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18. What is an interdimensional portal?

The interdimensional portal is a word that we here at desteni-universe use to describe

our own ‘upgraded channel'. Channels as you are use to them are just that, the
dimensional being sticks his or her head or body into that of the being and is then able
to communicate using the beings vocal cords or write using the beings mind and hands.

An interdimensional portal is a being's ability to leave their body and give the
dimensional being full access to use the body as if it were their own. This particular
beings' physical body stand as the interdimensional portal. She leaves her body
completely and enters heaven fully aware so that a dimensional being may occupy her
physical body as interdimensional portal. When the dimensional being integrates into
her body they do so fully and completely. Integration occurs as the dimensional being
integrates right through into the cells, on a DNA level and the mind. Therefore what is
possible with this portal is that the dimensional being coming through is allowed to
have free expression of themselves. The dimensional beings are able to hear, see, and
experience anything that is humanly possible while within the interdimensional Portal
here on earth

When we, the dimensional beings, come through to either write our articles or to work
we are able to fully integrate ourselves with all information that exists within us. The
interdimensional portal has been a unique experience for us because in the past,
channels have not allowed us to fully express ourselves as the information transference
is somewhat limited according to the beings', through who we channeled, own mind or
own beliefs. In other words, the human being through who we channeled influenced the
dimensional beings' experience while channeling.

For instance if you have a human being as channel who have a particular dislike for
something then the being coming through might experience that dislike as themselves.
Which as you are able to imagine leaves one problem. What does that mean for all other
channeling's that have happened in the past? Does it perhaps mean that unless your
mind has been cleared 100% before the being enters it is possible that some channelings
are that of human interpretation? In some cases this question is able to be answered with
a: ‘Yes'. Often channeled being's stories are ‘interpreted' by the mind of the channel.
This was often the case with many dimensional beings stories and therefore the full
truth of their experiences were never revealed as the human being as channels' own
mind interfered or influenced the words spoken by the dimensional being to a certain

Now as we are fully integrated into the being's body as interdimensional portal, none of
this happens as we stand clear of any influence, as all information of the portal leaves
with her. Her body becomes a complete empty shell as nothing remains of her when she
leaves her body and move into the dimensions. This giving dimensional beings the
opportunity to fully and completely integrate in her physical body as though it were our
own. This has been specifically designed so that each being that enters is able to fully
express themselves without any influences from the being whose physical body have
become the interdimensional portal. We often come through and stay for an entire day,
to come and work or experience ourselves here.
The portal does not require specific energy as all energy in actuality is constant. Before
when channels became tired or the being required rest it was because the energy of the
channel was being used for the dimensional being to be able to participate. Also because
the being was ‘switched' off from their minds so that the dimensional being is able to
utilize the mind, it meant that this was only possible for short periods of time. The
human body was only able to be ‘disconnected' from the mind for a certain period. Now
however the portal's body has been set up so that physically it sustains itself and at the
point that the dimensional being integrates there is nothing being taken ‘from' the body.
Therefore, during the experience of beings moving in and out of the body as portal – the
body physically remains constant and no matter how many beings move in and out of
the portal, the experience remains constant. The dimensions are not dependent on
humans for energy, which has now been correlated with our purpose and our directive
principle. Dependency on human beings for energy was the experience in the
dimensions when the White Light was still well and about. When heaven stood up to the
white light it meant that no longer were we ‘slaves' to what they prescribed and our
experience changed from the perspective of no longer being dependent on human
beings for energy but we remain infinitely constant within the experience of ourselves
in the dimensions and are thus able to direct and support you effectively.

Energy as life is not something that you are able to lose or drain, it stands constant into
infinity. Who we are as life is not able to be killed, drained or depleted. Therefore if you
experience fatigue or a ‘loss' of energy, then you know that your mind is still allowing
you to limit yourself. Remember who we are stands constant and stable into infinity, the
mind as consciousness has limitations and gets tired because it does not support life for
longer than it has been ‘trained' by you to allow.

The portal when leaving her body is able to walk around with the dimensional beings in
the dimensions and is fully aware of everything. She comes back into her body and is
able to clearly recollect what she did and how. The two ‘worlds' therefore are not
separated in her mind and therefore she is able to be in either dimension clearly with
full information recollection and transference. She moves out of her body completely
with all her ‘information' as who she is and steps into the dimensions. The same occurs
when the dimensional being steps into the portal and they fully integrate as themselves
into the physical body as portal.

We often come through to participate in this world. We stay for a day and we experience
what it is like to sleep, go to the movies or to go out and experience different things
human beings participate in, in this world.

What is important for the dimensions is to experience this world with you, in a manner
of speaking. No longer do we sit in heaven watching as we use to do. We now walk here
in 3D, on earth, with you and we fully participate in what you are experiencing. When
we come through any of the channels we fully participate in what you do here in 3D as
ourselves so that we no longer are separate from you, but instead get as much insight
into human behavior and experience so that we are better able to assist you. What better
way to assist human beings then to actually walk as you would in your own experience
of yourself. Practical application of understanding is what we are currently working
with. No longer does heaven assist humans by merely sharing information with you.
Heaven now fully participates so that we are able to assist ourselves by living the
words, therefore assisting you to do the same.

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