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Silent Prayer and Opening Hymn: Prayer and Scripture: P/F Chaplain Tom Davids

573 Ill go where You want me to go.

Scripture: And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh, that You bless me indeed, and enlarge in territory, that Your hand will be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain! So God granted him what he requested. 1 Chronicles 4:10 Welcome: Eugene Alberts PROGRAM: ROANNE When you ask God to expand your borders, Hell expand them up to the edge of your comfort zone... and then Hell keep right on going. Hell open up possibilities youve never thought of before. Hell ask you to do things youve never done before (and that youve pretty sure you cant do). It will feel like He takes you to the edge of a cliff and says, Lets go for a walk. Thats when you will meet the giant of fear. Youll want to run. Turn back. Say it was all just a mistake..... How many of us, Adventurers, Pathfinders, Youth, even adults have asked God to bless us and once the blessings start to flow, once the territory is expanded then what? YIKES!!! If you havent run into the giant of fear yet, you will soon. Friends, you are on track! In fact, youre just getting to the good stuff. Why? Right here -when you feel that youre gone past what you can do is where the miracles begin. Right here is where you will start to see God work in our life in ways youve only read in the Bible or heard about from missionaries. And once you do, you will never want to turn back.

True story I remember what happened the first time I asked God to expand my borders a lot. It began to grow. And grow. Soon I was being asked to speak. To manage staff, travel internationally, and then run a business.... one morning I woke up and knew for certain that I was in way too deep. I couldnt shake the feeling that God had made a mistake. After all, I was only a spring chicken, as some would say. I decided to seek the counsel of a trusted friend and sister. I described to her what I thought God was calling me to do. Then I told her that I had discovered I couldnt do it. Roanne, she said, its about time! That feeling you have now is called dependence on God. Actually, if you lose the feeling for too long, youre in danger of becoming self-sufficient. Thats when you stop living by faith. Thats when the miracles will stop! I was shocked. I had to come to my sister for help to get rid of those feelings. Youre saying that the feeling that I just cant do it is the feeling Im supposed to have? Why, certainly young lady! she said beaming. Thats the one all right. Its exciting and a little frightening isnt it? As Gods blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt something big enough for God that failure is guaranteed.... unless God steps in.

That explains why taking new territory for God: Pushes you into trying something new; Requires more courage ability, time or money that you thought you had, Sets you up to risk looking like a fool and a loser, and Seems impossible

Ill admit, movies heroes think dependence is a bad idea. But you and I were made for it. Dependence on God makes heroes of ordinary people like Jabez, Moses, Daniel, Peter, Rehab, Ester you and I. How? We are forced to pray the 3rd part if Jabezs amazing little prayer: Oh, that Your hand would be with me! Jabez didnt begin his prayer by asking for Gods hand to be with him. When we step out for God, we think we have things under control. But once our boundary lines are stretch and grow; we need power and fast. Thats why you can call the Gods hand on you the touch of greatness. As Adventurers for Jesus and Pathfinders strong, He becomes great through you. Have you noticed that no matter how many sermons weve heard about Gods power to work through us, we keep missing that little word through? Sure, we say we want God to work through us, but what we really mean is by or in association with. What we are really thinking is Lord, let me do this by my power and abilities, and You just add Your blessing to it. Yet, Gods work can be done only by Gods power. Thats why, when the Jews returned from captivity, God told them Not by might nor by the power but by My Spirit, say the Lord of host (Zech 4:6). So when you face your moment of certain failure, when you look down and think youre about to fall, when you feel like screaming YIKES! at the top of your lungs, ask God to put His hand upon you to be obedient, pure, kind and true. To do your honest part and keep a song in your heart, to tell the Advent message to all the world in your generation - To be a servant of God and a friend to man. You are right where God wants you ... a step away from a whole new way of living, a prayer away from a miracle. I am only one, But I am one; I cannot do everything, But I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do; And what I ought to do, By the grace of God, I will do. Closing Hymn: Closing Prayer: ADV Chaplain Basil Garrido 618 - Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus

Roanne E Naidoo

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