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What is a Leader?


What is a Leader?

By Barbara Williams

Grand Canyon University

MGT 625

Instructor-Dr. Katrina Everhart

November 9, 2008

What is a Leader? 8

A leader is the person whom others follow. There are various types of leaders and

leadership. In this essay I will attempt to explain to readers what I would like to become as a

leader in the next three to five years. I will share why I desire to lead in the particular category.

I will state how I plan to influence the world. The benefits I intend to be reaped as a result of my

efforts. I intend to surround myself with certain types of people to achieve this goal, and to see

the goal live on. I will tell the readers whom I intend to collaborate with to bring my vision into

reality. I will make it clear the actions my colleagues and I will be taking to bringthe vision into

being. The readers will learn how people are expected to respond to my achievements. I will

share how meaningful I expect my life to be, and what I expect to feel like from accomplishing

my goal. I will be telling how I will have grown and developed. Finally, I will share with the

readers how different my life will be than it is presently.

What is a Leader?
What is a Leader? 8

Education around the world has excluded a segment of history that is well known, yet,

eliminated from History in school curricula. This portion of history touches life in every area.

The greatest known leader of all-time has been eliminated from textbooks. The bestselling book

of all times, The Holy Bibleputs great emphasis on this leader. However, in most of the world’s

education systems it has made illegal to teach of this person in public schools. Even some of this

person’s most powerful sayings are not allowed to be uttered in public places. This is a discredit

to the very individual this person is and was. This is the person Jesus Christ and the Christian

Religion as a major historical fact, which changed the entire world (Bible. Isa. 9:6,7 King James


The world shall know as a result of my actions that Jesus Christ once lived on the earth in

the flesh and likeness of man. I will know that I have done all I could to further the knowledge

of God on earth. I will be associating with all types of people. From the small child that comes

to a meeting with a parent to kings and queens. Anyone that will listen to the Good News that

Jesus Christ is alive and well, I will share the message of all time with. I will be collaborating

with Heads of State globally to get the message into every school about this vital part of history,

whichis being withheld from people everywhere. I don’t intend to teach religion, I want to make

the world aware of a leader’s life which affects everyone everywhere


2F%2Fmembers.tripod.com%2F%7Ecandst%2Ftnppage%2Ftnpidx.htm). Christianity does not

have to be taught, in order, for World History students to study about Jesus Christ. Such leaders

as Karl Marx and Marxism is taught in Public Schools (The History Guide. Lectures on Modern

European Intellectual History. http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/marx.html), and Adolf Hitler

(The History Place. The Rise of Adolf Hitler. The New Beginning.

http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/new.htm). If these historical figures are

What is a Leader? 8

taught about in public schools around the globe, why isn’t Jesus Christ taught about in public


I will have gotten the History of Christianity and Jesus Christ taught about in the United

States, and numerous other countries. Those I will be collaborating with are within a team

focused on the cause, and my colleagues will be campaigning around the world to see that the

history of Jesus Christ and Christianity be taught in public schools globally. The Bible has been

translated into every language. Why isn’t the major figure in the Bible not taught about in public

education systems (Religious Liberty in Public Life. firstamendmentcenter.org)?

The team of educators, historians, and Christian leaders will be totally committed to

seeing that this vital part of world history no longer be left out of public schools’ curricula.

Persons on the team have within the group the characteristics, which make up model leadership

qualities. There is an attorney that shares legal expertise about the first amendment of the

Constitution of the United States of America. This attorney embodies the Three Trait Approach

in one person of technical, human, and conceptual skills (The Knowledge Exchange. Frontline

Management (BSB51004). Introduction to Excellence in management and leadership.


There is a U.S. ambassador to the UN dealing with global issues and cultures. An intellectual

charismatic couple of religious leaders tours countries to share the combined concern for the

teaching of the history of Jesus Christ in public schools. On the team all the components of the

Trait Theory display within members

(http://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/theories/leadership_theories.htm). Our team has

agreed that we are not pushing for the teachings of Christianity as a religion, rather the teaching

of Jesus Christ and the person of Jesus Christ (U. S. Constitution Online. Jefferson’s Wall of

Separation Letter. http://www.usconstitution.net/jeffwall.html). Public places display signs with

What is a Leader? 8

biblical sayings, yet, teachings about and by Jesus Christ is omitted from the public schools. I as

a former Community Organizer have brought the team together to accomplish the goals of the

vision. Our team will be exposing a part of world history, which seems possibly purposefully

left out of public education. We will be addressing a global task. Just as many African American

leaders and Native American heroes were left out of American history books, Jesus Christ has

been left out of world history books. We will be traveling around the world to make sure our

concerns are voiced to all nations.

People are glad to know that our group has finally accepted the momentous project,of

making the world aware that this very important person in history has been left out of general

education around the world. There are many people that are supporting us through their

monetary, moral, and physical contributions. Our cause has come to the forefront of world news.

States within the United States are putting a voting referendum into elections to allow the

knowledge of Jesus Christ to be taught in history in public schools. Many states are passing bills

that Jesus Christ is an acceptable part of world history, which should be taught in public schools.

Knowing that my efforts have been worthwhile has given me a sense of well-being. I

have accomplished a major feat, and climbed a needed hurdle during my lifetime. The world no

longer has to go without Jesus Christ being a part of history. I feel my work has benefited the

millions of students, whichwill read about Jesus Christ in school. These persons will realize that

that this portion of history should have never occurred; the leaving out of knowledge of Jesus


I have developed to level of confidence within myself that I know all things are possible

if I only believe. I have learned from those which I have worked with on this venture. I have

come in contact with some very important people around the globe. I am now part of history

myself as one of the persons responsible for Jesus Christ being in textbooks. Having completed
What is a Leader? 8

a portion of the tasks I set out to do, I am proceeding to put the carrying on of the project in

capable hands. I will remain an advisor and lecturer of the teachings of Jesus Christ around the

world. I will have published books on how to organize, and get gigantic projects up and running.

The world is better informed today, because of what my team and I achieved. Our goals

have been met in many areas of the world. Public education has taken another stride in

historically telling the truth about world leaders and players. Every parent and world history

instructor realizes that Jesus Christ will be studied around the world. The world no longer

excludesthis world leader, from world history as if the person of Jesus Christ never lived. Jesus

Christ did indeed live, and died and is a part of history now and forever (Bible. Lk. 2:21. King

James Version) (Bible. Jn. 19:33. King James Version).


I have shared with the reader the journey of a team of individualsthat changed the

teaching of world history around the globe. We have been successful in convincing governments

to put Jesus Christ into their history books. We have struggled together and achieved goals and

visions together. Each of us did our part of sharing, and gaining through trialsand errors. The
What is a Leader? 8

best reward to the team and me which worked together, is that we saw much of what we started

out to do accomplished. The world has changed by becoming better informed historically, and

our team played a part in all of that. Jesus Christ is now globally being put into world history



Bible. Isa. 9:6,7. King James Version.

Bible. Jn. 19:33. King James Version.

Bible. Lk. 2:21. King James Version.


F%2Fmembers.tripod.com%2F%7Ecandst%2Ftnppage%2Ftnpidx.htm. Retrieved 11/7/2008.

What is a Leader? 8

http://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/theories/leadership_theories.htm. Retrieved


The History Guide. Lectures on Modern European Intellectual History.

http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/marx.html. Retrieved 11/08/2008.

The History Place. The Rise of Adolf Hitler. The New Beginning.

http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/new.htm. Retrieved 11/8/2008

The Knowledge Exchange. Frontline Management (BSB51004). Introduction to Excellence in

management and leadership.

http://www.aptitudemedia.com/courses/frontline_v5/fma3/fma3a.htm. Retrieved 11/8/2008

Religious Liberty in Public Life. firstamendmentcenter.org. Retrieved 11/7/2008.

U. S. Constitution Online. Jefferson’s Wall of Separation Letter.

http://www.usconstitution.net/jeffwall.html. Retrieved 11/9/2008.

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