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1. apa yang membawa Anda untuk melamar pekerjaan ini???

mengapa Anda ingin bergabung dengan perusahaan ini karena saya ingin memberikan yang terbaik untuk perusahan ini yang mana di perusahaan ini sudah terkenal dengan kualitas produksi yang sangat bagus dan saya ingin sekali terjun dan belajar untuk memberikan yang paling terbaik untuk perusahaan ini

2. jika Anda diterima bagaimana Anda bagaimana Anda berkontribusi pada perusahaan kami dan berapa lama waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk memberikan kontribusi Jika saya di terima saya akan membuat perusahan ini semakin maju dan memiliki nilai kualitas yang paling tinggi dengan kemampuan yang saya punya 3. ceritakan tentang diri Anda bagaimana Anda menggambarkan Anda kekuatan bagaimana Anda menggambarkan kekuatan dan kelemahan Saya memiliki kelemahan yang mana saya anaknya tidak terlalu suka memperhatikan tentang penampilan dan saya anaknya suka tidur dan kadang-kadang kemampuan berpikir menjadi blenk sementara utuk kelebihan saya sangat banya sekali yang mana saya bias menggunakan semua jenis mesin dan berbagai perangkat lunak dan saya ankanya suka bergaul 4. bagaimana anda mengatasi kelemahan Anda untuk mengatasi kelemahan saya sering sekali saya memanfaat kan waktu istrahat kerja untuk istirahat sehingga kelemahan saya tersebut akan hilang 5. apa yang postions Anda expeat setelah sentral obserface Anda mengapa Anda layak yang 6. apa yang subjek Anda paling favorit kelas bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang topik yang Anda butuhkan menghadiri kuliah Anda saya sangat suka pelajaran bahasa inggris perasaan yang saya alami ketika melaksanakan pelajaran tersebut saya merasa segar kembali 7. gaji berapa banyak yang Anda harapkan saya memnginginkan gaji yang berlaku di perusahan ini 8. yang paling penting bagi Anda gaji atau posisi bagaimana Anda mendefinisikan kesuksesan yang paling penting dalam menurut saya adalah gaji dimana kita akan berminat terhadap gaji maka kita akan otomatis semakin semangat dalam bekerja untuk mendapatkan gaji yang semakin banyak dan jika saya memilih posisi itu menurut saya sangatlah di nomer duakan karena jika yang dipikiran kita hanya ada posisi saja maka akan semakin banyak timbul perselisian antar pekerja Jadi inti dari ini kita pantas mendapatkan posisi jika kita dapatkan dari usaha dan kemampuan yang saya lakukan 9. apa yang paling penting berpikir Anda pada perusahaan kami

Menurut saya yang paling penting bagi perusahaan ini adalah bagimana cara memajukan perusahaan ini menjadi yang terbaik 10. yang mempengaruhi Anda yang paling dalam hidup Anda Orang tua, pacar dan orang-orang terdekat lainnya

1. what brings you to apply for this job? why do you want to join this company because I wanted to give the best for this company in which the company is already famous for its production quality is very good and I am eager to dive in and learn to provide the most best for this company

2. if you received how you how you contribute to our company and how long will it take you to contribute If I received, I will make this company the more advanced and have the highest quality with the ability that I have 3. Tell me about yourself how you describe your strengths how you describe the strengths and weaknesses I have a weakness which I do not really like attention to their children about the appearance and my son likes to sleep and sometimes become blenk thinking skills while I am very banya excess utuk all of which I am biased using all types of machines and a variety of software and I like to hang out ankanya 4. how do you overcome your weaknesses to overcome my weaknesses so often I capitalize on my time working for a break so resting my weakness will disappear 5. what you postions after central obserface expeat you why you deserve a 6. What is your most favorite subject of the class how you feel about the topics you need to attend your college I really like learning english feeling I experienced when implementing these lessons I feel refreshed 7. how much salary do you expect I memnginginkan salary applicable at this company 8. The most important for your salary or position how do you define success

The most important in my opinion is where we will pay interest on wages then we will automatically increasing zeal in working for a salary that more and more and if I choose the position that I think is the number-emphasized because if the dipikiran us there is only the position will increasingly arise between workers perselisian So the core of this we also deserve the position if we can get from the business and my ability to do 9. What are the most important think you are on our company I think the most important for this company is bagimana way to promote this company to be the best 10. that affect you most in your life Parents, girlfriends and other people nearby

1. what brings you to apply for this job? why do you want to join this company this work in accordance with my expertise, because these companies need employees who according to my field of expertise 2. if you received how you how you contribute to our company and how long will it take you to contribute If I received, I will make this company more advanced and have a high quality value with the ability that I have 3. Tell me about yourself how you describe your strengths how you describe the strengths and weaknesses I am somewhat lazy person, loves to sleep, and can not work under pressure I am very banya once the excess of which I am biased using all types of machines and a variety of software and I like to hang out ankanya 4. how do you overcome your weaknesses to overcome my weaknesses so often I capitalize on my time working for a break so resting my weakness will disappear 5. what you postions after central obserface expeat you why you deserve a 6. What is your most favorite subject of the class how you feel about the topics you need to attend your college I really like learning english feeling I experienced when implementing these lessons I feel refreshed 7. how much salary do you expect

I memnginginkan salary applicable at this company 8. The most important for your salary or position how do you define success The most important in my opinion is where we will pay interest on wages then we will automatically increasing zeal in working for a salary that more and more and if I choose the position that I think is the number-emphasized because if the dipikiran us there is only the position will increasingly arise between workers perselisian So the core of this we also deserve the position if we can get from the business and my ability to do 9. What are the most important think you are on our company I think the most important for this company is bagimana way to promote this company to be the best 10. that affect you most in your life Parents, girlfriends and other people nearby

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