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Deadlines for each stage

1. Understand requirements for a specific media production Due Date: Friday 7th October Here we cover what the brief requires to be done, and what is suggested by it. 2. Google Doc - Production Schedule Due Date: Friday 21st October Here I start to plan out how production of the advertisement campaign would go on a optimal level. 3. Group Vlog and Linked in profile Due Date: Friday 11th November We will perform a group vlog explaining our idea for the advertising campaign, and will individually make a Linked in profile. 4. Specifics - What is needed? Due Date: Friday 25th November I will write a document describing what equipment is needed to continue with production 5. Vlog Discussion - Codes of practice and regulation Due Date: Friday 9th December This vlog discussion will cover how we will ensure work is done safely, and that the content is suitable 6. Documentation Due Date: Friday 6th January In our group we each do different documentations, which cover things like back-up plans or release forms to give to contributors. 7. Development Due Date: Friday 13th January Production of the advertisements will begin on a more physical level, including filming and taking photographs 8. Understand the requirements of working to a brief Due Date: Friday 27th January A written report on what will be required to work on a brief, including what could be suggested as part of the brief to go into the advertisement. 9. Tutor observation, Witness statement and Podcast Due Date: Friday 10th February

Vlog - Relationship with client Due Date: Friday 9th March

10. 11. Finished Viral advertisement campaign and progress blog Due Date: Friday 16th March The project should have been completed by this point along with a blog detailing how everything went

Evaluation Due Date: Friday 16th March


A vlog/blog entry detailing what went well with the project, what went wrong and what could be improved if repeated.

Availability of Equipment

We will need to use cameras, tripods, steady-cams, lights, uploading software, computers and possibly props. We may need to borrow them from a variety of sources, hire them from a rental shop or use our own where possible. We will need to prepare in advance where we would get the equipment and book times where we can have them.

Availability of Personnel

We will aim to keep personnel within the group, but if required we may ask/hire others to play a role in the adverts. We may ask people with more experience to help guide us through the process. As a group we would have to organise days where we can all meet up to work on the project.

Timescales for clearances

We have yet to find places where we will film our shots, but when we decide on areas to film, if in an establishment or on privately owned land we will attempt to contact the owners to ask for permission to film there. If we need to use extras, or people from outside of our group we will detail what the footage will be used for, and present them a release form to sign as written evidence that they agreed to the conditions. Cliddesdon can only be filmed in between 9am and 6pm.

We have performed a Recce at two locations, and are yet to decide whether they are suitable for out purpose and we will continue to perform more recces when possible to find other places that may be suitable for filming that can help reflect the game being advertised. Room B210 can be booked to be used for filming or taking photos for other areas of production. Cliddesdon and Beggarwood have both been had a recce performed to help judge whether they are suitable locations for part of the production.


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