whole group and directed y Students will work in heterogeneous groups Performance Task: y Students will write a Persuasive Essay of their choice y Students will research wolves y Students will create a book cover y Students will chose sources for information encyclopedia, nonfiction book, internet, magazine

How will learning experiences be organized/sequenced to provide for greatest acquisition/understanding of ideas?
Pretests: Skills needed will be assessed to determine prerequisite proficiency and knowledge. y Students will be assessed on their knowledge of nonfiction and fiction through the sorting activiy y Before beginning research, students will take a pretest on using the encyclopedia, online catalog, Dewey decimal system and the internet Hook: y Sorting game Explanation, Interpretation and Application: 1. Demonstrate understanding of new vocabulary 2. Demonstrate understanding of the difference between fiction and nonfiction 3. Demonstrate ability to use various sources to obtain information 4. Demonstrate understanding of the elements of fiction and nonfiction Perspective, Empathy, Self-Knowledge: 1. Students will determine from hands on activities how fiction and nonfiction differ 2. Students will listen to other students present information their books 3. Students will design a book cover 4. Students will complete a gallery walk to determine authors purpose

Conclusion after completing self assessment, students will reflect on and write a journal response from the writing prompt in the second E

Week 1 Monday
ELA3R3 EQ: How can I tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
Finding Fiction
Step 1: When students arrive to class, have them sit at the tables with the stacks of books. Explain to them that you have a problem. You have so many books that you want to organize for your library, but you first have to sort them into sets of fiction and sets of nonfiction. Ask for their help with the books on their tables. Step 2: Give the students about 15 minutes to sort without help, and then walk around to observe the result of the sorting. Pick up a couple of books that are sorted correctly and a couple of books that are not sorted correctly. Ask the students why the book is in a certain stack, and discuss the elements of the printed work that hinted the type of genre to them. Remind them that you cannot always tell which genre by the title, the picture on the cover, or the illustrations in the book. See if this helps their progress. Step 3: After 15 minutes with assistance, instruct the students to write three criteria for sorting on the piece of chart paper. This should be a list explaining how the students decided to sort each book. When all groups are finished, have each group present its ideas to the rest of the class to prompt discussion of genres.

ELA3R3 EQ: What is genre?

ELA3R3 EQ: What is genre?

ELA3R3 EQ: What are the basic characteristics of nonfiction?
Whats Special About Nonfiction?
Step 1: Discuss what nonfiction is with students: y Point out examples that are all around them: books about their favorite animals, lunch menus, maps, classroom magazines, etc. y Define nonfiction: It gives information. It explains, informs, or persuades. Step 2: Use the Characteristics of Nonfiction Text chart to guide a discussion of the characteristics of nonfiction and how reading nonfiction is different than reading stories or novels. Use examples from a social studies or science textbook to illustrate some of these characteristics. Step 3: Reassure students that these unusual features should not discourage them. Explain how these characteristics are clues that will help them understand what they're reading.

ELA3R3 EQ: What are the basic characteristics of nonfiction?
Prepare to Read Nonfiction Day 1
Step 1: Tell students that they will be reading about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Give them time to think about whether they've heard of it and what they know about it. Step 2: While students are thinking, distribute the KWL Chart. Step 3: Ask students to tell you what they already know about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Ask question to guide the discussion so that students share what they know about where the tower's located, why it's famous, and what the problems are with the tower. As you discuss the facts, have students write them down in the What do I K now? column of the chart. Step 4: Identify any misconceptions or gaps in students' knowledge. Provide any additional background on the tower that they will need to comprehend Stopping a Toppling Tower. Have students add this information to the What Do I K now? column.

Nonfiction is No Nonsense Day 1

Step 1: Distribute the Traits of Nonfiction printable and review the three criteria: types, traits, and author's purpose with the students. Step 2: Direct students to take out a piece of notebook paper and a pencil to carry with them while taking a "gallery walk." Instruct them to walk around to each center and scan the works of nonfiction for the three criteria: the type of organization, its presentation traits, and the author's purpose. Students will write notes about these criteria on their notebook paper and determine whether the author's purpose for each selection is to explain, to inform, or to persuade. Step 3: Students will reconvene in a whole class setting after each has had a chance to review the materials. Lead the students in a discussion of each type of nonfiction presented in the "gallery walk," reviewing specifically the author's purpose for each. Record the students' ideas on the chart paper or chalkboard.

Nonfiction is No Nonsense Day 2

Step 4: Briefly review the three pieces that you pre-selected as models for informing, explaining, and persuading. Discuss with the students the difference between the different types of writing. Each has the same content, but each uses a different voice due to the changing purpose of the writing. Step 5: Inform the students that they will now use an online activity to write their own persuasive essay. Instruct students to take out paper and a pencil. Using your school's computer lab, walk through the Writing Workshop online activity as a whole group. You may do this by stopping at intervals to allow students to write or after the students complete a rough draft. This online activity will guide students through the writing process in order to revise and edit a piece of nonfiction writing. Step 6: After the Writing Workshop online activity, distribute the Expository Essay Rubric to each student. Have them write their name at the top. Review the expectations for the final draft of the essay using the rubric. Allow time for students to write a final draft of the essay. It is best for students to be able to share their final draft, even with a small group of peers, if time is limited.

** Watch slideshow about fiction and nonfiction

Step 4: After all students have shared, assist them in narrowing down the main criteria. Many students will suggest that books can be sorted based on the title of the story or the picture on the front cover. Explain to the students that those elements can be deceiving. In an ideal situation, the students will figure out that the fiction books employ plot, character, setting, and theme. Mention that the way the text is printed in a fiction book usually looks different from a nonfiction book except if the nonfiction piece is a biography or autobiography (a narrative piece.) Further clarify that a work of fiction must have all four parts, and a biography usually does not have a theme. Step 5: Distribute the Traits of Fiction printable. Have students compare the criteria on their group's chart paper to the elements on the handout. As a whole group, discuss the differences between the handout and the chart paper in order to assist students in understanding the quality of their group's prior knowledge.

SUPPORTING ALL LEARNERS Give students the option to complete the gallery walk alone, with a partner, or in a group of three. Upon completing a draft of the essay, some students may benefit from peer conferencing to get ideas for revisions. ASSESS STUDENTS Observe each students writing process to note reluctance and in order to encourage a student. Notice each step students struggle with in order to design a differentiated writing workshop approach for the next writing piece you will assign. Use the Expository Essay Rubric to assess the final draft of the student's writing. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Complete class notes on each type of nonfiction presented in the "gallery walk." 2. Complete an expository essay on an individually chosen topic.

Step 4: Have students share experiences they've had with nonfiction. Try these prompts:

y y y

What books about real people, places, and events have you read? Do you enjoy reading these types of books? Why or why not? When you look at an article or a biography, do you look at the illustrations and read the captions? What Web sites do you visit? Have you ever had to read directions for a board game or ingredients in a cookbook?

Step 5: Ask students whether discussing the tower has raised questions. Is there anything that they don't know about the tower that they'd like to find out? Have them list these questions in the What do I W ant to Find Out? column. Student should put the chart to the side. They will complete the What Did I L earn? column after they've read the selection.

y y

** Play fiction vs nonfiction Jeopardy online

Note: This activity can be used as a pre-assessment for a unit on fiction.

SUPPORTING ALL LEARNERS By allowing the students to work cooperatively, most learners should have the necessary assistance. ASSESS STUDENTS Observe the group presentations for accuracy. Note any reoccurring ideas about fiction criteria that are incorrect so that you can address those separately during a complete study of fiction. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Three Criteria for Sorting on Group Chart Paper The students should finish the chart paper in class. If not, ask them to write

three criteria for homework, and then allow them time in groups to compile that data onto the chart paper. 2. Story Map - When in doubt, map it out! If a student is still having trouble with these concepts, instruct the student to complete a story map (see printable) for the book he or she read most recently. Upon completing the story map, the student should practice identifying the characteristics of fiction in a familiar book, making it easier for that student to look at an unfamiliar book for the same traits

Week 2 Monday
ELA3R3 EQ: What are the basic characteristics of nonfiction?
Prepare to Read Nonfiction Day 2
Step 1: Preteach key vocabulary from Stopping a Toppling Tower. First, select about four words from the text that students may need to review. Example: tilt, engineers, landmark Step 2: Write each word on the chart paper. Have students rate for themselves whether they know what it means, have heard it before but aren't sure they know what it means, or have never seen or heard it. Ask students to share what they know about each word. Step 3: Pronounce each word, define it, and give an example sentence. Example: Tilt means to lean to one side. If I tilt my chair back, it may fall. Step 4: Point out synonyms or antonyms and unusual meanings. Example: Explain that straight is an antonym of tilted, and that the word engineers can refer to people with very different types of jobs; describe the meaning that will be used in Stopping a Toppling Tower

ELA3R3 EQ: How do I use thinkaloud strategies?
Teach Text Features and Read Nonfiction
Step 1: Distribute the PDFs and make an overhead transparency for Stopping a Toppling Tower (PDF) if possible to refer to as you discuss the selection. Step 2: Lead students through the Read About, having them look over the article and notice the special text features: title, headings, photos, etc. Have students comment on the differences they see on the article page compared to a page in a favorite story. You might open a book of fiction for them to review

ELA3R3 EQ: What are text structures?
Teach Test Structure for Nonfiction
Step 1: Use the Five Text Structures chart to explain what text structures are and what clues students can use to identify text structures. Step 2: Help students understand the importance of understanding text structure by explaining that a reader who is aware of the patterns that are being used can anticipate the kind of information that will be presented. Example: If we we know a selection follows a compare and contrast organization, we can expect to read about likeness and differences between people or things. This will help us connect ideas and remember them. Step 3: Have students reread Stopping a Toppling Tower (PDF). Step 4: Ask students to identify what type text structure this selection is ( problem and solution ). Ask them, How does the reader know? They should be able to identify that the first paragraph states that there is a problem. The second paragraph states that engineers have found a solution. What headings offered clues?

ELA3R3 EQ: What does imaginary mean?
Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood
Step 1: Show students the cover of Little Red Riding Hood (Hyman, 1983), a beautifully illustrated retelling of the Grimms' version of this traditional tale. Step 2: Before viewing the podcast of the story, ask students to talk about the title and the illustrations on the front and back covers and opposite the major title page. This invitation sets the stage for students to draw on their prior knowledge of this wellknown story and to engage in inferential thinking to interpret the traits, feelings, and motives of the central characters, based on clues in these pictures. Step 3: As the story unfolds, ask students to continue to talk about the textual and visual portrayal of each character in this story: Little Red Riding Hood, her mother, her grandmother, the wolf, and the hunter. Step 4: At the end of this first readaloud session, introduce other retellings of this traditional tale included in the text set (see the Little Red Riding Hood Booklist) and ask students to select one for independent reading. Ask them to focus on the way the words and pictures provide clues about the traits, feelings, and motives of the characters in the books that they have chosen.

ELA3R3 EQ: What is a character?
Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood
Step 1: At the beginning of this second group session, give students an opportunity to share discoveries that they found in the retellings that they have explored. Step 2: Ask students to compare the retellings with Hyman's retelling, which they read in the first session. Step 3: Show students the cover of The Little Red Riding Hood(Perrault 1972), and ask them to predict how this story will compare to those that they have already read. Step 4: Show the podcast of the story to the class. This older variant of the traditional tale provides a significant contrast with the diverse retellings of the Grimms' version. In this variant, three sisters manage to get rid of the hungry wolf that plans to eat them by drawing on their own inner resources of courage and cunning to take action against the villain in this story. Step 5: After reading the book, ask students, "What is surprising in this story?" Step 6: Encourage students to compare this version of the story to the other versions that they have read.

Step 3: Walk students through the reading tools. As they read about each item, have them identify corresponding features from the selection. Point out that photographs, diagrams, and charts are examples of graphic aids that illustrate information and help readers visualize what is in the text. For example, the photograph helps readers visualize the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Graphic aids sometimes offer additional information that is important. Step 4: Model think-aloud strategies for pre-reading by asking questions and making observations about the text features.

Example: The title tells me I'm going to read about a tower that might fall. Certain words are boldfaced these are important, so I'll try to remember them. There is a photograph and a diagram I can use these to get a clear picture in my mind of what I'm reading. Step 5: Have students use the Prereading Organizer (PDF) to make predictions about the reading. Discuss some of the predictions that students make; be sure to ask them how or why they formed their ideas. Step 6: Students should read "Stopping a Toppling Tower" quietly to themselves. Remind them to pay attention to the text features.

Step 5: Ask students to identify interesting differences found in these retellings and record their observations in their journals. For example, the last line in Josephine Evetts-Secker's retelling (2004) is provocative: "Little Red Riding Hood told her granny about the birdsong and the beautiful flowers and as she shared these good things, she wondered whether she would ever meet another wolf in the forest, and if so, what would she do then?" (unpaged).

Step 7: At the end of the discussion of this book, ask students to interpret Ed Young's dedication: "To all the wolves of the world for lending their good name as a tangible symbol for our darkness."

Week 3 Monday
ELA3R3 EQ: What does it mean to compare and contrast?
Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood
Step 1: Explain that you have another version of the Red Riding Hood story to share with the class. Step 2: Show students the cover of Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Riding Hood and ask them to predict how this version will be different. Step 3: Read the story aloud to the class. This version gives students an opportunity to hear the dialect of Cajun storytellers, who tell this story of Petite Rouge Riding Hood and her cat, who, like Lon Po Po and her sisters, manage to outwit the villain. In this story, the villain is Claude, an alligator. Step 4: Again, invite students to respond to this retelling in light of the stories they had heard or read independently in this cumulative literature unit. Step 5: At the end of this session, introduce students to other retellings that represent cultural diversity, such as the following:

ELA3R3 EQ: What does plot mean?

ELA3R3 EQ: What is fantasy?

ELA3R3 EQ: What is realistic fiction?

ELA3R3 EQ: What is the main idea?

Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood

Step 1: Introduce Ruby (Emberley, 1990) as an example of a literary genre, the modern revision of a traditional tale. In this humorous story set in Boston, the heroine, Ruby, is a small, but spirited and cunning, young mouse in a red hooded cloak, who outwits a sly cat, the villain, who plans to eat her and her grandmother. Step 2: Read the book aloud to the class. Step 3: Ask students to explore the humor and surprises in this story, the qualities of the central characters, and the changes the author made to create this modern revision. Step 4: At the end of this session, suggest other modern revisions for independent reading such as Little Red Riding Wolf (Anholt, 2004) and Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale (Ernst, 1995). Other books include the following:

Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood

Step 1: Introduce the first of several fiction and nonfiction texts featuring wolves in order to provide students with another lens for viewing the "villain" in the Little Red Riding Hood tales. Step 2: Before reading Max, The Stubborn Little Wolf (Judes, 1996), show the picture on the front cover and read the title to the class to prompt questions and or comments about how this book fits into the collection for the "Little Red Riding Hood Unit." This story sets the stage for a study of the nature of wolves and the portrayal of wolves as villains in many traditional stories. Max and his father are the central characters, and the story is told from their viewpoint. Step 3: Read the book aloud and discuss the story in light of the previous literary experiences in this literature unit. This is a modern animal fantasy about Max and Papa Wolf, who tries to convince his son to become a hunter like other wolf fathers and sons. However, Max refuses to follow the family tradition. He does not like to hunt; he wants to have "a beautiful flower shop" (unpaged).

Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood

Step 1: After students have time to read at least one additional wolf tale, engage the class in a discussion of the similarities and differences among the various stories. In this comparative discussion, focus students' exploration on the portraits of the wolf characters in the traditional and modern Little Red Riding Hood tales. Step 2: Following this discussion, read one of the nonfiction texts about wolves in the text set for this literature unit aloud to the class:

Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction using Little Red Riding Hood

Step 1: Ask students to share what they have learned about wolves in the realistic fiction and nonfiction books that they are read. Step 2: Encourage the class to consider this information in light of the other stories they heard or read in this literature unit. Ask questions and reinforce comments that help students move from the analysis of single texts to a synthesis of the central ideas uncovered in the multiple texts selected for this unit. Step 3: After students reflect on their new understandings of wolves, reread Ed Young's dedication in his retelling of Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China: "To all the wolves of the world for lending their good name as a tangible symbol for our darkness." Step 4: Ask students to discuss the meaning of Young's dedication in light of their additional reading

Anthony Brown's Into the Forest (2004) is a modern tale about a boy who takes some cake to his sick grandmother and ignores his mother's warning not to enter the forest.

Gail Gibbons' Wolves (1994) provides information about the gray wolf and the red wolf. The book challenges some of the ancient myths and stereotypes associated with wolves in stories such as "Little Red Riding Hood." According to this author: "For centuries people have been afraid of wolves. They thought wolves were their enemies. Scientists who study wolves are learning that wolves have been misunderstood. Wolves tend to live peacefully among themselves. They are shy and rarely attack people.

Susan Lowell's Little Red Cowboy Hat is a southwestern version of the traditional tale. In this humorous retelling, it is Grandma who gets rid of the wolf. Keith Polette's bilingual retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood," Isabel and the Hungry Coyote, is also set in the American southwest. Spanish words are woven into this tale of a brave and clever heroine who outwits the coyote that plans to eat her and her grandmother.

With his distinctive detailed illustrations, Brown creates a journey through the forest that is filled with suspense and fairy-tale allusions and that concludes with unexpected events. Yours Truly, Goldilocks (Adam 1998) is a modern tale in which familiar story characters such as Little Red Riding Hood, Baby Bear, Peter Rabbit, and the Three Pigs correspond about plans for a party to celebrate the pigs' new house. Unfortunately, two evil wolves in the forest are also corresponding about their own plans. In Yo, Hungry Wolf! (Vozar,1993), "Little Red Riding Hood" is one of three stories retold in rap.

The cartoon drawings portray the exasperated father and the happy son. When Papa tries to show Max how to hunt, Max saves the little rabbit and explains why he does not like hunting: "Hunting is nasty, cruel, and horrible." Step 4: To reinforce this new perspective, present brief book talks about other examples of fiction featuring wolves to help students select a title for independent reading:

When this happens, they have probably been threatened" (unpaged). Gibbons also notes that wolves are in danger of extinction and in need of protection. Step 3: At the conclusion of this group session, ask students to select one of the other examples of realistic fiction and nonfiction texts in the text set for independent reading. Step 4: Additionally, encourage students to search the public library and the Internet for further information about wolves and what is being done to maintain wilderness areas to help the wolf survive.

Step 5: Reinforce comments that indicate students are synthesizing the information from multiple sources. This discussion prepares students for the collaborative writing project during the next session.

Assess Students Monitor students involvement in group sessions, their contributions to literary discussions, their entries in their literature journals, and their participation in the collaborative writing project. These oral and written responses provide opportunities for students to externalize their thinking as they explore ideas together, build understandings about character development and literary themes and connections, and discover new perspectives through the study of diverse genres. Listen for details that reveal the the quality of student comprehension in individual teacher-student conferences. Retelling a narrative requires the reader to identify and integrate important ideas and information in the text.

Small Bad Wolf (Taylor,2003), written for beginning readers, is similar to the story of Max. Small Bad Wolf wants to be as bad as his father, the Big Bad Wolf, until he discovers that it is more fun to play soccer with his new friends. On the front cover of Becky Bloom's Wolf! (1999) a wolf wearing glasses and reading a book is surrounded by a cow, a pig, and a duck. This humorous animal fantasy tells the story of a wolf in search of food who enters a farm and discovers "educated animals" who ignore him because they are absorbed in reading their books. When the wolf decides to learn to read and to share stories with the other animals, his life changes. They become friends and travel the world together as storytellers. Ken Brown's What's the Time, Grandma Wolf? (2001) is another humorous animal

Step 5: Ask students to respond to the stories that they read independently with drawings and/or written comments in their literature journals.

For example, Jean Craighead George drew from her study of wolves and the tundra at the Arctic Research Laboratory in Alaska in 1971 to write Look to the North: A Wolf Pup Diary, a realistic account of the events in the lives of three wolves as they grow from helpless pups to young adult wolves. The notes on the front flap of this book refer to the wolf as "one of nature's noblest creatures." George also used her firsthand observations to write The Wounded Wolf (1978), a poetic story in which the leader of a closely knit wolf pack saves the life of an injured wolf, who is surrounded by hungry animals hoping to feed on him after death. The source of this story is included in a note that precedes the first page of narrative text: "During his ten-year study of wolves in the Alaskan wilderness,

Extensions Share additional illustrations of Little Red Riding Hood from the SurLaLune Fairy Tale Page, and ask students to compare he different ways that the heroine has been depicted. Encourage comparisons to the versions of the story that students have read during the unit. Ask students to create a book cover for the class using the Book Cover Creator.

**Allow students to get on study zone test prep

Listen for specific responses that indicate the students grasp of the literary and thematic concepts studied in this unit, that demonstrate students use of readingthinking strategies to generate meaning, that identify areas of weakness that need attention, and that offer new challenges to the student who is ready for them.

fantasy with a surprise ending. Grandma Wolf does not fit the stereotypical wolf character found in most traditional tales.

scientist Gordon Haber, Ph.D., observed the leader of a wolf pack save the life of a wounded wolf." Barbara Parker's North American Wolves (1998) is a nonfiction text that provides a detailed description of the physical characteristics, behavior and life cycle of the gray wolf and the red wolf. Dorothy Hinshaw's Dogs: The Wolf Within (1993) is a nonfiction text that compares the physical characteristics and behavior of wolves and dogs and describes how dogs evolved from their wild relatives. This text provides the background for students who read Kimmel's Sirko and the Wolf and wonder why the dog and wolf call each other "cousins." Mary Ling's Amazing Wolves, Dogs and Foxes (1991) is another nonfiction text about this family that includes photographs. Some useful factual sites about wolves include Gray Wolf, from the National Wildlife Federation and Wild Wolves, from NOVA.

The central character in Mr. Wolf's Pancakes (Fearnley, 1999) appears to be a benign wolf until the end of the story when he eats the story characters how refused to help him make pancakes. In Colin McNaughton's Suddenly (1994), a small pig manages to evade the hungry wolf who is stalking him and to cause the wolf so much physical harm, he ends up in the Wolf Hospital. Sirko and the Wolf: A Ukrainian Tale (Kimmel, 1997) is a realistic folktale about a dog and a wolf who help each other as cousins and as friends. In One Stormy Night (Kimura, 2003), a goat and a wolf take refuge from a thunderstorm in a hut so dark they cannot see what kind of animal the other is. As they talk together, they discover they have a lot in common

ADVANCED - 4 __well-developed plan __strong topic sentence __uses multiple paragraphs ORGANIZATION __reasons, details, facts clearly support topic __uses all 5 parts of the letter __uses a variety of transitions or connects ideas successfully __interesting examples and/or explanations __conclusion restates topic in a new way* __information is interesting; relates to topic __several examples that support the topic __well developed prompt or topic __variety in way sentences begin STYLE __descriptive words used effectively __paragraph reflects a specific purpose __very few errors in CUPS

Rubric for Expository Writing PROFICIENT - 3 BASIC - 2 __clear plan __clear topic sentence; on topic __reasons, details, facts are easy to identify __uses all 5 parts of the letter+ __simple transitions __simple examples and/or explanations __simple conclusion or restates topic* __attempts plan __attempts to write a topic sentence __attempts reasons, details, facts __uses some parts of the letter+ __attempts simple transitions __attempts examples and/or explanations __attempts conclusion; repeats topic sentence*

BELOW BASIC - 1 __no plan __reasons, details, facts absent or do not match topic __uses no parts of the letter __no transitions __no examples or explanations __no conclusion*

__information relates to the topic __simple examples support the topic __clearly addresses the prompt or topic __simple, complete sentences __basic descriptive words


__information repeated or wanders from topic __few examples, very little explanation __attempts to develop prompt or topic __short, simple sentences that begin the same way __repeated words or phrases

__information unclear/missing __no examples __off prompt or topic

__fragments; sentences do not make sense __no descriptive words __no clear purpose in writing __filled with errors that interfere with reading

__paragraph fits the purpose __paragraph begins to fit the purpose but needs development __several errors that slow down the reader


__some errors that dont interfere with reading or understanding the writing


Book Cover Rubric Category

Required Elements

All required elements are included on the poster.

Several required elements were missing. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.

The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. All graphics are Graphicsrelated to the topic Relevance and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. Attractiveness The book cover is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. There are no Grammar grammatical/mechani cal mistakes on the cover.

All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster. All graphics are All graphics relate to related to the topic and the topic. One or two most make it easier to borrowed graphics understand. Some have a citation borrowed graphics source. have a citation source. The book cover is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The book cover is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.

The book cover s distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than grammatical/mechanic grammatical/mechani 4 al mistakes on the cal mistakes on the grammatical/mecha cover. cover. nical mistakes on the poster.

References KWL Chart http://www2.scholastic.com/content/collateral_resources/pdf/l/lessonplans_graphicorg_pdfs_kwl.pdf Stopping a Toppling Tower http://www2.scholastic.com/content/collateral_resources/pdf/r/reading_bestpractices_nonfiction_nonFictionTools.pdf Pre-reading Organizer http://www2.scholastic.com/content/collateral_resources/pdf/r/reading_bestpractices_nonfiction_prereadingOrg.pdf Five Text Structures http://www2.scholastic.com/content/collateral_resources/pdf/r/reading_bestpractices_nonfiction_fiveTextStructures.pdf Comparing fiction and nonfiction through Little Red Riding Hood http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/comparing-fiction-nonfiction-with-889.html Traditional and Modern Retelling of Little Red Riding Hood http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson889/LRRHBooklist.pdf Wolves in fiction and nonfiction http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson889/WolvesBooklist.pdf Nonfiction Traits http://teacher.scholastc.com/lessonplans/pdf/nonfictiontraits_PR.pdf Fiction Traits http://teacher.scholastc.com/lessonplans/pdf/fictiontraits_PR.pdf Rubric for Expository Essay http://teacher.scholastc.com/lessonplans/pdf/expositoryessayrubric_PR.pdf Stopping a Toppling Tower http://teacher.scholastc.com/lessonplans/pdf/stoppingatpplingtower_PR.pdf Study Zone http://www.sudyzone.org/testprep/ela4/i/fictionnonp1st.cfm

Slideshow http://www.slideshare.net/bogeybear/fiction-versus-nonfiction Jeopardy http://www.quia.com/cb/258031.html Powerpoint Jc-schools.net.ppt.nonfiction%20vs%20fiction%20Hicks.ppt

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