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Newt Gingrich
Personal Liberties Fully supports Patriot Act and would further strenghten it. Has stated that the Patriot Act has worked too well and its "almost like they should have let an attack get through to remind us" of the danger we are in; also, free speech should be curtailed in order to fight terrorism. Gingrich states that he would sign upwards of 200 executive orders first day of president (thereby usurping constitutional checks and balance). C Supported several antigun legislations including Lautenberg gun ban as well as "safe zones" - refused return of NAGR Presidentail survey FED Reserve Agrees with Ron Paul's position to audit the Federal Reserve.

Mitt Romney
Supports the Patriot Act and refuses to comment on his postion of the newly signed NDAA which allows for indefinite detainment of US Citizens. Supports govt. mandates regarding: health care, education (NCLB), defining marriage; and states that trading liberty for security is acceptable. Romney also supports secret surveillance of US citizens.

Ron Paul
Voted against the Patriot Act and has vehemently condemned Obama's signing of the NDAA as well as SOPA which allows for policing of the internet. Says that when we give up our liberties for an increased sense of security, we are ushering in a police state against which our only line of defense is strong gun rights (2nd Amendment).

Gun Rights

GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA RATINGS D1994: said, "I don't line up with the NRA" 2007: said, "I am now a proud member" (during 2007 presidential bid) Did not originally think Fed should be audited but NOW agrees with Ron Paul.

A+ No candidate has ever scored higher for being more pro gun/ 2nd Amendment. Has the highest possible score from the GOA (conservative gun association) Introduced legislation to audit the Fed and is Chair of the Domestic Monetary Policy subcommittee. Paul was the first elected official to openly question operation of the Fed Because of Paul, we are now aware the Fed gave over 16$ trillion in secret loans. Voted against TARP: ONLY public official to have PREDICTED the banking collapse; addressed the issue in Congress YEARS prior to the collapse; his warnings were considered to be fringe at the time but were proven to be correct. Predicted the bubble as early as 2000 and warned Congress in session. Stated that government backed loans were responsible for the bubble. His warnings went unheeded and were considered fringe ideas - every expert now agrees that Paul was correct. Paul states that overseas bases and troops support foreign economies. Returned soldiers could be spending their money here at home and supporting local economies as well as providing security for our borders. fyi: many local US economies collapsed due to continued domestic base closures while our foreign base deployment expanded for the last couple of decades.

TARP bailout Stated that if he were in the House, he would have reluctantly supported the bailout - had previously supported prior bailout of Savings & Loans under Clinton.

In March 2009: said it was necessary. In Sept 2009: NOW avidly opposed to it. Even though Romney NOW recognizes Tarp was a collosal failure, he still says his business accumen is his strong suit and the main reason why he should be President. Even with Romney's touted business accumen, he had NO IDEA of the impending collapse of the housing market and now says let the foreclosures happen.

Housing Bubble

Says he was aware of the Bubble prior to collapse but did NOT notify the public, instead, consulted for Freddie Mac (FM) and earned 1.8$ million in the ensuing collapse. Gingrich has been accused by four separate FM executives to have lobbied for FM.

Foreign Aid/ Agrees with Ron Paul that foreign bases Oversea are a Cold War mentality, outdated and Bases is bankrupting us and needs to be reassessed.

Would like to add 100,000 troops to our military foreign based capabilities. Says that these bases allow us to strategically strike and believes that the US role is to police the world, even though all of the evidence points to the fact that our military operations are bankrupting us; once again, in conflict with Romney's supposed legendary business acumen.

Newt Gingrich

Mitt Romney

Ron Paul
Paul's top 3 contributors consists of active duty personnel of US Army, Navy and Air Force. Paul almost completely generates all of his campaign contributions from private individuals who donate during his famous "moneybombs". These moneybombs are held online and supporters are notified in advance. Paul has raised the MOST money in a single day from private individual contributions in US history (6$ million in 24 hours).

Financial Gingrich's top contributors include members, Romney's top contributors include members, Contribution owners, employees and PACS of Rock-Tenn Co owners, employees and PACS of Goldman Poet LLC, and First Fiscal Fund. Sachs, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, JPMorgan Chase, Bain $ Co, and countless other high power banking companies. President Obama's top contributors also includes Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley.

Further notes on Romney: On gay marriage, in 1994, supported pro gay initiatives as well as supporting Fed mandate to force acceptance of gays in the work place; in 2007, now supports a national amendment to ban same sex marriage on the federal level, even though it was voted in place in Massachusetts and is also now against the Fed mandate he supported in 1994. (flip/flop/flip) Touted Massachusetts health care reform; YET is against Obama health care; now acknowledges that BOTH reforms include individual mandates that may be unconstitutional. On immigration, in 2006, said illegals should be afforded path to citizenship and NOW is completely against it - at the same time, did not address funding issues to known 'sanctuary' cities in MA: Cambridge, Somerville and Orleans - all known sanctuary cities. When taking on the Governorship of MA, refused to sign a "no new tax pledge"; raised taxes/fees 7 times; at start of the 2007 campaign, Romney stated that he indeed did sign the pledge. Supported military involvement in Libya, specifically the bombing. He stated that Obama was being too soft on Libya until it was noted to him that Congress had not given permission for military action THEN he stated that our presence there should only have been in a humanitarian capacity (flip/flop) Romney also has suggested in debates that he believes that military action does not necessarily need to be preceded by Congressional approval. Further notes on Gingrich: Supported Obama's individual mandates as well as Clinton's Universal Health Care. Suggested the purchase of flex-fuel cars be mandated to all Americans. Now states that he is against individual mandates, and makes specific reference to Romney Care, which actuallymodeled itself after a Gingrich health mandate model. Hired company to create fake Twitter to appear as if he had a following. While Speaker of the House, had 84 ethics charges brought against him; was fined $300k; charges were dropped just prior to Gingrich agreeing to resign from the Speakership. First wife was his highschool geometry teacher. Met his 2nd and 3rd wives while having adulterous affairs while married to wives one and two, respectively. Recently converted to Catholicism; was committing adultery while investigating President Clinton over Monica Lewinsky. Bounced 22 checks during the House banking scandal. Voted for secret House pay raise and chauffeur service. Further notes on Paul: He has been fighting for return to personal liberties as subscribed by the Constitution for 30 years; his position on ALL of the issues has remained the same for 30 years. His voting record proves this as well as his verbal address to Congress and in interviews with the media. He is pro capitalist but anti crony corporatism; he is pro local farming and is one of only two Congressmen to refuse participation in the lifetime Congressional pension and is the ONLY Rep to vote against Congressional pay raises! On electability: Paul is ONE of only TWO candidates to make the VA state ballot. Santorum failed to get on the ballot in VA, TN and DC. Gingrich failed to get on the ballot in MO, OH and VA and it is a statistical improbability for Gingrich to win the nomination unless he won 2/3 of the remaining States. Paul is the only candidate to have vowed to honor Social Security (SS) and Medicare, stating that it will remain funded using the savings from halting foreign aid and ending our overseas conflicts while strengthening our border defenses by stationing returned troops to the border regions, whereas other candidates have suggested increasing SS retirement age as well as adjusting payment according to income.
The facts listed on this comparison chart can be corroborated by Googling the Candidate listed and the associated issue/fact. If you would like links to the online sources for these facts, please friend ronpaulforlibertydc on FaceBook; links will be provided. If any candidate's position has changed since this draft, it is due to the candidate's changing of his opinion.

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