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Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

Cover photo: Mark Lund and Michael Busby by Michael Busby

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

Note to readers: The following essay contains strong language. It is not for those with weak, or delicate, sensibilities. It is written by a Marine for other Marinesand those who want-to-be. Greg, I read the piece you sent me this morning (see below). The piece just does not have the ring of authentic experience. No grunt uses the term "hardware" for ordinance. The grunts get the term "ordinance" from the air-wingers who use the term to describe just about anything hanging off the air vehicle that has the potential to go boom, or bang. Hardware is what you can buy at Lowes, or Home Depot. This is just one example of a glaring lack of correct vernacular throughout the piece. The piece has the ring of someone with a college education with no military experience who does not like CNN's reporting of the war. Few recon rats have a college education. Even fewer can string so many sentences together into coherent paragraphs, without having to stop and kill someone, thereby forgetting what they were writing about in the first place. Furthermore, there are no chiggers 1 in Afghanistan. Chiggers are found in areas with high grass and brush that receive at least a moderate amount of rain. This leaves out Afghanistan. Some additional comments regarding the piece follow. The blue text is from the referenced piece given in its entirety below (after my rant):

"Stake out"???

Trombiculidae (pronounced /trmbkjuldi/) is a family of mites called trombiculid mites (also

called berry bugs; harvest mites; red bugs; scrub-itch mites; aoutas; and, in their larval stage, chiggers).[3] The term chigger is sometimes used to refer to a different animal, the Chigoe flea. Trombiculidae live in the forests and grasslands and are also found in low, damp areas where vegetation is rank such as woodlands, berry bushes, orchards, along lakes and streams. They are not present in far northern areas, in high mountains and in deserts.

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

Not Marine Corps jargon. This is cop jargon. Use Ops instead. "I've been living with these Tajiks and Uzbeks, and Turkmen and even a

couple of Pushtuns."
It is said, when a Pashtun wants a woman, his first choice is a Tajik man. I have some experience with this phenomena. A Pashtun man fell in love with me once. He wrote me a ten page love letter. I guess I should be grateful. No woman has ever written me such a long and moving love letter. He announced his love for me several days after Idi Amin tried to get me to go up to his penthouse at the Taif Intercontinental Hotel. Good fucking grief!!! Not sure if he wanted to fuck me, or eat me. I don't believe you will find all these tribesmen working together, since they are historical foes and do not cooperate very well, and especially do not congregate together.

"Saucy Jack Recon Marine in Afghanistan Semper Fi"

JESUS FUCKING H. CHRIST!!!!!!!!! No self-respecting Marine of any kind would ever call himself "saucy," regardless of how drunk he was. Saucy???!!! What fucking moron calls himself "Saucy?" Wrong, Tonto!!! Only WOMEN are SAUCY!!!

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

It is Salty, you fucking moron maggot. Get it right!!! This alone convinces me the fucking idiot who wrote this piece does not have a fucking clue.

Jack Recon Marine

It is Ricky Recon!!! Who the fuck ever heard of Jack Recon??? Some Army puke?

"Freedom is not free...but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share".
Where did the above "saying" come from? It is not a Marine Corps saying. Well, I did a little research. Actually, the saying is attributed to one Ned Dolan, who was not a Marine, according to what I can find out about him. You want a real Marine Corps saying? Try this one - A Marine dies and finds himself standing outside the Pearly Gates. He announces himself to St. Peter, "One more Marine reporting for duty, sir. I've served my time in Hell." Most Marines have served their time in helljust to get through training.

Military vernacular for intelligence is G2," scoop, dope, or any one of several other terms.

Brilliantly done

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

Who thinks this piece is "Brilliantly done"??? I think this is a POS written by an imposter. I wish you had included his e-mail address so I could tell him what a fucking moron I think he is. The following are some great Marine Corps and Army quotes I think sum up the esprit de corps (followed by a real life example of an incident that occurred yesterday that can help a non-Marine gauge where Marines are coming from):

There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion.
General William Thornson, U.S. Army

The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines. Lord, how they could fight!
Major General Frank E. Lowe, U.S. Army; Korea, 26 January 1952 One of my favorites:

The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!
Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

It is interesting to me Eleanor would claim Marines have low morals (most do), given what we now know about her being a lesbian.

Marines die, that's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU live forever.
The mythical GySgt. Hartman, USMC; portrayed by GySgt. R. Lee Ermey, a Marine Corps Drill Instructor using his own choice of words in Full Metal Jacket, 1987. This was a standard saying in real life boot camp. And now for a real life incident that illustrates the Marine Corps esprit de corps a Marines willingness to die for what he believes in (belay that a Marines willingness to kill for what he believes in): The asshole who tried to push past me in the bank lobby yesterday just did not understand. He was about 30 years old and in the prime of life. I am almost 60 with a failing heart and diabetes. I was standing about three feet behind him when he turned around and took two steps toward me. My left shoulder was pressed against the wall. To my right, the way was clear for eight feet to the side. He thrust his chest up too mine - he was a little shorter - and brusquely told me to move out of his way. He really expected me to step aside and let him pass by. I pointed to my right and told him to walk around. We stared eyeball-to-eyeball for perhaps two seconds before he stepped back, moved to my right and passed by, intentionally brushing my shoulder with his shoulder, a little shoulder block. As he passed me by, he called me a fucking racist. My blood pressure went from high to explosively high (I am having heart surgery next Wednesday.) I whirled around and called him a "a yellow, chicken-shit, muther-fucking, cock-sucker" right in the midst of that busy bank lobby. He just kept walking out the door. That

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

young, stupid Puerto Rican asshole just did not have a clue he was fucking with C4. I spent last Saturday over in Little Puerto Rico drinking with some Puerto Rican friends, telling lies, and listening to them sing and play the drums. I got nothing against Puerto Ricans. But, I hate bullies and disrespectful assholes, regardless of race, religion, creed, or national origin. He just did not have a clue he was fucking with flammable liquid. I would have died in that bank lobby to protect my honor, and with the bank cameras whirling away, there is no doubt he would have served a good stretch in prison if such were the outcome of our confrontation. I was so pissed I even followed him outside, calling him a "muther-fucker" just about as loud as I could without screaming at him as he crossed the parking lot. The stupid prick just did not have a clue. Now I was gunning for a showdown. I wanted a confrontation leading to physical contact. When I walked into that bank, a fight was not even a vague thought on my mind. It has been three years since I stood up to three men in their twenties who tried to rob me and I was not looking to repeat even a semblance of that rumble. Me and two of the would-be robbers wound up in the hospital. But now, I was looking for a fight. Now, I wanted a fight. I wanted that asshole to turn around, come back, and swing at me so goddamn bad, I could taste it. You see, he really pissed me off when he called me a fucking racist. I just might be a fucking racist, but regardless of what I am, I served my time in Hell and I can be whatever the fuck I want to be in this fucking country. And if someone does not like what I am, fuck em and the camel they rode in on. I will not stand aside for any bully, only people with disabilities, women and children. If

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

he does not like it, the fucking, chicken-shit, muther-fuckin', cock-sucking, stupid, immigrant moron can kiss my olive-drab green Marine ass. Lessons from the green side:

The American Marines have it [pride], and benefit from it. They are tough, cocky, sure of themselves and their buddies. They can fight and they know it.
General Mark Clark, U.S. Army Yes, we are tough and we can fight and we know it. So, dont fuck with us. On another note, I found out yesterday I have been blocked from going to Pakistan. Seems like some people think I am too valuable to risk losing in a zone that is getting hotter (pun intended) by the day as the burning fuel tankers light the way at night. Funny...since the ex-wife cast me out, I just don't value myself very highly. I can remember when I was 20 years old and I volunteered for some hazardous duty. I was told I was too valuable to waste on the endeavor. Seems like much of my life, others thought it was worth more than I thought it was. Anyway, I wrote two messages to the "powers-that-be" and begged them to give an old Marine one last hurrah. We can hope, eh?

Who can say where the road goes? How the day goes? The United States Marines.
Sergeant Michael Busby, United States Marine Corps, 1969-1977 And now, for the rest of the story (the piece I allude to in the above rant):

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

From: Greg To: michael busby <michael_busby@yahoo.com> Sent: Sat, October 9, 2010 10:40:56 AM Subject: Fwd: Fw: Chiggers, sand fleas and scorpions! A must read

Michael, Comments? GO Dearborn

This is worth reading for the quality of the writing if nothing else. Brilliantly done! (from some clueless idiot who sent it to my friend Greg who then sent it to me, mb):

From a Recon Marine in Afghanistan: From the Sand Pit: It's freezing here. I'm sitting on hard, cold dirt between rocks and shrubs at the base of the Hindu Kush Mountains, along the Dar 'yoi Pomir River, watching a hole that leads to a tunnel that leads to a cave. Stake out, my friend, and no pizza delivery for thousands of miles. I also glance at the area around my ass every ten to fifteen seconds to avoid another scorpion sting. I've actually given up battling the chiggers and sand fleas, but the scorpions give a jolt like a cattle prod. Hurts like a bastard. The antidote tastes like transmission fluid, but God bless the Marine Corps for the five vials of it in my pack. The one truth the Taliban cannot escape is that, believe it or not, they are human beings, which means they have to eat food and drink water. That requires couriers and that's where an old bounty hunter like me comes in handy. I track 9

Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

the couriers, locate the tunnel entrances and storage facilities, type the info into the handheld, shoot the coordinates up to the satellite link that tells the air commanders where to drop the hardware. We bash some heads for a while, then I track and record the new movement. It's all about intelligence. We haven't even brought in the snipers yet. These scurrying rats have no idea what they're in for. We are but days away from cutting off supply lines and allowing the eradication to begin. I dream of bin Laden waking up to find me standing over him with my boot on his throat as I spit into his face and plunge my nickel-plated Bowie knife through his frontal lobe. But you know me, I'm a romantic. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This country blows, man. It's not even a country. There are no roads, there's no infrastructure, there's no government. This is an inhospitable, rock pit shit hole ruled by eleventh century warring tribes. There are no jobs here like we know jobs. Afghanistan offers two ways for a man to support his family: join the opium trade or join the army. That's it. Those are your options. Oh, I forgot, you can also live in a refugee camp and eat plum-sweetened, crushed beetle paste and squirt mud like a goose with stomach flu, if that's your idea of a party. But the smell alone of those 'tent cities of the walking dead' is enough to hurl you into the poppy fields to cheerfully scrape bulbs for eighteen hours a day. I've been living with these Tajiks and Uzbeks, and Turkmen and even a couple of Pushtuns, for over a month-and-a-half now, and this much I can say for sure: These guys, all of 'em, are Huns... actual, living Huns. They LIVE to fight. It's what they do. It's ALL they do. They have no respect for anything, not for their families, nor for each other, nor for themselves. They claw at one another as a way of life. They play polo with dead calves and force their five-year-old sons into human cockfights to defend the family honor. Huns, roaming packs of savage,


Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

heartless beasts who feed on each other's barbarism. Cavemen with AK-47's. Then again, maybe I'm just cranky. I'm freezing my ass off on this stupid hill because my lap warmer is running out of juice, and I can't recharge it until the sun comes up in a few hours. Oh yeah! You like to write letters, right? Do me a favor, Bizarre. Write a letter to CNN and tell Wolf and Anderson and that awful, sneering, pompous Aaron Brown to stop calling the Taliban 'smart.' They are not smart. I suggest CNN invest in a dictionary because the word they are looking for is 'cunning.' The Taliban are cunning, like jackals and hyenas and wolverines. They are sneaky and ruthless, and when confronted, cowardly. They are hateful, malevolent parasites who create nothing and destroy everything else. Smart. Pfft. Yeah, they're real smart. They've spent their entire lives reading only one book (and not a very good one, as books go) and consider hygiene and indoor plumbing to be products of the devil. They're still figuring out how to work a Bic lighter. Talking to a Taliban warrior about improving his quality of life is like trying to teach an ape how to hold a pen; eventually he just gets frustrated and sticks you in the eye with it. OK, enough. Snuffle will be up soon, so I have to get back to my hole. Covering my tracks in the snow takes a lot of practice, but I'm good at it. Please, I tell you and my fellow Americans to turn off the TV sets and move on with your lives. The story line you are getting from CNN and other news agencies is utter bullshit and designed not to deliver truth but rather to keep you glued to the screen through the commercials. We've got this one under control The worst thing you guys can do right now is sit around analyzing what we're doing over here, because you have no idea what we're doing, and really, you don't want to know. We are your military, and we are doing what you sent us here to do. Saucy Jack Recon Marine in Afghanistan Semper Fi


Michael Busby 2010

http://www.scribd.com/doc/39013751/For-Marines-Only michael_busby@yahoo.com

"Freedom is not free...but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share". A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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