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Animal Research Project

You have been chosen to be part of the Zoological research team. Your job is to
become an expert on an animal, conduct research on that animal, collect your
research into a project format and then present your research to the class on
Tuesday, January 20, 2009.
Your research will be conducted using the internet, encyclopedias, magazine articles
and non-fiction texts to complete the necessary research.
All research will be completed in your research folder. This folder is not to leave the

Your final grade will be based on the following:

Quality of Diorama

30 points


20 points

Presentation (2-3 minutes)

20 points

Information/Notes Packet

10 points


10 points


10 points


100 points

Please sign the contract below to get started on your project and receive your
I ________________________________hereby accept the position of Zoological Animal
Specialist. I will work cooperatively with my teammates and give 100% to make this a
successful project.

Signature of employee

Signature of parent

Lets Get Going!!

Step One:

Solo or Tandem?

Do you work best on your own or with a partner? This is your project and so you are
given the choice as to how you want to complete it. Please choose either solo (by
yourself) or tandem (with a partner) below. If you choose tandem I need the name of
your partner as well. You are choosing a partner for an academic project, not a recess
playmate, so make sure your choice is someone you can work PRODUCTIVELY with,
not just someone you like. Since you will only create one project, if you choose
tandem you will need to decide who gets to take home the final project. I have final
approval of your choices.




_____________________ ______________________




Teacher signature

Step Two:

Choose an area of research

In order to complete a research project on an area of zoology, you first need to

choose a subject. Look through Chapters 3 and 4 of your Science text (pp B4-B78) to
help gather other ideas. Once you have made your choice, please list your subject on
the line below and bring it to me for approval and my signature.



Research choice

Teacher signature

Step Three: Begin Research

Zoological research will be conducted during our Science/Social Studies time. You
will have one day a week to work on the computers but you will HAVE to bring in
outside resources to help with your research.
Look in your research folder. You will need to complete the following research forms
in your animal packet:
Fact Sheet 2 pages of key details and facts on your animal.
Habitat Sheet In what kind of environment does your animal live?
Survival Skills Sheet What skill does your animal posses that helps them survive
in their habitat?
Adaptations Sheet What adaptations has your animal made that helps it
survive today?
Interesting Facts Sheet Find at least 5 interesting facts about your animal.

Before you can move on to Step 4, have me sign off that Step 3 is completed.

Teacher signature

Step Four:

Begin Work on your Diorama

After completing your research, you are going to take what you learned and create a
diorama. A diorama is a miniature representation of a scene from a day in the life of
your animal.
We will be collecting shoeboxes all month, so bring in as many as you can!!
Your diorama must show:
1. Your animal in its natural habitat
2. What type of food your animal eats
3. Predators, if any
4. Group dynamic (does your animal live alone or in a pack?)
5. Anything else that you would like to add to help describe your animal and make your
diorama interesting and creative

Teacher signature

Step Five:

Write your Report

Using the data you collected, TYPE a research paper that shows what you learned
about your animal. Your paper should be double spaced and at least one full page.

Step Six:

Put it all together for your presentation!!!

You and/or your team members will need to present your paper and diorama to the
class on Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

Good Luck and Happy Researching!

Fact Sheet pg. 1

Animal Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Scientific Name: ________________________________________________________________

Physical Description:
Size _____________________________________________________________________________
Weight _________________________________________________________________________
Features ________________________________________________________________________
Colors _________________________________________________________________________

Where does this animal live? _______________________________________________________


(Length of Pregnancy, How Many, Age, etc.) ________________________________________

What does the animal eat? __________________________________________________________


Fact Sheet pg. 2

This is what the animal looks like:

Here are some pictures and photos I have collected about the animal:


What type of habitat does your animal live in? (Hint: start BIGin the forest then
NARROW your focus to include details, near a freshwater source, under rocks or
fallen trees)

Where does your animal live (in the U.S., some other country, etc.)

Draw a sketch of your animals habitat. Be sure to add important details.

Survival Skills

Does your animal live in a pack or alone?

How does your animal survive in the wild?

Does your animal use camouflage? If yes, describe the changes that take place.

What predators does your animal have?

Identify the types of adaptations your animal has gone through.

Why did your animal need to adapt?

Draw a sketch of the changes your animal has gone through.

Food Facts

What type of mouth does your animal have? (chewing, piercing, sucking, lapping, etc.)
How does this mouth affect the type of food your animal eats?

Is your animal an omnivore, herbivore or carnivore? Explain.

How does your animal get their food?

Where is your animal in the food chain?

Interesting Facts
List at least 5 interesting facts you learned about your animal.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________

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