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Berkeley United Methodist Church

2407 Berkeley Ave., Austin, TX 78745 Phone: (512) 447-6633 Fax: (512) 851-8438 www.berkeleyumc.org February 12, 2012 +++ 8:30 a.m. & 10:50 a.m. Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Scouting Ministries Sunday

the finish line because we chose to rely upon our own power. Forgive our unwillingness to accept your divine touch. If you choose, Lord, you can make us clean. Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE Leader: Hear these words from the Lord: I do choose. Be made clean! Arise in Gods power. Run strong and confident once again. People: Praise be to God!


UMH #94

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


CHILDRENS TIME Where Children Belong TFWS #2233


Please take a moment to silence your cell phones now.


*SENDING SONG Marching to Zion UMH #733


Take This Moment, Sign, and Space (st. 1)

W&S #3118

This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, Gods Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong. PRAYER FROM THE PSALMS Psalm 30 UMH #762 Chancel Choir

Take this moment, sign, and space; take my friends around; Here among us make the place where your love is found.

If you would like to know more about baptism or becoming a member of Berkeley United Methodist Church by profession of faith or transfer of your current church membership, please call the church office and make an appointment to speak with Rev. Devine. THE BENEDICTION You are invited to join hands as we share in the song:
Take This Moment, Sign, and Space (st. 5) W&S #3118


As we greet one another and have some brief announcements, please fill in the yellow card to let us know of your presence and your prayers!
When this sign (*) appears, you are invited to stand if it is comfortable to do so.

Guide My Feet By Avis D. Graves


2 Kings 5:1-3, 9-14 Mark 1:40-45

PRELUDE AND LIGHTING THE CANDLES *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Sing praises to God, O you saints, and give thanks to Gods holy name! People: We exalt you, O God, for you have restored us to life! Leader: We may cry through the night, but your joy comes with the morning. People: You hear us, O God, and you are gracious in our distress. Leader: You turn our mourning into dancing! People: Our souls cannot be silent! All: O God, our Savior, we give thanks to your forever! *OPENING HYMN Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven UMH #66

Leader: This is the Word of God, for us, the people of God. All: Thanks be to God! SERMON Rev. Jeanne Devine

Take my talents, take my skills, take whats yet to be; Let my life be yours, and yet, let it still be me.

Thank you for worshiping with us today! In between our services, you are invited for coffee and fellowship on the deckwed love to get to know you better!



THOSE LEADING IN WORSHIP TODAY Rev. Jeanne Devine will bring the sermon. Our worship leader for the 8:30 service is Kathy Beth Stavinoha and for the 10:50 service is Sue Bordovsky. Media Managers today are Darian Crevir (8:30) and Steve Collins (10:50). Julie Burns leads our Childrens Time. We thank all our greeters, ushers, and acolytes. CHURCH NURSERY Child care is available for children up to age 5 in the church nursery on Sunday mornings. The nursery is temporarily being held in the Fellowship Hall. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary.

WE PRAY FOR OTHERS The pastor will share prayer requests and the congregation will respond: Lord, hear our prayer. After the prayers have been lifted, we will pray together the Lords Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. OFFERING OUR GIFTS AND PRAYERS Offering envelopes may be found inside front cover of UM Hymnal.

Ushers will collect yellow cards; please pass yours down to the end of the row. PRAYER OF CONFESSION Healing God, we come to you this day confident in your power to renew and restore our lives. There are times we come to ask for healing, but our pride stops us from accepting what you offer. There are times when we run strong and confident, infused by your grace and mercy. But there are times when our faith falters, and we lose the strength and hope within us. O God, forgive us when we fall short of

Upcoming Events This Week Sunday, February 12 6:30 am Work Corner Preparation 8:30 am Worship 9:40 am Sunday School 10:50 am Worship 2:00 pm Outreach (sanctuary) 4:00 pm Tai Chi (sanctuary) 5:00 pm Covenant Group (9) Wednesday, February 15 6:00 pm Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Saturday, February 18 7:30 am UMW Women in Gods Grace Circle (9) 9:00 am UMW Exec. Cmte (9)

Announcements Today the Secret Prayer Pals hearts will be drawn at random by everyone participating, for a week of intentional prayer focusing on the request written on the heart you've drawn. You may participate via your prayer request/concern, by praying for another's concern, or you may do both. Share your heart and your time Valentine's week!

February 12, 2012 Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Scouting Ministries Sunday

Monday, February 13 Sunday, February 19 10:00 am Womens Group (sanctuary) 6:30 am Work Corner Preparation 7:00 pm Covenant Group (9) 8:30 am Worship 9:40 am Sunday School 10:50 am Worship Tuesday, February 14 12:30 pm Letha Peters Lenten Study Valentines Day 7:00 pm Trustees (9) Group (sanctuary) 4:00 pm Tai Chi (sanctuary) 5:00 pm Covenant Group (9)

Berkeleys turning 40 this year and we are gearing up for a celebration on May 6th! We have commissioned local composer Timothy Bushong to create music especially for that day. Today is the final day to contribute toward the new anthem being written. You may want to make a contribution in honor or memory of someone who has nurtured your faith here. Note anthem on your check, made out to BUMC. Save the date! Tuesday, February 21, will be the annual Shrove Tuesday Gourmet Breakfast Buffet at 5:30 pm in the home of John Green and Bridgette Reece, 7001 Western Oaks Blvd. Bring your appetite for what is sure to be a sweet feast! If you are planning on attending, please sign up in the narthex or contact Bridgette at 892-2117. Signups continue for two different Lenten studies we will offer, beginning on February 19 (led by Letha Peters, Chris Seays A Place at the Table) and on February 23 (led by Rev. Jeanne Devine, N.T. Wrights Surprised by Hope). Please call the church office as soon as possible to indicate your interest so we may order enough books. The Young Adult life group will be re-organizing and launching our group with a fellowship dinner at the home of Myrna and Steve Cavender in early March. At that time, we will start to get acquainted before we begin meeting on Sunday mornings to view and discuss Adam Hamilton's thought-provoking Why Christians Get It Wrong. This life group will specifically target those individuals and couples who are post high school through mid-30s; this is for folks who either do not have or have children. Stay tuned here for more details about this upcoming launch. There are a number of UM Hymnals missing and we will have to purchase new ones if they are not returned. If you have a hymnal, please return it to the church and let Vikki or Tara know so the count can be updated and number reduced that need to be purchased.
Please remember to wear your nametag each Sunday. If you dont yet have one or need a replacement, contact Tara in the church office at 447-6633.

The newsletter deadline is: Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ministers: Members of the Congregation Pastor: Rev. Jeanne Devine (revjeanned@sbcglobal.net) ph. 551-8144 Director of Music: Victoria Schwarz (vlschwarz@aol.com) Pianist: Dr. Tyler Mabry (tgmabry@gmail.com) Administrative Assistant: Tara Nash (bumc78745@sbcglobal.net) Youth Director: Brad Straup (berkeleyyouth@ymail.com) Childcare Director: Allison McGillicuddy (bumc.childcare@sbcglobal.net)

Serving God + + Sharing Christ + + Receiving Mercy

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