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18.1 Introduction

18.2 Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem 18.3 Modified Distribution (MODI) Method 18.4 Stepping Stone Method 18.5 Unbalanced Transportation Problem 18.6 Degenerate Transportation Problen~ 18.7 Transhipment Problem 18.8 Maximisation in a Transportation Problem 18.9 Solution of an Assignment Problem
1 8.10 Unbalanced Assignn~ent Problem

18.1 1 Problem with Some Infeasible Assignments 18.12 Maximisation in an Assignment Problem 18.13 Crew Assignment Problem

1 8.14 Summary
18.15 Key Words 18.16 Answers to SAQs

The tra~isportation probleni is a special type of linear programming problem where the objective is to minimise the cost of distributing a product from a number of sources o r origins to a number of destinations. Because of its special structural format, the usual simplex method is unsuitable for solving transportation problems, These problems require a special method of solution. The special features of a transportation problem are illustrated with the help of the examples. The assignment problem in the general form can be stated as follows : Given n facilities, n jobs and the effectiveness of each facility for each job, the problem is to assign each facility to one and only one job i n such a way that the measure of effectiveness is optimized (Maximised or Minimised). Several problems of management has a structure identical with the assignment problem. A departmental head may have five people available for assignment and five jobs to fill. He may like to know which job should be assigned to which person so that all these tasks can be accomplished in the sliortest possible time. Likewise a truck company may have an empty truck in each of the cities 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 and needs an empty truck in each ofthe cities 7. 8.9, 10, I 1, 12. It would like to ascertain the assignment of trucks to various cities so as to minimise the total distance covered. In a marketing set up by making an estimate of sales performance for different salesmen as well as for different territories one could assign a particular salesrnan to a particular territory with a view to rnaxirnise overall sales.
It may be noted that with n facilities and n jobs there are n! possible arrangements. One way of finding an optimum assignment is to write all the n! possible arrangements, evaluate their total cost (in terms of the given measure of effectiveness) and select the assignment with minimum cost. The method leads to a computational problem of formidable size even when the value of n is moderate. Even for n = 10 the possible

Operations Research Applicatioris

nuniber of arrangements is 3628800. It is thus, necessary to devclop a suitable computation procedure to solve an assignment problem. The regular simplex method or special methods that take advantage of the form of transportation problem can be used to solve the assignment problem. Since the solution would necessarily satisfy the integer restriction on all x,,. However, a special method called the Hungarian Method has been developed which takes advantage of the further restriction on the transportation problem.

After studying this unit, you should be able to formulate a transportation problem, locate a basic feasible solution of a transportation problem by various methods, ascertain minimum transportation cost schedule by Modified Distribution (MODI) Method and Stepping Stone Method, discuss appropriate method to convert an unbalanced transportation problems into a balanced transportation problem, deal with degenerate transportation problenls, formulate and solve transshipment problem, discuss suitable method when the problem is to maximise the objective function instead of minimizing it, formulate an assignment problem, use Hungarian method for solving an assignment problem, choose appropriate method for balancing and solving an unbalanced assignment problem, introduce appropriate modification when some of the assignments are infeasible, modify the assignment problem when the objective is to maximize the objective function, and

formulate and solve the crew assignment problenl.

Example 18.1

Consider a manufacturer who operates three factories and dispatches his products to five different retail shops. The Table 18.1 indicates the capacities of the three factories, the quantity of products required at the various retail shops and the cost



The Table 18.1 is usually referred to as Transportation Table provides the basic data regarding the transportation problem. The capacity of factories 1, 2,3, is 50, I00 and 150 respectively. The requirenient at retail shops 1, 2, 3,4, 5 is 100, 70, 50,40 and 40 respectively. The quantities in the bordered rectangle are known as unit transportation cost. The cost of transportation of one unit from factory 1 to retail shop 1 is I , factory 1 to retail shop 2 is 9 and so on. A transportation probleni can be fonnulated as a llnear procrrani~ninn problem using variables with two subscripts. Let
.Y, I =

Transportation Problem

Amount to be transported from factory 1 to retail shop I

.rlz= Aniount to be transported from factory 1 to retail shop 2

. r 3 = Aniount to be transported from factory 3 to retail shop 5. ~ Let the unit transportation costs be denoted by C l l ,CI2,..., C35,i.e..CII= 1, C I 2= 9 and so on. Let the capacities of the three factories be denoted by a1 = 50, a ? = 100, a3 = 150. The requirement of the retail shop are bl = 100, b2 = 70, b3 50, b4 = 40 and b5 = 40.

Then. the transportation problem can be formulated as follows : Mini~nise Subject to : CII XI I
+ c X12 + 1 2

. . - + c35 dx35

~ 1 + ~ 2 + X j 2 = b2 2 2

.xl 3

+ x23 + ~ 3 = b3 3 .XI 4 + ~ 2 + ~3~ = b4 4 .rl5 + ~ 2 + . x = b5 5 ~ ~


2 0 , X 1 22 0, . . . , X35 2 0

Thus, tlie probleni has 8 constraints and 15 variables. It will be unwise, if not impossible, to solve such a problem using siniplex method. This is why, a specific coniputational procedure is necessary to solve transportation probleni. In tlie next section, a number of procedures have been presented to derive an in basic feasible solution of the problem.

Fill LIPthe blanks : (a) (b) (c) The objective of a transportation problem is to ................ the transportation. The constraints of a transportation problem are ................ If a transportation probleni has m factories and n retail shops the number of variables is ........... and the number of constraints is

Operatiuns Research Applicatio~is


We illustrate with the help of an example introduced in Section 18.1 the computation of an initial bask feasible solution of a transportation problem. Although the problem has eight constraints and fifteen variables, one of the constraints can be eliminated since nl + ~2 + a3 + = 61 + 62 + b3 + 6.4 + bS.Thus, the problem has in fact seven constraints and fifteen variables. Any basic feasible solution thus has at most seven non-zero x p In general, any basic feasible solution of a transportation problem with nt origirzs (such as factories) and n destinations (such as retail shops) has at most nt + n - 1 non-zero x , ~ . The following methods are available for the computation of an initial basic feasible solution.

The North West Corner Rule

In the North West Comer Rule, allocations are made starting from the north-west (upper left) comer completely disregarding the transportation cost. By applying north-west corner rule to the transportation problem of Section 1 8.1, we obtain x l = 50 as the capacity of factory 1 is 50. Eliminating the first row as the first factory is unable to supply any more. The reduced transportation table becomes as Table 18.2.

Table 18.2

The value of bl is reduced to 50 in the revised transportation table as 50 units have already been supplied in retail shop I from factory 1 . We now allocate 50 units to the north-west comer of the revised transportation table. Thus, x2l = 50. Proceeding in this way, we obtain ~ 2 = 50, x 32 = 20, x 33 = 50, x 34 = 40, x 35 = 40. 2 The corresponding transportation cost is given by,

It is clear that as soon as a value of x i j is determined, a row or a column is elinhated from further consideration. The last value of xu eliminates both a row and a column. Hence, a feasible solution computed by the north-west corner rule can have at most m + n -1 positive x u, if the transportation problem has m origins and n destinations. Thus, the obtained solution is a basic feasible solution. In the present problem, m = 3 and n = 5. Hence, using the north west comer rule, we have derived a basic feasible solution with seven non-zero xk

Matrix Minimum Method We look for the row and the column corresponding to which Ci, minimum in the is entire transportation table. If there are two or more minimum costs then we should select the row and the column corresponding to the lower numbered row. It they appear ie the same row we should select the lower numbered column. We choose the value of the correspondingx,. as much as possible subject to capacity and requirement constraints. A row or a column is dropped and the same procedure is repeated with the reduced transportation cost matric. The method is illustrated with the help of the transportation problem presented in Section 18.1. We observe that CII = 1 which is the minimum transportation cost in the entire transportation Table 18.1. Hence, x I I = 50 and the first row is eliminated from any further allocation. The reduced Transportation Matrix is given in Table 18.3.

Cz5 I is 1.111: ~ l ~ i o i n ~transportation cost in the reduced transportation table. So um x 25 = 40. Proceeding in this way we observe that x 33 = 50, x 22 = 60, x 3 , = 50, s 32 = 10, x 34 = 40. The basic feasible solution developed by the matrix minimum method has a transportation cost,
I x50+I x40+1x50+12x60+14x50+33xl0+23x40=2810.
Table 18.3

Transportatio~~ Problem

The minimum transportation cost obtained by using matrix method is much lower transportation cost while choosing the values of the basic variables. Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) for tinding an initial basic feasible solution involves the following steps :

lowest cost element in the same row (column).

or columns are equal, we select the topn~ost and the extreme left row (c) We select xii as a basic variable if Cii is the minimum cost in the row


Consider the transportation probIem presented in the Table 18.4 Table 18.4

. . . - .. .. . . .


The Table 18.5 shows the computation of penalty for various rows and columns. Table 18.5 : Computation of Penalty for VAM

The highest penalty occurs in the second column. The minimum C,. in this column is C12 22. Hence, x12= and the second column is eliminated. = 40 = 2 I Proceeding in this way, we get x14 80, X23 = 30, X24 = 30, x 1 = 10, X ~ = 50. The transportation cost corresponding to this choice of basic variables is Generally, the VAM provides a basic feasible solution whose associated cost is quite closer to the minimum transportation cost.

associated unit transportation costs are presented in Table 18.6. Find an initial basic feasible solution of the transportation problem by using : (a) (b) (c) Nonth-west corner rule Matrix minimum method Vogel approximation method Table 18.6


The modified distribution method, also known as MODI method or u - v method provides a minimum cost solution to the transportation problem. The steps involved in the Modified Distribution Method are as follows :


Find out an initial basic feasible solution of the transportation problem using one of the three methods described in the Section 18.2. We introduce dual variable corresponding to the row constraints and the column constraints. If there are n? origins and n destinations, then there will co~responding colunin constraints are denoted by vj (j'= 1, 2, ..., n). The to values of the dual variables should be determined from the following

Transportation Prublem



Any basic feasible solution of the transportation problem has (rrt + n - 1) non-zero xi,. Thus, there will be rn + n - 1 equations to determine I + n dual n variables. One of the dual variables can be chosen arbitrarily. It is also to be noted that as the primal constraints are equations, the dual variables are unrestricted in sign. If xii = 0, the dual variables computed in step 3 are conipared with the Ci,


If all Cii- ui . v, 2 0, then by an application of complementary slackness theorem, it can be shown that the corresponding solution of the transportation problem is optimum. If one or niore of Cu- ui _ vj < 0, we choose the cell with least value of CU- u i _ vj and allocate as niuch as possible subject to the row and the column constraints. The allocation of a number of adjacent cell are adjusted so that a basic variable becomes non-basic. (e) A fresh set of dual variables are computed that entire procedure is repeated. Let us consider the transportatiori problem of Example 18.1 given in Table 18.7 with a basic feasible solution coniputed bv Matrix Minimum method.








The initial basic feasible solution by matrix minimum method is

X I1 =

50, ~ 10, ~

2= 2 3= 3

60, ~

2 = 40, ~ 3 = 5 1


~ 3= 2

50, xjq = 40.


The dual variables u l ,u2, u3 and v , , v2, v3, v4, vs can be computed from the corresponding Cuvalues


Since one of the dual variables can be chosen arbitrarily, we take, u3= 0 as it occurs niost often in the equations. The values of the dual variables are

Operations Research


We now compute Cii - ui- vjvalues for all the cells wlierc .r,: = 0. All the Cg- ui- vj 2 0 except for cell (1,2) where C,] - U,- V ] = - 1 1. Thus, in the next iteration x 1 2 will be a basic variable changing one orthe present basic variables non-basic. We also observe that for allocating one unit in cell (1,2), we have to reduce one unit in cells (3,2) and (I, 1) and increase unit in cell (3, 1). The net reduction in the transportation cost for each unit of such reallocation is -33-l+9+14=-11 The maximum that can be allocated to cell (1, 2) is 10, otherwise the allocation in cell (3,2) will be negative. The revised basic feasible solution is
X I I = 40,
~ 3 l =

3 = 3

lo, ~

60, X Z~~ = 2 40.

6, ~

50, ~ 3 4 = 4 0 .

It can be verified that the new set of dual variables satisfy the optimality condition. Thus, the minimum cost transportation schedule is
= 40, XI^=
~ 3 = 3

lo, x 2 2 = 60, ~ 40.

2 - j ~X ~ = I



50, ~

3= 4

The corresponding tl-ansportation cost is 2700 which is about 4% less than the transportation cost arrived a t by matrix niinimum method.

that the solution presented is the optimum solution.


Steeping Stone Method is another method for finding the optimum solution of the

(a) (b)

Find an initial basic feasible solution of the transportation problem. Next check for degeneracy. A basic feasible solution with rn origins and n destinations is said to be degenerate if the number of non-zero basic variables is less than rn + n - 1. When a transportation problem is degenerate it has to be properly modified. This has been included in Section 18.6. Each empty (non-allocated) cell is now examined for a possible decrease in the transportation cost. One unit is allocated to an empty cell. A number of adjacent cells are balanced so that the row and the column constraints are not violated. If the net result of such re- adjustment is a decrease in the transportation cost, we include as many units as possible in the selected empty cell and cany out the necessary re-adjustment with other cells. Step (c) is performed with all the empty cells till no further reduction in the transportation cost is possible. If there is another allocation with zero increase or decrease in the transportation cost than the transportation problem has multiple solutions.



Example 18.3

Transportation Probleni

Consider the transportation problem given in Table 18.8 (cost in Rupees).


1- E 7

, ,

Table 18.8 Depot F I G Capacity

C Requirement

3 400

6 350

5 500

600 1700



We compute an initial basic feasible solution of the problem by North-West Corner Rule as presented in Table 18.9
Table 18.9 Factory Depot

D I E \


I Requirement 1






The figures in the parenthesis indicate the allocation in the corresponding cells.

The solution is not degenerate as the number of non-zero basic variables is nt + n - 1 = 6 . The cell BD is empty. The result of allocating one unit along with the necessary adjustment in the adjacent cells is indicated in Table 18.10.
Table 18.10 Factory Depot


D I E /








The net increase in the transportation cost per unit quantity of reallocation in cell BD is 3 + 6 - 4 - 5 = 0. This indicates that every unit allocated to route BD will neither increase nor decrease the transportation cost. Thus, such a reallocation is unnecessary. (d) The result of reallocating one unit to cell CD is indicated in Table 18.1 1.
Table 18.11 Factory Depot


I c


I Requirement 1






Operations Rcsear~h Applications *


The net increase in the qqnsp~rtation per unlt quantity of reallocation in coyt ceil C& is 3 + 4 i- 4 -'5 i 6 = - 4. aThus, the new route would be beneficial to tpe coqpany. The maximum amount that can be allocated in CD is I 00 and this will make the: oumnt basic variable corresponding to cell CF napbasic. Table 18.12 shows the transportation table after the reallocation.
Tabls 1P;.13

This procedure is repeated with remaining empty cells CE, AF, CF, AG and BG. The results are summarized in the Table 18.13.
Table 18.13

Unoccupied Cell

Increase in Cost per Unit o f Reallocation

Since reallocation in any other unoccupied cell cannot flirther decrease the transportation cost, the present allocation is optimum. Thus, we get,

= 300, ~ 1 = 400,~ 2 = 50, ~ 2 = 350, 2 2 3 x3l=

100, ~

3 4 -500.

The minimum transportation cost is


The transportation schedule is, however, not unique as there are a number of unoccupied cells with zero increase in transportation cost.

Solve the transportation problem given in Table 18.14 by stepping stone methad.
Table 18.14



We solved the various [ran@porta{i@n proRlevs with t h qasq~ption the total supfly ~ that at the origins ir equal to the total rgquirev~nt the deqf,rir)bions. they are uneqval the at If problem is known as an unbalqnoed tmv~porlafi~fl preblen. Ift& total supnlj is ?lor$ than the total demand, we introduce an a d d i t i ~ ~~ j~ { g ~ f yil)indicate g whi~hi gu1pl~g supply with transportation cost zero. Likewise, if the total demand is more than {he tqfql supply an additional row i~ jntrpduced in the table which represents unsqtisfieg dprnaq with transportatioq east zem. The balancipg of an u~balanced lranspo~tation prqhlem i,s illustrated in tile foliowi!g example.
Example 18.4
In Table 1 8.15, the total requirement is 1 100 wh~reas total supply 800. Thus, the we introduce an addition21 row with transportation cost zgro indicating the unsatisfied demand as shown in Table 18.16.

Transportafion Problem


h i
Warehouses WareQpusep Wl

Table 18.15




w 3




0 300 300


300 1100

I Requirement 1


Now the problem can be worked out as discussed in previous sections.


If a basic feasible solution of a transportation problepl with m origins and n destinations has {ewer than m + n - 1 positive xu (occupied cells) the problem is said to be a dege~erate transportation problem.

While in the simple computation, degeneracy does not cause any serious difficulty, it can cause computational dificulty in a transportation problem. If we apply modified distribution method, then the dual variables ui and q are obtained from the C,, values of the basic variables. If the problem is dogenprate, you will be unable to locate one or more CUvalue which should be equated to corresponding ui + 9. Computational difficulty will also arise while applying stepping stone method to a degenerate transportation problem.
It is thus necessary to identify a degenerate transportation problem at the very beginning and take appropriate step to avoid any computational difficulty. The degeneracy in a result (Mustafi, 1988) : transportation problem can be identified through the foll~wing
A degenerate basic feasible solution In a transportation problem exists if and only if

some partial sum of availabllities (row) Is equal to a partial sum of requirements (column).
As for illustration the transportation problem presented in Section 18.5 is degenerate as

Operations Research

Perturbation Technique
The degenerate basic solutions of the transportation problem can be avoided if we ensure that no partial sum of ai and bj are the same. We set up a new problem where a: = ai + d i = 1, 2, ..., m

a: = b,,

+ md

d >o

This modified problem has been constructed in such a manner that no partial sum of a; is equal to a partial sum of b; . AAer the problem is solved, we put d = 0 leading to the optimum solution of the original problem. For illustration, consider the transportation problem presented in Section 18.5 (after the introduction of the additional row). Here, m = 3, n = 3. The perturbed problems have been presented in Table 18.17.

Table 18.17

The problem can be solved using any of the methods described before. Then, we take d = 0 to obtain the solution of the original problem.

Solve the perturbed problem given in Table 18.17.


In a transportation problem consignments are always transported from an origin to a destination'. There could be a situation where it might be economical to transport items in several stages: First within certain origins and destinations and finally the reform to the ultimate' receipt points. It is not uncommon to maintain dumps for central storage of certain build material. Similarly, movement of material involving two different modes of transport - road and railways or between stations connected by broad gauge and meter gauge lines will necessarily require transhipment. Thus, for the purpose of transhipment, the distinction between an origin and destinations is dropped so that from a transportation problem with nz origins and n destinations, we obtain a transhipment problem with m + n destinations. The formulation and solution of a transhipment problem is illustrated with'the help of the following example.

Example 18.5

Transportation Problem

Consider a transportation problem where the origins are plants and destinations are depots. The unit transportation costs; capacity at the plants and the requirements at the depots are indicated in Table 18.18
Table 18.18 Plant Depot

When each plant is also considered a destination and each depot is also considered an origin, there are altogether five origins and five destinations. Some additional cost data are also necessary. These are presented in the following Tables.
Table 18.19 From Plant

To Plant A

To Plant B

Table 18.20 : Unit Transportatioil Cost From Depot to Depot From Plant

To Depot X

To Depot Y

To Depot Z


Table 18.21 : Unit Transportation Cost From Depot to Plant Depot


Plant A
3 25

Plant B


From Tables 18.18, 18.19, 1 8.20 and 18.21, we obtain the transportation formulation of the transhipment problem.
Table 18.22 :Transhipment Table

A buffer stock of 450 which is the total capacity and total requirement in the original transportation problem is added to each row and column of the transhipment problem. The resulting transportation probleni has tn + n = 5 origins and In + n = 5 destinations. On 'solving the transportation problem presented in

Wt obtain,

xi, = i5d3jCl3=500;ar4= 150, $21 = 300,

xzz= 450, h33 = 300, .t35= 15d,A&= 450, k3$= 450.


The description of the transhipment problem is given below : (a) Ttansport xzI= 300 units from plant B to plant A . This increases the iivaildbijlt$ at pldflt A to 450 units including the 150 units originally a+aiiabid ftdm A.


A trtllispdrt x l j= 300 te depot . and xI4= 150 to depot Y. u Ftbm 300 uiliis titrailable! at depot X transport x3$ 150 units to =
Ftom deoot . ! i

The total transhipmetit cost Is 1 x 300 + 3 x 1SO + 1 x 300 + 1 x 1350 = 1200. If, however; the conslghments are transported from plants A and B to depots X,Y and 2 only accordittg to the transpaitatiort Table 18.18, the minimum transportation cost s~hedule x13 1SO, .x2, = ld0,.xi2 * I50 with a minimum cost is = of 3450. Thus, transhibfnent reduces the cost of cargo movement in this case.

s o h e the transportation problem given in Table 18.22 (TTratlshipment problem) eising the modified distribution method.




There are certain types of transportatioti prablems where the objective'function is to be maximized instead of being minimised. These problem6 osln be solved by converting the maximisation problem into a minimisation problem. The formulation and solution of this class ofproblems are illustrated with the help of the following example.

Example 18.6
A firm has three factories located in City A, City B and City C and supplies goods to four dealers spread all over the country. The production capacities of these factories are 1000, 700 and 90D units per month respectiyely. The net return per unit product varies for different combinations of dealers and factories which is given in Table 18.23,

Table 18.23

Determine a suitable allocation to maximise the total net return. If xVdenotes the number of units to be dispatched from the ith city to the jth dealer ru be the corresponding return, then the objective function is Maximisc

q l x l l+ r , 2 x , 2 + r j 3 x 1 3 + . . . + r 3 4 ~ 3 4

The value of decision variables x,, which maximise the objective function are also the values where r~ X I I - r 1 2 - .,- r34 xj4 is minil x12 the objective function in a more convenient form we obsewe that the per unit corresponding to r j 4 with u traltle 8. If we add and slrbtraet return is ~iiaximum 8 x 2600, the minlmisation problem will remain unchanged. Hence, the function to be minimised is

Transportation Problem

But 2600 = xl

+ x12+ . . . + xj3 x

~ Hence, the function to be minimised is ~ .

( 8 - 1 i ~ ) x ~8 - q 2 ) x I 2 + . . . + ( 8 - q 3 ) ~ 3 3 (8-~34).~3-2600x8 +( ~ + 4

This is identical to minimise the objective function

( Y - r , , ) x , , +(8-r,,)n.12 + . - + (8-r33)x33 +(8-r34)x34

Hence, we have a revised transportation problem given in Table 18.24. Table 18.24

As the partial sum a3 = b3 + b4, the problem is degenerate. We consider the corresponding perturbed problem in Table 18.25. Table 18.25





The initial basic feasible solution by matrix minimum method is, x,, = 900, XI^= 100 + d, X Z = 700 - d, ~ 2 = 2d, ~ 3 = 500 -2d, X ~ = 400 + 3d. ~ 3 3 J Using modified distribution method, we.obtain, U I + vl = 2, ul + v2 = 2, u2 + vz = 6,
u 2 + lJ3 4 , u3+ v3=I, u 3 + v 4 = 0 . =

Taking u l = 0 arbitrarily; we obtain ul = 0, u2= 4, u3= 1 , v , = 2, v2= 3, v3= 0, On verifying the optimality condition, we observe that
C 1 1 - u l -vz<O,c32 -U3-v2


We allocate x12= 700 - d and make re-adjustnient in some of the other basic variables: The revised values are as follows :
XI 1

= 200 + d, .rl2= 800, ~

2 = 700 1

- d, ~

2 = 2,d, ~ 3 = 500 3 3


xj4 = 400 + 3d.

The dual variables must satisfy the conditions,

Taking ul = 0, arbitrarily

the problenl is X I

= 200, x l z= 800, xzl = 700, x33 = 500, x 4 = 400. 3

The maximum net return is


Suppose c0 is the measure of effectiveness when ith person is assigned jth job. It is also assumed that the overall measure of effectiveness is to be miniminsed (such as total time taken to accomplish all the jobs). As in the case of transportation problem we introduced

assigned to only one person, we have,

+ .xi2 + . . . + xirz= I x , ~ x,, +... + xni = I +

xi, The objective function is Minimise
C , ~ X ~ ,c I 2 x I 2

i = 1 , 2 , ..., n


..., n

+ . ..+ C,,,xl,,

x, 2 0

in Table 18.26 Table 18.26 :Table of an Assignment Problem


The assignment problem is thus a special case of transportation problem where m = 12 and a, = bi = I . It may however be easily observed that any basic feasible solution of an

problem become very inefficient. A separate computational device is required to solve the assignment problem. The basic result on which the solution of an assignment problem is based can be stated as follows (Mustafi, 1988) : If a constant is added to every element of a row or a column of the cost matrix of an

This result can be used in two different ways to solve the assignment problem. If in on assignment problenl some cost elements are negative, we may convert them into an

feasible solution which has zero assignment cost after adding suitable constants to the elements of various rows and colun~ns. Since it has been assumed that all the cost

elemcnts are uon-negative, this assignment must be optimum. Based on this principle a coniputational technique known as Hungarian Method is developed which is discussed below. Hungarian Method The method is listed below in the form of a series of computational steps, when the objective function is that of minimization type.
Step 1

Trarrspurtalion Problerl~

Find out the cost table from the given problem. If the number of origins are not equal to the nuniber of destinations, a dummy origin or destination must be added (For details, please refer Section 18.3).
Step 2

Find the smallest cost in each row of the cost table. Subtract this smallest cost element from each element in that row. Therefore, there will be atleast one zero in each row of this new table, called the First Reduced Cost Table. Find the sniallest element in each colunin of the reduced cost table. Subtract this smallest cost element from each element in that column. As a result of this, each row and colunin now has atleast one zero value in the second reduced cost table.
Step 3

Determine an assignment as follows : For each row or column with a single zero value cell that has (a) not been assigned or eliminated, box that zero value as an assigned cell. (b) For every zero that becomes assigned, cross out all other zeros in the same row and for column. If for a row and for a column, there are two or more zero and (c) one cannot be chosen by inspection, choose the assigned zero cell arbitrarily. (d) The above process may be continued until every zero cell is either assigned (boxed) or crossed out.
Step 4

An optimal assignment is found, if the number of assigned cells equals the number of rows (and col~~mns). case you had chosen a zero cell In arbitrarily, there may be an alternate optimum. If no optimunl solution is found (some rows or columns without an assignment), please go to step 5.
Step 5

Draw a set of lines equal to the number of assignments made in Step 3, covering all the zeros in the following way. (a)

4 to Mark check ( ) those rows where no assignment has been made.

Examine the checked (4) rows. If any zero cell occurs in those rows, check (4) respective columns that contain those zeros. the Exaniine the checked (4) columns. If any assigned zero occurs in those columns, check (4) the respective rows that contain those assigned zeros. The process may be repeated until no more rows or column can be checked. Draw lines through all unchecked rows and through all checked columns.



Opcr~tiunr Research

step 6

Examine those elements that are not covered by a line. Choose the smallest of these elements and subtract this smallest from all the elements that do not have a line through them, Add this smallest element to every that lies at the intersection of two lines. The resulting matrix is a new revised cost tableau. Example 18.7
A job shop has four men available for work on four separate jobs. Only one man can work on any one job. The cost of assigning each man to each job is given in Table 18.27. The objective is to assign men to jobs such that the total cost of assignment is a minimum.

Table 18.27


Solution Step 1 Find out the cost tableau (table 18.27). Step 2 Find the first and second reduced cost tableau (Table 18.28 and 29). Table 18.28 : First Reduced Cost Tableau

Table 18.29 : Second Reduced Cost Tableau

Step 3 Determine an Assignment. Examine row A of Table 18.29. You will find that it has only one zero (A 1). Box this zero. Cross-out all other zeros in the boxed column. This way you can eliminate cell B1.

Nou examine row C. You find that it has one zero (C2). Box this zero. Eliminate all the zeros in the boxed column. This is how cell D2 gets eliminated.
There is one zero in column 3. Therefore, D3 gets boxed and this enables us to eliminate cell D4. 4 Therefore, we can box (assign) or eliminate all zeros, (Refer Table 18.30).
Table 18.30 :Assignment of Jobs

Transportatiun Problem

Step 4

The solution obtained in Step 3 is not optimal. This is because we were able to make three assignments when four were required.
Step 5

Cover all the zeros of Table 18.30 with three lines, since three assignmonts were made. Check (4) row B since it has no assignment. Please note that row B has a zero in column 1, therefore, we check (4) column 1. We then check (4) A, since colunln 1 has an assigned zero in row A. row Please note that no other rows or columns can be checked. You may draw three lines through unchecked rows C and D column 1, the checked column. This is shown in Table 18.3 1.
Table 18.31

Step 6

Develop the new revised tableau. Examine those elements that are not covered by a line in Table 18.31. Take the smallest element. This is 1 (one) in our case. By subtracting 1 from the uncovered cells and adding 1 to elements (CI and Dl) that lie at the intersection of two lines, we get the new revised cost tableau as given in Table 18.32.
Table 18.32 :New Revised Cost Tableau

Go to step 3 and repeat the procedure until you arrive at an optimal assignment. Step 8 ~ e t e ~ m i an assignment. ne

note that all the remaining rows and columns have two zeros. Choose a zero arbitrarily, say A1 and box this cell. Thus, cell A3 and B1 get eliminated. Therefore, row B (B4) and column 3 (D4) has one zero. These are boxed and cell D4 is eliminated. Thus, all zeros are either boxed or eliminated in Table 18.33. Table 18.33 : An Optimal Assignment

Since the number of assignments equal the number of rows (columns), the assignment in Table 18.33 is optimal. The total cost of this assignment is 78. Remember that we had chosen a zero cell arbitrarily, an alternate optimum solution exists and is given by A3, B1, C2 and D4. You may please verify it yourself.

A tourist car rental firm has one car in each of the five,depots Dl, Dz, D3, D4, D5, and a customer in each of the five cities C,, CZ,C3, C4, C5. The distances in kilometers between the depots and the cities are given in the Table 18.34. How should be the cars be assigned to the customers so as to minimize the total distance covered?


The number of persons to be assigned and the number of jobs were assumed to be the same in the previous section. Such an assignment problem is known as a balanced Assignment problem. If the number of persons is different from the number of jobs, the assignment problem is said to be unbalanced. If the number of jobs is less than the number of persons, some of them cannot be assigned any job. We introduce one o r more dummy job of zero duration to make the assignment problem balanced. This balanced problem can be solved using the method developed in the previous section. The persons

to whom llie durli~iiy jobs arc assigned are left out of assignment. Likewise, ~fthe number of persons is less than the number ofjobs we introduce one or more dummy persons with duration time zero to make the assignment problem balanced. We solve this balanced assignment problem and the jobs assigned to the dummy persons are left out. Two examples have been presented to illustrate the solution of unbalanced assignment problems.
Exatnple 18.8

'I'ransportntioi~~ r o h ~ c n ~

Solve the followi~~g unbalanced assignment problem given in Table 18.35 for minim~sing total tinie for performing all the jobs. the
Table 18.35


Since the number ofjobs is less than the number of operators we introduce a dummy job with duration zero. The revised assignment problem is given in Table 18.36.
Table 18.36

Using the Hungarian Method described in the previous section the assignment leading to minimum cost is : Operator 1 to job 4, Operator 2 to job 1, Operator 3 to duniniy 6 , Operator 4 to job 5 , Operator 5 to job 2, Operator 6 to job 3. The total minimum conipletion tinie is 16. Operator 3, therefore, cannot be assigned.
Example 18.9

The personnel manager of a company wants to assign Mr. X,Mr. Y and Mr. Z to regional offices - Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. The cost of relocation (in Rupees) of the three officers at the four regional offices are given in Table 18.37.
Table 18.37

Opcratiuiis Research

Solution Since there are fewer persons than offices, we ~ntroduce d ~ ~ n i m y a person with a relocation cost zero. Tlie revised Assignment Problem is given in Table 18.36. Table 18.38 Ofticers

Offices Mumbai
22000 32000 20000 0

24000 26000

20000 I6000 30000 0

Mr. X Mr. Y
Mr. Z

16000 10000 10000 0


Using Hungarian Method of solution, the minimum relocation cost is given by Durnnly (no one) to Calcutta, Mr. X to Bombay, Mr. Y to Madras and Mr. Z to Delhi. The cost of relocation for this assig~iment Rs. 48000. is

(a) (b) Work out the various steps of the solution of the Example 18.8. Work out the various steps of the solution of the Exaniple 18.9.


It is sometimes possible that a particular person is incapable of doing certain work or a specific job cannot be performed on a particular machine. The solution of the assignment problem sliould take into account these restrictions so that the infeasible assignments can be avoided. T h ~ can be achieved by assigning a very high cost to the cells where s assig~iments prohibited. The method of solution is illustrated using the following are example. Example 18.10 A metal shop has five jobs to be done and has give machines to do them. The cost matrix gives the cost of processing each job on each machine. Because of specific job requirement and machine specifications certain jobs cannot be done on certain niach~nes. TIiese have been shown by X in the cost matrix in Table 18.39. The assignnient ofjobs to machine must be done on a one to one basis. The objective is to assign the jobs to the machines so as to minimize the total cost within the restrictions mentioned above. Table 18.39

Because certaln jobs cannot be done on certain machines we assign a high cost the (say 500) to these cells and ~iiodify cost matrix before solution. The revised Assignment probleni is given in Table 18.40.

'Transportation Prob1e111

Table 18.40



Solving the revised assignment problem we allot Job 1 to Machine 3, Job 2 lo Machine 5, Job 3 to Machine 4, Job 4 to Machine 2 and Job 5 to Machine 1. The minimum cost of assignment is 220.

Give the step-by-step solution of the Example 18.10 given in this section.



There are proble~ns where certain facilities have to be assigned to a number of jobs so as to maximize the overall performance of the assignment. The problem can be converted into a ~nininlization problem and Hungarian Method can be used for its solution. Using notations as in Section 8.2, this problem can be formulated as

xi, + xi2 +, . . + .rill = 1

i = l , 2 , ..., n

The objective function is

Where pii is the perfoni~ance corresponding to the assignment of the ith facility to the jth job. The assignment where the objective function pl I xl + . . . + p , , x,,, is to be maximised is the assignment where, - p l I xl I - p 1 2.x12 -. ..-p,,, x,,,, is to be minimised. Furthermore, the assignn~ent which minimises n P - p , x, - p12x12. . .-p,,, x,,, , also xflf1 minimises - pl xl - p12xI2- . . . - pItfr , where P is a constant. Suppose, we take P as the maximum of all the performance indices Pii. Then,

Now, we have.

Olwr:~tio~~s liesenrrl~


Hence, the maximization of performance is identical \vitl1 n~inimizationof cost, \vliere the cost corresponding to the assignment of ith facility to the-ith job is given by P -p,,. Thus, we have to construct a new table of assignment costs with "P -p,," values and apply the standard ~nelhod solution. The procedure is illustrated with the help of the of following example.
Example 18.11

Five different 111achinescan do any of the required five jobs with different profits resulting from each assignment as shown in Table 18.41.
Table 18.41

- -


40 27 33 40

28 21 30 36 34

40 36 35 36 39



24 32 38 62

25 5 29

Find out the maximum profit possible through optinla1 assignment.


The highest profit in the assignment Table is 62. We subtract each profit value from 62. The revised assignment Table is given in Table 18.42.
Table 18.42


22 26 27 26 23

32 22 22 37


22 35 22 21

34 41 32 26 28



3 -0 - 29 - -

We now apply Hungarian Method to obtain the minimum cost assignment of the revised problem. The solution is to assign Job 1 to Machine C, Job 2 to Machine E, Job 3 to n~achine Job 4 to Machine B. The maximum profit through this A, assignment is 214.

SAQ 10
Verify the solution of the assignment problem presented in Example 18.1 1.


The method of solution discussed in this unit can be utilized to plan the assignment of crew members in different locations by a transport company. The technique is illustrated

A trip from Madras to Bangalore takes six hours by bus. A typical time table of the bus service in both directions is given in Table 18.43.

Table 18.43
lloute Number Cliennai r for Bangalore

v a Number


l ~ from Bangalore
05.30 09.00 15.00 18.30 00.00

1 1.30

1200 13.30 17.30 01 .OO 06.30

21 .OO



19.00 00.30

00.30 06.00

The cost of providing this service by the transport company depends upon the time spent by the bus crew (driver and conductor) away froni their places in addition to service times. There are five crews. There is a constraint that every crew should be provided with more than 4 hours of rest before the return trip again and should not wait for more than 24 hours for the return trip. The company has residential facilities for the crew at Chennai as well as at Bangalore. Find which line of service be connected with which other line so as to reduce the waiting time to the minimurn.

As the service time 1s constant for each line it does not appear directlgin the computation. If the entire crew resides at Chennai then the waiting tiilies in hours at Bangalore for different route connections are glven in Table 1 8.44.

Table 18.44


3 M






If Route a IS combined with Route 1, the crew after arriving at Bangalore at 12 Noon start 5.30 next morning. Thus, the waiting tinie is 17.5 hours. Some of the assignments are infeasible. Route 3 leaves Bangalore at 15.00 hours. Thus the crew of Route a reaching % a ~ Z o r e 12 Noon are unable to take the minimum stipulated rest at of four hours if they are asked to leave by Route 3. Hence, a3 is an infeasible assignment. Its cost is thus M, a large positive number. Similarly, if the crew are assumed to reside at Bangalore then the waiting times of the crew in hours at Chennai for different route combinations are given in Table 18.45.


Table 18.45




As the crew can be asked to reside either at C'henna~or at Bangalore, minimum waiting time from the above operation can be computed for different route combination by choosing the minimum of the two waiting times. This is presented in Table 18.46. The asterisk marked waiting times indicates that the crew are based at Chennai, otherwise they are based at Bangalore. Table 18.46

Solution Step I The cost tableau in terms of waiting time (Table 18.46). Step 2 Find the first and second reduced cost tableau (Tables 18.47 and 18.48).

Table 18.48 : Second Reduced Cost Tableau

Step 3 Determine an Assignment. Examine row a of Table 18.48. You will find that it has only one zero (a4). Box this zero. Cross out all other zeros in the boxed column. This way you can eliminate cell b4. Examine row c. It has only one zero (c5). Box this zero. There is no other zero in the boxed column. On examining row d, we find that it has only one zero (dl). Box this zero. There is no other zero in the boxed column. Now examine row e. It has two zeros (e2 and e3). We box one of the two zeros arbitrarily. Suppose, we box e2. There is no other


zero in Lhe boxed column. However, the other zero in the same row, i.e.e3 gets crossed out. This way, all the zeros of Table 8.48 get boxed or eliminated (refer Table 18.49).

Trans11ol.tation Problc111

Table 18.49

Step 4
The solution obtained in Step 3 is not optimal as the number of assignn~ents are less than the number of rows or column.

Step 5
Cover all zeros of Table 18.49 with four lines, since four assignments were made. Check (4) row b since no assignment was made in this row. Note that row b has a zero in column 4, therefore, we check colunln 4. We then check (4) row a, since column 4 has an assigned zero in row a.

Table 18.50


1 -


Step 6
Develop a new revised tableau. Examine those elements which are not covered by a line in Table 18.50. Take the smallest element. That is 3.5 in our case. By subtracting 3.5 from the uncovered cells and adding 3.5 to elements (c4, d4, and e4) that lie at the intersection of two lines, we get the new revised tableau is given in Table 1 8.5 1.

Route 3 4 5 - 1 - 2 a
8.5 5.0
0 0 3.0

Ol~cr"io~iIte\rarrl~ \ Applications

Step 7
Go to stcp 3 and repeat the procedure until an optin~al assignment is arrived at.

Step 8
Deternine an assignment.

By examining each of the rows in Table 18.51, we find that rows b, c and d have only one zero. Therefore, we box b4, c5 and d I . Since b4 is boxed. a4 gets eliminated.
We note that column 2 has only one zero in row e. Therefore, we box e2 and eliminate e3. Now, we can box a3. We note that all zeros are either boxcd or eliminated in Table 18.52.

Table 18.52 : An Optimal Assignment

Since the number of assignnlents are equal to the number of rows (columns) in the problem, the ,issignnlent in Table 18.52 IS optimal.
Therefore, 111eroutes to he palred to achieve the ~~~~~~~~~~1 waiting time are (1 -- 3 , b - 3, c -- 5 , d - ' and e - 2. Referring back to Table 18.46, we can I now obtain the waiting tlmes of these assignments as well as the residcnce of the crew. The same has been indicated in Table 18.53.

'Table 18.53


Bangalore Chennai

d-5 d- 1

Bangalore Chennai Bangalore

~ ~




The minimum total wailing time is tl~us 33.5 hours.

Transportation Problem is a special type of linear programming problem. Siniplex method is 11otsuitable for the solution of a transportation problen~. the other hand the On transportation problem has a special structure which may be utilized to develop efficient computational techniques for its solution.
Jn the most general form, a transportation problem has a number of origins and a number of destinations. A certain amount of a particular consignment is available in each origin. Likewise, each destination has a certain requirement. The transportation problem indicates the amount of consignment to be transported from various origins to different

destinations so that the total ti-ansportation cast is minimised without violating the availability constraints and the requirement constraints. The decision variables xii of a transportation problem indicate the amount to be transported from the ith origin to the jth destination. Two subscripts arc necessary to describe these decision variables. A number of techniques are available for computing an initial basic feasible solution of a transportation problem. These are the North, West Corner Rule, Matrix Minimum method and Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM). Generally, the Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) provides an initial basic feasible soltition whose associated cost is quite closer to tlie minimum transportation cost. Further, optimum solution of a transportation problem can be obtained from Modified Distribution (MODI) Method or Stepping Stoue Method. Sometimes the total available consignment at the origins is different from the total requirenient at the destinations. Such a transportation probleni is said to be unbalanced. An unbalanced transportation problem can be made balanced where the total available consignment at the origins is equal to the total requirement at the destinations by introducing an additional row or column with zero transportation cost. The basic feasible solutions of a transportation probleni with rn origins and n destinations should have rn + rt - 1 positive basic variables. However, if one or luore basic variables are zero the solution is said to be degenerate. A degenerate transportation problem can be suitably modified by the perturbation method so that the problem cal; be solved without any difficulty. A problem having a structure similar to that of a transportation problem where the objective function is to be maximised can also be solved by the techniques developed in this unit with the slight modifications. Transportatio~i problem can be generalised into a transhipment problem where shipment is possible from origin to origin or destination as well as from destination to origin or destination. This may result in an economy of transportation in some cases. A transhipment problem can be formulated as a transportation problem with an increased number of origin and destinations. The assignment problem considers the allocation of a nuniber of jobs t o a number of time is iiiinimised. If the nuniber of persons is tlie persons so that the total co~npletion same as the number ofjobs, the assignment.probleni is said to be balanced. If tlie number ofjobs is different from the number of persons, the assignment probleni is said to problem can be converted into a balanced be unbalanced. An unbalanced assign~iient assignment problem by introducing a duniniy person or a dummy job with zero completion time. Although an assignment problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem, it is solved by a special method known as Hungarian Method because of its special structure. If the times of completion or the costs corresponding to every assignmelit is written in a matrix fornl, it is referred to as a Cost matrix. The Hungarian Method is based on tlic principle that if a constant is added to every element of a row and/or a is column of cost matrix the optimum solution of the resulting assignment proble~li the same as the original problem and vice-versa.. The original cost matrix can be reduced to another cost matrix by adding constants to the elements of rows and columns where the total cost or the total completion time of an assignment is zero. Since the optiinunl soIution remains unchanged after this reduction, this assignment is also the optimum solution of the original problem. Various ramifications of the assignment problem are possible. If a person is unable to carry.out a particular job, the corresponding cost or con~pletion time is taken as very large which autoniatically prevents such an assignment. If the objective is to maximise a performance index through assignment, Hungarian Method can be applied to a revised cost matrix obtained from the original cost matrix. The method of solution can also be utilised for allocating crew members to various stations of transport organisation.

Transportation Probleni

The Origin

: The origin of a transportation problem is the location from which the shipments are dispatched to the destination.
: The destination of a transportation problem is the

The Destination

location to which the shipments are transported frdm origin. Unit Transportation Cost
: The unit transportation cost is the cost of

transporting one unit of the consignment from an

North West Corner Rule

: The north-west corner rule is a method of computing an initial basic feasible solution of a transportation problem where basic variables are selected from the north-west comer, i.e. top left comer. : The matrix niininium nlethod is neth hod of con~puting initial basic feasible solution of a an

The Matrix Minimum Method

transportation. Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) Stepping Stone Method Modified Distribution (MODI) Method Unbalanced Transportation Problem
: The Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) is an

iterative procedure of computing an initial basic feasible solution of the transportation problem.
: Stepping Stone Method is a method of computing optimum solution of a transportation problem. : The Modified Distribution Method also known as u - v method is a method of coniputing optimum solution of transportation problem.
: The unbalanced transpoltation problem is a

transportation problem where the total availability at the origin is different from the total requirement at the destinations.

variables. Perturbation Technique

: The perturbation technique is a niethod of modifying a degenerate transportation problem so that the degeneracy can be resolved. : The transhipment problem is a transportation problem where shipment is possible from an origin to an origin or a destination as well as from a destination to an origin or a destination.
: Assignment problem is a special type of linear

Transhipment Problem

Assignment Problem

programming problem where the objective is to minimise the cost or the time of completing a number of iobs bv a number of Dersons.


Balnnccd Assignment Problem

: Balanced assignment problem is an assignment

l'ransportstion Problem

problem where the number of persons is equal to the number of jobs.

Unbalanced Assignment Problem Hungarian Method A Dumrny Job
: Unbalanced assignment problem is a type of an

assignment problem where the number of persons is not equal to the number of jobs.
: Hungarian Method is a technique of solving

assignment problems.
: A dummy job is an imaginary job with zero cost or

time. This is introduced to make an unbalanced assignment problem balanced.

An Infeasible Assignment
: An infeasible assignment occurs in the cell (i,j ) of

the assignment cost matrix if ith person is unable to performjth job.



(a) (b) (c)


lninimse equations



+ n.

North WestComerRulexlI= 15,x21= I O , X ~ ~ = , X 16,x33= 14,x43=35. ~O ~ ~ = Minin~u~n = 668. Cost Matrix Minimunl Method x 13 = 15, x22 = 20, x 33 = 30, x 4, = 25, ~ Minimum Cost = 538. Vogel Approximation Method X I J = 15, x22= 20, x33= 30, x4, = 25, x42 = 6,
xu = 4.
4 = 6, xq3 4. 2 =

Minimum Cost = 668.


All C , , - u , - ~ ~ 2 0 . The solution is optimum.


10,x2,=3,x12=22, ~ 3=, 2, X ~ J =18.


X I , = O , X ~ ~ = ~ ~ , X ~ ~ = ~ ,15 ~ ~ = ~ , X ~ ~ = I X

Minimum Transportation Cost is 173.

XI^= 300. X ~= 300. x23= 200, ~ I

300. 3

Minimuni Transportation Cost is 13200.


DI - C4-02 - C3,D3 - C2,D4 - CS,DS- C1. Mininlise distance is 450 km.

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