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Courts made------------------policy makinkg-------------------- something which made be defined, as an alternative action

2. Court administrators perform all but which of the following duties, 3. In clasicla essay in nedd of efficient and equitable judicial administracion, who wrote this? Roscoe pound

4. By 1960 about how many people in the us work as court administarators. 30

5. -------------------notw here is the policy making role of the state supreme courts more apparten in deciding what kind of case is ..death penalty

6. To aliviate the INTERMEDIATE COURTS OF APPEALS ..state officials have responded by creating what kind of course 7. It has been said that the course of the --JUDICIARY----------------have no enforcement hours

8. What is the researchers name that stated that every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society EMERSON RALPH WALDON 9. Judges often resist measures of what --------VERIDICTS ROCORDS----------,------------- as an intencive private matter 10. A major problem with enhancing court house security COST

11. Which of the following is not a true statement about judges, TYPYCALLY NOT TRAINED

12. Wich of the following is not one of the 3 principles of a good threat assestment TARGETED VIOLENCE , DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THREAT AND POSING A THREAT, CURRENT SITUATION TARGET AND SETTING 13. The 2005 suprme court decision who established sentences and guidelines for the criminal justice system was---US V BOOKER 14. Wich amentmedt guarantees the speddy trial 6th

15. According to what,,,the prison litigation an inmate can not file lawsuit for mental or injutry unless she can show physical injury 16. What division of state central office oversees the budget development and new prison construction ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIION 17. According to the systems theory for probation inputs would include PROCESSES AND OUTPATS 18. Which of the following is not one of the 6 categories of the aministration of provation systems .CITY 19. DELULIO WROTE THAT THE QUALITY OF PRISON LIFE DEPENDS MAILNY ON THE PRISON MANAGEMENT PRACTICES .. 20. Delulio wrote that the quality of prison life depends mainly on the ? 21. Which of the following is one of delulios principles of good prison leadership ATTICA NY 22. One of the best know correction riots involved in teerrrifc incidetnts where?? DRAW THE THIN WITH GRATUITIES 23. To adrres and prevent corruction in personel, administrators mus t stride to do what? 24. Opponents of longer prison sentences state what? Who are they? CALIFORNIA POLICY MAKERS SHOULD CONSIDER ABOLISHING 3 STRIKES 25. The 3 stike law in California has,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MAKE SURE THEIR SUBORDINATES TELL THE TRUTH 26. To help deal with novel cause behaviors administrators and manager must ..what? CJ EMPLOYEES 27. Police ethics origianlaly focuuces on ethical behaviors of? PROSECUTOR 28. Miller vs pate was an example of misconduct by? Who? MM ACT 29. Criminal justice employee benefits might be deligated under all but which of the following,,,,tittle 7, dthe man act, primancy discrimation act ..or adea acc PRETERMINATION, POST TERMINATION NOTICE, OPPORTUNITY TO RESPOND 30. Because criminal justice employees having proeryt interest in their job must receive all of the following but which of the following? 31. Which of the following is not a justification for having residence requirements for criminal justice employees? THEY HSOULD RESIDE WHERE THEY ARE PAID BY TAXPAYERS TO WORK 32. Tittle 42 us code was initially enacted as the what? CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 33. The most infamous stike by police occurred? At? 34. The main cause of the states fiscals crises are what? 35. During the first 8 or 9 months of the budget year the prudent administrator will try to manage the budget ? how? CONSERVATIVE 36. Which of the following is not a new techonologies developed? 37. Some police agencies have begun using such details vehicle locations and .GPS 38. Good examples of good state court unification are those courts in where? 39. Under the speddy trial act how many day are ? 40. Shock incarceration is another term for what? 41. Correctional officers stress in burnout levels are greatly affected by what? 42. Most works on judicial administration point to as-----------to the founder of judicial aministration 43.

Classic treaties in the united states more of a century ago who observed the extent to which the legal services exteng Maya software can help to create what?

The budget is all but which of the following?

Wich of the following is not a complain of position

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