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Dongho Shin Sp 2012

ANA113 Sp 2012 EXAM 1 Study Guide Shortened version: Materials from each lecture that are highlighted by TAs during review sessions Only materials that are not so obvious (ex: Compartmentalization by cell membrane not included) Corresponding tables to fill out at the end of each lecture Complete tables/charts at the end Table of practice questions (mainly of lec 11,12) from review sessions and muscle review from muscle lab Summary of materials to skim, as told by TAs during review sessions

Lecture 1: The Cell

Major components of cells Component Cell membrane (plasma membrane) Comp: lipid, protein, carbohydrate Nucleus Chromatin DNA & protein Nuclear envelope Membrane surrounding nucleolus; has pores through which substances pass Nucleolus RNA synthesis Structure Fluid Mosaic Model Amphipathic (lipid) molecules in bilayer arrangement, proteins and carbs floating. Have polar and nonpolar end. Function Selectively permeable only allow certain substances in Recognition sites receptor for hormones, antibodies, etc. Regulate cellular metabolism & activity of organelles Cell division (mitosis) protein synthesis (enzymes lot of RNA) channel for communication and transport of substances

Ribosome ER continuous with nuclear membrane Rough (RER) Multiple ribosomes on surface; make and transport protein Smooth (SER) Lipid production and metabolism; store calcium Golgi Complex Flattened sacs

Store protein Package materials into vesicles Cell respiration Conducting channels Component of centrioles and cilia Involved in cell division Skeletal support Contractile activities Locomotion

Mitochondria Microtubules

Internal comp. called cisternae Hollow tubules (formed by tubulin) throughout cytoplasm Cylindrical Bundles of thin strands of protein

Centrioles Microfilaments

Chemical Composision The body has O (65%) C (18%) H (10%) N (3%) All cells have: Inorganic Organic Water Electrolytes (acid, base, salt) Protein

Structural form and shape Enzymes catalyze Hormones regulators Monosaccharide glucose Disaccharide sucrose Polysaccharide glucogen Fats (storage) Cholesterol Phospholipid (in cell membrane) DNA (gene info) RNA (protein synthesis)



Nucleic acids

Lecture 2: Life of a Cell

Stages of Cell Cycle I.

Principle Events

Interphase Resting phase; DNA replication and growth

A. G1 phase B. S phase C. G2 phase II. Mitotic Phase Nuclear division; Cytokinesis: Cytoplasmic division

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Anaphase

D. Telophase

General Information A. After mitosis, daughter cells 1. New cell cycle 2. Rest 3. Specialize age die B. Cell types Lose ability to divide Divide if needed Constantly divide RBC, neurons, muscle cell Liver cells, lymphocytes (white BC) Skin, cells of intestinal lining, bone marrow

Mitosis In most cells of body Result: 2 identical daughter cells 23 pairs of chromosomes 46 total # chromosomes

Meiosis In gonads in sex cells Result: 4 daughter cells Each has DNA and # of chromosomes 23 total # chromosomes

Lecture 3: Tissue 1 (Epithelium)

Tissue group of cells that perform specific function Histology study of tissues Epithilium 1. Characteristic a. Held by adhesion, rest on basement membrane b. AVASCULAR receive nutrients by diffusion from underlying tissue 2. Functions Membraneous 1. Protection 2. Lines body cavities 3. Sensory perception (receptor for pain, touch, etc) 4. Absorption, secretion 5. Filtration (kidney) 3. Classification key: Number 1. Simple 1 2. Stratified multiple cell layers 3. Pseudostratified considered single since each cell contracts basement membrane Glandular 1. Secretion of various hormones and substances

Shape 1. Squamous flat, thinnest 2. Cuboidal cube 3. Columnar - rectangular

Special characteristic Ex: keratin tough, waterproof protection

4. Difference between endocrine and exocrine glands Endocrine Secrete hormones directly into bloodstream Exocrine Secrete products through duct 1. Unicellular goblet: cell produce mucous 2. Multicellular saliary gland

Types of epithelium: Type Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar Stratified squamous Stratified cuboidal Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Transitional Appearance 1 thin layer of cells Glandular Single layer Multiple cell layer Glandular Respiratory tract Cells change shape


Lecture 4: Tissue II (Connective Tissue)

Connective Tissue
Characteristic Function Most abundant Highly VASCULAR (except dense CT) Protection Support, bind other tissues Metabolic needs of other tissues CT proper (loose, dense, elastic, adipose) Cartilage Bone Blood Intercellular material (matrix) Fiber strength and flexibility 1. Collagenous (principle type) has protein collagen, flexible; strong 2. Elastic has protein elastin; stretching 3. Reticular thing threads, mesh-like; form network



Types of Connective Tissue 1. CT proper (fibrous CT)

Type Loose (areolar) Vascular Dense Avascular a. Irregular b. Regular Elastic Has many irregularly arranged elastic fibers Fat cells Appearance/composition Abundant Location

a. Large and collagenous; fibers packed closely b. Poor blood supply


2. Cartilage
Composition 1. Intercellular material (matrix) Chondroitin sulfate semisolid gelatin-like substance 2. Cells Chondrocytes, live in lacunae 3. Fibers 1. Perichondrium tough, outer coverage 2. Avascular receive nutrients by diffusion Hyaline a. Articular cartilage cover surface of long bones at joint b. Found in portions of respiratory tract (nose, trochea, bronchi, ends of ribs) Fibrocartilage a. Withstand compression b. Found in intervertebral disc, symphysis pubis Elastic a. Increase flexibility b. Found in auditory tube, external ear, larynx

Special characteristics Types

Lecture 5: Skin and Its Appendages

Two principle layers Epidermis (superficial) a. Avascular b. Outermost layer Dermis a. Vascular nutrients diffuse superficially b. Deep to epidermis c. Has dense CT (fibroclasts) d. Glands in dermis

Epithelium layers Epidermal layer Stratum Germinativum (basale) Special characteristics

Stratum spinosum

Stratum granulosum

Stratum lucidum

Stratum corneun

The Dermis


Function Glands

CT (elastin and collagen fibers) Macrophages (phagocytes) Mast cells Nerve fibers Blood vessels Sweat glands Hair follicles Root (active cells, hair growth); Shaft (dead, keratinized cells) Sebaceous glands Network of blood vessels for diffusion of nutrients to epidermis Sebaceous a. Structure very slippery, rupture to release contents b. Location All of body except palm of hand and sole of feet c. Function sebum prod. by hormones Sweat a. Structure tubular with duct b. Location and function 1. Eccrine most numerous, sweat producing 2. apocrine In axillary, anogenital; secrete sweat and lipoproteins (prod. odor)

Lecture 6: Skeletal System I Histology of Bone

Function Support structural framework; support tissue (muscle, CT) Protection Movement Storage a. fat stored in medullary cavity of long bones b. mineral in matrix of bone tissue Blood production red marrow in spongy bone new RBC 1. Intercellular matrix a. Organic flexibility; withstand twist, stretch (has protein) b. Inorganic strength; withstand compression (has Ca phosphate) 2. Cells a. Osteocyte mature bone cells in lacunae b. Osteoblast form bone c. Osteoclast break down bone Also has chondrocytes and chondroblasts Compact superficial; dense and smooth Spongy (cancellous) wide spaces/holes in bones Flat (spongy surrounded by compact) Long (compact) Short (spongy surrounded by compact) Irregular Sesemoid (form within tendon) Structures of flat and long bones Flat bone Long bone Layer of spongy bone surrounded by 2 plates of compact bone a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Diaphysis shaft Epiphysis ends Epiphyseal plate lengthwise growth of bones Medullary cavity cavity within diaphysis Periosteum protective outer covering Articular cartilage hyaline cartilage; protective covering Nutrient vessels blood supply Cranial (skull), sternum, ribs Femur, humerus, phalanges Carpals (wrist), tarsals (ankle) Vertebrae Patella


Gross structure of bone

Bone formation Intramembraneous a. Directly from embryonic CT membranes b. Rapid; for bones required for protection c. Ex: flat bones of skull and clavicle Endochondral (lecture diagram helpful) a. Gradual replacement of hyaline cartilage model b. Ex: long bones of limbs

Lecture 7 & 8: Skeletal System II & III (Axial and Appendicular)

Memorizing the location and attachments shown in lab and lecture handouts is best for these.

Sutures a. Coronal, sagittal, lamboidal, squamous b. Fontanels Allow change in shape of head during passage of birth canal Accommodate rapid brain growth Thoracic Cage (rib cage) Jugular notch curve on superior manubrium Sternal angle junction of manubrium and body of sternum Ribs Intercostal space muscle between ribs Costal cartilage cartilage that connect to sternum True ribs (1~7) attach to sternum False ribs (8~10) attach to rib 7 cartilage Floating (11~12) No articulation anteriorly True ribs articulate anteriorly All ribs articulate posteriorly

Vertebral column Classification Cervical (C1-C7) a. C1-C2 has transverse foramen (opening for blood vessels) b. Axis has DENS c. Atlas and Axis held by transverse ligament d. C3-C7 has bifid spinous process Thoracic (T1~T12) a. Spinous process travels in posterior, inferior direction b. Has facet where ribs attach Lumbar (L1~L5) a. Rectangular shaped vertebral body Sacral (5) pelvic region Coccygeal (4) tail bone Each vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs a. Composed of fibrocartilage b. Annulus fibrosus outer layer Nucleus pulposus inner layer


Lecture 9: Articulations

Synarthroses (fibrous) Tough CT No movement Amphiarthrotic (cartilaginous) Hyaline or fibrocartilage tissue Little movement Diarthrotic (synovial) Lubricated; cartilages and ligaments bind and protect Free movement Type Pivot

Suture of skull

Symphysis pubis Between vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs

Movement Uniaxial rotation around central axis



Biaxial movement


Side to side




Wide range


Great range

Important terms and concepts Bursa Ligaments Tendons Articular cartilage TMJ Unhappy triad Labeling Fluid-filled pockets; reduce friction and act as shock absorbers Bone to bone Bone to muscle Hyaline cartilage that protects ends of bones of joint Modified hinge joint (hinge + gliding) Torn/damage in: Anterior cruciate Medial collateral ligament Medial meniscus

Lecture 10: Muscle Histology

Classification of Muscle Skeletal Composed of long, multi-nucleated cells Found in muscles of limbs Associated CT Attachments Tendon dense CT Aponeurosis dense CT Covering Fascia CT bind muscle groups together Epimysium most superficial; CT entire muscle Perimysium surround bundles of muscle fibers Endomysium loose CT; cover each muscle fibers Multinucleated cells in skeletal muscle Sarcoplasm Sarcolemma T-tubule Sarcoplasmic reticulum Cytoplasm Plasmalemma; cell membrane Tube-like extension of sarcolemma Allow cell to communicate; Ca transport SER store large amount of Ca2+ Release it during muscle contraction ATP Cylindrical unit; entire length of muscle fiber Found in myofibril a. Actin thin b. Myosin thick Iron containing pigment


Mitochondria Myofibril Myofilament

Myoglobin Smooth Involuntary

Composed of long cells with 1 nucleus Found in G1 tract and walls of blood vessels

Cardiac Involuntary

Composed of uni-nucleated branching cells Found near heart

Innervation of skeletal muscle Neuromuscular junction Motor unit Point of contact between muscle fiber and axon of neuron which stimulates it Motor neuron and all muscle fibers it controls The more precise the movement, the smaller motor unit

Types of Muscle Fibers


Red Slow Twitch Red

White Fast Twitch White

Intermediate Fast Twitch Intermediate













Energy Production


Anaerobic metabolism for ATP


Glycogen reserves

Have large reserves for anaerobic metabolism


Very powerful Increase # myofilaments Resistant Quickly

Powerful (less than white)



Contraction time

Slowly for long periods of time


Faster than red Slower than white


Muscle groups Synergistic - Muscle that contract together in coordinated effort for a specific movement Types of contraction Concentric - Shortening contraction Ex: upper arm against trunk of body, elbow flexed. Eccentric - Lengthening contraction Ex: Upper arm against trunk of body, elbow extended. Antagonistic - Muscles that perform opposite functions Ex: flexors and extensors

Lectures 11&12 Skeletal Muscles

Scalp and Face Occipitofrontalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Zygomaticus major Depressor anguli oris Levator labii superioris Depressor labii inferioris Buccinator Platysma Wrinkle forehead Close eye Close eyelid Close and pulse lips (kiss) Smile Frowning Elevate upper lip Depress lower lip Chewing Push food to teeth Tense skin of neck (when a man shaves)

Anterior Neck Suprahyoid Infrahyoid Support tongue Elevate hyoid bone Help swallowing Depress hyoid bone

Anterolateral Neck Sternocleidomastoid Bilaterally flex Unilaterally rotate to opposite side Bilaterally flex Unilaterally rotate to opposite side

Scalenus Medius

Deep muscles of neck Erector spinae Quadratus lumborum Extend spine Bilaterally flex lumbar Unilaterally, laterally flex to same side

Biting and grinding movements of jaw Temporalis Masseter Medial pterygoid Elevate mandible Close mouth Elevate mandible Close mouth Move mandible side to side Close mouth Depress mandible Open mouth

Abdominal wall External oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominis Rectus abdominis Bilaterally flex and rotate spine Bilaterally flex and rotate spine Bilaterally flex and rotate spine Flex spine

Lateral pterygoid

Ocular muscles 4 Rectus muscles 2 Oblique muscles Superior,Inferior,Medial,Lateral Move eyeball Superior, inferior Rotate eyeball Respiration External intercostals Internal intercostals Diaphragm Pelvic floor and perineum Hyoglossus Genioglossus Styloglossus Depress Lateral side Depress and project Retract and elevate Pelvic diaphragm Urogenital diaphragm Support organs of pelvic cavity Support organs of pelvic cavity Aid in respiration Aid in respiration Aid in respiration


Pectoral Girdle (shoulder) Serratus anterior Trapezius Hold scapula to body and pull forward (Boxer) Elevate shoulder Extend head at neck

Wrist, hand, fingers Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor pollicis longus Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum Extensor pollicis longus Hand Thenar Thumb Abductor pollicis brevis Flexor pollicis brevis Adductor pollicis Opponens pollicis Abduct Flex Adduct Oppose Flex and radially deviate wrist Flex and deviate wrist in ulnar direction Flex digits (not thumb) Extend digits Flex thumb Extend and radially deviate wrist Extend and deviate wrist in ulnar direction Extend fingers and wrist Extend thumb

Arm (Brachium) Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi Teres major Deltoid Flex arm at shoulder Medial rotate and adduct Extend arm at shoulder Lat. dorsi and deltoid extension (adduct) Abduct arm Flex and medial rotate arm Extend arm (humerus) Supreaspinatus Abduction Infraspinatus Laterally rotate humerus Teres minor Laterally rotate humerus Subscapularis Laterally rotate humerus

Rotator cuff

Forearm Biceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Triceps brachii Flex arm at angle Major supinator of arm Flex forearm Flex forearm Extend forearm

5th digit Flexor digiti minimi brevis Flex Abductor digiti minimi Abduct Opponens digiti minimi Oppose Lumbricals(4) Ab/Ad finger Flex metacarpal phalangeal joint Dorsal Abduct fingers Interossei Palmer Adduct fingers interossei Hypothenar Thigh Iliopsoas Flex thigh at hip Iliacus Flex femur Psoas Major Abduct thigh at hip Extend thigh at hip Abduct thigh at hip Extend/rotate Medially Adduct thigh at hip

Supinate or pronate forearm Supinator Pronator teres, quadrates Supinate forearm Pronate forearm

Tensor fasciae latae Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Adductor magnus

Leg Sartorius Quadriceps femoris Hamstrings Flex femur and lower leg Flex thigh at hip Extend leg at knee Extend thigh at hip Flex leg at knee

Foot Flexor digiti minimi brevis Flexor digitorum brevis Flexor hallucis brevis Lumbricals (4) Dorsal interossei (4) Plantar interossei (3) Flex 5th Flex 2nd and 5th Flex great toe Flex MTPs Extend IPs of 4 fingers Abduct toes Adduct toes

Ankle, foot and toes Tibialis anterior Extensor hallucis longus Extensor digitorum longus Peroneus/Fibularis longus Peroneus/Fibularis brevis Gastrocnemius Soleus Tibialis posterior Flexor hallucis longus Dorsiflexion and inversion of feet Extend great toe Dorsiflexion of foor Extend toe Dorsiflexion Plantar-flex Evert foor Plantar-flex Evert foor Plantarflexion Flexion of leg Plantarflexion of foot Plantarflexion Invert foot Flex great toe Plantarflex foot

Practice action questions Scenario Reach Chew gum Look down Drink swallow Stuck out tongue Wrinkling of forehead Flying Wink eye Lower bottom lip Dentist done checking Action Flex arm at shoulder Hold gum in place Flex head at neck Elevate and depress Protract tongue Depress tongue Wrinkle forehead Abduct arm at shoulder Wink eye Lower bottom lip Elevate mandible Muscles

Protract mandible Grind Extend spine back Kiss Supinate forearm Crunches

Protract mandible Move jaw side to side Extend spine back Circumduct/rotate arm at shoulder Puck/purse lip Supinate forearm Flex stomach Laterally rotate stomach

Breathe Keep you alive Boxer Cheeeeese

Aid in respiration Respiration Help protract scapula Smile Extend arm at shoulder Adduct arm at shoulder Lift upper lip Depress lip Adduct thigh at hip Flex forearm at elbow

Arm to side Elvis Frown Jumpingjack Lift box

Toes Flex thigh Toes Step ladder Walk heel of feet Tip of toe Point at person

Extend toes up (not big toe) Extend knee Extend bid toe Flex thigh at hip Dorsiflex Plantarflex Flex finger, not thumb Extend forearm at elbow

Flex thumb Adduct thigh at hip Extend hand at wrist Flex hand at wrist Extend hip at knee Hold spine erect Extend thigh at hip Plantarflexion of foor

Kick door behind Tip Toe

Point toe Walk on heel Ascend stairs Turn doorknob Extend hip back Kick Grab baton

Flexion of toe Dorsiflexion of ankle Flex hip Supinate forearm Extend thigh at hip Extend hip back Extension of knee Extend arm at shoulder

Smile Lift barbell

Smile Flextion of arm at elbow

Motorcycle handle

Wrist extension Flextion of wrist Abduction of shoulder Flex shoulder Plantarflexion

Grab dish Tap dancing

Magic chair

Sit in midair Shoulder shrug Abduct shoulder Abduct hip Adduct shoulder Adduct hip Inversion of feet Eversion of feet

Completed Charts and tables

Stages of Cell Cycle III.

Principle Events

Interphase Resting phase; DNA replication and growth Normal cell activities; Cell growth, duplication of organelles Protein synthesis SNA replication Histones synthesis Protein synthesis, microtubules

D. G1 phase E. S phase F. G2 phase IV.

Mitotic Phase Nuclear division; Cytokinesis: Cytoplasmic division Nuc membrane disappear Chromosomes condense Paired chromosomes line up along equator

E. Prophase

F. Metaphase

G. Anaphase

Chromosomes separate, migrate to opposite sides of cell

H. Telophase

Nucleus divide into 2 units Same composition of DNA

Type Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar Stratified squamous Stratified cuboidal Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Transitional

Appearance 1 thin layer of cells Glandular Single layer Multiple cell layer Glandular Respiratory tract Cells change shape

Blood vessels Alveori sacs Glands Digestive tract Beg and end of G1 tract Vagina, skin

Nasal cavity Trochea and bronchi Bladder, uterus

Type Loose (areolar) Vascular Dense Avascular c. Irregular d. Regular

Appearance/composition Abundant

Location Throughout body

c. Large and collagenous; fibers packed closely d. Poor blood supply

Ligaments Tendons


Has many irregularly arranged elastic fibers Fat cells

Walls of arteries Larynx Body


Epidermal layer Stratum Germinativum (basale)

Special characteristics Deepest Single layer Mitosis and gradually move up Attach by spinke-like process

Stratum spinosum

Stratum granulosum

Has dark granules Begin to die Clear layer Thick skin Superficial Dead

Stratum lucidum

Stratum corneun

Type Pivot

Movement Uniaxial rotation around central axis

Atlas and axis Proximal radioulnar joint


Biaxial movement

Knuckles Wrist Radiocarpal joint Intercarpal (wrist) Vertebrae Ribs Elbow Interphalangeal Thumb


Side to side




Wide range


Great range

Shoulder Hip


Red Slow Twitch Red

White Fast Twitch White

Intermediate Fast Twitch Intermediate

Myoglobin Mitochondria Capillaries Energy Production Glycogen reserves

High Many Many Aerobic

Little Few Few Anaerobic metabolism for ATP Have large reserves for anaerobic metabolism Very powerful Increase # myofilaments

High Many Many Aerobic


Powerful (less than white)

Fatigue Contraction time

Resistant Slowly for long periods of time Postural muscles especially low back, prolonged contraction

Quickly Fast

Resistant Faster than red Slower than white Muscles of lower limbs, provide both support and movement


Muscles of upper limbs, lifting, throwing

Scenario Reach Chew gum Look down Drink swallow Stuck out tongue Wrinkling of forehead Flying Wink eye Lower bottom lip Dentist done checking

Action Flex arm at shoulder Hold gum in place Flex head at neck Elevate and depress Protract tongue Depress tongue Wrinkle forehead Abduct arm at shoulder Wink eye Lower bottom lip Elevate mandible

Protract mandible Grind Extend spine back Kiss Supinate forearm Crunches

Protract mandible Move jaw side to side Extend spine back Circumduct/rotate arm at shoulder Puck/purse lip Supinate forearm Flex stomach Laterally rotate stomach

Breathe Keep you alive Boxer Cheeeeese

Aid in respiration Respiration Help protract scapula Smile Extend arm at shoulder Adduct arm at shoulder Lift upper lip Depress lip Adduct thigh at hip Flex forearm at elbow

Arm to side Elvis Frown Jumpingjack Lift box

Toes Flex thigh Toes Step ladder Walk heel of feet Tip of toe Point at person

Extend toes up (not big toe) Extend knee Extend bid toe Flex thigh at hip Dorsiflex Plantarflex Flex finger, not thumb Extend forearm at elbow Flex thumb Adduct thigh at hip

Muscles Pectoralis major Anterior deltoid Buccinator Sternalcoleidomastoid Scalenus medius Suprahyoid Infrahyoid Gyneoglossus Hyoglussus Occipitofrontalis Deltoid Orbicularis oculi Depressor labii inferioris Temporalis Medial pterygoid Masseter Lateral pterygoid Lateral pterygoid Rectus abdominis Rotative cuff Orbicularis oris Biceps brachii Rectus abdominis Internal oblique External oblique Transverse abdominis Internal intercostals External intercostal Diaphragm Serratus anterior Zygomaticus major Anteros major Latissimus dorsi Pectoralis major Levator labii superiori Depressor labii inferioris Tensor fasciar latae Gluteus medius Biceps crachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Extensor digitorum Quadraceps Extensor pollicis Quadriceps fimoris Tibialis anterior Soleus Flexor digitorum profundus Superficialis Triceps trachii Flexor pollicis longus Adductor magnus

Extend hand at wrist Flex hand at wrist Extend hip at knee Hold spine erect Extend thigh at hip Plantarflexion of foor

Kick door behind Tip Toe

Point toe Walk on heel Ascend stairs Turn doorknob Extend hip back Kick Grab baton

Flexion of toe Dorsiflexion of ankle Flex hip Supinate forearm Extend thigh at hip Extend hip back Extension of knee Extend arm at shoulder

Smile Lift barbell

Smile Flextion of arm at elbow

Motorcycle handle

Wrist extension Flextion of wrist Abduction of shoulder Flex shoulder Plantarflexion

Grab dish Tap dancing

Magic chair

Sit in midair Shoulder shrug Abduct shoulder Abduct hip Adduct shoulder Adduct hip Inversion of feet Eversion of feet

Extensor carpi radialis Extensor carpi ulnaris Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Hamstring Erector spinae Gluteus maximux Hamstring Gastrocnemius Soleus Tibialis posterior Ficularis longus Fibularis brevis Flexor digitorum brevis Tibialis anterior Iliacus, psoas major Biceps brachii Supinator Gluteus maximus Hamstring Quadraceps Triceps Latissimus dorsi Deltoid Zygomaticus major Biceps brachii Brachialis Brachiaradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi ulnaris Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulanris Deltoid Pectoralis major Deltoid Soleus Gastrocnemius Fibularis longus Fibularis brevis Hamstring Trapezius Deltoid Tensor fasciar latae Gluteus medius Pectoralis major Teres major Adductor magnus Tibialis Anterior Tibialis posterior Fibularis brevis Fibularis longus

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