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Installation instructions for PHOENICS 1.5.

Shareware (executable only) The shareware available for downloading contains the following parts: 1. The files necessary for a basic installation, including all the executables and associated files. 2. The demos, SATELLITE libraries, help files, and the POLIS on-line information system, which contains a wide range of information on how to run Shareware PHOENICS 1.5EO, details of other versions of PHOENICS and other information. 3. The PHOENICS Applications Album. This is a cut-down version of the full Applications Album, that is supplied with PHOENICS 3.3, which can also be viewed online at http://www.cham.co.uk. To install Shareware PHOENICS 1.5., use the following 2 steps: 1. Run the self-extracting file to produce the three folders and then copy them to three floppy disks. 2. Run the installation file install.exe. If the Shareware PHOENICS 1.5. is being installed, a directory called C:\D_PHOE15 will be created and the files will be copied to it. Then make the following changes to your system configuration files, so that PHOENICS will run correctly. For DOS make the following changes to your config.sys and autoexec.bat files: 1. Add the following line to your autoexec.bat file, after the line starting PATH=....SET PATH= %PATH%;c:\d_phoe15\d_utils;c:\d_phoe15\d_dbos This ensures that the various commands and functions called by PHOENICS can be found. 2. Add (or amend) the following lines to your config.sys file: FILES=80 BUFFERS=80 These numbers can be lower for most users, but often if PHOENICS fails to run properly the fault can be traced to one or both of these parameters. See your system manual for more information on the effect of changing these parameters. 3. An optional change is to add the command DBOS to the bottom of your autoexec.bat file. PHOENICS requires DBOS to be running before any of the PHOENICS executables will load. DBOS can be started at any time (by typing DBOS), but should be unloaded (by typing KILL_DBO) before starting WINDOWS. For Windows 95/98, the simplest way to run Shareware Phoenics 1.5 is to restart the computer in MS-DOS mode. Either, as for DOS, make the changes i and ii (BUT NOT iii) to your config.sys and autoexec.bat files. When you have restarted in MSDOS mode, start DBOS (by typing DBOS). Remember to unloaded DBOS (by typing KILL_DBO) before restarting WINDOWS. Once these steps have been completed, your computer should be rebooted so that the changes you have made to your system files can come into effect. For DOS (or in MS-DOS mode), you can then start PHOENICS (once DBOS is loaded) by changing to the directory C:\D_PHOE15\D_PRIV1 and entering the command PC to start the PHOENICS Commander. When you have finished with the PHOENICS Commander, type "KILL_DBO" to remove the memory manager DBOS. It is important that DBOS is not loaded, before starting Windows95 or Windows98.

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