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Module Title Teaching Method Series Exercise (s) Objective

17 Using Visual Aids Theoretic Discussion 1 of 2 Making an effective Powerpoint

After completing this module, you should be able to answer: 1. What are the major advantages of using visual aids in presentations? 2. What kinds of visual aids might be used in a presentation? 3. What guidelines are given in the chapter for preparing visual aids? 4. What guidelines are given in the chapter for presenting visual aids? Introduction Presentation Skills students often have a problemrecognizing what constitutes visual aid that actually increases the audiences' understanding of what is being orally communicated. Too often, students include their speeches visuals that are merely props, instead of finding visuals that support, expand, and correspond to the speech. The key to a strong presentation isn't the equipment that is used. A good presenter should be able to do a presentation on a blank stage, with no props, and have it work on its own. The whole idea of visual aids is to enhance the presentation, not to be a purpose of it. The absolutely worst presenters are those who use the equipment as a crutch. For example, those who stand before a group and just read slides during a presentation. It is very important that you follow the rules of using visual aids presented in this module to have successful presentation. Description Types of Visual Aids and their advantages/disadvantages Commonly Used Audio-Visual Aids. The following audio-visual aids are all commonly used to enhance presentations: Physical objects (usually the one you're talking about) Models (including 3D models) Photographs Drawings (google introduced its new browser using cartoons) Graphs Charts (e.g., flip-charts) Videos Transparencies Multimedia Presentations The Speaker (the most important visual aid) Handouts Whiteboards (with marker) Slide-Shows (Microsoft PowerPoint, Open Office Impress etc.) Overheard projectors

Illustrations Computer Graphics (flash, Dreamweaver, etc.) Audio Tapes

Audio-visual aids have been varying degrees of complexity and more than one type can be combined to create a sophisticated presentation. However, this may create a distance between the presenter and audience who may be left with an overriding impression of a very fancy show but may have missed your message. Generally Speaking the greater the complexity of the audio visual aid the more time and effort it will take to prepare. Therefore a variety of factors will need to be considered for example how large is the audience, how many times will the presentation be staged, how experienced are you preparing this form of aid and do you have acces to colleagues or external agencies helping you the preparatory work? Advantages of Different Visual Aids Handouts Advantages Disadvantages Simple, very easy to use, no audability/visibility problems, can depict lots of information, lasting reference, inexpensive Can be a distraction, low impact, dont enhance actual presentation.

Flipcharts & Whiteboards Advantages Simple, easy to use, can be pre-prepared; can be annotated via discussion, inexpensive. Disadvantages Visibility can be a problem, low impact, takes time annotate, easily damaged. Slide Shows Advantages Disadvantages Professional, good at getting attention, retains interest, can have high impact. Requires power supply, expensive to produce, requires setup and practice, can be noisy, requires low ambient light, prone to technical failures.

Overhead Projectors Advantages Very common equipment, easy to use, easy to point at items, can be prepared quickly, transparencies can be stored. Disadvantages Requires power supply, can be noisy, can absorb the presenter, light can distract, can look low-tech. Computer Graphics Advantages Potential high impact, graphics can be animated. Disadvantages Requires specialist software and monitors, equipment expensive, can be time consuming. Audio Tapes Advantages Disadvantages duration use Very effective in specialist role, inexpensive broadcast equipment. May need specialist recording skills, can be time consuming, only short

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