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Jerenid Vanessa Jimnez Lpez 1 Cd.


FUNDACIN UNIVERSIDAD DEL NORTE DIVISION DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES DEPARTAMENTO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES POLITICA COMPARADA ASIA PACFICO Asia pacifico, el nuevo motor del crecimiento econmico mundial. Los argumentos rescatables de este artculo, que ha enriquecido la contextualizacin del panorama econmico al que se enfrentan los mercados internacionales hoy da son claros. En primer lugar China ha construido insistentemente una red comercial multilateral que ayuda a sus procesos de produccin a mantenerse hoy en da como lo hace, cabe resaltar que las innovaciones de produccin que han sustentado tanto su economa como la de los pases sub-desarrollados tiene varios factores que pueden afectar su eficiencia, y es aqu donde las polticas de esta gran potencia tienen que regular los problemas demogrficos y medioambientales que lo acechan. Por otro lado, el destacable papel del mercado de la India, no solo tiene que contrastar que tanto crece su economa respecto a la China, sino aplicar la innovacin en las polticas de educacin, las cuales estn brindando poblacin joven india bsica, sin conocimientos especializados como lo ha venido haciendo el sistema educativo chino. En la aldea global del comercio los papeles de la Unin Europea y los Estados Unidos han venido desdibujndose poco a poco, gracias a las crisis que se han venido presentando, pero hay que tener en cuenta que aun as, son estos los que aun los que poseen la tecnologa de punta que utiliza China en sus procesos de produccin, que solo puede ser igualado o superado por Japn, que tras su siniestro ambiental y nuclear se ha mantenido al margen para ir recuperndose poco a poco. Un poco lamentable el papel de Latinoamrica, se percibe como la despensa mundial, de donde puede sacar su algodn para su camisa de marca, o las papas para el pur instantneo que lo importan y se paga por l 2 veces ms de lo que cost la exportacin de dicha papa. Solo se salva Brasil, seguido de Mxico, que le han apuntado a la innovacin, educacin y eficiencia. Seguido del cono sur que aprovecha sus lazos histricos con la regin Asia-Pacfico. Es importante sealar que a pesar de la imposicin econmica natural que est llevando China a una posicin favorable en la integracin econmica internacional, tambin se cuenta con altos niveles de desigualdad y poblacin vieja, una mezcla de las problemticas de Amrica Latina y Europa, sumado el crecimiento de la regin Asia-Pacfico. Son tantos los factores que solo una cultura milenaria como esta podra salir bien librada ante los desbalances mundiales que estn sufriendo los mercados y que afectan directamente el estilo de vida de dicha potencia.

Jerenid Vanessa Jimnez Lpez 2 Cd. 200014983

Por qu Mosc quiere detener la primavera rabe?

En primer lugar, por asuntos militares-econmicos. Histricamente Siria ha sido un aliado fiel y al parecer el nico que le queda a Rusia en Medio Oriente.

Durante la rebelin en Libia, fue de gran discusin el papel de la ONU frente al conflicto, en la cual Rusia quedo renegada al no utilizar su voz y voto ante la situacin.

Al parecer, falta algo de pragmatismo en las polticas exteriores rusas, que le puedan permitir el resurgimiento de relaciones en el medio oriente, no solo en el mbito nuclear y armamentista, ciertamente el mercado rabe ha sido foco de esta potencia desde antes de la guerra fra, falta un poco de impulso ante las posibles aleaciones que puede tener Rusia si consigue restablecer dichas interacciones.

Es por esto que se puede decir, que Siria cumple un papel importante al ser el puente hacia el resurgimiento de la poltica exterior Rusa en medio oriente, y a su vez un catalizador de los procesos e incursin de los intereses rusos en la regin (Medio Oriente).

La carrera armamentista rusa no es la misma de la Unin Sovitica, por lo que la venta de armamento y municiones, tras el comienzo de la primavera rabe, a pesar de que ha incrementado, no asegura bases slidas que persigue el gobierno Ruso, y que a su vez se ve interrumpido por la lucha de intereses por la que se juega su antiguo amigo y rival Estados Unidos.

Jerenid Vanessa Jimnez Lpez 3 Cd. 200014983

Why Ma won the election? Reflection: Ma Ying-Jeo was elected in 2008 as a Kuomintang (KMT) candidate with 58.45% of the popular vote (7,658,724 votes), and now in 2012 was re-elected with 52%. He will govern, as he said, by the willing of Taiwanese compatriots, even though his popularity was decreasing, his administration is supported by the island. He said This isnt a personal victory, this is a victory for the Taiwan people, Ma said at a rain-soaked victory rally in Taipei tonight. The people have approved our efforts to shelve disputes and strive for peace across the Taiwan Strait.1

The speech by Ma is clear, he wants to tie the cross-strait relations, and get closer with China, and The United States. But is not only politics issues, the socioeconomic factor was strongly determinate by his administration concerning to the natural business between China and Taiwan.

In other hand the international integration trade with China raised Independent movement that is against the 1999 consensus, and the pragmatically proceed in business and socio-cultural ties managing by Ma. In response to that, President Ma argues that this consensus should be understood in terms of peace. The China-Taiwan trade makes a several increase in the Taiwans economy that support live styles of the people, as Ma said, Taiwanese economy directly depends of Chinese markets. It does not means that Ma does not need a political agreement with the mainland, he said I will use my life to protect the Republic of Chinas sovereignty and dignity, using the formal name for Taiwan. This is my solemn vow.2 But the acknowledging of Taiwan by mainland is still unlikely to China, it does not agree with de facto independence, for that Ma suggested a peace agreement with China.

The China request was very clear and invariably, stops the Island weapons support by The United States that holds the Taiwans security, and accepts the PRC mainland. The agreement and Chinas request highlighted the opposition that called Ma a naive. After all, people believe on pragmatically proceeds by Ma, and the willing of the people has been taking by democratic exercises.

http://blog.hiddenharmonies.org/2012/01/ma-ying-jiu-wins-taiwan-election/ http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-25/ma-wins-second-term-in-taiwan-as-voters-back-tieswith-china.html

Jerenid Vanessa Jimnez Lpez 4 Cd. 200014983

Al Qaeda in Iran Why Tehran in accommodating the terrorist group.

In order to answer, the context has important factors, the United States relations with Israel, and their fight against terrorism; in second place, the mutual interests between Al Qaeda and Iran against United States and his allies, finally the speech of Irans government that deny the ties with Al Qaeda, but in his actions hold the leaders and families of the organization.

The strong relations between United States and Israel, and the recent invasion on Iraqs territory have made arguments in Irans government to be against the American invasion. One of them could be seeking of the democratic system in these countries. The differences of culture, religion, and way to govern are concerned to each State, and that is one of the arguments that Irans government apply.

It seems Tehran is the center of Al Qaeda operations, and a bridge of the weapons market that manages Suri, a leader of the organization. Despite of different religions between Al Qaeda and Iran, it is clear that the interest to ban the American incursion on the Middle East is stronger, and each other are using it to procure a strategy that refrain a United States military attack to Iran, or Al Qaeda leaders organization. There are using each other like shields to procure a political goal against the United States.

The different dirty transactions of weapons and money that made the organization put the Iran mainland in a risk of governability. Clearly the government had denying the association with this kind of help, but in other hand it is knows that they are employing official entities to support the families and leaders of Al Qaeda.

It is dangerous agreements from Al Qaeda to Iran, the fist want survive the American invasion, and the second one want to use Al Qaeda organization as an army against the United States, but they are taking the risk for their own liberty on their domestical issues. Surely both pursue foreign policy interest, that unlikely the United States role, and cover-up their military attacks.

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