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theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 2008 9

news without borders

Iraq backs pact giving US

troops three years
BAGHDAD: Iraq’s cabinet approved a pact on cabinet members who attended a meeting to
Sunday that will let US troops stay in the country vote on it. Nine were not present.
until 2011, setting a final date to end a military Deputy parliament speaker Khaled al-At-
presence that began with the 2003 invasion that tiya said a first reading would be held in the
toppled Saddam Hussein. chamber.
The pact, agreed after nearly a year of gruel- The draft would place the US force in Iraq
ling negotiations with Washington, must still be – which now numbers about 150,000 – under
approved by the Iraqi parliament, but Foreign the authority of the Iraqi government for the first
Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said he expected that time, replacing a mandate enacted by the UN
to happen by the end of the month. Security Council after the US invasion.
It gives a closing date to pull out troops from It calls for US forces to leave the streets of
a war that has been one of the defining political Iraq’s towns and villages by the middle of next
issues in the United States, the Middle East and year.
around the globe for much of the past decade. Dabbagh said US forces would hand over
“The total withdrawal will be completed by their bases to Iraq during the course of 2009.
Dec 31, 2011. This is not governed by circum- Iraqi forces now have command in all but five
stances on the ground. This date is specific and of Iraq’s 18 provinces, and took the lead in a
final,” cabinet spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said. crackdown on Shi’ite militias earlier this year.
He said the pact was supported by 27 of 28 – Reuters

No retreat on election
pledges, says Obama
WASHINGTON: President-elect Barack out Al Qaeda once and for all” and that
Obama vowed to pull troops out of Iraq, killing or capturing the group’s mastermind
crush Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and shut Osama bin Laden was “critical” to US
down the Guantanamo Bay camp as part of security.
a dramatic foreign policy break with George Obama also pledged to make short
W. Bush. work of tackling offshoots of Bush’s “war
In his first major post-election interview, on terror” – the internment camp by US
with CBS programme 60 Minutes, the at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and harsh
Democrat signalled no retreat from interrogations of captured terror suspects.
expansive campaign promises that have “I have said repeatedly that America
pleased US allies, even while adding little doesn’t torture. And I’m going to make sure
detail to how he will fulfil them. that we don’t torture. Those are part and
Repairing the stricken US economy will parcel of an effort to regain America’s moral
be priority number one, Obama said in stature in the world,” Obama added.
the broad-ranging interview broadcast on But he did not elaborate on where the
Sunday. Guantanamo prisoners would be taken,
Obama also confirmed he had met whether they would be transferred to
former Democratic primary rival Hillary civilian custody in the United States itself,
Clinton last week but refused to comment put on trial, or released.
on speculation linking her to the job of The president-elect is examining a slew
secretary of state. of “executive orders” signed by Bush.
As soon as he succeeds Bush on Jan 20, Obama said that in Congress, his first
Obama said, “I will call in the Joint Chiefs legislative priority was getting another
of Staff, my national security apparatus, stimulus package passed to prop up the
and we will start executing a plan enfeebled economy.
that draws down our troops” from In line with the outcome of a
Iraq. summit on Saturday of the world’s 20
On the campaign trail, biggest economies, the president-elect
Obama vowed to pull one or two said forging new regulation of the
combat brigades out of Iraq every financial markets was essential to
month until after 16 months, restoring the trust of consumers.
only a residual security force of Obama appeared unconcerned
unspecified size remains. Some about the sea of red ink engulfing the
of those brigades would head to government’s finances, arguing that
Afghanistan. economists from left and right
He told CBS that, “it is a agreed that “we have to do
top priority for us to stamp whatever it takes to get this
economy moving again.”
“The most important
Hillary Clinton ... speculation thing is that we avoid a
rife that she may become deepening recession,”
secretary of state he said. – AFP

day morning. Chen, has repeatedly accused the

island’s new China-friendly government of being
briefs behind allegations of embezzlement, money laun-
dering and taking bribes and forgery. – AFP
Former Taiwan leader moved
to new hospital Shuttle docks at
TAIPEI: Taiwan authorities moved former presi- international space station
dent Chen Shui-bian, in the midst of a hunger HOUSTON: Space shuttle Endeavour docked at
strike in protest at his detention on corruption the International Space Station on Sunday on
allegations, to a new hospital, medical officials an outer-space home improvement mission to
said yesterday. add amenities like a new toilet and kitchen to
Local media have been providing almost the 10-year-old orbital outpost.
hour-by-hour coverage in the case of Chen, Shuttle commander Chris Ferguson nudged
who stopped eating on Wednesday after a court the shuttle into a docking berth on the station’s
ordered him held on suspicion of embezzlement Harmony module as the craft soared 340km
and other fiscal wrongdoing. above India. Soon after, astronauts floated
Chen was rushed to hospital on Sunday and through a tunnel and into the welcoming arms
found to be dehydrated. Under tight security, he of their colleagues aboard the US$100 billion
was moved to Taipei County Hospital on Mon- (RM360 billion) station. – Reuters

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