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Federacin Iberoamericana de Sociedades de Fsica

2 PhD positions, Molecular Simulation research group URV, Tarragona.

Two PhD positions, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. We currently have available two fully financed PhD positions to join the following projects in our Molecular Simulation research group (http://www.etseq.urv.cat/ms/) in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, more information can be found in the web page http://www.etseq.urv.es/complex/index_cs.htm in the section "jobs". The ideal candidate should have an engineering or science degree and be prepared to be involved in large scale numerical calculations along with algorithm and theoretical development. Candidates should preferably hold a Master's degree, or have an official title enabling them to start a Ph.D. in their country of origin, with a minimum of 300 ECTS credits of higher education. Interested applicants should send an email message with CV to <mailto:roger.folch@urv.cat>roger.folch@urv.cat for the first project and <mailto:allan.mackie@urv.cat>allan.mackie@urv.cat for the second before the 30th of April 2009, although applicants will be considered after that date if no suitable candidate is found. Project 1: Dynamics of growth This project consists of modelling the formation of the microstructure of a polymeric membrane, when made by precipitating the polymer from a solution by means of a third chemical. It is essentially a 3-component phase-separation problem. Such membranes are typically porous and used as very fine filters, aimed at particles of different sizes. Therefore, one needs to control the pore sizes (the microstructure) and hence the need for simulations. They can also be used to encapsulate other chemicals. Experiments in both directions are being done, and our goal is to compare with them. The project will involve solving coupled reaction-diffusion partial differential equations, in principle by finite difference and simple numerical methods. Project 2: Amine characterisation using molecular simulation This project focuses on the development and application of molecular simulation techniques for the prediction of thermodynamic properties for systems of interest to the Chemical and Petroleum industries. Particular emphasis will be placed on the study of aqueous amine systems including the development of new intermolecular potentials and novel simulation methodologies. This is a collaborative project with the IFP in Paris, France and approximately half of the time will be spent at the IFP and half at the URV.


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Generado: 16 February, 2012, 22:16

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