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The Allied Health Integrative Network (AHINet) have designed a wide range of programmes to cater to the needs of Allied Health Professionals, and Nurses in acute and community settings. These programmes aim to equip healthcare professionals with knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of caring for patients in an ever-changing healthcare environment. The training will be conducted through lectures, discussions and activities. If you have enquiries about our training programmes, or if you would like to join our mailing list, contact us at: AHINet@ttsh.com.sg www.facebook.com/AHINet, to get updates on our initiatives and professional development programmes.

12 FEBRUARY 2012
About the Course: Sustaining a spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most devastating events that can happen to an individual. Successful management of SCI requires an interdisciplinary approach with close collaboration and synergistic interaction between physicians, nurses, therapists, psychologists and medical social workers as well as community resources. This workshop brings together specialists in the above fields to share their skills and knowledge with healthcare workers and professionals dealing with SCI patients on the practical management of SCI. We hope the workshop will provide a platform for practical learning, discussion and sharing of knowledge and ideas that will translate into best care for the SCI patient. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Physicians, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Medical Social Workers Fees: $300 (Early Bird); $350 (Normal)
Speakers: TBC


Singapore Rehabilitation Conference Spinal Cord Injury Workshop


Exercise Prescription for the Obese Patient

25 FEBRUARY 2012

About the Course: There is a rising trend in obesity rates across the world. In Singapore, the obesity rate has risen to an all-time high of 10.8% in 2010. There is an urgency to optimize weight reduction and management to reduce associated morbidity and mortality. Individuals with obesity can present with factors that require special attention during exercise prescription. As healthcare professionals, it is essential that we understand the development of obesity, be equipped to assess and prescribe appropriate exercises for this group of patients. This 1-day workshop aims to address obesity in a systematic way, examining the research and up-to-date evidence based practice to improve health outcomes in patient care. Specific areas on exercise program development, choice of appropriate exercises and relevant precautions and contraindications will be covered. Evaluation of the exercise programme will also be discussed, that will allow a refinement of the exercise prescription. Duration: 1-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $270; Non-members: $325

Speakers: Ms Swapna Tony Senior Physiotherapist B Physiotherapy Ms Cindy Soh Senior Physiotherapist MSc in Preventive Cardiology B Physiotherapy ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist Ms Liew Siew Ping Senior Physiotherapist Dip Physiotherapy ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist Ms Sarah Goh Senior Physiotherapist BSc Physiotherapy ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Specialist


Wrist Instability and its Management

13-14 FEBRUARY 2012 postponed to 26-27 MARCH 2012

About the Course: Wrist pain especially ulnar sided pain is a common cause of upper extremity disability. Presentation can vary from acute traumatic injuries to chronic degenerative conditions. Common causes of wrist pain include triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries, lunotriquetral ligament injuries, scapholunate ligament injuries and ulnar impaction/ abutment syndrome. This course reviews the common pathologies that affect the articulations and surrounding soft tissues of the wrist. Anatomy, biomechanics and examination principles for the wrist will be discussed. Conservative and post-operative therapeutic management for ligament injuries will be introduced. Duration: 1.5-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Occupational Therapists Fees: SAOT members: $450; Non-members: $405

Speakers: Ms Janis Yeo Senior Occupational Therapist BSc (Occupational Therapy) Certified Hand Therapist Ms Chloe Seow Principal Occupational Therapist B Occupational Therapy (Hons)

18 19 FEBRUARY 2012

About the Course: This 2-day course has been developed specifically for physiotherapists who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding of functional movement patterns, the mechanisms behind these aberrant patterns, and how to identify and manage them. . This workshop aims to develop your knowledge of the examination, diagnosis and classification of motor control dysfunction and the management of poorly controlled movement. The role and application of functional movement screening and the specific corrective strategies will be discussed. By the end of the workshop, participants would be able to: identify some common movement dysfunctions perform a thorough functional movement screening in recreational as well as high level athletes able to analyze the dysfunction and prescribe appropriate corrective exercises. Duration: 2-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $550; Non-members: $660

Speakers: Mr Haris Mohamed Principal Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal) B Physiotherapy TPI (CGFI) Ms Lee Soak Yee Senior Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal & Sports) BSc Physiotherapy TPI (CGFI) Ms Janius Tsui Senior Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal & Sports) Mr Mark Chan Senior Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal & Sports)


Functional Movement the Missing Link

Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation

3 - 4 MARCH 2012

About the Course: Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation (A) is a oneday course which aims to address the gap in young clinicians skills and basic clinical knowledge in treating older adult patients across various disciplines and clinical settings. This course will be conducted every alternate year, and is complemented by the Core Competencies in Geriatric Rehabilitation (B) which addresses other core topics pertinent to the rehabilitation of older adult patients. For this term, a half-day session on Highlights will also be included to provide updates on the management of specific conditions or techniques unique to the management of the older adult patient population. The topics include pelvic insufficiency fracture management, delirium management and pain management in the older adults. This session is not a permanent feature of the course. Duration: 1.5-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $280; Non-members: $340

Speakers: Dr Tan Thai Lian Senior Consultant & Head of Dept, TTSH Geriatric Medicine; Clinical Director, Ren Ci Hospital; ViceChairman, Chapters of Geriatrician, Singapore Academy of Medicine MRCP MBBS FAMS Ms Tan Keng Teng Senior Pharmacist (Clinical) BSc Pharmacy Ms Saw Lai Aik Principal Physiotherapist MSc Clinical Exercise Science B Physiotherapy MSPA Ms Rachel Soh Principal Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Gerontology) B Physiotherapy MSPA Ms Agnes Teo Senior Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Gerontology) MSc Pain Management BSc Physiotherapy Ms Lee Sinyi Senior Physiotherapist BSc Physiotherapy Ms Khoo Ting Yin Physiotherapist BSc Physiotherapy Ms Lau Hiu Yan Physiotherapist B Physiotherapy (Hons)



Post-Mastectomy: Managing Lymphoedema and Stiffness

APRIL 2012

About the Course: This course focuses on the physiotherapy management in patients with surgically treated breast cancer. The objectives of the workshop include: Brief overview of breast cancer and its treatment Surgical management of breast cancer Post op Physiotherapy Management Post op complications and management with emphasis on lymphoedema management and shoulder mobility Updates in Evidence Duration: 2-hour Lecture Target Audience: Newly graduated physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $15; Non-members: $25

Speakers: Ms Wong Li Ting Senior Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal & Sports) BSc Physiotherapy Certified Lymphodema Therapist Ms Vijayalaxmi Chadachan Senior Physiotherapist B Physiotherapy

MAY 2012
About the Course: The lecture will cover the clinical examination of the person with lumbopelvic pain. Focus will be placed on application of clinical reasoning and the clinical process during the assessment. Clinical diagnosis and related management approach will be discussed. Duration: 2-hour Lecture Target Audience: Physiotherapists who have just graduated, require refresher in musculoskeletal examination and treatment, final year physiotherapy students Fees: SPA Members: $15; Non-members: $25
Speaker: Mr Ringo Yee Senior Physiotherapist M Manual Therapy BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy


Examining the Lumbopelvic Complex (Musculoskeletal series)


Grief and Bereavement

MAY 2012

About the Course: This course aims to identify feelings, beliefs and responses to death and dying; raise awareness of personal, physical and social barriers; familiarize with stages of grief processes and responses and principles of communication. Duration: 2-day Workshop Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals and Nurses Fees: $350

Speakers: Ms Ho Lai Peng Principal Medical Social Worker Master of Social Work Bachelor of Arts Mr Lawrence Lim Senior Medical Social Worker Master of Social Science (Family Therapy) Bachelor of Arts

About the Course: One of the challenges in brain injury rehabilitation is the management of agitated behaviour when patients emerge from coma. Agitation may present as hitting, screaming, restlessness, pacing, mood lability or wandering behaviours. Healthcare professionals are often at a loss and fearful of handling agitated behaviours. These behaviours will affect patients rehabilitation progress and may put staff in danger of physical harm. Successful management of agitation requires a coordinated team approach. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to: gain knowledge on the medical aspects of agitation gain knowledge on the Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning scale used in brain injury recognise different manifestations of agitation gain awareness on the commonly used behavioural management strategies. Duration: 1-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals who treat patients with acute brain injury in hospital and community settings, and rehabilitation units Fees: TBC
Speakers: TBC


Challenges in Management of Brain Injury-Related Agitation: Bridging Art and Science


Lower Extremity Casting Workshop

JUNE 2012

About the Course: Spasticity in the lower extremity is a common consequence of stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury. Spasticity can result in pain, decreased range of motion and affect functional use of the upper extremity. Management of spasticity include medication, botulinum injection, alcohol neurolysis, range of motion exercise, splinting and electrical stimulation. However, these interventions may be inadequate for maintaining muscle length and joint range among patients with severe spasticity and contracture. The application of serial and inhibitory casting can be an useful adjunct in the overall management of patients with severe spasticity and contracture. The casting workshop is aimed at equipping physiotherapists with the skills and knowledge in casting procedures. TTSH Rehabilitation Centre had also conducted Lower Extremity Casting Workshops in 1999, 2001 and 2004. An Upper Extremity Casting Workshop was conducted internally for Tan Tock Seng Hospital therapists in 2000, 2005 and 2010. Duration: 2-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists specializing in the area of neurological and geriatric rehabilitation. Fees: TBC

Speakers: TBC

JUNE 2012

About the Course: This one day workshop aims to equip physiotherapists with up-to-date knowledge on the assessment and management of patients with Parkinson's Disease. Emphasis will be placed on developing a comprehensive and systematic approach in the assessment and management of patients with Parkinson's Disease. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and develop practical skills and knowledge on assessment techniques and treatment strategies for patients at different stages of Parkinsons Disease. Participants will also be able to learn about the medical management of Parkinson's Disease as well as gain further insight on surgical procedures such as deep brain stimulation and post-op care. This workshop includes lectures, practical sessions, video laboratory sessions and case study reviews. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $300; Non-members: $350

Speakers: Ms Chloe Chung Senior Physiotherapist MSc Neurological Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Ms Suhana Salim Principal Physiotherapist Dip Physiotherapy


Parkinsons Disease Workshop for Physiotherapists


Manipulative Therapy Workshop 2012: Comprehensive Manipulative Techniques

JULY 2012
About the Course: This course aims to equip the participants with current postgraduate knowledge and skills of assessing and selecting appropriate manipulation techniques. The participants will gain the appropriate knowledge and skills of screening patients prior to manipulation as well as selecting the specific technique to achieve immediate results for their patients, to restore function and to relieve pain for many of the commonly occurring musculoskeletal disorders that we see on a daily basis. This is the fifth batch of the Manipulative Therapy workshop that was successfully held annually since 2007. A similar overseas course in Hong Kong was also conducted by our instructors annually since 2009. Duration: 1.5-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $500; Non-members: $600

Speakers: Mr Chan Wah Chye Principal Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Manipulative Therapy) Mr Christopher Ng Principal Physiotherapist M Manipulative Therapy B Physiotherapy Mr Ringo Yee Senior Physiotherapist M Manual Therapy BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

About the Course: The lecture aims to cover the clinical examination of the shoulder complex, looking at the dynamics amongst the glenohumeral joint, scapulothoracic joint and the involvement of the thoracic spine. Important subjective and objective assessments will be highlighted, with emphasis on when, how and why certain assessments are done. Management objectives and approaches are discussed. Duration: 2-hour Lecture Target Audience: Physiotherapists who have just graduated, require refresher in musculoskeletal examination and treatment, final year physiotherapy students Fees: SPA Members: $15; Non-members: $25

Speaker: Ms Sharika Udipi Senior Physiotherapist BSc Physiotherapy Dip Physiotherapy Clinical Pilates Trainer


Examining the Shoulder Complex (Musculoskeletal series)


Biopsychosocial Approach to Patient Care


About the Course: This course aims to introduce the Biopsychosocial approach to patient care. This approach provides healthcare workers with a holistic framework of eliciting biological, psychological and social background from patients to better address their needs, improve their adherence and treatment outcome. Participants will also learn how to interview patients to gather Biopsychosocial story to better assess their needs. Duration: 2-day Workshop Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals and Nurses Fees: $350

Speaker: Ms Chang Gett Lim Senior Medical Social Worker Master of Psychotherapy Graduate Diploma in Social Work Bachelor of Arts

10 AUGUST 2012

About the Course: The use of myofascial release techniques is helpful for reducing tightness and pain in soft tissues. These techniques are able to assist the clients in improving the quality of muscle activation and joint movement whether they are training to improve their performance or undergoing rehabilitation. Through this workshop, participants will learn myofascial techniques, trigger point techniques and deep soft tissue massage techniques. The techniques introduced will be aimed at promoting recovery from muscle sprain or strain. This workshop is beneficial for newly graduated occupational therapists or current occupational therapists interested to enhance their skills in the area of myofascial therapy. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Occupational Therapists who are or will be treating clients with myofascial pain Fees: SAOT Members: $270; Non-members: $300

Speakers: Ms Betty Teo Senior Occupational Therapist B Health Science (Occupational Therapy) Certification in Myofascial Release Ms Dinnie Ng Occupational Therapist B Occupational Therapy Certification in Myofascial Release Mr Michael Loh Occupational Therapist B Occupational Therapy (Hons) Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner Certification in Myofascial Release


Introduction to Myofascial Pain Therapy


Physical Agent Modalities (PAMs) in Occupational Therapy

3 4 SEPTEMBER 2012
About the Course: Occupational Therapist aims to support individuals health and participation in life through engagement of occupations. For clients with musculoskeletal or neurological disorders, the pain can lead to decrease in motivation and participation in activities. Physical Agent Modalities (PAMs) is often used as an adjunct to occupational therapy interventions. It aids in pain modulation, tissue healing, increases tissue extensibility, modifies skin and scar tissue and reduces edema and inflammation. By addressing these symptomatic presentations, it enhances occupational engagement, maximizes clients independence in daily living and improves their quality of life. This workshop will discuss the foundational knowledge, underlying principles, indications, contraindications, and precaution for superficial and deep thermal; and electrotherapeutic modalities. General parameters, guidelines and framework for safe & effective use PAM will be provided. Duration: 2-day Workshop Target Audience: Occupational Therapists who use physical agent (thermal and electrical) modalities in their course of treatment for clients Fees: SAOT Members: $540; Non-members: $600
Speakers: Ms Teo Sing Hwee Principal Occupational Therapist B Health Science (Occupational Therapy) Certification in Physical Agent Modalities Ms Joan Lin Senior Occupational Therapist Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)


About the Course: This lecture, practical and interactive course is by the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute (www.noigroup.com) and is all about neurones. It is about how movements of the nervous system and activation of brain representations of the movements, plus some therapeutic neuroscience education can provide a potent therapy for many persistent pain states. . The course creates assessment and management strategies based on advanced neurodynamics and neuroscience education. You will learn about clinical utilisation of the neuromatrix paradigm, immune links to pain, some stress sciences, homuncular refreshment techniques and virtual body exercises. You will learn how to talk about "pain in the head" in a therapeutic way. Updated active and passive neurodynamic techniques, focusing on the upper limb, thorax, spinal cord, and nerve root will be taught, and their place in both peripheral and central sensitisation will be emphasised. Lots of practicals, lots of interaction, cutting edge neuroscience... and you will have fun learning! Duration: 2-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists, who have attended Mobilisation of the Nervous System by NOI, or the equivalent course and training. Fees: SPA Members: $800; Non-members: $900

Speaker: Associate Professor Michel Coppieters Division of Physiotherapy School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences The University of Queensland NOI instructor


Neurodynamics and the Neuromatrix


Managing Lifestyle Issues in Cardiopulmonary Disease

17 OCTOBER 2012

About the Course: The workshop aims to increase awareness in the lifestyle issues faced by clients with cardiopulmonary conditions and improve the holistic management of these clients. The workshop will cover topics integral to the cardiopulmonary medical and rehabilitative management including activity guidelines, sexuality issues and management within a multi-disciplinary setting. Other critical topics such as lifestyle redesign, chronic self management models and return back to work are also addressed in this workshop. Participants will learn about the various challenges in managing this special group of clients and the different strategies that can be adopted. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals and Nurses Fees: SAOT Members: $270; Non-members: $300

Speakers: Ms Madeleine Tay Senior Occupational Therapist Dip Occupational Therapy M HlthSc (OT) Ms Evelyn Kong Senior Occupational Therapist B Applied Science (OT) Ms Jaime Choy Occupational Therapist B Occupational Therapy (Hons)

About the Course: Vestibular Rehabilitation adopts an exercise-based approach in the management of dizziness and balance disorders associated with vestibular pathology. This course aims to equip physiotherapists with the knowledge and skills to evaluate and treat common vestibular disorders, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and unilateral and bilateral vestibular loss resulting from peripheral vestibular dysfunctions, traumatic brain injury and stroke. There will be lectures and practical sessions aimed at promoting the integration and application of evaluation and treatment techniques for patients with vestibular disorders. This course comes complete with interactive video laboratory sessions, which aim to challenge physiotherapists toward a problem-solving approach. The practical and written competency examinations at the end of the course aim to enhance the skills and knowledge of physiotherapists so that they feel confident in managing patients with vestibular dysfunctions. Duration: 2.5-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $700; Non-members: $850

Speakers: Ms Tee Lee Huan Principal Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Neurology) B Physiotherapy Vestibular Rehab Therapist Mr Wee Seng Kwee Principal Physiotherapist BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Certified Brain Injury Specialist Vestibular Rehab Therapist Ms Seah Wei Wei Principal Physiotherapist MSc Physiotherapy M Physiotherapy (Neurology) Vestibular Rehab Therapist


Take the Spiraling Plunge: Your First Step to Basic Vestibular Rehabilitation


Gait in the Person with Amputation (Orthopaedic series)


About the Course: This course focuses on the gait assessment and training of amputee patients. The objectives of the workshop include: Types of amputation Gait Assessment Gait Retraining and treatment strategies. Duration: 2-hour Lecture Target Audience: Newly graduated physiotherapists Fees: SPA Members: $15; Non-members: $25

Speakers: Yvonne Hwong Senior Physiotherapist Dip.Physiotherapy Clara Wong Senior Physiotherapist BSc Physiotherapy

16 NOVEMBER 2012
Speaker: Mr David Zhang Senior Occupational Therapist M Occupational Therapy

About the Course: With a rapidly ageing population in Singapore, the number of people with Parkinsons disease (PD) will be expected to rise. PD diagnosis greatly affects a persons lifestyle, including difficulty in performing activities of daily living, areas of self-maintenance, work and leisure. In PD rehabilitation management, each health care professional plays an important role in helping patients with PD maintain daily living skills, learn new methods/strategies in order to overcome the limitations caused by PD and to improve their quality of life. This one day workshop will provide the participants with an overview of PD, evidence-based management of PD and therapeutic strategies in the area of PD rehabilitation. At the end of this workshop, participants will have a better understanding of PD, and be able to provide therapeutic interventions and strategies to improve patients home safety, handwriting and cognitive functions. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Occupational Therapists Fees: SAOT Members: $270; Non-members: $300


Parkinsons Disease Rehabilitation Workshop for Occupational Therapists


Examining the Lower Quadrant (Musculoskeletal series)


About the Course: The lower quadrant can be commonly implicated in back, hip and knee dysfunctions. The lecture will cover useful clinical examinations that will help with formulation of the clinical diagnosis and the subsequent management. Duration: 2-hour Lecture Target Audience: Physiotherapists who have just graduated, require refresher in musculoskeletal examination and treatment, final year physiotherapy students Fees: SPA Members: $15; Non-members: $25

Speaker: Mr Mark Chan Senior Physiotherapist M Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal & Sports)


About the Course: Healthcare workers often experience musculoskeletal injuries (e.g. back injury) due to repeated manual patient handling activities at work. This workshop aims to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills of safe patient handling when caring for patients in their work environment. The use of assistive patient handling devices will also be taught. The workshop will be delivered through various modes of learning including presentations, demonstrations, practice, discussion and competency assessments. Participants who successfully complete the workshop and pass the competency assessments will be given a Certificate of Achievement in Safe Patient Handling. Duration: 1-day Workshop (Lecture and Practicum) Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals and Nurses Fees: SAOT/SPA Members: $300; Non-members: $350

Speakers: Ms Liew Siew Ping Senior Physiotherapist Dip Physiotherapy ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist Lim Hui Hui Occupational Therapist B Occupational Therapy


Safe Patient Handling Workshop for Healthcare Workers


Use of Memory Strategies for Clients in the Community


About the Course: Memory is a complex combination of memory subsystems and it plays an important role in everyday life. Deficits in memory abilities affect an individuals capacity in activities of daily living, causing social and emotional distress in the individuals and their caregivers. Research has shown that memory rehabilitation programmes have been useful in helping these individuals overcome problems in their activities of daily living. Thus, it is important to understand memory and its role in our daily life in order to provide a holistic approach in rehabilitation. In this workshop, different memory strategies and interventions would be introduced. This would help rehabilitation and nursing professionals in providing the appropriate interventions when working with different client groups in the community. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals and Nurses working in the community setting Fees: SAOT Members: $270; Non-members: $300

Speakers: Ms Huang Huixin Occupational Therapist Master of Science (Occupational Therapy) Ms Ng Lip Chin Occupational Therapist Master of Science (Occupational Therapy) Ms Sabrina Ow Yong Occupational Therapist Master of Science (Occupational Therapy) Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA)

MARCH 2013
About the Course: Vision is a complex function which plays a crucial role in our daily occupational performance. It is essential for us to interact with the environment, make decisions and anticipate changes. As the elderly population increases, the incidence of age related eye conditions will also increase. These eye conditions may cause low vision in the elderly, which affects their daily functioning and leads to consequences such as falls and a loss of independence. In this course, visual assessments will be introduced to assess different visual components. Intervention strategies will be taught to facilitate the elderly to use their remaining vision and assistive devices, and modify their environment to optimise visual functioning. Duration: 1-day Workshop Target Audience: Occupational Therapists working with elderly Fees: SAOT Members: $270; Non-members: $300
Speaker: Ms Debbie Boey Senior Occupational Therapist MSc Occupational Therapy Certificate in Low Vision Rehabilitation


Assessments and Interventions for Low Vision In the Elderly: An introduction course

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